Seen some▲▼
3x3 Eyes (OAV) |
Good |
I don't know why more people haven't seen 3x3 Eyes. It's got some quality animation, an unusual (and interesting) plot, and Megumi Hayashibara voicing Pai. What's there not to like? |
8 Man (TV) |
So-so |
Probably the worst of the 60s TV shows I've ever seen. |
A.D. Police (TV) |
Weak |
Urgh. |
AD Police (OAV) |
Very good |
Classic, and I'm sure my memory's tainted, but although I enjoyed it, I find myself much preferring Bubblegum Crisis |
(The) Adventures of Mini-Goddess (TV) |
Good |
Cute, but didn't hold my attention. |
Adventures of Puss-in-Boots (TV) |
So-so |
Only saw 1 episode. Seemed like nothing special. |
After War Gundam X (TV) |
Weak |
Meh. Gundam. |
Agent Aika (OAV) |
Bad |
If I want hentai, I'll go look for hentai. If I want fanservice, I'll go look for some more realistic-looking fanservice.. a bit too extreme for my tastes. |
Ai no Kusabi (OAV) |
Weak |
Pretty character designs... but ... no, I find it a bit distasteful. |
Ai to Yūki no Pig Girl Tonde Būrin (TV) |
So-so |
Cute, but I only saw one episode. |
Ai Yori Aoshi (TV) |
Excellent |
I love the opening theme to this.. but for some reason I never place the theme until they reach the chorus. At any rate, it's a shame that fanservice ruined what could've been a decent romance. Oh well, there's plenty of other titles out there. |
Aim for the Ace! (TV) |
Good |
Not something most people will see, and not exactly well-animated by modern standards, Aim for the Ace still seems like one of the more powerful sports anime I've seen. Princess Nine and Prince of Tennis are comparable. |
Air Master (TV) |
Awful |
No. One episode was more than enough for me. :p |
Akachan to Boku (TV) |
Good |
Cute story about a boy raising his kid brother, because no one else can. Having 4 siblings of my own, I can relate. |
(The) Alps Story: My Annette (TV) |
Good |
Cute, endearing story that unfortunately looks exactly like Heidi, Katri and all those other "Person of the Place" World Masterpiece Theater shows. |
Amon Saga (OAV) |
Weak |
Android Ana Maico 2010 (TV) |
Decent |
I hear this is supposed to get pretty perverse later in the series, but I hadn't seen that far, apparently. |
Angel Cop (OAV) |
Not really good |
Nothing can save Angel Cop from being a hum-drum action series. |
Angel Links (TV) |
Weak |
Although based in the same universe as Outlaw Star, it doesn't really match up to its predecessor anime series. |
Angel Sanctuary (OAV) |
Bad |
Angels and brother-sister love? It's good fangirl fodder, but the whole "I love you so much it doesn't matter what society thinks" love interest bit is over-the-top.. Maybe I'll revisit it, in 20 years when I'm more open-minded. |
Angel Tales (TV) |
Not really good |
Angelic Layer (TV) |
Very good |
Picked up the R2s on this series, and am anxiously looking forward to seeing ADV release this. Shonen CLAMP.. what can possibly go wrong? |
(The) Animatrix (OAV) |
Decent |
Anime TV de Hakken! Tamagotchi |
Worst ever |
Aqua Age (TV) |
Decent |
Aquarian Age - Sign for Evolution (TV) |
Decent |
Saw one episode. The animation looked nice, but the story didn't seem to go anywhere so I stopped watching it. Might be worth re-considering when ADV releases it. |
Arc the Lad (TV) |
Good |
