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Manga Top 10

Best Rated (bayesian estimate)
Worst Rated (bayesian estimate)
Best Rated (weighted average)
Most Popular
Most Viewed
Most Underrated
Most Overrated
Most Diverging Opinions

Top 10 Best Rated (bayesian estimate) (Top 50)
# title rating nb. votes
1 Berserk (manga) 9.24 1416
2 Monster (manga) 9.21 911
3 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (manga) 9.11 717
4 Steel Ball Run (manga) 9.09 162
5 Vinland Saga (manga) 9.01 300
6 Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (manga) 8.99 397
7 20th Century Boys (manga) 8.99 627
8 Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) 8.96 1628
9 Akira (manga) 8.91 600
10 Yotsuba&! (manga) 8.90 771
This rating only includes titles that have at least 4 votes. The bayesian estimate is a statistical technique used to reduce the noise due to low sample counts. In effect, the less a title has votes, the more it is pulled towards the mean (7.6869). In other words, these are the titles that many people agree are great. (formula)
bayesian rating = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C
R = average for the manga
v = number of votes for the manga
m = minimum votes required to be listed (currently 4)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 7.6869)

Top 10 Worst Rated (bayesian estimate) (Top 50)
# title rating nb. votes
3529 Duel Masters (manga) 4.01 7
3528 Saint Seiya Episode.G: Assassin (manga) 4.19 4
3527 Eiken (manga) 4.34 25
3526 Treasure Hunter (manga) 4.38 8
3525 Deus Vitae (manga) 4.44 41
3524 Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy (manga) 4.55 37
3523 Samurai Shodown (manga, Yuki Miyoshi) 4.74 7
3522 Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time (manga) 4.79 49
3521 Mai-chan's Daily Life (manga) 4.85 14
3520 Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale (manga) 5.01 26
This rating only includes titles that have at least 4 votes. The bayesian estimate is a statistical technique used to reduce the noise due to low sample counts. In effect, the less a title has votes, the more it is pulled towards the mean (7.6869). In other words, these are the titles that many people agree are awful. (formula)
bayesian rating = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C
R = average for the manga
v = number of votes for the manga
m = minimum votes required to be listed (currently 4)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 7.6869)

Top 10 Best Rated (weighted average) (Top 50)
# title rating nb. votes
95 Berserk (manga) 9.25 1416
96 Monster (manga) 9.22 911
106 Steel Ball Run (manga) 9.12 162
107 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (manga) 9.12 717
109 Akane-banashi (manga) 9.08 5
111 Vinland Saga (manga) 9.03 300
114 Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (manga) 9.00 397
273 20th Century Boys (manga) 9.00 627
275 17 Sai. (manga) 8.97 4
276 Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) 8.97 1628
The rating is an average of the scores given by voters, weighted to give less importance to users with unnatural voting patterns. Titles with less than 4 votes are removed from the list but are still counted in the ranking. This explains why there may be gaps in the "#" column.

Top 10 Most Popular (Top 50)
# title rating nb. votes
1 Death Note (manga) 8.86 2622
2 Naruto (manga) 8.09 2254
3 Bleach (manga) 8.10 1957
4 Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) 8.93 1628
5 Fruits Basket (manga) 8.71 1626
6 Berserk (manga) 9.29 1416
7 One Piece (manga) 8.69 1347
8 Love Hina (manga) 8.29 1340
9 Rurouni Kenshin (manga) 8.79 1253
10 Chobits (manga) 7.98 1258
The most popular titles are determined with a simple summation of all votes. Titles with many votes will tend to be at the top, but this is modified a little by the ratings. In other words, the popularity is the straight average score of a title (the value in the rating column) multiplied by the number of votes.

Top 10 Most Viewed (Top 50)
# title rating seen by
1 Naruto (manga) 8.05 5141
2 Death Note (manga) 8.83 5009
3 Bleach (manga) 8.01 4806
4 Fruits Basket (manga) 8.75 3752
5 Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) 8.97 3554
6 One Piece (manga) 8.50 3040
7 Chobits (manga) 7.88 2858
8 Love Hina (manga) 8.15 2648
9 Rurouni Kenshin (manga) 8.72 2592
10 Berserk (manga) 9.25 2590
The "seen by" column indicates the number of people who have added the title in MyAnime, either in "seen some", "seen all", or "will not finish" categories. The rating displayed here is the same weighted average as the Top 10 Best Rated by weighted average, but is only displayed for reference and doesn't have anything to do with the order of the titles.

Top 10 Most Underrated (Top 50)
# title rating seen by
+4736 JK Haru Is a Sex Worker in Another World (manga) 8.29 5
+4653 Saikyō Densetsu Kurosawa (manga) 7.94 4
+4543 (The) Duke of Death and His Maid (manga) 8.06 5
+4478 Neo Parasyte m (manga) 7.84 4
+4458 (The) Cat Proposed (manga) 7.83 4
+4417 Captain Harlock: Dimensional Voyage (manga) 7.81 4
+4361 See You Tomorrow at the Food Court (manga) 7.96 5
+4320 (The) Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity (manga) 8.12 6
+4277 Swing Shell (manga) 8.09 6
+4270 Chio's School Road (manga) 8.08 6
This is a list of the titles that deserve to be seen more. Based on the premise that titles deserve to be seen in equal proportion to how well rated they are, the value in the "#" column is the number of positions by which this title would climb in the Most Viewed list if it was seen as much as it was liked (according to bayesian rating).

Top 10 Most Overrated (Top 50)
# title rating seen by
-3327 Princess Ai (manga) 5.57 485
-3322 (The) Vision of Escaflowne (manga) 5.07 415
-3304 Mai-chan's Daily Life (manga) 4.85 380
-3256 My-HiME (manga) 6.04 510
-3254 Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode (manga) 5.88 411
-3235 Baby & Me (manga) 5.95 399
-3233 Miyuki-chan in Wonderland (manga) 5.98 411
-3220 Yu-Gi-Oh! (manga) 6.37 1078
-3194 Cowboy Bebop Shooting Star (manga) 6.20 523
-3169 Samurai Girl Real Bout High School (manga) 6.10 361
This is a list of the titles that didn't deserve to be seen as much as they have been. Based on the premise that titles deserve to be seen in equal proportion to how well rated they are, the value in the "#" column is the number of positions by which this title would drop in the Most Viewed list if it was seen as much as it was liked (according to bayesian rating).

Top 10 Most Diverging Opinions (Top 50)
# title rating nb. votes
1 Hanaotoko (manga) 7.86 ±3.982 24
2 GTO: 14 Days in Shonan (manga) 7.17 ±3.900 30
3 Saint Seiya: Saintia Shō (manga) 8.11 ±3.843 9
4 X-Men (manga) 6.57 ±3.775 4
5 How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon King (manga) 6.32 ±3.775 8
6 Showa: A History of Japan (manga) 8.66 ±3.770 18
7 JK Haru Is a Sex Worker in Another World (manga) 8.29 ±3.674 4
8 Mai-chan's Daily Life (manga) 4.85 ±3.639 14
9 Kiichi!! (manga) 8.22 ±3.621 9
10 Pheromomania Syndrome (manga) 7.12 ±3.586 7
Only includes titles with at least 4 votes. The rating column contains the baysesian rating ± the standard deviation, with the order of the titles being determined by the standard deviation.