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Soul Hunter (TV)

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Alternative title:
Romances of Sealed Gods
Senkaiden Hōshin Engi (Japanese)
Soul Hunter - Battle of the Immortals!!
Soul Hunter-Im Auftrag der Unsterblichen (German)
Łowca Dusz (Polish)
仙界伝 封神演義 (Japanese)
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles and evil spirits lurk everywhere. The human world is on the verge of utter destruction. A bold mission is planned by the Confederation of the Immortal Masters. They send a young master wizard to hung down the villains and evil warlocks in the devastated lands.
User Ratings: 333 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 18 votes (sub:10, dub:5, ?:1, others:2
1 Spanish dubbed
1 Polish edited dub
 Excellent: 30 votes (sub:14, dub:8, raw:2, others:6
2 Spanish subtitled
1 Polish dubbed
1 Spanish dubbed
1 Tagalog dubbed
1 Polish edited dub
 Very good: 62 votes (sub:33, dub:19, ?:3, others:7
3 Spanish subtitled
2 Spanish dubbed
1 Polish edited dub
1 Polish subtitled
 Good: 103 votes (sub:57, dub:32, ?:3, others:11
7 Spanish dubbed
1 German dubbed
1 Russian subtitled
1 Polish edited dub
1 Tagalog dubbed
 Decent: 52 votes (sub:27, dub:16, ?:1, raw:1, others:7
3 Spanish dubbed
2 Polish edited dub
1 German dubbed
1 French subtitled
 So-so: 17 votes (dub:7, sub:6, others:4
1 Polish subtitled
1 Polish edited dub
1 French subtitled
1 Portuguese dubbed
 Not really good: 17 votes (dub:7, sub:6, ?:1, raw:1, others:2
1 French subtitled
1 Portuguese edited dub
 Weak: 19 votes (sub:10, dub:7, raw:1, others:1
1 French subtitled
 Bad: 7 votes (sub:4, dub:2, others:1
1 Spanish dubbed
 Awful: 2 votes (sub:1, others:1
1 Portuguese dubbed
 Worst ever: 6 votes (sub:4, dub:1, others:1
1 Portuguese dubbed
Seen in part or in whole by 709 users, rank: #1669 (of 9898)
Median rating: Good
Arithmetic mean: 6.622 (Good−), std. dev.: 2.0609, rank: #5514 (of 10043)
Weighted mean: 6.568 (Good−), rank: #5592 (of 10043) (seen all: 6.95 / seen some: 5.71 / won't finish: 3.73)
Bayesian estimate: 6.602 (Good−), rank: #5099 (of 7598)
Running time: 25 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 26
Episode titles: We have 26
1999-07-03 to 1999-12-25
2001-04-02 (Locomotion)
2001-06-01 (Poland; kanał RTL 7)
2005-07-31 (Animax Latin America)
Release dates: We have 1
Opening Theme:
"Will" by Chihiro Yonekura
Ending Theme:
"Friends" by Chihiro Yonekura
Links: We have 1
Houshin Engi was based on an ancient Chinese novel of the same name, the title in Chinese is "Feng Shen Yan Yi". the author of this novel has been lost, but it is thought to be by more than one person.
Soul Hunter DVD 1 (Feb 7, 2002)
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DVD (Region 1)
    Soul Hunter - The Complete Series (DVD) 2016-06-28 (from $19.99)
    Soul Hunter - Taikoubou's Mission (DVD 1) 2001-12-18 (from $2.05)
    Soul Hunter - All the Queen's Men (DVD 2) 2002-02-12 (from $15.90)
    Soul Hunter - The Spoils of War (DVD 3) 2002-03-26 (from $5.99)
    Soul Hunter - Game of Kings (DVD 4) 2002-05-07 (from $9.02)
    Soul Hunter - City of Fire (DVD 5) 2002-06-18 (from $3.05)
    Soul Hunter - The One That Got Away (DVD 6) 2002-07-30 (from $8.49)
    Soul Hunter - Complete Collection (DVD 1-6) 2004-05-18 (from $49.13)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Director: Junji Nishimura
Series Composition: Junji Nishimura
Atsuhiro Tomioka (7 episodes
eps 2, 6, 11, 15-16, 22, 26