I can't believe I watched the first 5 DVDs of this. Where's the story? Do the last handful of episodes actually put the plot into some semblence of order? Maybe I should play the games instead? |
Area 88 (OAV) |
Decent |
How can I NOT enjoy the anime that the SNES game "UN Squadron" is based off of? It's got an interesting plot, and the animation isn't terrible, but I just couldn't enjoy the characters very well... |
Argento Soma (TV) |
Bad |
Maybe they were trying to hide the plot with weak animation? Got me... |
Armor Hunter Mellowlink (OAV) |
Weak |
Pass. :p |
Armored Trooper Votoms (TV) |
Not really good |
Just got this on VHS, saw the first episode... Not particularly brilliant, but it was cheap. You get what you pay for, I suppose. |
Art of Fighting (special) |
Bad |
Yeah... A $500 reward turns into... er... THIS? Dude, it's not worth it. |
Ashita e Free Kick (TV) |
Weak |
Ashita no Joe (TV) |
Good |
Ashita no Nadja (TV) |
Not really good |
With wonky character designs, it certainly seems like it'd take a while to get used to... |
Astro Boy (TV 2/1980) |
Very good |
I saw two episodes of this, (dubbed in French, I believe) when I was 6 years old. I spent many years trying to figure out what this series was called, and finally found it earlier this year when I mentioned it offhandedly in the forums. |
Astro Boy (TV 1/1963) |
Decent |
Everyone should at least watch some of the original, to see where anime has come from, to where it is today. Those interested in animation should also look closer at early Disney and Warner Bros animation to see how this medium has evolved over the years. |
Aura Battler Dunbine (TV) |
Decent |
It's old in the same way Robotech is old.. and it's good, in the same way that Robotech is good... but it lacks the nostalgic feel of Robotech.. |
Ayane's High Kick (OAV) |
Weak |
B't X (TV) |
Weak |
The manga looked impressive enough at times... but ultimately never caught my interest. Same applies to the TV series. |
Babel II (OAV) |
Weak |
Fell asleep 15 minutes into this... |
Bakusō Kyōdai Let's & Go!! (TV) |
Not really good |
When I first saw this, I instantly thought of Speed Racer. Maybe there's some redeeming qualities to racing anime, but if there are, I've yet to find them. |
Banner of the Stars (TV) |
Excellent |
More of the same excellent stuff you'd expect to find from the Crest of the Stars series. |
Battle Athletes (OAV) |
Good |
Somewhat higher production values than the TV series, but this never really caught my attention for more than a passing glance. |
Battle Athletes Victory (TV) |
Decent |
Same as the OVA, this never really caught my attention. |
Battle Royal High School (OAV) |
Very good |
I feel bad for AnimEigo at times. They get stuck with older, obscure then-popular titles like this one. |
Battle Skipper (OAV) |
Weak |
Bavi Stock (OAV) |
Worst ever |
Few OVAs can compare to this one in terms of lameness. |
Beast Wars II Chō Seimeitai Transformers (TV) |
Not really good |
Belle and Sebastian (TV) |
Excellent |
Berserk (TV 1997) |
Weak |
Most people love this series... The dark, bitter and oftentimes cynical feel of the storyline leaves me unsatisfied. I prefer my fantasy series to be dark, but with a "happy, everything is going to be okay, somehow" feel at the end. This distinctly lacks any such compassion. |
Betterman (TV) |
Not really good |
Beyblade (TV) |
Bad |
