Angel M Cazares's Anime
I am only listing here the series (2 movie series, 1 OVA and 10 ONA's) I have watched because that is the kind of anime that is the most important to me, and I enjoy the most. I have two separated lists for more anime movies, OVA's and specials.
8 Masterpiece, 13 Excellent, 118 Very good, 425 Good, 374 Decent, 214 So-so, 34 Not really good, 1 Weak
I took into account the quality in story building and telling, character development, originality/uniqueness, production values and conclusion when rating my watched anime. My personal enjoyment is also taken into account, but I also want my ratings to reflect as much as possible how much I would objectively recommend a particular anime.
Seen all▲▼ | Rating▲▼ |
(The) 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You (TV) A self explanatory harem comedy that is generally bonkers and even heartfelt. |
Good |
11eyes (TV) A fanservicy, dark fantasy anime with a high school setting. |
Good |
16bit Sensation: Another Layer (TV) An entertaining and unusual time travel anime that is a homage to famous, old eroge. |
Good |
2.5 Dimensional Seduction (TV) A feel good SoL show about cosplay with likable characters. |
Good |
22/7 (TV) An idol show with intriguing ideas, but its unimaginative execution undermines it. |
So-so |
7SEEDS (ONA) A post apocalyptic anime with potential, but the direction and writing are shaky. |
So-so |
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life (TV) A shoujo fantasy anime with a solid premise and a strong lead. |
Good |
86 (TV) A war teen drama with intriguing ideas, but the writing is not up to the challenge. |
Decent |
86 (TV 2) After a messy run this cour managed to conclude the story in a satisfying way. |
So-so |
(The) 8th son? Are you kidding me? (TV) A run of the mill isekai show that starts promising but quickly fades away. |
Not really good |
A.I.C.O. -Incarnation- (ONA) An action, sci-fi show with great visuals but weak writing. |
Decent |
Absolute Duo (TV) After a promising start this anime devolved into mostly typical otaku and harem pandering crap. |
Not really good |
Ace of Diamond (TV) A solid baseball anime, but it can get annoyingly intense from time to time. |
Good |
Action Heroine Cheer Fruits (TV) An optimist show about girls working together and overcoming small challenges. |
Good |
Active Raid (TV) An unconventional but fun show about a weird police unit solving unconventional crimes. |
Decent |
Active Raid Second (TV) The story and formula continues, but things get a little more serious. |
Decent |
Adachi and Shimamura (TV) A yuri show with good and balanced drama and comedy, but the story moves too slow. |
Good |
Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero (TV) An ecchi reverse isekai that can be boring. |
So-so |
After School Dice Club (TV) A heart warning show about four high school girls who play board games. |
Decent |
After the Rain (TV) A well crafted coming of age and romance story. |
Very good |
After War Gundam X (TV) A different take on Gundam that actually works. |
Good |
Ah My Buddha (TV) A silly harem show revolving around buddhist practices. |
So-so |
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai (TV) A sweet romantic comedy about lovable weirdos. |
Good |
Aho-Girl (TV) A dumb show that is empty but entertaining. |
So-so |
Air (TV) An ambitious slice of life anime with fantasy elements that needed better execution. |
Decent |
Aiura (TV) A simple slice of life show with lovely visuals. |
Decent |
Ajin (TV) The start of a potentially interesting science fiction, dark adventure. |
Decent |
Akame ga KILL! (TV) A violent and entertaining action show. |
Good |
Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor (TV) This is yet another super powers academy show, but this one is entertaining. |
So-so |
Akiba Maid War (TV) A very unique anime about yakuza-like maid café maids. |
Very good |
Akudama Drive (TV) An inventive cyberpunk anime with a surprising heartfelt conclusion. |
Good |
Alderamin on the Sky (TV) An inconsistent action/adventure show that is just cool enough. |
Decent |
Aldnoah.Zero (TV) A generic action/mecha show with apocalyptic elements that is entertaining and even emotive. |
Decent |
Aldnoah.Zero (TV 2) Just as entertaining as the first half, but the shaky writing became more pronounced. |
So-so |
Alice & Zoroku (TV) A narratively choppy sci-fi show with a solid premise. |
Decent |
alice gear aegis Expansion (TV) A slice of life anime about cute girls that are supposed to be the saviors of humanity. |
So-so |
Allison & Lillia (TV) A trite but good hearted series. |
Decent |
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian (TV) An edgy romantic comedy that has the potential to become memorable. |
Good |
Amaenaide yo!! Katsu!! (TV) A more narrative-focused sequel that ultimately leaves the story incomplete. |
So-so |
Amagi Brilliant Park (TV) A fun and raunchy comedy with a positive message. |
Very good |
Amanchu! (TV) A low key show about looking at the bright side of life. |
Good |
Amanchu! Advance (TV) A second season that can be too unfocused and narratively weak. |
Decent |
(The) Ambition of Oda Nobuna (TV) A harem take on historical events with nice laughs, good animation and a touch of drama. |
Decent |
(The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV) A romance story wit magic, fantasy and hard drama. |
Very good |
(The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV 2) A good setup cour that introduces solid storylines and characters. |
Good |
(The) Ancient Magus' Bride (TV 3) An emotive second season, but it had too many ups and downs. |
Good |
And Yet the Town Moves (TV) A weird comedy about a silly high school girl, her friends and the unusual café she works at. |
Decent |
And you thought there is never a girl online? (TV) A bad written harem-y, romantic comedy around online gaming. |
Not really good |
Angel Beats! (TV) Silly at times, but the emotional ride is great. |
Good |
Angel Links (TV) A space action/adventure show with potential but very suspicious writing. |
So-so |
(The) Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (TV) A wholesome romance that played it too safe. |
Good |
Anima Yell! (TV) A charming CGDCT show about high school girls doing cheerleading. |
Good |
Anime-Gataris (TV) An enjoyable love letter to anime and its fandom. |
Good |
anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day (TV) A short but very complete and emotional coming of age story. |
Very good |
Another (TV) Silly school drama combined with horror did not do it for me. |
So-so |
Ao-chan Can't Study! (TV) A romantic comedy about a high school girl with a bit of a dirty mind. |
Decent |
(The) Apothecary Diaries (TV) A mystery, character driven show with a fantastic female lead. |
Very good |
Appare-Ranman! (TV) A fun, entertaining and unusual racing show with some interesting things to say. |
Very good |
(The) aquatope on white sand (TV) A light drama centered around two young women and caring for aquatic life. |
Very good |
Arakawa Under the Bridge (TV) A lot of silliness and LOL moments but lacking in story. |
Decent |
Arakawa under the Bridge × Bridge (TV) Even more silliness but less and less concrete story. |
So-so |
Are You Lost? (TV) An amusing show about four high school girls stranded on an island. |
Decent |
Argevollen (TV) A generic but enjoyable mecha show with moe elements. |
Decent |
Aria the Animation (TV) A relaxing series that knows what it wants to do, but I found it too uneventful. |
Decent |
Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (TV) An entertaining, edgy but sincere isekai show with mediocre visuals. |
Decent |
Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (TV 2) A sequel that focuses more on fights instead of advancing the story. |
So-so |
Armed Girl's Machiavellism (TV) A weird harem show with fighting elements. |
Decent |
Ascendance of a Bookworm (TV) An unusual fantasy isekai show with good writing that focuses on everyday life. |
Good |
Ascendance of a Bookworm (TV 2) A sequel that starts opening up the universe of this unique isekai story. |
Good |
Ascendance of a Bookworm (TV 3) Another solid season that concludes the first part of the story. |
Good |
Asobi Asobase -workshop of fun- (TV) A high school comedy about three girls goofing around and being in absurd situations. |
Decent |
Assassins Pride (TV) A mediocre but intriguing romance and magic school anime. |
So-so |
Assault Lily Bouquet (TV) A dark-ish magical girls anime that ends up being simple and cliché, but it is enjoyable and entertaining. |
So-so |
(The) Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water (TV) Another cliched, students with powers show, but this one has some charming aspects. |
So-so |
(The) Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water (TV 2) More exciting than the first part, but it does not have a true conclusion. |
So-so |
Asteroid in Love (TV) A show about cute high school girls in an astronomy and geology club. |
Good |
Astra Lost in Space (TV) A satisfying coming of age story about a group of teenagers in a spaceship. |
Very good |
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout (TV) A generally entertaining fantasy revolving around a free-spirited and thicc teen girl. |
Good |
Attack on Titan (TV) An imaginative concept that combines fantasy with social, political and economic issues. |
Good |
Attack on Titan (TV 2/2017) A superior follow up that is both viscerally powerful and emotionally cathartic. |
Very good |
Attack on Titan (TV 3/2018) A cour with some resolutions that also serves as a primer for the upcoming climax. |
Good |
Attack on Titan (TV 4/2019) It answers some important questions, but it also introduces a new, uncertain direction. |
Good |
Attack on Titan The Final Season (TV) This emotionally powerful season flips things upside down and further cements AoT as a classic. |
Very good |
Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 2 (TV) Another strong entry that continues to make this franchise into a classic. |
Good |
Azumanga Daioh (TV) One of the best school comedies with drama and excellent character development. |
Very good |
B Gata H Kei - Yamada’s First Time (TV) An ecchi comedy with substance. |
Good |
B: The Beginning (ONA) A detectives and fantasy show with a safe but entertaining premise. |
Good |
B: The Beginning Succession (ONA) A disappointing sequel without much of a point, but it seems to set up season 3. |
Decent |
Baby Steps (TV) An inspiring tennis anime with a good balance of sports action and character development. |
Decent |
Baby Steps (TV 2) A solid but less story driven sequel. |
Decent |
Babylon (TV) A thriller, detective story that starts promising, but it devolves into pretentious existentialist crap. |
Decent |
Baccano! (TV) Cool concepts, but I would like to have seen a better story line and plot. |
Very good |
Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts (TV) Silliness for the most part with almost no character development. |
So-so |
Bakemonogatari (TV) Wow! This is one of the most artistic and interesting series I have ever seen. |
Excellent |
Bakuon!! (TV) A generally entertaining but unremarkable show about girls and motorcycles. |
So-so |
Banana Fish (TV) A gay romance story set in a violent and dark NYC. |
Very good |
BanG Dream! (TV) A positive show about 5 high school girls who form an idol rock band. |
Decent |
BanG Dream! (TV 2) A second season that introduces new characters, bands and some drama. |
So-so |
BanG Dream! (TV 3) An adequate and satisfying conclusion to the story. |
Decent |
BanG Dream! It's MyGo!!!!! (TV) A new story with new characters that is well written and can be emotionally powerful. |
Decent |
Banished from the Hero's Party (TV) A solid fantasy, action anime that revolves around a very cute romantic couple. |
Good |
Banished from the Hero's Party (TV 2) A sequel that is mostly unnecessary. |
So-so |
Banner of the Stars (TV) A combat heavy sequel to Crest of the Stars that focuses too little on the relationship of the two leads. |
Decent |
Banner of the Stars II (TV) Things take a dramatic and very serious turn, but it is perhaps the best written cour in this franchise. |
Decent |
Barakamon (TV) A comedic, coming of age anime set in a rural place that is usually effective and easy to digest. |
Good |
BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- (ONA) An entertaining and pervy fantasy show with metal music imagery. |
Good |
Battle Athletes Victory ReSTART! (TV) An energetic show about female teenagers competing in a peculiar sports contest. |
Good |
Battle Game in 5 Seconds (TV) A death survival anime that is simple but engaging. |
So-so |
Battle Girl High School (TV) A basic magical girls show with some silly and emotional moments. |
So-so |
Beast Tamer (TV) A feel good, harem and fantasy anime about a guy who can tame beasts. |
Decent |
BEASTARS (TV) An intriguing and fresh take on adolescence through anthropomorphized animals. |
Very good |
BEASTARS (TV 2) A solid season, but the writing and overall quality are not as good as the first season. |
Very good |
Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation (TV) A mystery anime with some nice elements, but it needs to adapt more source material. |
Decent |
BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad (TV) Truly for the fans of rock n' roll. |
Good |
Beyond the Boundary (TV) A gorgeously animated series that unfortunately has a weak story/plot and a non conclusion. |
Good |
Bibliophile Princess (TV) A kind of interesting romance show about a princess obsessed with books. |
Good |
Bikini Warriors (TV) A brain dead series of short episodes about voluptuous female warriors in bikini style armor. |
Not really good |
Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story- (TV) An unorthodox but fun story revolving around a female rebel golfer. |
Good |
Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story- (TV 2) Not a great but still good conclusion to this unique show. |
Good |
Birdy the Mighty Decode:02 (TV) A less interesting arc than the first season, but some characters are still great. |
So-so |
Birdy the Mighty: Decode (TV) Very enjoyable with nice characters. |
Decent |
Black Bullet (TV) A harem, sci-fi show that was kind of interesting until its very nonsensical ending dooms it. |
Not really good |
Black Butler (TV) A very cool concept with dark undertones. |
Very good |
Black Butler II (TV) Despite its inconsistencies, it manages to be a sort of conclusion for the first season. |
Decent |
Black Butler: Book of Circus (TV) An entertaining and dark experience that also feels disjointed without a clear series structure. |
So-so |
Black Clover (TV) A long running shounen show that is okay and has some nice moments, but it is not very remarkable. |
So-so |
Black Lagoon (TV) Fun ride with an interesting premise that leaves some unanswered questions. |
Good |
Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage (TV) Continues to be entertaining and action packed, and answers some questions from season one. |
Good |
Black Summoner (TV) Another run of the mill isekai show that is simple and chill. |
Decent |
Blade & Soul (TV) A mediocre fantasy anime with beautiful women that tries its best to be appealing and unique. |
So-so |
Blade of the Immortal (TV 2019) A violent but somehow compassionate revenge story set in the Edo period. |
Very good |
Blast of Tempest (TV) A sci-fi series with intriguing characters and a somewhat pretentious but satisfying story. |
Very good |
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (TV) A well polished sequel, but it is way too dark to really enjoy. |
Good |