Koji Ueda (7 episodes
eps 1, 5, 9, 13, 18, 21, 25

Masashi Sogo (8 episodes
eps 3-4, 10, 14, 17, 23-25

Tetsuo Tanaka (5 episodes
eps 7-8, 12, 19-20

Hiroshi Morioka (ep 17)
Junji Nishimura (11 episodes
eps 1, 5, 8, 11-12, 15-16, 18-19, 22, 24
Katsumi Terahigashi (ep 13)
Kazu Yokota (eps 3, 7, 10)
Kiyotaka Isako (ep 6)
Yukihiro Matsushita (11 episodes
eps 2, 5, 8, 11-12, 15-16, 18-24 even

Episode Director:
Akira Shimizu (6 episodes
eps 2, 6, 10, 14, 19, 24

Hiroshi Morioka (7 episodes
eps 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 26

Hiroyuki Yokoyama (5 episodes
eps 3, 7, 12, 18, 23

Makoto Sokuza (5 episodes
eps 4, 8, 15, 20, 25

Yukihiro Matsushita (eps 11, 16, 22)
Music: Ryo Sakai
Original Manga: Ryū Fujisaki
Character Design: Masashi Kojima
Original Novel: Tsutomu Ano
Executive producer:
Keisuke Iwata
Takashi Harada
In-Between Check: Hisako Sato (ep 2)
Industrial Design: Kazumi Sato
Key Animation:
Hisako Sato (Yumeta Company; eps 2, 6, 10)
Koichi Hoshino (Yumeta Company; ep 6)
Orchestra Conductor: Katsuaki Nakatani
Theme Song Performance: Chihiro Yonekura
Hiro Yuuki as Taikoubou Doushi
Yumi Kakazu as Dakki

Ayako Kawasumi as Shinyoh
Kazunari Tanaka as Kou Hiko
Kōki Miyata as Nataku
Rica Matsumoto as Raishinshi
Takashi Matsuyama as Bunchu
Tamio Ōki as Genshitenson
Yoichi Masukawa as Sibuxiang