I'm sure this could be a good series, if it weren't for the fact that the kids are simply SPINNING TOPS. This is another instance of a series that not even the catgirl-esque girl can save.. But it's better than some series (Bistro Recipe). |
Beyblade: V-Force (TV) |
Weak |
Top-spinning returns... with more top spinning action! |
Bible Black (OAV) |
Decent |
Ugh. Bad hentai. There's better stuff out there; trust me. |
Black Lion (OAV) |
Weak |
Blue Blink (TV) |
Weak |
Old and not very popular, I saw a few episodes from KIKU-TV in Hawaii. It's not as bad as Marine Express, say, but it certainly ranks high in the "I can't believe some anime was this bad" category. |
(La) Blue Girl (OAV) |
Bad |
Blue Seed (TV) |
So-so |
... Why is a high school girl wearing panties with prints on them? And why does the director feel the need to make her lose her skirt in virtually every episode? ... And how come people think this is a GOOD thing? |
Blue Seed Beyond (OAV) |
So-so |
Boogiepop Phantom (TV) |
Masterpiece |
Creepy creepy creepy... Listening to Jeff Thompson talk about this alone was enough to send shivers down my spine. This, rather than Berserk, is my kind of dark. |
Boys Over Flowers (TV) |
Good |
Hana Yori Dango, surprisingly, is one series I dislike BECAUSE nothing happens (compare with AzuDai).. Maybe I need to get into a relationship first, and then I'll understand the charm of this series? Either that or Kimagure Orange Road. |
Brain Powered (TV) |
Weak |
The music is Brain Powered's sole saving grace.. and yet the music sounds exactly like what you would find in Escaflowne ... because Yoko Kanno did the music to that, too. I could swear that she simply took the Esca music, inverted a chord progression or two, and put it on the Brain Powered CDs. They're not bad, but they're definately not indicative of Kanno's true range of talent. |
Brigadoon (TV) |
Very good |
I love the opening theme, and hate the character designs. The story, unfortunately, didn't attract me as much as I was hoping it would.. but it's still a good series. |
Bronze: Zetsuai Since 1989 (OAV) |
Weak |
Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (TV) |
Decent |
Burn Up Excess (TV) |
Bad |
Candy Candy (TV) |
So-so |
Captain Harlock and the Queen of a Thousand Years (U.S. TV) |
Decent |
Captain Tsubasa (TV) |
So-so |
Captain Tsubasa J (TV) |
Good |
Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 (TV) |
So-so |
Case Closed (TV) |
Good |
Ceres, Celestial Legend (TV) |
Not really good |
Chance Pop Session (TV) |
Not really good |
Chibi Maruko-chan (TV 1) |
Good |
Chobits (TV) |
Very good |
City Hunter (TV) |
Good |
City Hunter 2 (TV) |
Good |
CLAMP School Detectives (TV) |
Bad |
Comic Party (TV) |
Good |
Cool Devices (OAV) |
Not really good |
Corrector Yui (TV) |
Decent |
Croquette! (TV) |
Weak |
Cutey Honey Flash (TV) |
Weak |
Cutie Honey (TV) |
So-so |
Cyberteam in Akihabara (TV) |
Not really good |
Nothing redeeming about the show, unless you like the character designs, which unfortunately range from "What?" to "Urgh." :p |
Cyborg 009 (TV/1968) |
Decent |
D.C. ~Da Capo~ (TV) |
Good |
D.N.Angel (TV) |
Not really good |
Daa! Daa! Daa! (TV) |
Excellent |
Dai-Guard (TV) |
Decent |
Daisuki! BuBu ChaCha (TV) |
So-so |
Dangaioh (OAV) |
So-so |
Dangaizer 3 (OAV) |
Decent |