Blend S (TV) An effective and entertaining otaku comedy about a cafe. |
Decent |
Blood Blockade Battlefront (TV) An exciting and well produced action show that manages to be both funny and heartfelt. |
Very good |
Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond (TV) A quality sequel that is better than I anticipated. |
Very good |
Blood+ (TV) A very well told story with great emotional moments. |
Excellent |
Bloom Into You (TV) An intense romance show with well developed characters. |
Good |
Blue Drop (TV) An okay story but cliche. |
So-so |
Blue Exorcist (TV) A quality produced series that unfortunately feels flat and unoriginal. |
Decent |
Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga (TV) A solid and emotional entry in this action/adventure franchise. |
Good |
Blue Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Saga (TV) A weak entry that feels uninspired. |
So-so |
Blue Gender (TV) Very strong start but disappointing ending. |
Decent |
Blue Period (TV) An intimate drama about the struggles of becoming a painter. |
Good |
Blue Spring Ride (TV) A solid, but cliché, shoujo school romance/comedy with an emotive ending. |
Decent |
Boarding School Juliet (TV) A romantic comedy with a promising premise, but it is undermined by a rushed and uneven pace. |
Decent |
Bocchi the Rock! (TV) A rock centric CGDCT show revolving around a teenager with social anxiety. |
Good |
Bodacious Space Pirates (TV) Neat premise of space and cute girls, but it begins to really shine until late in the series. |
Good |
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. (TV) A wholesome and fun VRMMO show centered around a very peculiar and lovable main heroine. |
Good |
BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. Season 2 (TV) After a slow-ish start this season becomes fun and cozy. |
Good |
Boogiepop and Others (TV 2019) A weird show that combines sci-fi fantasy, monsters and teen drama. |
Decent |
(The) Book of Bantorra (TV) Strange and entertaining series but ultimately mediocre. |
Decent |
Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki (TV) A high school drama/comedy with a solid and engaging premise. |
Good |
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki 2nd Stage (TV 2) A sequel with some nice developments, but it needed a better narrative. |
Decent |
Boys Be... (TV) A sweet, but at times, clumsily executed school-based romantic anime. |
So-so |
Brain Powered (TV) Some neat ideas but do not come together. |
Not really good |
Brave Bang Bravern! (TV) An innitally amusing mecha show that gradually lost steam and excitement. |
Good |
Brave Witches (TV) The premise is still pervy and dumb, but it is full of fun and exciting energy. |
Decent |
Brigadoon (TV) A strange story, but character development is very good. |
Good |
Brighter than the Dawning Blue (TV) A generic romantic teen comedy with light elements of serious stuff. |
So-so |
Btooom! (TV) A decently constructed series with an interesting premise, but more story is needed. |
Decent |
Bungo Stray Dogs (TV) A violent action show with a weird premise and eccentric characters. |
Decent |
Bungo Stray Dogs (TV 3) A fine entry even with its narrative structure problems. |
So-so |
Bungo Stray Dogs 2 (TV) A messier continuation, but it does end in a high-ish note. |
Decent |
Bunny Drop (TV) Probably the best slice of life anime ever made. |
Very good |
Burst Angel (TV) A nice series but nothing never seem before. |
So-so |
Butareba: The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig (TV) One of the most bizarre isekais out there, but it is worth a watch. |
Good |
(The) Café Terrace and Its Goddesses (TV) A harem show that is entertaining, pervy and ocassionally heartfelt. |
Decent |
(The) Café Terrace and Its Goddesses (TV 2) A still entertaining sequel, but it is a step down across the board. |
So-so |
Call of the Night (TV) A weird but interesting show about a romance between a vampire and a human. |
Very good |
CANAAN (TV) Promising story but felt too short and missing something. |
So-so |
Candy Candy (TV) An enjoyable drama but very sad at times. |
Good |
Captain Earth (TV) A bombastic and occasionally confusing mecha show with likable characters and a fun attitude. |
Decent |
Cardcaptor Sakura (TV) A mostly enjoyable magical girls show with plenty of touchy moments and likable characters. |
Good |
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card (TV) A decent sequel to Cardcaptor Sakura that lacks the energy and excitement of the original. |
Decent |
Carole & Tuesday (TV) An unusual coming of age-sci-fi show about music and having hope during difficult situations. |
Very good |
Castle Town Dandelion (TV) A weird but charming comedic drama. |
So-so |
Cat Planet Cuties (TV) A weak story with likable characters, but it tries some creative things within the harem genre. |
Decent |
Cat's Eye (TV) A comedic action show that has a good start, but it is ultimately undermined by a weak second half. |
So-so |
Celestial Method (TV) A pretty to look at, coming of age anime with good intentions but not much ambition. |
Good |
A Centaur's Life (TV) A weird monster girls show with some intriguing takes on life. |
Decent |
A Certain Magical Index (TV) A sci-fi and fantasy show with too many ideas but little narrative structure. |
So-so |
A Certain Magical Index II (TV) It continues to be a narrative mess with very few highlights. |
So-so |
A Certain Magical Index III (TV) Despite some nice, emotive moments, this season's narrative is a huge mess. |
Not really good |
A Certain Scientific Accelerator (TV) This is another mediocre entry in the Raildex franchise. |
Not really good |
A Certain Scientific Railgun (TV) An entertaining mystery show with sci-fi and slice of life elements. |
Decent |
A Certain Scientific Railgun S (TV) A more focused second season that effectively becomes a drama. |
Good |
A Certain Scientific Railgun T (TV 3) Another entertaining season with uplifting messages even with all the drama and suffering. |
Decent |
Chaika - The Coffin Princess (TV) A fantasy anime with some tropes, but it has a lot of energy and the right attitude. |
Good |
Chaika - The Coffin Princess Avenging Battle (TV) The conclusion to a simple but fun anime franchise. |
Good |
Chained Soldier (TV) An entertaining action, fighting show with nice fanservice. |
Good |
Chainsaw Man (TV) A solid, entertaining and graphic sci-fi and action/adventure show. |
Good |
Chaos;HEAd (TV) A thrilling start that turns into big cliche. |
So-so |
Charlotte (TV 2015) A bit clumsy but charming show with all kinds of emotions and thrills. |
Good |
Chidori RSC (TV) A CGDCT show about high school girls competing in light beam rifle shooting. |
Decent |
Chihayafuru (TV) An anime about playing karuta that has a decent story and occasional good characterization. |
Decent |
Chihayafuru 2 (TV) It is pretty much as good as season 1, but it is better paced. |
Good |
Chihayafuru 3 (TV) A third season that felt too slow and less narratively focused. |
Decent |
Children of the Whales (TV) The first part of a potentially very interesting speculative fiction story. |
Good |
Chio's School Road (TV) A comedic show centered around weird teen girls who get distracted in their way to school. |
Decent |
Chivalry of a Failed Knight (TV) A run of the mill super powers academy show that has heart and a lovable lead couple. |
So-so |
Chobits (TV) Neat story. |
Decent |
Cinderella Nine (TV) A simple but charming show about high school girls playing baseball. |
Decent |
Citrus (TV) A promising yuri anime that needs more content to better develop. |
Good |
City Hunter (TV) Tons of fun but too repetitive. |
Decent |
City Hunter '91 (TV) Another subpar season that mostly goes through the motions. |
So-so |
City Hunter 3 (TV) A short season with often mediocre production values that focuses in helping adult, career women. |
So-so |
Clannad (TV) Very entertaining, funny and dramatic at the same time. |
Very good |
Clannad After Story (TV) A bit too dramatic but still enjoyable. |
Good |
Classroom Crisis (TV) A strange mix of genres and anime tropes that has an optimist message about life. |
Decent |
Classroom For Heroes (TV) A mostly generic magical academy and harem anime with some emotive moments. |
Decent |
Classroom of the Elite (TV) A pretentious school-based show that uses philosophy as a cheap gimmick. |
So-so |
Classroom of the Elite (TV 3) It more or less concludes the story in a satisfying way. |
So-so |
Classroom of the Elite II (TV 2) In this second season this franchise seems to have found its footing. |
So-so |
Claymore (TV) Interesting watch; manga is way better. |
So-so |
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) A thrilling story with frequent twists and bombastic characters. |
Good |
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) It starts slow but manages to tie most of the loose ends from season one. |
Good |
Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture (TV) A forced and uninspired Code Geass sequel that should have been better. |
Decent |
Comet Lucifer (TV) A conventional fantasy/adventure show that is entertaining and fun. |
Decent |
Comic Girls (TV) An aggressive CGDCT show about four high school girls who make manga. |
So-so |
Cop Craft (TV) An initially compelling buddy cop show that gets bogged down by sub par writing. |
Coppelion (TV) A science fiction anime with a good premise, but the producers did not know how to exploit it. |
So-so |
A Couple of Cuckoos (TV) A weird, entertaining and sometimes shacky romantic comedy harem. |
Good |
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Simply a feast to watch and always fun. |
Masterpiece |
Crest of the Stars (TV) An intriguing space opera that is introduced through the eyes of two inquisitive teenagers. |
Decent |
CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angel and Dragon (TV) An over the top and fun mecha anime centered around women fighting. |
Good |
Crossing Time (TV) A comedic series of short episodes about people interacting while waiting at the railroad crossing. |
So-so |
CUE! (TV) An uneven slice of life show about sixteen rookie voice actresses. |
Decent |
Cutie Honey Universe (TV) An interesting, weird and crazy show with inconsistencies and tonal issues. |
So-so |
Dagashi Kashi (TV) A weird show about candy and some sexualized teen antics. |
Decent |
Dagashi Kashi 2 (TV) A surprisingly satisfying and complete second season, even with half length episodes. |
Decent |
DAN DA DAN (TV) An over the top show that combines aliens, youkai and teen angst romance. |
Good |
(The) Dangers in My Heart (TV) A sort of unique romantic anime that starts slow, but the payoff is worth it. |
Decent |
(The) Dangers in My Heart (TV 2) A sequel that is more emotional and ends at a strong place. |
Good |
Dark Gathering (TV) A very effective horror anime with weird characters and a healthy doze of humor. |
Decent |
Darker than Black (TV) Very thrilling and great production values. |
Very good |
Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor (TV) Same formula as season one but with weaker ending. |
Good |
DARLING in the FRANXX (TV) A messy collection of half baked ideas, uninspired writing and outstanding visuals. |
Decent |
Darwin's Game (TV) A survival game anime that is dumb but entertaining. |
Decent |
Date A Live (TV) An entertaining harem show with a date sim and sci-fi twist. |
So-so |
Date A Live II (TV) A sequel with a worse narrative focus than the first season. |
Not really good |
Date A Live III (TV) It manages to recapture some of the elements that make this harem anime somewhat unique. |
So-so |
Date A Live IV (TV) A mostly slow cour that ends in a bang that sets up season five. |
Decent |
Date A Live V (TV) An adequate conclusion for this story. |
Good |
(The) Dawn of the Witch (TV) A fantasy show with potential, but the overall direction derails it. |
Decent |
(The) Day I Became a God (TV) A very inconsistent drama that starts too silly, and that makes the serious aspects feel unearned. |
So-so |
Days With My Stepsister (TV) A forbidden love story about two step siblings with solid ideas but dull presentation. |
Decent |
Dead Mount Death Play (TV) An entertaining reverse isekai that becomes a yakuza and detective story. |
Good |
Dead Mount Death Play (TV 2) A second cour that lost much of its fun and became too convoluted. |
Decent |
Deadman Wonderland (TV) Promising but falls flat. |
So-so |
Deaimon: Recipe for Happiness (TV) A heart warming show about learning to be happy. |
Good |
Dear Brother (TV) A dramatic, and sometimes very effective, drama about young women. |
Good |
Death Note (TV) Very psychological with a great villain. |
Very good |
Death Parade (TV) An unusual but expertly-crafted show about humanity and the meaning of life. |
Excellent |
(The) Demon Girl Next Door (TV) A strange show about the very peculiar relationship between a demon girl and a magical girl. |
Decent |
(The) Demon Girl Next Door (TV 2) A sequel that is still entertaining, but it continues to be uneven. |
Decent |
Demon King Daimao (TV) Nicely animated but not very remarkable. |
Not really good |
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (TV) A solid action and adventure show with good emotional stuff, but its pace can get too slow. |
Good |
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc (TV) An action heavy arc with amazing visuals that feels too slow towards the end. |
Good |
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Hashira Training Arc (TV) A very slow season that is kind of entertaining. |
So-so |
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Swordsmith Village Arc (TV) A solid and entertaing entry. |
Good |
(The) Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy (TV) A generic magic academy show with potential. |
Decent |
Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (TV) A strong complement and conclusion to an amazing character drama. |
Very good |
(The) Detective Is Already Dead (TV) An unusual detective show with romance, comedy, sci-fi and some drama. |
Decent |
(The) Devil Is a Part-Timer! (TV) A genuinely funny comedy with a stupid-sounding premise that works wonderfully. |
Good |
(The) Devil Is a Part-Timer!! (TV 2) An inferior sequel that sets up the next part of the story. |
Decent |
(The) Devil Is a Part-Timer!! (TV 3) This cour keeps advancing the narrative, but it does not conclude the story. |
Decent |
DEVILMAN crybaby (ONA) An interesting fantasy show that deals with compassion and the worst things about humanity. |
Very good |
Devilman Lady (TV) A twist on the Devilman story with a female protagonist that offers some solid concepts. |
Good |
Devils' Line (TV) A mediocre romance story with vampires. |
Not really good |
Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (TV) A relaxing and often entertaining CGDCT show about fishing. |
Decent |
Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (TV) A CGDCT isekai show with entertaining moments and some heartfelt episodes. |
Decent |
Dimension W (TV) A science fiction, action show that squandered its potential. |
So-so |
Dirty Pair (TV) A comedic, space sci-fi, adventure show about two rambunctious, female bounty hunters/detectives. |
Decent |
DIVE!! (TV) A solid sports anime about diving centered around three teenage boys. |
Decent |
Do It Yourself!! (TV) A wholesome and empowering show about high school girls in a crafts club. |
Very good |
Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? (TV) A comedic isekai show where the main protagonist is forced to go adventuring with his mom. |
So-so |
DOGEZA: I Tried Asking While Kowtowing. (TV) A ridiculous series of short episodes about groveling and begging women to show their boobs. |