Akira Ishida as Shinkohyo
Akira Kiyama as Yin Xiao (older; ep 18)
Bakuto as Ki Shou
Chiemi Chiba as Kibi
Chinami Nishimura as Linho (Inn Lady; ep 10)
Chizu Matsuyuki as Yin Hong (older and flashback; eps 18-21)
Daisuke Ishikawa as Unchushi (ep 14)
Daisuke Sakaguchi as Tai-Itsu Shinjin (eps 16-17)
Fumishi Kaminobu as Yoshin (eps 12, 14-15)
Hajime Hinomoto as
Farmer (ep 6)
Su Kouko (North King) (Yellow King; ep 3)
Haruna Ikezawa as Sei (ep 25)
Hiroki Takahashi as Fu Lin (ep 11)
Hiroshi Saeki as Ohma (eps 12-16)
Hisayoshi Izaki as Kousou (Tall Yokai Assassin; eps 10-11)
Junichi Kagaya as General (ep 4)
Kahoru Sasajima as Likouha
Katashi Ishizuka as Su Kokuko (eps 15-18)
Katsumi Masago as
Immortal A (ep 1)
Spiritual Beast King (ep 3)
Kazuo Kobayashi as
Hakutsuru Doji
Ki Hatsu
Kentarō Itō as Lisei
Kōichi Asuka as Hakuyuko
Kyoko Komyoji as Hakuyuko (young; ep 5)
Kyoko Tsuruno as Inchao (Young)
Masahiko Seno as
Soldier (ep 8)
Masami Toyoshima as Yin Hong (Younger Yin Prince; eps 7-13, 20)
Megumi Ogata as Fugen Shinjin
Miyuki Uehara as
Kashi (Kou Hiko/Buseioh's Wife; eps 7-8)
Lady In Waiting (ep 19)
Mugihito as Kiyou
Naoko Miura as Empress Kyouhi (eps 7-9, 19)
Naomi Nagasawa as Shin (ep 25)
Rikiya Kinouchi as Kōyūken
Ryōka Yuzuki as
Oh Kijin
Yinshi (Nataku's Mother) (eps 1-4, 24)
Ryōtarō Okiayu as Youzen
Satomi Koorogi as Kokutenko
Susumu Chiba as Youzen
Takehito Koyasu as Emperor Chou
Takeshi Kusao as Suupuushan
Tamotsu Nishiwaki as
Army Doctor (ep 17)
Attendant (ep 2)
Immortal C (ep 1)
Li Shin (ep 6)
Messenger (ep 8)
Tomomi Tenjin as
Ryodou (Short Yokai Assassin; eps 10-11)
Village Girl (ep 6)
Toshihide Tsuchiya as
Cavalry Captain (ep 6)
Chou Hou (Gate Regent; ep 8)
Guard B (ep 5)
Immortal B (ep 1)
Kokukirin (Bunchu's Paopei/Steed)
Kouhei (Panda Yokai; ep 10)
Kyou Kanso (East King) (Blue King; ep 3)
Old Man (ep 2)
Tsutomu Yamagishi as Kou Tenka
Yasunori Kawashima as
Assasin (ep 6)
Attendant A (ep 8)
Chou Keihou (With Fu Lin; ep 11)
Gaku Su-u (South King) (Green King; ep 3)
Guard A (ep 5)
Soldier (ep 4)
Yoshiko Kikuchi as Kai (ep 25)
Yoshiyuki Hiyama as Chinto (ep 2)
Yuki Kaida as Yoe (ep 25)
Yuki Matsuda as Emperor Zhou
Yūko Katō as Kou Kihi (Kou Hiko/Buseioh's Younger Sister; eps 7-8)

Japanese companies
Music Production:
King Records
TV Tokyo Music
Studio DEEN
TV Tokyo
English staff
English cast
Director: Charles Campbell
Art Director: Ruby Halipoto
Project Translator: Shoko Oono
ADR Script:
Charles Campbell (eps 1-4)
Don Foreman
Kirk Lynn (eps 1-4)
Executive producer:
John Ledford
Mark Williams (Complete Collection)
Sharon Papa
Creative Director:
Chris Hawley (Complete Collection)
David Del Rio (Complete Collection)
DVD Graphics:
Bridgett Bradford (Complete Collection)
Fumiko Chino (Complete Collection)
International Coordination: Toru Iwakami
Logo Design: Fumiko Chino
Packaging Design:
Bridgett Bradford (Complete Collection)
Fumiko Chino (Vol. 1-6, Complete Collection)
Post-Production Manager: Shelly Thomas
Sound Design: Paul Killam
Subtitle Script: Andrew Kent
Subtitle Timing: Andrew Kent
Claire Hamilton as Dakki 
J. Shannon Weaver as Taikoubou Doushi

Christopher Loveless as Kou Hiko
Craig Saper as Raishinishi
David R. Jarrott as Kokukirin
Derek Wade as Nataku
Grant James as Genshitenson
Jeremiah Ocañas as Kou Tenka
Joey Hood as Ki Hatsu
Jon S. Watson as Fugen Shinjin
Justin Kee as Yinhong
Katie Gillette as Oh Kijin
Michael Creed as Yinxiao
Nathan Parsons as Ohma
Robert Newell as Sukokuko
Scott Daigle as Yinhong
Steve Flanagin as Sibuxiang
Tyler Briers as Yinxiao