Darkside Blues (movie) |
Awful |
De:vadasy (OAV) |
Not really good |
Dear Brother (TV) |
Good |
Descendants of Darkness (TV) |
Bad |
Detatoko Princess (OAV) |
Not really good |
Digimon Frontier (TV) |
Good |
Digimon Tamers (TV) |
So-so |
Dinozaurs: The Series (TV) |
Worst ever |
Dirty Pair (TV) |
Decent |
Dirty Pair (OAV) |
Decent |
DNA Sights 999.9 (movie) |
Bad |
Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! (TV) |
Decent |
Dr. Slump & Arale-chan (TV) |
Decent |
Dragon Ball (TV) |
Weak |
Dragon Drive (TV) |
Weak |
Dragon Knight (OAV) |
So-so |
Dragon Pink (OAV) |
Weak |
Dragon Warrior (TV) |
So-so |
E's Otherwise (TV) |
Weak |
Eagle Riders (TV) |
Worst ever |
Earthian (OAV) |
Weak |
Eat-Man (TV) |
Weak |
Eat-Man '98 (TV) |
Decent |
Eden's Bowy (TV) |
Decent |
Fairy Princess Minky Momo (TV) |
Good |
Fake (OAV) |
Bad |
Fancy Lala (TV) |
Very good |
Fencer of Minerva (OAV) |
Weak |
Fighting Foodons (TV) |
Bad |
It's a shame that not even a catgirl can save this series from utter failure. Think "pokemon + food". Plus a catgirl who simply does NOT belong. |
Figure 17 (TV) |
Excellent |
Final Fantasy: Unlimited (TV) |
Not really good |
Fist of the North Star (TV) |
So-so |
Fortune Quest L (TV) |
Weak |
Full Metal Panic! (TV) |
Excellent |
Future Boy Conan (TV) |
So-so |
Future GPX Cyber Formula (TV) |
Not really good |
Ganbare! Marine Kid (TV) |
Weak |
GaoGaiGar: King of the Braves (TV) |
Not really good |
Ga ga ga, ga ga ga, gao gai gar! Ga ga ga, ga ga ga, gao gai gar! ... It's got a good tune, but I've only seen 1 episode, so I'll have to reserve final judgement. Things were mostly "eh", IMO. |
Gatchaman (TV) |
So-so |
Gegege no Kitarō (TV 1/1968) |
Decent |
Genesis Climber Mospeada (TV) |
Weak |
Gigantor (TV 1963) |
Not really good |
GoShogun (TV) |
So-so |
Great Dangaioh (TV) |
So-so |
.hack//Liminality (OAV) |
Not really good |
Although the interactions between the real world and the .hack world are interesting... this isn't. |
.hack//SIGN (TV) |
Very good |
only watched the first 4 episodes on cartoon network before work started overtaking my free time on saturday nights. :( |
Haibane Renmei (TV) |
Excellent |
Hamtaro (TV) |
Decent |
Hana no Ko Lunlun (TV) |
Very good |
Hanaukyo Maid-tai OAV |
Good |
Hand Maid May (TV) |
So-so |
Happy Lesson (TV) |
Not really good |
Haré+Guu Deluxe (OAV) |
Good |
Hareluya II Boy (TV) |
So-so |
Heat Guy J (TV) |
Weak |
Heidi - A Girl of the Alps (TV) |
Very good |
Hello Kitty (TV) |
Not really good |
Hello Kitty's Paradise (TV) |
Decent |
Hellsing (TV) |
Worst ever |
Hikarian - Great Railroad Protector (TV) |
Bad |
Hikaru no Go (TV) |
Masterpiece |
Hime-chan's Ribbon (TV) |
Very good |
Himitsu no Akko-chan (TV) |
Good |
His and Her Circumstances (TV) |
Excellent |
Hunter X Hunter (OAV) |
Decent |
Hurricane Polymar (TV) |
Not really good |
Hyper Speed GranDoll (OAV) |
So-so |
I'm Gonna Be An Angel (TV) |
Very good |
Iczer Reborn (OAV) |
So-so |
Idol Densetsu Eriko (TV) |
So-so |
Idol Project (OAV) |
Decent |
Infinite Ryvius (TV) |
Masterpiece |
Initial D (TV) |
Awful |
Initial D: Second Stage (TV) |
Awful |
Inuyasha (TV) |
Very good |
Iron Leaguer (TV) |
Good |
Jigoku Sensei Nube (TV) |
Good |
Jing: King of Bandits (TV) |
Bad |
K.O. Beast (OAV) |
Good |
Kaikan Phrase (TV) |
Not really good |