Not really good |
Domestic Girlfriend (TV) A love triangle, teen drama with a salacious framework. |
Good |
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro (TV) A bullying romantic comedy with not much going for it. |
Decent |
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro 2nd Attack (TV 2) In this second season the show more or less becomes a normal romantic comedy. |
Good |
Dorohedoro (TV) An over the top, visually-inventive and violent show that nicely sets the table for hopefully more. |
Good |
Dororo (TV 2019) An action, fantasy show with existentialist themes set in feudal Japan. |
Very good |
Dr. Stone (TV) Another unusual take on the shounen formula that deals with reconstructing civilization with science. |
Good |
Dr. Stone: New World (TV 3) A cour that serves as a set up for a new cour that promises to be exciting and explosive. |
Good |
Dr. Stone: New World (TV 4) A cour that returns the story to its fun and optimistic roots. |
Good |
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars (TV) A one cour second season with a slow pace that sets the table for a new direction of the story. |
Good |
Dragon Ball (TV) A classic shounen series with many laughs and plenty of action. |
Good |
Dragon Ball GT (TV) Dragon Ball gone insane. |
So-so |
Dragon Ball Z (TV) Much more intense, but filler sucks. |
Good |
Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan (TV) A weird sci-fi show with comedic and dramatic elements. |
Good |
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (TV 2020) A very solid fantasy and action anime with good character development. |
Good |
Drifting Dragons (TV) A solid action/adventure anime about hunting flying dragons. |
Good |
(The) Duke of Death and His Maid (TV) A sweet and entertaining romantic comedy with some drama. |
Decent |
(The) Duke of Death and His Maid (TV 2) A still charming second season that focuses more in the overall narrative. |
Decent |
(The) Duke of Death and His Maid (TV 3) A laxed season that concludes the story in a very convenient but satisfying way. |
So-so |
Dungeon People (TV) A quircky fantasy show about two girls working in a dungeon. |
Decent |
Durarara!! (TV) A very strange series that has various interesting ideas. |
Very good |
Durarara!!×2 Ketsu (TV) The best arc of season 2 that ends with a good conclusion for the franchise. |
Good |
Durarara!!×2 Shō (TV) Ultimately this inconsistent cour is a solid set up for what is coming up next. |
Decent |
Durarara!!×2 Ten (TV) A better executed second cour that answers some questions but raises some more. |
Decent |
Dusk maiden of Amnesia (TV) An enjoyable and gorgeously animated mix of comedy, horror and drama. |
Good |
D_Cide Traumerei the Animation (TV) A simple action sci-fi show with a very likable cast. |
Decent |
(The) Eccentric Family (TV) A beautiful looking anime with a simple, and a bit unusual, story about family, hope and dreams. |
Very good |
(The) Eccentric Family 2 (TV) A shaky but ultimately worthy sequel for the first season. |
Good |
(The) Eden of Grisaia (TV) An over the top second season that manages to tie the loose ends and be a satisfying conclusion. |
So-so |
ef: a tale of melodies (TV) Not as strong as memories story-wise, but it has a darker tone. |
Decent |
ef: a tale of memories (TV) Tremendous production values with a heart felt story. |
Good |
El Cazador de la Bruja (TV) A strange mix of ideas that somehow works. |
Decent |
Elfen Lied (TV) Great premise from manga but bad anime adaptation. |
So-so |
(The) Eminence in Shadow (TV) A strange but fun isekai show that is trying to do something different. |
Good |
(The) Eminence in Shadow 2nd Season (TV 2) A still entertaining sequel, but it is not as good as the first season. |
Good |
Emma: A Victorian Romance (TV) A well crafted, enjoyable and mature love story. |
Good |
Emma: A Victorian Romance Second Act (TV) Same formula as season one, but with higher emotions. |
Good |
Encouragement of Climb: Next Summit (TV) A somewhat disjointed CGDCT show about hiking mountains. |
Decent |
Engage Kiss (TV) An otaku oriented, action and supernatural show that manages to be emotionally compelling. |
Good |
Engaged to the Unidentified (TV) A somewhat refreshing romantic comedy that is bogged down by unfunny comedy attempts. |
Decent |
ERASED (TV) A kind of sloppy thriller, but it gets the job done in the end. |
Very good |
Eromanga Sensei (TV) A more entertaining and transparent raunchy comedy than its predecessor Oreimo. |
Decent |
Eureka Seven (TV) It has very good moments but could have been better. |
Good |
EUREKA SEVEN AO (TV) A related anime to the first Eureka Seven, plagued with problems in story/plot and characterization. |
So-so |
(The) Executioner and Her Way of Life (TV) An isekai show with an interesting twist that needed better consistency and more episodes. |
Good |
Failure Frame (TV) An underdog isekai show that could become interesting with more seasons. |
Decent |
Fairy gone (TV) A pretty looking medieval fantasy show that feels too generic at times. |
Good |
Fairy gone (TV 2) The conclusion to this visually strong show that ends in an adequate manner. |
Good |
Fairy Tail (TV 3/2018) A final season that starts strong, but it progressively becomes redundant and slow. |
So-so |
(The) Familiar of Zero (TV) An unusual but entertaining isekai and magical academy show that is also a romantic comedy. |
Decent |
(The) Familiar of Zero F (TV) A return to the ecchi, harem formula that offers a fast-paced but satisfactory ending for this franchise. |
Decent |
(The) Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons (TV) A sequel that is more ambitious as it introduces new characters and more substantial plot development. |
Good |
(The) Familiar of Zero: Rondo of Princesses (TV) In this season the plot continues to be developed, but the increase in fanservice weakens it a little. |
Decent |
(The) Faraway Paladin (TV) An isekai show that is trying to bring some new ideas to this genre. |
Good |
(The) Faraway Paladin: The Lord of Rust Mountain (TV 2) A less dynamic and emotional sequel that focuses on a single arc. |
Decent |
Farewell, My Dear Cramer (TV) A decent girls soccer anime that needs more episodes to develop the story. |
Decent |
Farming Life in Another World (TV) A very relaxing iseakai about a reincarnated man that becomes a farmer. |
Decent |
Fate/Grand Order -Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia- (TV) Yet another visually pleasing Fate anime that starts strong, but its writing eventually crumbles. |
So-so |
Fate/stay night (TV) A struggling fantasy and teen story that improves significantly in its second half. |
Decent |
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) The first half of a reboot with high production values and way better characterization and writing. |
Very good |
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV 2) An inferior second half, but it more or less gets the job done. |
Decent |
Fate/Zero (TV) A strong start to a well produced series with an interesting premise. |
Very good |
Fate/Zero (TV 2) Unfortunately its prequel nature hurts this ambitious anime from being a more transcendental work. |
Good |
Fist of the North Star (TV) Another classic shounen series with a cool premise but sloppy story line and plot. |
So-so |
Fist of the North Star 2 (TV) A slightly better tight story line and plot than season one but still has issues. |
Decent |
FLCL Progressive (TV) A sort of sequel that is satisfying and more or less retains the spirit of the original. |
Decent |
Flip Flappers (TV) An interesting surreal show with magical girls elements. |
Very good |
Flowers of Evil (TV) A very original concept that looks at the dark side of being a teenager. |
Very good |
Flying Witch (TV) A feel good anime with very likable and charming characters. |
Good |
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma (TV) An entertaining cooking show with likable characters and shounen elements. |
Good |
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Fifth Plate (TV) Despite all the craziness and one note villains this season wrapped the franchise in a decent way. |
So-so |
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Fourth Plate (TV) A satisfying conclusion to the crucial arc that started in season three. |
Decent |
Food Wars! The Second Plate (TV) A more intense but less narrative-focused sequel. |
Decent |
Food Wars! The Third Plate (TV) Important developments happened in this season, but it felt rushed. |
Decent |
Food Wars! The Third Plate (TV 2) Some nice things continued to develop in this cour, but the story was not concluded. |
Good |
Forest of Piano (TV) A music anime with a solid premise but weak execution. |
Decent |
Forest of Piano (TV 2) The second cour of the story that starts slow, but it eventually delivers emotional catharsis. |
Decent |
Fractale (TV) A show with some neat elements, but they do not mesh well together. |
So-so |
Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club (TV) A silly, entertaining and great looking anime about young male swimmers. |
Good |
Free! -Dive to the Future- (TV) A third season that was all over the place. |
Decent |
Free! Eternal Summer (TV) Much like season one, it is a silly, fun and satisfying watch with great visuals. |
Good |
Freezing (TV) Over the top fanservice is not enough to disguise a mediocre and unoriginal story. |
Not really good |
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (TV) A contemplative fantasy show with great character writing and pacing. |
Excellent |
From the New World (TV) An imaginative and smart apocalyptic anime that delivers at most instances. |
Excellent |
(The) Fruit of Grisaia (TV) A harem show about a mercenary young man and five girls with very peculiar and extreme problems. |
Not really good |
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) An emotive and amusing series with an intriguing premise that lacks proper closure. |
Good |
Fruits Basket (TV 2/2019) A reboot with a fresh coat of paint that is still fun, sad and hopeful. |
Good |
Fruits Basket 2nd Season (TV) After a slow start this season (and this anime adaptation as a whole) started to really shine. |
Good |
Fruits Basket the Final (TV) A choppy and uneven concluding season that ties the loose ends in a satisfactory manner. |
Good |
Full Metal Panic! (TV) An inconsistent but entertaining action/romance/comedy series. |
Decent |
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (TV) A very intense fourth season from this unusual but charming franchise. |
Good |
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV) A more dark and emotionally intense series than season one. |
Good |
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) It has some nice comedic moments, but it is mediocre overall. |
So-so |
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) Intense with appealing characters, but the story falls, somewhat, apart in the end. |
Very good |
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) An epic story and characters with endearing and universal lessons. |
Excellent |
Fushigi Yugi (TV) A somewhat inconsistent shoujo fantasy show that can be both amusing and heartfelt. |
Decent |
Future Boy Conan (TV) An entertaining post apocalyptic anime with environmentalist and anti war messages. |
Excellent |
(The) Future Diary (TV) A lousy and pathetic horror thriller. |
Not really good |
Fuuka (TV) A simple romantic show that is light and fun. |
Good |
Ga-Rei-Zero (TV) A fantasy and action series with compelling emotional moments. |
Decent |
Gabriel DropOut (TV) A CGDCT show about two unusual angels and two unusual demons. |
Decent |
A Galaxy Next Door (TV) A sweet and wholesome romance that had some potential for more emotional payoff. |
Decent |
Galilei Donna (TV) A promising science fiction anime whose potential was not properly exploited. |
Decent |
Gamers! (TV) An effective romantic comedy and slice of life anime. |
Good |
Gantz (TV) Disappointing manga adaptation. |
So-so |
(The) Garden of Sinners (movie series) Very good production values, but the story and characters become too absurd at times. |
Good |
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (TV) An intriguing, great looking science fiction series with an enjoyable but somewhat predictable plot. |
Very good |
Garo -Vanishing Line- (TV) A fun, irreverent and often emotional action show. |
Very good |
Gatchaman Crowds (TV) A weird but entertaining series with a memorable female lead. |
Decent |
Gatchaman Crowds insight (TV) Like the first season, it has a couple of neat ideas, but the execution is bad. |
Not really good |
GATE (TV) Another self-insert otaku fantasy anime that shows some glimpses of good quality. |
Decent |
GATE (TV 2) Still fun, but this second part felt inferior to the first one. |
So-so |
(The) Gene of AI (TV) A solid sci-fi anime about AI, robots and humans. |
(The) Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (TV) An otaku flavored palace intrigue show that is actually entertaining and compelling. |
Good |
Genshiken (TV) A good look at otaku culture but something felt missing. |
Decent |
Genshiken: Second Generation (TV) A well done and satisfactory sequel to an otaku comedy with quirky characters. |
Very good |
Ghost Hound (TV) A mystery series with the right amount of drama, teen angst and comedy. |
Very good |
Ghost Hunt (TV) Cool but very episodic in nature to be really effective. |
Decent |
Giant Beasts of Ars (TV) An action/adventure, sci-fi show that heavily borrows from past anime. |
Decent |
Giant Gorg (TV) An ambitious and non-stop action-adventure that combines several sci-fi genres. |
Good |
Gingitsune (TV) A pleasant slice of life series with nice characters, existentialist themes and a touch of supernatural. |
Very good |
Gintama (TV) An over the top and absurd action comedy that parodies anime and Japanese pop culture. |
Good |
Gintama (TV 4/2015) Perhaps the best season yet because it concludes with two very compelling and meaningful arcs. |
Good |
Gintama (TV 7/2018) The fierce and intense battle comes to an end, but the story does not conclude because of reasons. |
Good |
Gintama Season 4 (TV 6/2017) Another wacky Gintama season, but it unfortunately stops the narrative momentum of previous seasons. |
Decent |
Gintama' (TV 2/2011) The craziness, creativity and ocassional feels continue, but the arcs are shorter. |
Good |
Gintama' (TV 3/2012) A short season with very few highlights. |
Decent |
Gintama. (TV 5/2017) The fierce battles and seriousness continue in this short season. |
Decent |
(The) Girl in Twilight (TV) An unusual sci-fi show about high school girls that combines shojou tropes, comedy and drama. |
Good |
(The) Girl Who Leapt Through Space (TV) Very entertaining throughout, but the ending needs more closure. |
Good |
Girlfriend, Girlfriend (TV) A harem anime with a twist that often produces amusing situations. |
Good |
Girlfriend, Girlfriend (TV 2) A better season that builds up on what the first season did. |
Good |
Girlish Number (TV) A cynic show about the anime industry that revolves around a peculiar voice actress. |
Good |
Girls Beyond the Wasteland (TV) An entertaining otaku comedy about a club making a visual novel game. |
Decent |
Girls und Panzer (TV) A weird, fun and ridiculous show about cute girls driving tanks. |
Good |
Girls' Frontline (TV) An entertaining show about robot girls with guns that does not have much of a story. |
So-so |
Girls' Last Tour (TV) A smart, quiet and atmospheric post apocalypse show. |
Very good |
Girly Air Force (TV) A charming and unusual harem show about girls fighting strange creatures with jet fighters. |