Alan H. Vassberg as Dragon's Child (ep 3)
Ben Wolfe as Youzen
Bill Wise as Youshin (eps 12-15)
Cassie Fitzgerald as
Likouha (eps 12-15)
Little Girl (ep 6)
Charles Campbell as
Gaku Su-u (as Huey Dewey; ep 3)
Ryodou (as Clint Campbell; eps 10-11)
Village Elder (ep 25)
Clay Towery as Su Kouko (ep 3)
Corey M. Gagne as
Emperor Zhou 
Unchushi (ep 14)
Cyndi Lou Williams as Innkeeper's Wife (eps 12, 24)
Dan Dietz as Shukotan
David R. Jarrot as Li Shin
Douglas Taylor as
Bou's Father (ep 25)
Kyou Kanso (ep 3)
Seated Guide (eps 22, 26)
Edwin Neal as
Innkeeper (eps 12, 24)
Yukotsu (eps 10-11)
Ellie McBride as Empress Kyouhi 
Ev Lunning, Jr. as
Chief Guide (eps 22, 26)
Noble Doctor (ep 24)
Gray Haddock as Hakuyuko 
Jessica Hedrick as
Lin Hou
Yoe (ep 25)
Jessica Schwartz as Kai (ep 25)
Jim Canning as Shinkohyo 
Judson L. Jones as Kouyuken (eps 12-15)
Kara Bliss as Kashi 
Katherine Catmull as Zhou's Mother (ep 21)
Ken Webster as Chou Hou (ep 8)
Lara Toner as Yinshi
Lowell Bartholomee as
Assassin (as George Dickel; ep 6)
Farmer (as Eldon Kaynik; ep 6)
Kouhei (as Barton Dacron; ep 10)
Messenger (as Elmore Glasrich; ep 15)
Palace Guard (as Adnon Fortinbras; ep 7)
Shin (as Horace Shredson; ep 25)
Tai-itsu Shinjin (as Orin Scrivello; eps 16-17)
Mark A. Vassberg as Great Dragon (ep 3)
Martin Blacker as Chou Keihou (ep 12)
Martinique Duchene as
Kou Kihi (eps 7-8)
Mount Kunlun Guard (ep 14)
Melanie Rene Dean as
Bou's Mother (ep 25)
Female Guide (eps 22, 26)
Meredith May as
Narrator (eps 6-9)
Michael D'Alonzo as Sei (ep 25)
Michael Dalmon as
Hakutsuru Doji 
Messenger (ep 8)
Michael Whitener as Fu Lin (ep 12)
Michael T. Mergen as Zhou's Father (ep 21)
Robert Kraft as Lord Bunchu 
Robert Rudie as Ki Shou 
Russ Roten as Chinto
Samantha Inoue-Harte as Servant Girl (eps 8-9)
Stephanie Swenson as Kokutenko 
Titos Menchaca as Rebel Commander (ep 4)
Todd Schrenk as Mount Kunlun Guard (ep 14)
Travis Dean as Barbarian General (ep 21)

Amie Elyn (as Amy Elyn)
Britt Baker (as Brit Baker)
Korey Simeone (as Korey Simone)
Lana Dietrich (as Lana Dieterich)
Siân Rees-Cleland (as Sian Rees-Cleeland)
English companies
ADR Production: Monster Island
Broadcaster: International Channel
DVD Authoring & Encoding: M.O.F.C.
Internet Streaming:
Crunchyroll (Sub & Dub)
The Anime Network
Tubi TV
Licensed by:
ADV Films (Expired)
Discotek Media (2016)
Enoki Films (Expired)
Post Production: Monkey Boy Studios
Korean staff
Korean cast
Jeong-Hwa Yang as Dakki
Su-Jin Gang as Taikoubou

In-Seong Lee as Genshitenson
Jae-Ho Choi as Nataku
Jang Kim as Raishinishi
Seong-Ho Sin as Kou Hiko
So-Hyeong Kim as Sibuxiang