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne (TV) |
Good |
Kanon (TV 1/2002) |
Decent |
Kero Kero Chime (TV) |
Excellent |
Key the Metal Idol (OAV) |
Masterpiece |
Kiddy Grade (TV) |
Weak |
Kimagure Orange Road (TV) |
Good |
Kimagure Orange Road (OAV) |
Good |
Kimba the White Lion (TV 1/1965) |
So-so |
Kinnikuman (TV) |
Weak |
Kino's Journey (TV) |
Good |
Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (TV) |
Bad |
Knight Hunters (TV) |
Weak |
Knights of Ramune & 40 (TV) |
Good |
Knights of Ramune & 40 Fire (TV) |
Good |
Kokoro Library (TV) |
Decent |
Kurogane Communication (TV) |
So-so |
L/R: Licensed by Royalty (TV) |
Awful |
Last Exile (TV) |
Very good |
Laura, a Little Girl on the Prairie (TV) |
Weak |
(The) Legend of Black Heaven (TV) |
Good |
It's got an interesting premise -- an ex-rocker who begins rediscovering the joy of music... but not without tragedy involved. There are some great music video's that use Black Heaven footage (including one in a "VH1 documentary"-style; magnificent!) |
Legend of Himiko (TV) |
So-so |
(The) Legend of the Galactic Heroes (OAV) |
Masterpiece |
Legend of the Mystical Ninja (TV) |
Bad |
Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers (TV) |
Not really good |
Lil' Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha (TV) |
Very good |
I love this series! It's so cute. It's a great anime series for children, and it's lengthy too. The only downside is that the animation style makes it look older than it actually is. If I had 6-digits of disposable income, I'd license this. I need to pick up the LDs... |
Lil' Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha (OAV) |
Good |
More of the same, although a little weaker, plot-wise than the TV series. What do you expect for one-shots? |
Lime-iro Senkitan (TV) |
Decent |
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (TV) |
Good |
Looking for the Full Moon (TV) |
Good |
Lost Universe (TV) |
Weak |
Macross Zero (OAV) |
Excellent |
Maetel Legend (OAV) |
So-so |
Magic Knight Rayearth 2 (TV) |
Good |
Magical Play (ONA) |
Excellent |
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (TV) |
Decent |
Unwieldy character designs and forgettable characters. I'll pass. |
Mahōjin Guru Guru (TV) |
Excellent |
Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden (TV) |
Excellent |
Mahoromatic: Something More Beautiful (TV) |
Masterpiece |
Mahou Shoujo Lalabel (TV) |
Good |
Maison Ikkoku (TV) |
Decent |
Mamotte Shugogetten (TV) |
Decent |
Marine Boy (TV) |
Weak |
Marmalade Boy (TV) |
Very good |
Master of Mosquiton '99 (TV) |
Decent |
Maya the Bee (TV) |
So-so |
Mazinger Z (TV) |
So-so |
Medabots (TV) |
Decent |
Mega Man (U.S. TV) |
So-so |
MegaMan NT Warrior (TV) |
Weak |
Meltylancer: The Animation (OAV) |
Decent |
Mermaid Melody: Pichi Pichi Pitch (TV) |
Not really good |
Miami Guns (TV) |
So-so |
Miracle Girls (TV) |
Decent |
Mirage of Blaze (TV) |
Not really good |
Mirmo Zibang! (TV) |
Decent |
Miyuki-chan in Wonderland (OAV) |
Good |
Mobile Fighter G Gundam (TV) |
So-so |
Mobile Suit Gundam (TV) |
Decent |
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (movie) |
So-so |
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (TV) |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (OAV) |
Good |
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam (TV) |
So-so |