Decent |
Given (TV) A yaoi, music anime with simple writing, but the climaxes are highly emotional. |
Good |
GLASSLIP (TV) Another visually-pleasant teen drama from P.A. Works that wants to be somewhat experimental. |
Good |
Gleipnir (TV) A psychological and sexually-charged horror thriller with some strong moments and a great female lead. |
Decent |
Goblin Slayer (TV) A dark and gory fantasy show with potential to be something better. |
So-so |
Goblin Slayer II (TV 2) A less boring second season that offers more variety in story telling. |
Decent |
Godzilla Singular Point (TV) An entertaining show that can become too convoluted with science talk, but it is a worthy watch. |
Very good |
Golden Kamuy (TV 1) An action/adventure show with an unusual but intriguing premise. |
Decent |
Golden Kamuy (TV 2) It continues to build up on what season one did, but it does not conclude the story. |
Decent |
Golden Kamuy (TV 3) This season reveals valuable backstory, but the story is not concluded yet. |
Decent |
Golden Kamuy (TV 4) Another crazy fun season that has finally reached the last leg of the story. |
Good |
Golden Time (TV) A dramedy romance with potential to have been better if it had been more consistent. |
Good |
Good Bye, Dragon Life (TV) A fantasy romance with a very sweet and lovable lamia. |
Decent |
Good Luck Girl! (TV) An effective comedy with touchy moments that unfortunately is only a portion of a larger story. |
Decent |
Gosick (TV) A well made romance and detective story set in 1920s Europe. |
Very good |
Gourmet Girl Graffiti (TV) A weird healing/moe show centered around cooking and eating. |
Good |
Granbelm (TV) A magical girls with mechas show with good ideas, but it needed better writing to be great. |
Good |
Granblue Fantasy the Animation (TV) A solid action/adventure show with fantasy elements. |
Decent |
Granblue Fantasy the Animation (TV 2) An underwhelming sequel that spent too much time on boring stuff. |
So-so |
Grand Blue Dreaming (TV) A comedic show about silly college students and sometimes scuba diving. |
Not really good |
(The) Great Passage (TV) A feel good story about living. |
Very good |
Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions (TV) A subdued fantasy, action/adventure show about characters' interactions. |
Good |
Grimoire of Zero (TV) A simple, action-adventure fantasy show that is not that good. |
Decent |
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl (TV) A curious series with weird characters, but where is the story and plot? |
So-so |
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka (TV) An entertaining school comedy with an unlikely hero. |
Decent |
Guilty Crown (TV) An overambitious but very unoriginal premise with lazy writing and some appealing characters. |
Decent |
Guin Saga (TV) A greatly animated medieval fantasy story with several cliche elements. |
So-so |
Gungrave (TV) The best mafia drama I have ever seen, period. |
Very good |
Gunparade March (TV) A decent apocalyptic, mecha and teen drama show. |
Decent |
Gurren Lagann (TV) The craziness has a purpose and an emotional story. |
Very good |
Gushing Over Magical Girls (TV) A perverted magical girls show with solid characters and an intriguing premise. |
Good |
(The) Gymnastics Samurai (TV) An optimistic drama centered around an aging gymnast. |
Very good |
.hack//SIGN (TV) It has interesting concepts and characters, but the execution is not very good. |
So-so |
Haganai (TV) A school comedy with ecchi elements that attempts to bring something new to the table. |
Decent |
Haganai NEXT (TV) More or less more of the same, but the narrative is looser. |
So-so |
Haibane Renmei (TV) A very atmospheric series with mystery that leaves the conclusions up to the viewer. |
Very good |
Haikyu!! (TV) A balanced sports show with a good and charming attitude. |
Good |
Haikyu!! (TV 3) An emotional cap to the two previews strong seasons. |
Good |
Haikyu!! Second Season (TV 2) Just as good and steady as the first season. |
Good |
Haikyu!! To The Top (TV 4) A cour that serves up as setup for the national tournament. |
Good |
Haikyu!! To The Top (TV 5) The long match ends, and this sports anime continues to be outstanding. |
Decent |
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens (TV) A simple but entertaining crime show. |
Decent |
Hakumei and Mikochi (TV) A sweet tale about tiny people and animals living in the forest. |
Decent |
Hanasaku Iroha - Blossoms for Tomorrow (TV) A feel good story about human interactions and dreams. |
Very good |
Hanayamata (TV) An eventual charming, slice of life anime centered around five teenage girls. |
Decent |
Hanebad! (TV) An intense sports show with great animation that needed a better narrative focus. |
Good |
Happy Sugar Life (TV) An intriguing and sometimes fascinating show about human misery. |
Decent |
Haruchika – Haruta & Chika (TV) A weird mystery show with cleverness and a lot of heart. |
Good |
Harukana Receive (TV) A simple beach volley ball show with some nice moments. |
Decent |
Hatsukoi Limited (TV) A satisfying school comedy with ecchi, romance and coming of age. |
Good |
Heaven's Memo Pad (TV) An interesting and solid mystery series with some existentialist themes. |
Good |
Heavenly Delusion (TV) A very interesting post apocalypsis, sci-fi show that could become fantastic with more seasons. |
Very good |
Helck (TV) A quircky action/adventure show that could be great with a proper ending. |
Good |
Hensuki (TV) An unoriginal harem show with some bright spots. |
So-so |
(The ")Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat. (TV) A silly, ecchi romantic comedy that occasionally surprises with emotive moments. |
So-so |
(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan (TV) A strong premise that is unfortunately bogged down by shaky execution. |
Decent |
(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance (TV) A short but better paced season that does a good job advancing the story. |
Decent |
Hi Score Girl (TV) A bittersweet teen romance centered around playing (fighting) video games. |
Decent |
(The) Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter (TV) A pervy, fantasy harem anime that is fun and entertaining. |
Decent |
Higehiro (TV) An age gap romance that starts in a raunchy way but then becomes a decent drama. |
Good |
High School DxD (TV) Another run of the mill ecchi, harem anime with nothing new to offer. |
So-so |
High School DxD BorN (TV) The writing gets messier with the new elements introduced, but the emotional moments feel genuine. |
So-so |
High School DxD Hero (TV) A disappointing fourth season that changes the visual style and largely ignores the overarching plot. |
Not really good |
High School DxD New (TV) This second season escalates the lewdness and further commits to telling a story. |
So-so |
High School Fleet (TV) An okay cute girls doing dangerous things show that improves as it progresses. |
So-so |
High School of the Dead (TV) There is plenty of fanservice, but it has a competent premise. |
Decent |
High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World (TV) An isekai show about teenagers with naive and irresponsible ideas about nation building. |
So-so |
High-Rise Invasion (ONA) A ridiculous, violent and raunchy survival game anime, but it is entertaining and fun. |
So-so |
Higurashi: When They Cry – GOU (TV) An entertaining remake/spinoff that can be brutal and interesting, but it can also be nonsensical. |
Good |
Higurashi: When They Cry – SOTSU (TV) A season still entertaining and full of crazy stuff, but the writing goes off the rails. |
Decent |
Himōto! Umaru-chan R (TV) A solid sequel with better character development. |
Good |
Himouto! Umaru-chan (TV) A charming comedy centered around a peculiar gamer and otaku girl. |
Good |
Hinako Note (TV) A fanservicy CGDCT about play acting that can get monotonous. |
So-so |
Hinamatsuri (TV) A very effective comedy about esper girls, scoundrels and heartfelt moments. |
Good |
Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu (TV) A solid slice of life show about a girl trying to make friends. |
Decent |
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! (TV) A mediocre Sol and harem show about Garyu from Hokkaido. |
So-so |
Honey and Clover (TV) A heartfelt story with nice characters. |
Good |
Honey and Clover II (TV) The continuation of a heartfelt story with nice characters. |
Good |
Horimiya (TV) A teen romance with some fresh ideas, but better writing and more episodes could have made it great. |
Good |
Hortensia Saga (TV) A generic swords and magic anime with an unexpected ending. |
Decent |
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom (TV) An isekai anime that tries to be smart, but it does not always succeed. |
So-so |
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom (TV 2) It cements its premise and takes the story and characters to a satisfying place. |
Decent |
How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? (TV) A silly CGDCT show about working out. |
Good |
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord (TV) A surprising decently written and compelling isekai and ecchi show. |
Decent |
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord Omega (TV) A very disappointing sequel without most of the elements that made the first season feel fresh. |
So-so |
How to keep a mummy (TV) An optimistic slice of life about a group of teenagers adopting cute mythical creatures as pets. |
Decent |
Humanity Has Declined (TV) A very cynic look at humanity, but it felt short and lacking story. |
Good |
Hundred (TV) A cliche action/harem-y show that is actually enjoyable. |
So-so |
Hunter X Hunter (TV 1999) A shounen series more driven by good character development. |
Good |
HYOUKA (TV) An exquisitely, well crafted teen drama with mystery elements. |
Excellent |
I Parry Everything (TV) A fantasy show with potential, but the story is barely developed. |
Decent |
I'm in Love with the Villainess (TV) A comedic yuri show with some nice moments. |
Good |
I'm Quitting Heroing (TV) An unusual but fun fantasy about a former hero who joins a villains organization. |
Good |
I'm Standing on 1,000,000 Lives (TV 2) It pretty much retains the generic but kind of fun vibe of season one. |
So-so |
I'm Standing on 1,000,000 Lives. (TV) An unusual isekai show with some potential to grow and improve. |
So-so |
I've Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills (TV) A fantasy anime about an overpowered guy who happens to love farming. |
So-so |
(The) Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World (TV) A harem, magical academy show that is entertaining and decent enough for the first 9 or so episodes. |
So-so |
(The) IDOLM@STER (TV) A sometimes clumsy but always optimistic idol show. |
Decent |
(The) IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls (TV) An idolmaster show that feels fresher and better focused than its predecessor. |
Good |
(The) IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls (TV 2) A second part that is more melodramatic and feels less positive in general. |
Good |
In Search of the Lost Future (TV) A kind of sloppy adult visual novel adaptation that manages to become compelling in the end. |
Decent |
In the Land of Leadale (TV) A weird isekai with a weak middle but solid start and ending. |
So-so |
In/Spectre (TV) An unusual and at times interesting show that combines romance, comedy and the spirit/yokai world. |
Good |
In/Spectre (TV 2) A second season with more balanced arcs, but it is still waek in some parts. |
Decent |
Inari Kon Kon (TV) An okay shrine-centric anime about friendship and young love. |
So-so |
Insomniacs After School (TV) A solid romance anime that stays simple rather than trying to be deeper. |
Very good |
Interviews with Monster Girls (TV) A feel good and comedic show about demi-human high school girls. |
Good |
Inuyasha (TV) A long fantasy series that manages to focus on a single story line that never becomes dull. |
Very good |
InuYasha: The Final Act (TV) After a rushed start it manages to provide a very solid conclusion for the anime series. |
Good |
Inuyashiki Last Hero (TV) A disappointing action, dark show that had a promising start. |
So-so |
"Ippon" Again! (TV) A sports anime that does a great job focusing on the lifes of the main characters. |
Good |
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut (TV) An alternative history of the space race with a vampire girl. |
Good |
IRODUKU: The World in Colors (TV) Another P.A. Works teen drama with mix results. |
Good |
(The) irregular at magic high school (TV) After a confusing, messy and clichéd start, this series somehow becomes endearing at the end. |
So-so |
(The) irregular at magic high school (TV 3) A third season that is entertaining, but not much happens in terms of story. |
Decent |
(The) Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc (TV) This franchise continues to be a dumb otaku power fantasy, but it is weirdly endearing and charming. |
So-so |
(The) Irresponsible Captain Tylor (TV) A slow burn comedy set in a space opera universe. |
Good |
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (TV) An entertaining fantasy, action/adventure show that feels fresh. |
Good |
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (TV 2) A sequel that is more dramatic and overall less dynamic that season one. |
Decent |
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? III (TV) This season continued to transform this franchise from comedic harem fantasy to serious drama. |
Good |
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? IV (TV 4) An intense and exciting cour that unfortunately ends at an abrupt place. |
Good |
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? IV (TV 5) An emotional and intense conclusion to perhaps the best season of this franchise. |
Good |
Is the order a rabbit? (TV) A decent cute girls doing cute (and slightly sexualized) things anime. |
Decent |
Is the order a rabbit? BLOOM (TV) A season that is more wholesale and feels like the spiritual conclusion for its characters and premise. |
Decent |
Is the order a rabbit?? (TV 2) It refines and improves the formula from season one. |
Good |
Isekai Cheat Magician (TV) A generic but fun and mostly unpretentious isekai show. |
So-so |
ISLAND (TV) An otaku sci-fi show with some inconsistencies, but it concludes in a satisfactory manner. |
So-so |
Iwa-Kakeru! -Sport Climbing Girls- (TV) A fan service-ish show about cute and fit high school girls doing rock climbing. |
So-so |
Izetta: The Last Witch (TV) A solid and entertaining alternative history show. |
Good |
I’ll Become a Villainess Who Goes Down in History (TV) A quircky iseaka about a heroine with peculiar ideas of what makes a villainess. |
Good |
Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night (TV) A visually pleasing, coming of age anime that could have been better. |
Very good |
Joker Game (TV) A series of Word War II and spies vignettes that lacked narrative cohesion. |
Decent |
Jormungand (TV) An entertaining edgy show about weapons sellers and war politics. |
Good |
Jormungand Perfect Order (TV) Things get more intense in this sequel that focuses on a single storyline. |
Good |
Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) A shounen anime that has compelling and thought provoking things to say about family and friendship. |
Good |
Jujutsu Kaisen (TV 2) After a superb flashback arc this season meanders in sakuga and arrives nowhere. |
Decent |
Juni Taisen: Zodiac War (TV) An exciting and bombastic action show often hampered by clumsy execution. |
So-so |
Just Because! (TV) A high school romance with potential to have been better. |