Choi Junyeong as Emperor Zhou
Gwang-Guk Kim as In Kou Elder
Hyeon-Jin Lee as
Oh Kijin
Hyo-Seon Kim as In Kou
Ja-Hyeong Gu as Youzen
Jae-Ho Choi as Hakutsuru
Jeong Seonhye as Fugen Shinjin
Jeong-Gu Lee as Lord Bunchu
Jung Eun Kim as Hakuyuko
Lee Jamyeong as Kibi
Seong-Jun Bang as Ki Hatsu
Son Wonil as Kou Tenka
Won-Hyeong Choi as Shinkohyo
Yong Sik Kim as Kiyou

Korean companies
French staff
French companies
Distributor: Déclic Images
French cast
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
ADR Director: Rocio Garcel
Irwin Daayan as Pu Shang (Suupu Shan)
Luis Daniel Ramirez as Tai Kung (Taikoubou)
Mayra Arellano as Da Hi (Dakki)

Benjamin Rivera as raishinshi (ALL)
Eduardo Garza as Sheng Kung (Shinkoyoh)
Ernesto Lezama as Yang Toe (Youzen)
Gerardo Reyero as Lord Ching Chang (Kisho)
Saul Alvar as Fong Fei (Kou Hiko)
Sergio Gutierrez Coto as Fong Ten Pa (Kou Tenka)

Gerardo Reyero as Narrator
Jose Gilberto Vilchis as nassa(nataku)
Kalimba Marichal as Ying Xiao (child)
Salvador Delgado as when song
Spanish companies
Llamentol (Spain)
Rose Entertainment
Dubbing Studio: Roman Sound (Mexico)
Licensed by: Rose Entertainment (2007)
German staff
German cast
German companies
Junior (from 20 April 2003)
K-Toon (from 7 October 2001)
Anime-Virtual (sub only)
Kazé Germany (now)
Publisher: Carlsen Comics
Tagalog staff
Tagalog cast
Fourth Lee as Taikun (redubbed)
Justeen Niebres as Daji (redubbed)
Lucky Mark Santos as Taikun (original)

Candice Arellano as Suupuushan (redubbed)
Jefferson Utanes as Thunderbolt (redubbed)
Michael Punzalan as Wenzon (redubbed)
Pocholo Gonzales as Emperor Chou (Original dubbed)
Vincent Gutierrez as Funface (redubbed)
Yvette Tagura as Wanky (redubbed)
Tagalog companies
Dubbing: ABS-CBN
Polish staff
Polish companies
TVN Siedem
Polish cast
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Ricardo Fábio as Tai Kung (Taikobou Doushi)
Silvia Gonçalves as Daji (Dakki)

Alex Teixeira as Emperor Shou
Carla Cardoso as Yin Jiao (young)
Cleber Arcanjo de Castro as Fun Fa-tze (Kou Hiko)
Don Donini as
Sheng Kung (Shinkohyoh)
Gerson Quadrado as Shing Shang (Kisho) (2nd voice)
Karine Bernadette as Kokutenko / Tiger Cat
Marta Rhaulin as O Kijin
Nil Pereira Cardoso as Nassa (Nataku)
Roberto Ciantelli as Li Shing (Li Sei)
Roberto Colla as Grande Mestre/Geishitenson
Roberto Leal as
Fong Ten Pa (Kou Tenka)
Wen-Son (Bunchuu)
Roy Proppenhein as Yang To (Youzen)

Carla Cardoso as Inshi
Don Donini as Ki Hatsu
Erlaine Fonseca as
In Sho (In Kou)
Ki Hakuuyukou
Kokuko Su
Tai-Itsu Shinjin
Lilian Viana as Shazi (Kashi)
Luciano Cavalcanti as Narrador
Roberto Ciantelli as Koyuken
Roberto Leal as Hakutsuru Doji
Rolando Felizola as Shinto

Portuguese companies
Animax Brazil
Locomotion (Brazil)
Distributor: Rose Entertainment (Brazil)
Dubbing Studio: BVI Communications Inc.

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