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (TV) |
Decent |
Momoiro Sisters (TV) |
Decent |
Monkey Magic (TV) |
Bad |
Moomin (TV) |
Good |
Mouse (TV) |
Awful |
Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi (TV) |
Good |
Muteki Chōjin Zambot 3 (TV) |
Excellent |
My Neighbors the Yamadas (movie) |
So-so |
Najica Blitz Tactics (TV) |
Awful |
Nakoruru (OAV) |
Weak |
Nanaka 6/17 (TV) |
Weak |
Nanako SOS (TV) |
Good |
Naruto (TV) |
Awful |
Nazca (TV) |
Decent |
Neighborhood Story (TV) |
Good |
Neo Ranga (TV) |
Decent |
(The) New Adventures of Kimba The White Lion (TV 1989) |
Not really good |
NieA_7 (TV) |
Good |
Night Shift Nurses (OAV) |
Awful |
Ninja Cadets (OAV) |
Not really good |
Ninja Scroll (TV) |
So-so |
Noir (TV) |
Weak |
Now and Then, Here and There (TV) |
Masterpiece |
Nozomi Witches (OAV) |
Good |
IIRC, Bewitching Nozomi is the fansubber's title for the show, not the actual title.. It's an interesting show about a boxer, but it's foggy in my mind anymore... |
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (TV) |
Very good |
Nurse Witch Komugi (OAV) |
Decent |
Office Affairs (OAV) |
Weak |
Ogon Bat (TV) |
Not really good |
Ojamajo Doremi (TV) |
Good |
Ojamajo Doremi # (TV) |
Good |
Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety (TV) |
Masterpiece |
One Piece (TV 1999) |
Very good |
One Pound Gospel (OAV) |
Decent |
Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat (TV) |
Decent |
Parappa the Rapper (TV) |
Weak |
Phantom Quest Corp. (OAV) |
Not really good |
Photon: The Idiot Adventures (OAV) |
Bad |
Piano (TV) |
Awful |
Ping Pong Club (TV) |
Worst ever |
Pita-Ten (TV) |
So-so |
Please Teacher! (TV) |
Weak |
Popolocrois Monogatari (TV) |
So-so |
Power Dolls (OAV) |
Bad |
Power Stone (TV) |
Bad |
Prétear (TV) |
So-so |
(The) Prince of Tennis (TV) |
Good |
Princess Knight (TV) |
Decent |
Princess Minerva (OAV) |
Awful |
Princess Nine (TV) |
Excellent |
Princess Rouge (OAV) |
Not really good |
Princess Tutu (TV) |
Weak |
Psychic Wars (OAV) |
Weak |
Puppet Master Sakon (TV) |
Weak |
Queen Emeraldas (OAV) |
So-so |
RahXephon (TV) |
So-so |
Ranma ½ (TV 1/1989) |
So-so |
Rave Master (TV) |
Awful |
Rayearth (OAV) |
Not really good |
Rei Rei (OAV) |
Not really good |
Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV) |
So-so |
RG Veda (OAV) |
Weak |
Romeo's Blue Skies (TV) |
Good |
(The) Rose of Versailles (TV) |
So-so |
Rune Soldier (TV) |
Decent |
S-CRY-ed (TV) |
Not really good |
Saber Marionette J Again (OAV) |
Decent |
Saber Marionette J to X (TV) |
Decent |
Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs (TV) |
Weak |
Saint Seiya (TV) |
Not really good |
Saint Tail (TV) |
Decent |
Saiyuki (TV) |
Weak |
Sakura Diaries (OAV) |
Not really good |
Sakura Wars 2 (OAV) |
Decent |
Samurai Deeper Kyo (TV) |
Not really good |
Sazae-san (TV) |
Excellent |
Scrapped Princess (TV) |
Good |
Sea Prince and the Fire Child (movie) |
Very good |
Seishun Anime Zenshu (TV) |
Decent |
Seraphim Call (TV) |
Not really good |
Seven of Seven (TV) |
So-so |
Shaman King (TV 2001) |
Not really good |
Shima Shima Tora no Shimajirō (TV) |
Not really good |
Shin chan (TV) |
Very good |
Shinzo (TV) |
Not really good |
Shōnan Bakusōzoku (OAV) |
Very good |
It's a shame only one tape was ever put out, and it'll never be put on DVD.. |