Good |
Jyu-Oh-Sei (TV) A futuristic story with some nice moments. |
Decent |
K-ON! (TV) A very effective and refreshing mix of moe school girls, situational humor and soft rock music. |
Very good |
K-ON!! (TV 2) It has more good stuff, but the content can feel redundant and less inspired. |
Good |
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (TV) A visual spectacle that get silly, but it is ultimately a very worthy watch. |
Very good |
KADO - The Right Answer (TV) An okay series about first contact with aliens. |
So-so |
Kageki Shoujo!! (TV) A teen drama about a group of girls in a dramatic arts school striving to become stars. |
Good |
Kaguya-sama: Love is War (TV) A weird but usually amusing romantic comedy. |
Decent |
Kaguya-sama: Love is War -Ultra Romantic- (TV) The third season that finally delivers the much anticipated moment. |
Good |
Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2 (TV) In this sequel season this show continues to be an entertaining and weird school romantic comedy. |
Decent |
Kaiju No. 8 (TV) The start of a shounen show with great potential to become memorable. |
Good |
Kakegurui (TV) A ridiculous and entertaining show about gambling at a high school. |
Decent |
Kakegurui (TV 2) It continues where season 1 left off, but it focuses more in a single storyline. |
Decent |
Kaleido Star (TV) A dramedy about a young woman who becomes a trapeze artist that could have been great with better execution. |
Decent |
Kamichu! (TV) A slice of life series with supernatural elements that sadly was butchered. |
Decent |
Kamisama Dolls (TV) Strong start, but questionable writing and over used tropes undermine the second half. |
So-so |
Kämpfer (TV) A ridiculous but entertaining harem anime about magical girls like fighting because...? |
Not really good |
KanColle (TV) An okay show about girls who do war with magical battleship abilities. |
So-so |
Kandagawa Jet Girls (TV) A mediocre, yuri laced show about sexy young women water ski racing. |
Not really good |
Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (TV) An effective comedy, but its constant tonal shifting can be annoying. |
Good |
Kanon (TV 2/2006) An emotional, very good series with a mix of different elements. |
Very good |
Karneval (TV) A mediocre action/adventure, supernatural show with clumsy fujoshi elements. |
So-so |
Katana Maidens: Toji no Miko (TV) A cliché but entertaining show about girls fighting with katanas and super natural powers. |
Decent |
(The) Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior (TV) A wacky romantic comedy that appeared to have potential, but it generally fell and felt flat. |
So-so |
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (TV) A passion project about the joys and challenges of making anime. |
Very good |
Keijo!!!!!!!! (TV) A fanservice, sports anime with likable characters and a good attitude. |
Good |
Kekkaishi (TV) A conventional but effective action show about exterminating demons. |
Good |
Kemono Jihen (TV) A detective show about yokai children that can be fun, heart warming and intriguing. |
Good |
Kemono Michi: Rise Up (TV) An isekai anime about a pro wrestler obsessed with animals, monsters and monster people. |
Decent |
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (TV) A comedic action fighting anime with a good balance of slice of life and fan service. |
Good |
Kiddy Grade (TV) An all around mediocre space/mecha series with some nice female character designs. |
So-so |
Kids on the Slope (TV) Very emotional with great execution. |
Very good |
Kill la Kill (TV) An over the top, and at times nonsensical, anime that manages to be emotive and satisfactory. |
Excellent |
Killing Bites (TV) An action-ecchi show that failed to deliver fanservice and constant excitement. |
So-so |
Kimagure Orange Road (TV) An unusual romantic comedy that struggles to balance absurdity, comedy and romance. |
Decent |
Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You (TV) Emotive with likable characters, but the pace and story are kind of slow. |
Decent |
Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season (TV) Slow and frustrating first half; the last 5 episodes make up for some of it. |
Decent |
Kimikiss pure rouge (TV) An enjoyable romantic series with the right amount of drama and laughs. |
Good |
King's Game The Animation (TV) A sloppy but entertaining death survival anime that could have used more lurid sexual content. |
So-so |
(The) Kingdoms of Ruin (TV) A potentially interesting and thought provoking anime, but the execution is messy. |
So-so |
Kinmoza! Kiniro + Mosaic (TV) A very charming moe series with likable characters but not much of a story. |
Decent |
Kino's Journey (TV) A neat series with life lessons but a loose story. |
Good |
Kiznaiver (TV) A weird teen angst show with potential that never quite clicked. |
Good |
Knight's & Magic (TV) A formulaic otaku, action/adventure show that is never boring. |
So-so |
Knights of Sidonia (TV) An intriguing and somewhat interesting space/mecha/horror anime that feels sloppy at times. |
Decent |
Knights of Sidonia: Battle for Planet Nine (TV) This season continued to be exhilarating with interesting visuals, but the writing quality worsened. |
So-so |
Koi Kaze (TV) Controversial subject matter but worth a look. |
Good |
Kokkoku (TV) A weird but unique sci-fi show about human ambition, empathy and your place in the world. |
Decent (sub), Good (dub) |
Kokoro Connect (TV) A satisfying series with an inventive premise, nice characters and lots of emotions. |
Good |
Komi Can't Communicate (TV) A solid high school romantic comedy about a girl with social anxiety. |
Good |
Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life (TV 1) The first part of a solid high school teen drama centered around a music club. |
Good |
Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life (TV 2) A satisfying conclusion to a coming of age teen drama centered around playing music. |
Good |
Konohana Kitan (TV) A sweet, healing show revolving around cute fox girls. |
Good |
KONOSUBA - God's blessing on this wonderful world! 2 (TV) A still fun but less effective sequel. |
So-so |
KonoSuba – God’s blessing on this wonderful world! 3 (TV) This absurd comedy continues to be funny and irreverent. |
Good |
KonoSuba – God’s blessing on this wonderful world!! (TV) An entertaining show that parodies the isekai genre. |
Decent |
Kumamiko - Girl meets Bear (TV) A weird and twisted anime about a country girl and a bear. |
Good |
Kurau: Phantom Memory (TV) Okay story, but the characters were well done and easy to root for. |
Decent |
Kurenai (TV) A nice coming of age and emotional story but feels truncated. |
Decent |
Kurokami The Animation (TV) A formulaic action/adventure series with good character development and drama. |
Good |
Kuromukuro (TV) An often effective genre mash up that unfortunately has an incomplete story. |
Good |
Kyousougiga (TV) A creative and somewhat chaotic approach to a story about family, infused with Japanese folklore. |
Good |
Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne (TV) An overall positive first season of a mecha and teen drama/comedy show. |
Decent |
Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne (TV 2) The mediocre and convoluted plot drowned most of the good things from the first season. |
So-so |
Laid-Back Camp (TV) A relaxing show about girls camping. |
Good |
Laid-Back Camp (TV 2) A second season that elevates all the elements that made the first season so endearing. |
Very good |
Land of the Lustrous (TV) An interesting and mysterious CGI anime. |
Good |
Lapis Re:LiGHTs (TV) A charming idol show set in a magic school that largely focuses on its slice of life aspects. |
Decent |
Last Exile (TV) A steampunk-ish anime about a mysterious place and air ships fighting a war. |
Good |
Last Exile: Fam, The Silver Wing (TV) An entertaining sequel with inconsistent and lazy writing. |
Decent |
(The) Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These (TV) The first part of a space opera about war that has interesting characters. |
Good |
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Collision (movies) A third season that serves as a setup for big events to come. |
Good |
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Intrigue (movies) This fourth season continues to feel like setup for bigger things to come. |
Good |
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Second (movie series) Revolutions begin and things quickly escalate into bloodshed, political scheming and madness. |
Good |
(The) Legendary Hero is Dead! (TV) A dumb but generally entertaining fan service and fantasy show. |
So-so |
Let's Make a Mug Too (TV) A CGDCT show about pottery with a touch of drama. |
Decent |
Let's Make a Mug Too (TV 2) A second season with more meaningful character development. |
Good |
Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero (TV) A comedic slice of life anime about a former hero and the former demon lord. |
Good |
Little Witch Academia (TV) An entertaining and optimistic children's show. |
Good |
Log Horizon (TV) The first season of another players stuck in MMORPG anime that is engaging and has some brains. |
Decent |
Log Horizon (TV 2) A good second season with some chaotic narration that nonetheless sets the table for more content. |
Good |
Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table (TV) A third season that begins kind of chaotic, but it starts to shine when things calm down. |
Decent |
Loner Life in Another World (TV) An entertaining isekai about a guy who likes being a loner. |
Good |
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace note (TV) A spin off from the fate universe with appealing mystery solving and some fun otaku pandering. |
Decent |
(The) Lost Village (TV) A bad mystery show that became an unintentional comedy. |
So-so |
Love After World Domination (TV) A sweet romantic comedy about a super hero and a villainess. |
Good |
Love and Lies (TV) A weird romance story that never quite knew what it wanted to do. |
So-so |
Love Flops (TV) A sexy harem show that never found its footing and suddenly became something else. |
So-so |
Love Is Indivisible by Twins (TV) A love triangle anime with two female twins with the right idea but luckluster presentation. |
Decent |
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (TV) A new entry in the Love Live! franchise that is too by the numbers and generally feels uninspired. |
So-so |
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (TV 2) This sequel keeps up with the quality of the first season. |
Decent |
Love Live! School idol project (TV) An entertaining but bland and predictable series about dreams and, at times blind, optimism. |
Decent |
Love Live! School idol project (TV 2/2014) Despite a nice emotional payoff, season two struggles to establish a concrete narrative. |
So-so |
Love Live! Sunshine!! (TV) An enjoyable and more focused Love Live! season. |
Decent |
Love Live! Sunshine!! (TV 2) A second season that felt too much like padding. |
So-so |
Love Live! Superstar!! (TV) A very straight forward idol anime with likable characters. |
Decent |
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! (TV) An enjoyable romantic comedy with the right amount of craziness, laughs and tears. |
Very good |
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! -Heart Throb- (TV) It manages to end in a positive note after a slow first half, but it is not as good as the first season. |
Good |
Love, Election and Chocolate (TV) A solid harem, romantic comedy with surprising emotional writing. |
Good |
Lovely Complex (TV) A poorly animated romantic comedy with the right attitude, but the story/plot is weak. |
Decent |
Lucky Star (TV) A curious series about otaku themes that unfortunately feels like a giant commercial. |
Decent |
A Lull in the Sea (TV) A dramatic series that has its ups and downs, but it is ultimately an enjoyable, high quality work. |
Very good |
Luminous Witches (TV) An idol and SoL show set in the World Witches universe that actually works. |
Decent |
Lupin III: Part IV (TV 2015) A very polished Lupin the Third production that is a joy to watch. Best Lupin III ever! |
Very good |
Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (TV) An interesting look at the origins of Lupin III. |
Good |
Lupin the 3rd (TV) An old but charming show about a peculiar thief and his peculiar gang. |
Decent |
Lupin the 3rd Part 6 (TV) An entertaining but too inconsistent series. |
Decent |
Lupin the Third: Part 5 (TV) A good Lupin III series with some weak and dull episodes. |
Good |
Lycoris Recoil (TV) An exciting action show with some social commentary and two great female leads. |
Very good |
M3 the dark metal (TV) A sci-fi/mystery/terror anime with a decent premise that is bogged down by shaky execution. |
So-so |
Made in Abyss (TV) A satisfying and well crafted mystery, action/adventure anime. |
Very good |
Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun (TV 2) A heart wrenching sequel about ambition, regret and vengeance. |
Very good |
Madlax (TV) Strange characters creates a memorable experience that culminates in a bizarre ending. |
Good |
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic (TV) Another frustrating, inconsistent season of an anime that has potential to be much better. |
Decent |
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (TV) A fresh take on the shounen genre, but it losses steam in the last two thirds. |
Decent |
Magic Knight Rayearth (TV) A nice, enjoyable combination of shoujo, magic and mechas. |
Good |
Magic Knight Rayearth 2 (TV) Same formula as season one, but it gets good until the last third. |
Decent |
Magical Girl Raising Project (TV) A dark magical girls show that goes a bit too far with the carnage. |
Good |
(The) Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess (TV) A character driven fantasy anime revolving around two young women. |
Good |
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (TV) Parodying is amusing, but it can get tiresome. |
So-so |
Magical Warfare (TV) Another run of the mill fantasy/action anime that is not good but not that bad either. |
So-so |
(The) Magnificent KOTOBUKI (TV) A weird but amusing show about young women flying fighter airplanes. |
Decent |
Majestic Prince (TV) A mecha show revolving around teenagers that could have been better. |
Decent |
Major 2nd (TV) An entertaining show about elementary children playing baseball. |
Good |
Major 2nd (TV 2) After a strong start this sequel settles into an entertaining but unambitious show. |
Decent |
Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! (TV) A great mix of slice of life comedy, otaku tropes and drama. |
Very good |
Management of a Novice Alchemist (TV) A CGDCT show about an alchemist and her cute 3 friends. |
Decent |
Manyū Hiken-chō (TV) A heavy fanservice show with a fun but ridiculous premise. |
Decent |
MAOYU (TV) A well conceptualized series that combines, political, social and economic issues with otaku humor. |
Good |
March comes in like a lion (TV) A drama with a strong premise that gets bogged down by lack of focus and unfunny comedy. |
Good |
March comes in like a lion (TV 2) A marked improvement over the inconsistent first season. |
Very good |
Maria the Virgin Witch (TV) An interesting and amusing fantasy anime about humans' (and fantasy beings) place in the world. |
Very good |
Maria Watches Over Us (TV) A low key yuri show set in a Christian high school that has some nice, emotional moments. |
Good |
Maria Watches Over Us 3rd Season (OAV) The best written and looking season yet, but the story did not advance much. |
Good |
Maria Watches Over Us 4th Season (TV) This season finally solves a major plot point in a sincere but kind of clumsy manner. |
Good |
Maria Watches Over Us Season 2: Printemps (TV) A second season that is a step down because the story meanders too much and gets boring. |
Decent |
Megalobox (TV) A boxing show that feels like a throwback to late 90's cool, action anime. |
Very good |
Megalobox 2: Nomad (TV) A sequel with too many depressing moments that somehow concludes with a hopeful message. |
Very good |
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV) One of the most original series to have appeared in the last decade. |
Very good |
(The) Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (TV 2009 renewal) Endless Eight can be tiresome, but the rest is needed to better understand this franchise. |
Good |
Metallic Rouge (TV) A disappointing existentialist sci-fi show with great production values. |
Decent |
MF Ghost (TV) A solid sequel to a famous racing cars anime. |
Good |
MF Ghost (TV 2) A less dynamic season, but it continues to build up the story. |
Decent |
Michiko & Hatchin (TV) An action-oriented series about violence, (child) abuse and crime. |
Good |
Mieruko-chan (TV) A slice of life/horror anime with solid visuals but lackluster writing. |
Decent |
Miru Tights (ONA) A tights fetish show with some charm. |
So-so |
(The) Misfit of Demon King Academy (TV) Even with a rushed conclusion this is a fun and entertaining magic academy show. |
So-so |
(The) Misfit of Demon King Academy II (TV) A slower sequel that is still a fun and deliciously absurd experience. |
Decent |
(The) Misfit of Demon King Academy II (TV 2) A mediocre cour that I hope is the last one made. |
Not really good |
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (TV) An effective fantasy sitcom with plenty of laughs and heart warming moments. |
Good |
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S (TV) A disappointing sequel that betrays much of what made the first season special. |
Decent |
Miss Kuroitsu From the Monster Development Department (TV) An absurd comedy about the villians at a lab that produces monsters. |
Decent |
Mix: Meisei Story (TV) A sort of sequel to Touch that captures the fun and irreverent aspects of its predecessor. |
Good |
Mob Psycho 100 (TV) A visually inventive comedic drama. |
Good |
Mob Psycho 100 II (TV) A strong follow up to season one with some outstanding moments. |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam (TV) The introduction to the Gundam universe that can be rough, but is necessary. |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (TV) A non Universal Century Gundam series worried too much with warfare. |
Decent |
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season (TV) Does a good job tying together elements from part one; the characters feel better written too. |
Decent |
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) A sort of reboot with some good parts, that can be enjoyable. |
Decent |
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (TV) Not as effective as SEED but not terrible either. |
So-so |
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV) A different take on Gundam that falls flat. |
Decent |
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (TV) A good sequel to Zeta, but better focus would have made it better. |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (TV) A sort of atypical Gundam show that is very emotionally moving. |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (TV 2) A second season that is more interested in action than actual character development. |
Decent |
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (TV) The first part of a Gundam show that is a mixed bag of good and bad. |
Good |
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (TV 2) An emotionally intense second season that wraps things in a satisfying manner. |
Good |
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (TV) A sloppy follow up to original Gundam. |
Good |
Monogatari Series Second Season (TV) A high quality series that builds up on the concepts first introduced in Bakemonogatari. |
Very good |
MONOGATARI Series: OFF & MONSTER Season (TV) An entertaining and kind of interesting Monogatari entry. |
Good |
Monster (TV) A great anime that everyone needs to watch. Shame on Viz for not releasing all of it on DVD. |
Excellent |
Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls (TV) An entertaining, raunchy harem show about living with monster women. |
Decent |
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (TV) An effective school romantic comedy that unfortunately is too episodic at times and is inconclusive. |
Decent |
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers (TV) A romantic comedy with potential because of the charming lead couple. |
Decent |
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (TV) A gorgeous looking series with a good story and great characters that come together beautifully. |
Masterpiece |
(The) Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior (TV) Another isekai villainess with potential, but the show did not do much with its premise. |
Decent |
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory (TV) A dumb fanservice show with a surprising solid conclusion. |
So-so |
Motto To Love Ru (TV) A second season composed of short stories that feels less focused. |
Decent |
Ms. vampire who lives in my neighborhood (TV) A very effective CGDCT show that revolves around vampires. |
Decent |
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (TV 1) An isekai fantasy with strong visuals and an intriguing story with frequent instances of sexual perversion. |
Good |
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (TV 2) A more dramatic second part that continues to make the story more intriguing. |
Very good |
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation II (TV 3) Another gorgeous looking cour that did not advance the story much. |
Very good |
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation II (TV 4) After a sloppy first half, the rest delivers one of the best arcs in this whole anime. |
Good |
Muv-Luv Alternative (TV) An inconsistent Muv-Luv anime that is frankly boring. |
So-so |
Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse (TV) An okay premise with female eye candy, but it felt too chaotic and oversimplified at times. |
So-so |
My Dress-Up Darling (TV) A sexy but sweet romantic comedy with potential to be special. |
Good |
My First Girlfriend is a Gal (TV) An ecchi, romantic comedy with some heart. |
So-so |
My Hero Academia (TV) An optimistic shounen action show with very likable and endearing characters. |
Good |
My Hero Academia (TV 2) A big improvement over the already good first season. |
Very good |
My Hero Academia (TV 3) A third season with a powerful first half but with a dull second half in comparison. |
Good |
My Hero Academia (TV 4) Another solid season, but it dragged too much in its first half. |
Good |
My Hero Academia (TV 5) A bounce back season after a disappointing season four. |
Good |
My Hero Academia (TV 6) An emotional season thaf sets the table for the conclusion of the story. |
Good |
My Hero Academia (TV 7) A seventh season that is inching closer to a conclusion, but it is starting to become a drag. |
Good |
My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered (TV) A ridiculous isekai show with not much rhyme or reason, but it is somehow endearing. |
So-so |
My Isekai Life (TV) A run of the mill isekai show. |
So-so |
My Life as Inukai-san's Dog (TV) A fanservice show about a guy who transforms into a dog. |
So-so |
My Little Monster (TV) An intriguing and entertaining mix of weirdness, comedy, drama and melancholy. |
Good |
My Love Story!! (TV) A well made but very sweet shoujo romantic comedy. |
Good |
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (TV) An emotional and inventive isekai show about a very kind teenage girl and her friends. |
Very good |
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! X (TV 2) It is not as good as season one, but it still has plenty of charm and heart. |
Good |
My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex (TV) An unusual romance show about a former couple that become step sibblings. |
Good |
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU (TV) A clever series that wants to debunk typical tropes in anime romantic comedies. |
Good |
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax (TV 3) After a run of often roundabout episodes the finale brings this franchise to a very strong conclusion. |
Good |
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO! (TV) It puts the cynicism of season one on the back burner to focus on complex, poignant emotions. |
Good |
My Unique Skill Makes Me OP even at Level 1 (TV) A very basic isekai harem with a cute and heartful vibe. |
So-so |
My-HiME (TV) A sometimes clumsy but ultimately satisfying school romantic comedy with mechas and sci-fi. |
Good |
Myriad Colors Phantom World (TV) Another visually impressive show from Kyoto Animation, but it is badly written. |
So-so |
Mysteria Friends (TV) A slice of life and yuri show set in a fantasy setting. |
Decent |
Mysterious Disappearances (TV) A strange show about supernatural mysteries with out of place fanservice. |
Good |
Mysterious Girlfriend X (TV) Nice romantic comedy with a weird twist. |
Good |
Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water (TV) A fun, action/adventure story with influences from anime from the past. |
Good |
NAKAIMO - My Little Sister Is Among Them! (TV) An okay harem anime with some pervy content. |
So-so |
NANA (TV) A very emotional and nicely paced series that I wish could have reached a proper conclusion. |
Good |
Narenare -Cheer for you!- (TV) An original P.A. Works light drama that looks and feels half baked. |
Good |
Naruto (TV) A shounen series that can have touchy moments. |
Decent |
Natsuiro Kiseki (TV) Not a bad premise but lousy execution. |
So-so |
Natsume Yūjin-Chō Go (TV 5) Another solid season from this healing franchise. |
Good |
Natsume Yūjin-Chō Roku (TV 6) This is another solid season that might the last one of this anime franchise. |
Good |
Natsume's Book of Friends (TV) A healing anime about humans and spirits living side by side. |
Decent |
Natsume's Book of Friends (TV 2) A better written and more compelling second season. |
Good |
Natsume's Book of Friends (TV 3) Things continued to become more complex in this season. |
Good |
Natsume's Book of Friends (TV 4) The most intense and perhaps best season. |
Good |
Natsuyuki Rendezvous (TV) A mature romantic story told in a peculiar and somewhat roundabout way. |
Good |
Negative Positive Angler (TV) A weird coming of age show about weird people fishing. |
Good |
Nekopara (TV) An otaku SOL show with sweet (and some pervy) moments. |
Decent |
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) The imperfect masterpiece that is complex and has a bit of everything that makes anime awesome. |
Masterpiece |
Netsuzou Trap -NTR- (TV) A mediocre, trashy lesbian short anime. |
Not really good |
New Game! (TV) A sweet and charming moe show about young working women. |
Good |
New Game!! (TV 2) A strong second season with better character writing. |
Good |
(The) New Gate (TV) A sort of SAO/Overlord style show that is an acquired taste. |
So-so |
Nichijou - My Ordinary Life (TV) A well-animated anime with brilliant moments of comedy. |
Good |
NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a (TV) A post apocalypse sci-fi show with solid ideas and strong production values. |
Good |
NieR:Automata Ver 1.1a (TV 2) It continues to be a very solid and intriguing show, but it became too dark. |
Good |
Night Raid 1931 (TV) A historical series that is hard to get into because of its brevity. |
So-so |
Ninja Scroll (TV) If the movie had been more like this series, it would not have been worthless. |
Decent |
Nisekoi - False Love (TV) A genuinely entertaining romantic comedy, but often unimaginative writing drags it down. |
Decent |
Nisekoi: (TV 2) An uninspired sequel that is all over the place. |
Not really good |
Nisemonogatari (TV) Not as great as Bakemonogatari but needed to complement it. |
Good |
No Game, No Life (TV) A dumb but appealing enough isekai show. |
Decent |
No Guns Life (TV) The first part of a steampunk, detective story revolving around a peculiar bounty hunter. |
Decent |
No Guns Life (TV 2) The fun action shifted to a darker and more convoluted direction. |
So-so |
No. 6 (TV) A dystopian show with endearing characters. |
Good |
Nobunaga Teacher's Young Bride (TV) A stupid, fanservice show that could have been something in a longer format. |
Not really good |
Nobunaga The Fool (TV) An overambitious fantasy with mechas and historical figures that feels derivative at the end. |
Decent |
Noein - to your other self (TV) A love and friendship story combined with interesting science concepts. |
Decent |
Noir (TV) Conspiracy and assassins stories can be very cool. |
Very good |
Non Non Biyori (TV) A delightful anime that follows the adventures of four odd but charming girls living in a rural area. |
Good |
Non Non Biyori Nonstop (TV 3) A third season that does a great job exploring the emotional legacy of the franchise. |
Good |
Non Non Biyori Repeat (TV 2) Pretty much as good as the first season, but it feels less enjoyable. |
Good |
Noragami (TV) An entertaining anime with a neat premise and likable characters. |
Good |
Noragami Aragoto (TV) A very emotional second season from a franchise that is becoming more interesting and attractive. |
Very good |
Now and Then, Here and There (TV) A brutal story about senseless war, child abuse and other heinous acts that has a message of hope. |
Good |
O Maidens in Your Savage Season (TV) A coming of age dramedy about five high school girls struggling with identity, hormones and sexuality. |
Very good |
Occult Academy (TV) Enjoyable mystery but does not have much closure. |
So-so |
Occultic;Nine (TV) A weird anime with some neat things that ultimately needed better writing. |
Decent |
Ōkami-san & Her Seven Companions (TV) A romantic comedy that tries to do some innovations but ultimately ends up being formulaic. |
So-so |
One Punch Man (TV) A fun and energetic action-oriented show with not much of a story. |
Good |
One Week Friends (TV) A heartfelt, romantic story that ultimately is too redundant to be considered truly special. |
Good |
Orange (TV) An emotional series with potential that struggled to be entertaining and engaging. |
Good |
Oreimo (TV) Well made series but what's up with the ending. |
Good |
Oreimo 2 (TV) It was as entertaining as season 1, but it felt weaker across the board. |
Decent |
Oreshura (TV) An entertaining harem series that tries to do some innovations, but it is not quite successful. |
Decent |
Oshi no Ko (TV) An idol show that is trying to redefine the genre. |
Good |
Oshi no Ko (TV 2) A second season that starts to get into the meat of the story in very effective ways. |
Very good |
Otaku Elf (TV) A slice of life show centered around an elf and her miko attendant and friend. |
Good |
Otherside Picnic (TV) An unusual sci-fi show about dimension travel with yuri undertones that needed a clearer focus. |
Decent |
Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me (TV) A high school romance about a nerdy guy and a garyu type girl with likable characers. |
Decent |
Our love has always been 10 centimeters apart. (TV) A sweet teen romance story with some melodrama. |
Good |
Ouran High School Host Club (TV) A strange mix of romance, comedy and drama that feels very rewarding. |
Very good |