Shrine of the Morning Mist (TV) |
So-so |
Cute, but I like the manga better. |
Silent Möbius (TV) |
Decent |
Slam Dunk (TV) |
So-so |
Someday's Dreamers (TV) |
Not really good |
Sonic X (TV) |
Bad |
Sorcerer Hunters (TV) |
Bad |
Sorcerer Hunters (OAV) |
Weak |
Soreike! Anpanman (TV) |
Not really good |
(The) SoulTaker (TV) |
Weak |
Space Pirate Mito (TV) |
Weak |
Space Runaway Ideon (TV) |
Decent |
St. Luminous Mission High School (TV) |
Not really good |
Star Blazers (TV) |
So-so |
Star Blazers: The Bolar Wars (TV) |
Not really good |
Star Blazers: The Comet Empire (TV) |
Not really good |
Star Ocean EX (TV) |
Not really good |
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko (TV) |
Decent |
Steam Detectives (TV) |
So-so |
Steel Angel Kurumi Encore (OAV) |
Decent |
Steel Angel Kurumi Pure (live-action TV) |
Worst ever |
Stellvia (TV) |
Decent |
Strange Dawn (TV) |
Good |
Stratos 4 (TV) |
So-so |
Strawberry Eggs (TV) |
Decent |
Street Fighter (U.S. TV) |
Not really good |
Street Fighter II V (TV) |
Weak |
(The) Super Milk-chan Show (TV) |
Decent |
Superbook (TV) |
A lot of people malign Superbook as being a bad series, but it really isn't. While it's not the world's best animation, it does try to teach good morals and attitudes. Who said anime is all porn and violence? :) |
Tales of Eternia (TV) |
So-so |
Tama and Friends (TV) |
So-so |
Tekkaman Blade II (OAV) |
Not really good |
Tenchi Muyo! GXP (TV) |
Weak |
Tenchi The Movie 2 - The Daughter of Darkness |
Weak |
Tenkū Senki Shurato (TV) |
Not really good |
Tenshi na Konamaiki (TV) |
Bad |
Texhnolyze (TV) |
Weak |
Those Who Hunt Elves (TV) |
So-so |
Thunderbirds 2086 (TV) |
Awful |
Tico and Friends (TV) |
Good |
To Heart (TV) |
Decent |
Tokimeki Memorial (OAV) |
Weak |
Tokyo Mew Mew (TV) |
Decent |
Tokyo Pig (TV) |
Good |
Tokyo Underground (TV) |
Bad |
Tomatoman (TV) |
So-so |
Touch (TV) |
Decent |
Transformers: Armada (TV) |
Weak |
Trigun (TV) |
Good |
Trouble Chocolate (TV) |
Not really good |
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV) |
Weak |
Twin Angels (OAV) |
Awful |
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie (TV) |
Good |
Ultimate Muscle (TV) |
Weak |
Ultra Maniac (TV) |
Good |
Urusei Yatsura (TV 1981) |
Decent |
Vampire (live-action TV) |
Bad |
Vampire Princess Miyu (TV) |
Decent |
Vandread (TV) |
So-so |
Vandread: The Second Stage (TV) |
So-so |
Venus 5 (OAV) |
Bad |
Virus Buster Serge (TV) |
So-so |
Voltron: Defender of the Universe (U.S. TV) |
Weak |
Wandaba Style (TV) |
Good |
Whistle! (TV) |
Good |
Wild Arms - Twilight Venom (TV) |
Not really good |
Witch Hunter Robin (TV) |
Bad |
Wolf's Rain (TV) |
Decent |
Wonder Three (TV) |
So-so |
Words Worth (OAV) |
Weak |
(The) World of Narue (TV) |
Very good |
X (TV) |
Weak |
YAT Anshin! Uchū Ryokō (TV) |
Very good |
Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl (TV) |
Decent |
Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi (TV) |
Excellent |
You're Under Arrest (TV) |
Good |
Ys (OAV) |
So-so |
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV) |
Very good |
Yu-Gi-Oh! (TV 1/1998) |
Decent |
Yukikaze (OAV) |
Good |
Zaion: I Wish You Were Here (ONA) |
So-so |
Zenki (TV) |
Decent |
Zoids (TV) |
Weak |
Zoids/ZERO (TV) |
Good |
Zone of the Enders (TV) |
Decent |
Zone of the Enders: Idolo (OAV) |
So-so |