Outbreak Company (TV) An entertaining and heart warming mix of medieval fantasy, otaku culture and conspiracy. |
Good |
Outlaw Star (TV) Great action/adventure series with a typical 90's style. |
Good |
Overlord (TV) A trapped in a game anime that eventually becomes compelling. |
Decent |
Overlord II (TV) A very mediocre sequel to an already shaky anime. |
Not really good |
Overlord III (TV) A season that seems to return to the core concceps that worked in season 1. |
So-so |
Overlord IV (TV) This entertaining season concludes some things but opens up new questions. |
Decent |
Owarimonogatari (TV) A solid and kind of eclectic entry in the Monogatari franchise that is not very remarkable. |
Good |
Parallel World Pharmacy (TV) An isekai show about a boy pharmacist that tries to bring something new to the genre. |
Good |
Paranoia Agent (TV) Thrilling and mysterious throughout. |
Good |
Parasyte -the maxim- (TV) A well done, intense anime with a very interesting premise, but some flaws kept it from greatness. |
Excellent |
Patlabor the Mobile Police (TV) A comedic series about the adventures and misadventures of a group of quirky police officers. |
Very good |
Penguindrum (TV) A very imaginative and deeply emotional story. |
Masterpiece |
(The) Perfect Insider (TV) A weird but cool anime with eccentric characters revolving around an unusual mystery. |
Good |
(The) Pet Girl of Sakurasou (TV) A comedic slice of life story that occasionally surprises the audience with very emotive moments. |
Good |
Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time (TV) An entertaining fanservice show about an unfaithful horn dog. |
So-so |
Phantom of the Idol (TV) A silly but entertaining comedy about two male idols, a phantom and their crazy fans. |
Decent |
Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ (TV) An inferior imitation of past "girls with guns" series from Bee Train. |
Decent |
(The) Pilot's Love Song (TV) A teen drama with a strange but solid premise, but it could have been better and longer. |
Decent |
Ping Pong (TV) A feel good and coming of age sports story with a very unique visual style. |
Very good |
A Place Further Than the Universe (TV) An unusual but very solid coming of age story. |
Good |
Planet With (TV) A mecha show with likable characters and a right attitude. |
Good |
Planetes (TV) A very well constructed and paced show about dreams and sacrifices. |
Excellent |
Plastic Memories (TV) A cute and heart warming romance drama, but it is not a sci-fi thriller. |
Decent |
Please Teacher! (TV) An unusual romantic comedy with some touchy moments. |
Good |
Please tell me! Galko-chan (TV) A horny but endearing show about typical teenagers. |
Decent |
Please Twins! (TV) A less consistent show than its predecessor (Please Teacher!), but it wraps up nicely. |
Decent |
Plus-Sized Elf (TV) A comedic ecchi show about female mythical beings with weight issues. |
Not really good |
Police in a Pod (TV) A generally comedic slice of life anime about a rookie female cop and her senpai. |
Decent |
Polyphonica (TV) An unusual but enjoyable show about warriors called spirits and music. |
Decent |
Pon no Michi (TV) Besides the mahjong this is a very standard slice of life show. |
Decent |
(The) Price of Smiles (TV) A dramatic sci-fi show with some intriguing ideas, but it lacked better writing and pacing. |
So-so |
Prima Doll (TV) An emotional CGDCT show about robots and war. |
Decent |
Princess Jellyfish (TV) The concept is good but why create such a short series. |
Decent |
Princess Principal (TV) An effective steam punk, spies show with cute girls. |
Good |
Princess Tutu (TV) It should have continued as the first half all the way through. |
Decent |
Prison School (TV) A raunchy, perverted comedy that is surprisingly effective and smart. |
Decent |
(The) Promised Neverland (TV) A survival show centered around children. |
Decent |
(The) Promised Neverland (TV 2) An initially interesting sequel that unfortunately rushes the story to arrive at a very contrived conclusion. |
So-so |
Psycho-Pass (TV) A very well done, thought-provoking, and at times brutal, science fiction thriller. |
Very good |
Psycho-Pass 2 (TV) A mostly pointless sequel, but not a total waste. |
Decent |
Psycho-Pass 3 (TV) An okay written third season with good action and visuals, but it has no conclusion. |
Decent |
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (TV) A great series that is not afraid to take different directions. |
Masterpiece |
Queen's Blade: Rebellion (TV) Another ridiculous but fun season that introduces new boobs, I mean characters. |
So-so |
(The) Quintessential Quintuplets (TV) A decent romantic comedy about a guy and five sisters. |
Decent |
(The) Quintessential Quintuplets ∬ (TV 2) A very busy second season that offers high emotions and very compelling character development. |
Decent |
(The) Qwaser of Stigmata (TV) An ecchi/action series with some likable characters and an okay premise. |
Good |
(The) Qwaser of Stigmata II (TV) A super stupid and inconsistent sequel. |
Weak |
R.O.D -The TV- Very good emotional moments with some annoying characters. |
Decent |
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis (TV) An exciting, and at times touchy, fantasy series that combines several mythologies. |
Good |
Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul (TV) An inconsistent but solid follow up to an unusual fantasy, action/adventure franchise. |
Good |
Ragna Crimson (TV) A high energy, action fantasy show that had potential to be even better. |
Good |
RahXephon (TV) An inconsistent sci-fi/fantasy show with too many Evangelion similarities. |
Good |
Rail Wars! (TV) A clumsily written, but entertaining harem, fanservice anime about a train security unit. |
So-so |
Ranking of Kings (TV) An emotional, medieval style fantasy that could have done more with its premise. |
Very good |
Ranma ½ (TV 1/1989) It has a very funny start, but repetition and non-ending makes it tedious at times. |
So-so |
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (TV) A well-written slice of life anime with big laughs and poignant but cathartic emotions. |
Very good |
Re-Kan! (TV) A surprisingly emotional comedic show about a high school girl who can interact with spirits. |
Decent |
Re:CREATORS (TV) An ambitious and interesting show that needed a bit more to be great. |
Good |
Re:Monster (TV) An irreverent action/adventure show about an evolved, powerful ogre. |
Decent |
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (TV) A fantasy otaku show with lots of intensity and promise. |
Very good |
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (TV 2) Another interesting season from the best isekai show, but all the twists and turns hurt its narrative. |
Good |
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (TV 3) An emotional and largely satisfying conclusion to an unnecessary convoluted second season. |
Very good |
Real Girl (TV) A sincere but mediocre romance story centered around a geeky guy and a pretty girl. |
So-so |
Real Girl (TV 2) This mediocre romance story concludes in a predictable but ultimately sweet way. |
Decent |
Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon (TV) An isekai with a ridiculous premise, but it works, and it did not suck. |
Decent |
Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire (TV) An entertaining but unoriginal reincarnated/magical academy show with nice eye candy. |
So-so |
Record of Grancrest War (TV) A typical fantasy show with some nice moments, but it is undermined by a rushed and weird pace. |
So-so |
Recovery of an MMO Junkie (TV) A sweet and simple romantic comedy. |
Good |
Red Data Girl (TV) A fantasy/youkai anime with an intriguing and kind of interesting premise, but the execution is too clumsy. |
Decent |
Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars (TV) A surprisingly compelling show about cute girls fighting evil with mechas. |
So-so |
Reign of the Seven Spellblades (TV) A solid magic anime that resembles Harry Potter. |
Good |
Reincarnated as a Sword (TV) A charming and wholesome fantasy anime about a catgirl and her sentient magic sword. |
Good |
Release the Spyce (TV) A fun and mostly relaxing show about cute spy girls. |
Good |
ReLIFE (TV) A school drama/comedy with a weird premise, but it has strong characters. |
Good |
Remake Our Life! (TV) An otaku dramedy about traveling back in time to try to correct past life mistakes. |
Good |
Rent-A-Girlfriend (TV) A romantic comedy with a provocative premise that could have used better writing. |
Good |
Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV) A very original series that masterfully showcases many of the best things anime can do. |
Masterpiece |
Revue Starlight (TV) An Utena-like show about nine girls struggling for their dreams. |
Good |
Rideback (TV) A weird motorcycle drama that never really gets good. |
Decent |
RIN - Daughters of Mnemosyne (TV) Bizarre, gory and actually enjoyable, but the ending lost me. |
Decent |
(The) Rising of The Shield Hero (TV) An isekai show with some good ideas, but it has lousy and lazy writing. |
Decent |
(The) Rising of the Shield Hero Season 3 (TV) It continues to be a pretty to look at but incredibly written show. |
Decent |
Robotics;Notes (TV) A quirky, otaku-laced series with some dramatic twists that is just good, not very remarkable. |
Good |
Rocket Girls (TV) A weird but amusing show about teenage girls astronauts. |
Decent |
Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (TV) After a promising start, this action/adventure show turns into a giant set up for a second season. |
So-so |
Rosario + Vampire (TV) Cool take on the monster genre with enjoyable characters. |
Decent |
Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (TV) Not as good as season one but still entertaining. |
So-so |
(The) Rose of Versailles (TV) A good but uneven series that starts clumsily and begins to truly shine until its last third. |
Good |
Rumble Garanndoll (TV) A goofy anime about a rag team of otaku rebels that felt lacking in something. |
Good |
Rumbling Hearts (TV) Very corny at times but with appealing and believable characters. |
Decent |
Run with the Wind (TV) A solid drama about ten young men doing long running. |
Very good |
Rurouni Kenshin (TV 1996) An entertaining action/adventure show with some inconsistencies. |
Good |
(The) Sacred Blacksmith (TV) A promising medieval fantasy series with a solid premise and strong leads. |
Good |
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend (TV) A harem anime that occasionally has clever and amusing commentary on otaku culture. |
Decent |
Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend Flat (TV) Season two is a surprising but pleasant improvement over the first season. |
Decent |
Sailor Moon (TV) Aimed at girls but can be enjoyed by everyone. |
Good |
Sailor Moon R (TV) The formula from season one keeps working but with lesser success. |
Decent |
Sailor Moon S (TV) Sailor Moon gets dark. |
Very good |
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (TV) Strays a bit from the formula, but it is a good, dark and very emotional series. |
Good |
Sailor Moon SuperS (TV) The weakest season because things get too crazy. |
So-so |
Saint Seiya (TV) A shounen with Greek and Nordic mythology. |
Good |
Saint Seiya: Saintia Shō (ONA) A sloppy but well intended spinoff revolving around female saints. |
So-so |
(The) Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent (TV) A sweet (and sometimes cheesy) isekai about a young woman who becomes a powerful mage. |
Good |
(The) Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent (TV 2) A second season that provides an adequate conclusion to the story. |
Good |
Sakura Quest (TV) A pretty to look at slice of life show that needed better focus. |
Good |
Sakura Trick (TV) A yuri romantic comedy that is kind of horny. |
Decent |
A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics (TV) A weird anime about weirdos that had potential for more. |
Good |
Samurai Bride (TV) A consistent sequel, but it somehow feels a little off. |
So-so |
Samurai Champloo (TV) Crazy and fun with a memorable story and great characters. |
Very good |
Samurai Flamenco (TV) A superhero tale that was interesting and original at first, but the producers destroyed a lot of it. |
So-so |
Samurai Girls (TV) Nice fanservice but mediocre writing. |
So-so |
Sands of Destruction (TV) Formulaic but with actual good character development. |
Decent |
Sarazanmai (TV) A surreal show about overcoming life's adversities and connecting with others. |
Good |
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai (TV) A weird and convoluted SHAFT anime that combines otaku clinches and Japanese mythology. |
Decent |
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement (TV) An isekai show that tries to do something different but needed some more work. |
Good |
Say "I love you." (TV) A good enough but unremarkable school romance drama. |
Decent |
Scarlet Nexus (TV) A needesly roundabout sci-fi, apocalyptic anime that could have been better. |
So-so |
School Rumble (TV) One of the funniest and craziest school comedies you will ever see. |
Good |
School-Live! (TV) A well executed zombie apocalypse story with moe elements. |
Good |
Schwarzes Marken (TV) A bleak but kind of interesting show that could have been better with more episodes. |
Decent |
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It (TV) A romantic comedy about two dumb scientists in love. |
Decent |
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It. r=1-sinθ (TV 2) A more confident sequel that is better well put together in general. |
Good |
Scorching Ping Pong Girls (TV) A yuri show about often over excited girls playing ping pong. |
So-so |
Scrapped Princess (TV) An unusual but ultimately effective action/adventure fantasy show. |
Good |
Scum's Wish (TV) A dark but thoughtful and redeeming story about young love. |
Good |
Seirei Gensouki - Spirit Chronicles (TV) A generic isekai with charming girls and some heart warming moments. |
Decent |
Seirei Gensouki - Spirit Chronicles (TV 2) It continues to be a mostly relaxing isekai show with cute girls. |
Decent |
Seiren (TV) Another bland, hormonal teenage romance with multiple routes. |
So-so |
Sekirei (TV) It shows that harem can actually have good stories. |
Decent |
Sekirei: Pure Engagement (TV) Just as season one. |
Decent |
Senryū Girl (TV) A simple show about a girl who communicates through poems. |
So-so |
Seraph of the End: Battle in Nagoya (TV) A more focused second season that keeps having good ideas, but the execution is still lacking. |
Good |
Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign (TV) A well produced science fiction show that has potential to be good. |
Decent |
Serial Experiments Lain (TV) Interesting concepts but questionable execution. |
Decent |
Servant × Service (TV) An entertaining comedy about young adults that needed more consistency to be good. |
Decent |
Seton Academy: Welcome to the Pack (TV) An entertaining school comedy about a school full of anthropomorphic animals. |
Decent |
(The) Seven Deadly Sins (TV) A solid action/adventure show with potential to grow and improve with subsequent seasons. |
Good |
(The) Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement (TV) A tedious season with long fights that manages to bring the story closer to a conclusion. |
So-so |
(The) Seven Deadly Sins: Imperial Wrath of The Gods (TV) This emotional third season reveals the genesis of the story, but its pacing and visuals are uneven. |
Decent |
(The) Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments (TV) A solid sequel that slowly but surely continues to build up its story and characters. |
Good |
Seven Mortal Sins (TV) A fanservice show where devils are voluptuous and temperamental women. |
So-so |
Shadows House (TV) An intriguing and interesting mystery show that deals with social hierarchy and control. |
Very good |
Shadows House (TV 2) The mysteries and existentialist commentary continues to unfold in this season. |
Good |
Shakugan no Shana (TV) Good character interactions, but story never clicks. |
Decent |
Shakugan no Shana III (Final) (TV) The abrupt shift from a more character driven story to action make this season boring and dull. |
Not really good |
Shakugan no Shana Second (TV) More character driven, but the story is still not coming together. |
Decent |
Shangri-La Frontier (TV) A VRMMO anime that started fun but became somewhat tedious along the way. |
Decent |
SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist (TV) An entertaining ecchi show with a provocative premise, but mediocre writing bogs it down. |
So-so |
Shine Post (TV) An idol show with good intentions that takes a while to get going, but the payoff is nice. |
Good |
Shinobi no Ittoki (TV) A modern ninjas show that starts relaxing and then becomes a decent drama. |
Good |
Shirobako (TV) An endearing anime with a neat premise that was well executed. |
Very good |
SHOSHIMIN: How to become Ordinary (TV) A romantic-ish show about solving small mysteries. |
Good |
Shōwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjū (TV) A terrific period drama revolving around a performance art known as rakugo. |
Very good |
A Sign of Affection (TV) A heart warming romance show about a deaf young woman. |
Very good |
Silver Spoon (TV) A good start to an anime about ranching that appears to have an emotional story underneath it. |
Good |
Silver Spoon (TV 2) A sequel that focuses too much on exposition rather than advancing the story and characters. |
Decent |
Sing "Yesterday" for Me (TV) A competent but not great coming of age light drama focused on young adults. |
Good |
Sirius the Jaeger (TV) An action show with pretty visuals about vampires and other monsters set in Imperial Japan. |
Decent |
A Sister's All You Need (TV) A pervy otaku show with occasional good drama. |
Decent |
Skeleton Knight in Another World (TV) An initially rapey fantasy anime that eventually starts to develop an intriguing storyline. |
Decent |
Skip and Loafer (TV) An optimistic romantic comedy with some depth and well conceived characters. |
Very good |
(The) Slayers (TV) Cool take on sorcery and monsters. |
Decent |
(The) Slayers Next (TV) More coolness on sorcery and monsters. |
So-so |
(The) Slayers Try (TV) Same formula with the addition of a memorable couple. |
Decent |
Slow Loop (TV) A solid CGDCT show about fishing. |
Decent |
Smile Down the Runway (TV) A decent show about young people trying to succeed in the fashion industry. |
Decent |
Smile of the Arsnotoria the Animation (TV) A unique show about cute girls that runs parallel to something dark and sinister. |
Good |
Snow White with the Red Hair (TV) A shoujo-type anime with a fairy tale setting that is trying to transcend its genre. |
Very good |
Snow White with the Red Hair (TV 2) A solid cour that does a good job complementing the first part. |
Good |
So I'm a Spider, So What? (TV) An isekai with a very peculiar main character that tries to bring freshness to the genre. |
Decent |
Solty Rei (TV) An emotional sci-fi show with some good ideas. |
Good |
Somali and the Forest Spirit (TV) An amusing and heartfelt story about a daughter and her father. |
Good |
Someday's Dreamers (TV) Slice of life and supernatural do not mix well here. |
So-so |
SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation (TV) An upbeat and optimistic slice of life show about a famous fictional character. |
So-so |
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen (TV 2020) A sloppy but entertaining fantasy, action/adventure show. |
So-so |
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen -Chaos in Urbanrama- (TV) The story continues to unfold, but the destination continues to be unclear. |
So-so |
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen -Doom of Dragon's Sanctuary- (TV) It more or less concludes an important arc, but the story does not seem to be over. |
So-so |
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck (TV) A less dynamic and entertaining season that focuses on a single, long arc. |
So-so |
Soul Eater (TV) A shounen/monsters anime that can be dull and boring. |
So-so |
Soul Eater Not! (TV) A moe and yuri-ish Soul Eater that is more entertaining and amusing than the original. |
Good |
Sound of the Sky (TV) Atmospheric, mysterious, artistic, moesy, emotive; worth watching. |
Good |
Sound! Euphonium (TV) Not just a pretty looking show, but one with depth and strong characters. |
Very good |
Sound! Euphonium 2 (TV) A strong second season that nicely complements the first season. |
Very good |
Sound! Euphonium 3 (TV) The least good season, but it concludes the story in a very satisfying manner. |
Good |
Space Adventure Cobra (TV) An old but generally entertaining action/adventure show. |
So-so |
Space Brothers (TV) An enjoyable feel good and coming of age story about astronauts. |
Good |
Space Dandy (TV) A wacky space adventure with interesting, experimental episodes. |
Very good |
Space Dandy Season 2 (TV) A wacky space adventure with interesting, experimental episodes. |
Very good |
Space Pirate Captain Harlock (TV) An ambitious but shaky space opera with occasional brilliant moments. |
Decent |
Speed Grapher (TV) Lots of emotions and nasty revelations but not memorable. |
Decent |
Spice & Wolf: merchant meets the wise wolf (TV) A solid reboot of a romance story with elements of commerce and fantasy. |
Good |
Spice and Wolf (TV) An enjoyable strange mix of economics, romance and supernatural in a medieval setting. |
Good |
Spice and Wolf II (TV) Much the same as season one but mellower to me. |
Good |
Spy Classroom (TV) An otaku show about young female spies that is uneven and incomplete. |
So-so |
Spy Classroom (TV 2) A second cour with a better narrative structure and actual character development. |
Decent |
Spy×Family (TV) A fun action/adventure show about a very unique family. |
Good |
Spy×Family (TV 2) It continues to be an entertaining but often uneven show. |
Good |
Spy×Family (TV 3) Another cour of the same fun but mostly bland entertainment. |
Good |
SSSS.Dynazenon (TV) This second entry in the SSSS universe starts strong, but the last third is kind of weak. |
Good |
SSSS.Gridman (TV) A weird teen drama with kaiju and mechas. |
Good |
Star Blazers (TV) A somewhat ham-fisted but exciting and innovative space adventure classic. |
Very good |
Star Blazers 2199 (TV) A reimagining of a classic that ends up being the definitive version of Space Battleship Yamato. |
Masterpiece |
Star Blazers 2202 (movies) A philosophical and existentialist sequel that at times struggles to convey its objectives. |
Decent |
Star Driver (TV) Poor imitation of Utena that never seems to click. |
Decent |
Stars Align (TV) An appealing teen drama that unfortunately ends incomplete and in an extremely depressing manner. |
Decent |
Starship Operators (TV) Descent watch but not much more. |
Decent |
Steins;Gate (TV) A strange mix of science fiction, comedy, drama and otaku culture that somehow works together. |
Very good |
Steins;Gate 0 (TV) A forgettable and very underwhelming spinoff/sequel of Steins;Gate. |
Decent |
Stella of the Theater: World Dai Star (TV) A CGDCT show about theater acting that somehow manages to be captivating and moving. |
Good |
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (TV) Formulaic but with nice character development. |
Decent |
Stratos 4 (TV) A show about cute girls protecting Earth from meteorites. |
Good |
Strike the Blood (TV) A cliche supernatural, harem anime that managed to be memorable and charming to me. |
Decent |
Strike Witches (TV) Formulaic series with tons of crotch shots, but not the worst I have seen. |
So-so |
Strike Witches 2 (TV) This season is also entertaining despite being a mostly mediocre anime. |
So-so |
(The) Strongest Sage With the Weakest Crest (TV) This is just another run of the mill fantasy anime with magic and demons. |
So-so |
Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included (TV) A harem show where the girls are legendary creatures. |
So-so |
Summer Time Rendering (TV) A great thriller that combines Japanese mythology, action and otaku tropes. |
Excellent |
Summoned to Another World for a Second Time (TV) Yet another uninspired isekai show, but the women are attractive. |
So-so |
Sunday Without God (TV) An initial intriguing premise that is bogged down by shaky writing and silly anime tropes. |
So-so |
Super Cub (TV) A mostly relaxing show about a shy teenage girl whose life changes after buying a motorcycle. |
Good |
(The) Super Dimension Fortress Macross (TV) An often clumsy but sincere space opera with a message of pacifism. |
Decent |
Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town (TV) A fantasy parody with a harem and an annoyingly clueless and over powered main character. |
Decent |
Suzuka (TV) A decent teen romance show with inconsistent but emotionally endearing writing. |
Decent |
Sweet Blue Flowers (TV) A well crafted coming of age, yuri series. |
Very good |
Sword Art Online (TV) An exciting but inconsistent series with a neat premise. |
Decent |
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online (TV) A fun SAO side adventure. |
Decent |
Sword Art Online II (TV) Even prettier visuals, but it is still filled with idiotic writing. |
So-so |
Sword Art Online: Alicization (TV) This better written entry tries to blur the line between real life and VR. |
Decent |
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld (TV) The buildup from the previous season comes to fruition in this engaging cour. |
Good |
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Part 2 (TV) This emotive, climatic cour works as a conclusion for the themes of the whole franchise. |
Good |
Sword Oratoria: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? On the Side (TV) An entertaining and fun spinoff of Danmachi. |
Decent |
Symphogear (TV) A weird, sloppy and entertaining show with magical girls, idols and mechas. |
Decent |
Symphogear AXZ (TV) The series continues to chug along and seems to set up the grand finale. |
Decent |
Symphogear G (TV) The storyline becomes even more convoluted, but it manages to end in a very high note. |
Decent |
Symphogear GX (TV) A third season that actually has consistent and clearer writing. |
Good |
Symphogear XV (TV) A bit of a clumpsy season, but the conclusion to the franchise is satisfying enough. |
Decent |
Taboo Tattoo (TV) An initially entertaining hot mess that became too nonsensical and boring. |
Not really good |
Tada Never Falls in Love (TV) A sweet romantic comedy that meanders a little but ultimately concludes in a satisfying manner. |
Good |
Taisho Baseball Girls (TV) A charming and feminist show about girls playing baseball in 1920s Japan. |
Good |
Taisho Otome Fairy Tale (TV) A heart warming shoujo romance set in the Taisho era. |
Good |
Takunomi. (TV) A silly show about four young women who like to drink at home. |
So-so |
Talentless Nana (TV) An assassination anime set in a high school with mystery and psychological elements. |
Decent |
Tales of Wedding Rings (TV) A mediocre but fun harem isekai show with boobs. |
So-so |
Tamako Market (TV) A quirky but charming slice of life-ish anime. |
Good |
Tamayomi: The Baseball Girls (TV) A positive baseball show with likable characters, but its visual quality is poor. |
So-so |
Tamayura - Hitotose (TV) A healing show about four high school girls and their dreams. |
Good |
Tari Tari (TV) A heartwarming story about music with appealing characters. |
Good |
(The) Tatami Galaxy (TV) A unique but roundabout story that is ultimately satisfying. |
Good |
Tearmoon Empire (TV) A comedic life remake, fantasy show about a bumbling princess. |
Good |
Tears to Tiara (TV) Okay medieval fantasy series that does not bring much new to the table. |
So-so |
Tenjho Tenge (TV) A crazy but intriguing martial arts anime with plenty of female voluptuous bodies and panty shots. |
Decent |
Terror in Resonance (TV) A suspense show with a provocative premise, but its purpose is kind of nebulous. |
Good |
(The) Testament of Sister New Devil (TV) A dark fantasy, haren, ecchi with surprisingly competent writing. |
Decent |
(The) Testament of Sister New Devil BURST (TV) A sequel more focused on action and ecchi content. |
So-so |
Texhnolyze (TV) Painfully emotional and philosophical ride, but I fail to see greatness. |
So-so |
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV) An isekai about a powerful slime with themes of friendship and anti racism. |
Good |
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV 2) A sequel with a couple of nice moments, but the narrative is all over the place. |
Decent |
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV 3) It somehow solves the major conflicts from season 2. |
Decent |
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV 4) This a very chill but still enjoyable season. |
Decent |
This Art Club Has a Problem! (TV) An effective but at times inconsistent sitcom. |
Decent |
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World (TV) Okay series but nothing remarkable. |
So-so |
Three Leaves, Three Colors (TV) A conventional CGDCT show about three girl friends. |
Decent |
To Love Ru: Darkness (TV) A better written season that is emotionally engaging and still feels fresh. |
Good |
To Love Ru: Darkness (TV 2) This season continued to have emotional writing, but there is no real conclusion. |
Decent |
To Love-Ru (TV) An entertaining, fanservice romantic comedy. |
Decent |
to the abandoned Sacred Beasts (TV) An entertaining monsters versus humans show with no conclusion. |
Decent |
Tokko (TV) Great start but where is the rest of the series? |
So-so |
Tokyo ESP (TV) A badly paced, supernatural/action show that is at least fun, and the eye candy is nice. |
So-so |
Tokyo Ghoul (TV) A monster anime with a decent premise that works as a good set up for more to come. |
So-so |
Tokyo Ghoul √A (TV) A surprisingly intimate and emotive sequel/ending to this anime franchise. |
Decent |
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (TV) A well-constructed drama that can be both sad and hopeful. |
Good |
Tokyo Mew Mew New (TV) A magical girls show with a decent story and attractive visuals. |
Good |
Tokyo Mew Mew New (TV 2) A stronger second season that wraps the story and premise in a satisfying way. |
Good |
Toradora! (TV) A very well done school comedic romance with a good message. |
Very good |
Touch (TV) A classic sports series with a well paced story and strong characters. |
Very good |
Towanoquon (movie series) Not a bad show but kind of predictable. |
So-so |
Train to the End of the World (TV) Another weird anime from Tsutomu Mizushima that is fun, but felt like it lacked something. |
Good |
Triage X (TV) An entertaining but mediocre ecchi, action show. |
Not really good |
Trigun (TV) I love how the fun ride turns into a memorable touchy story. |
Good |
Trinity Seven (TV) A dumb magic academy, harem show that is at least entertaining. |
Not really good |
(The) Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura (TV) Promising start but fell flat the last two thirds. |
Not really good |
True Tears (TV) An enjoyable and heartfelt love story. |
Good |
Tsukigakirei (TV) A cute and charming teen romance story that feels fresh. |
Good |
Tsuredure Children (TV) An effective comedic show about teen romance. |
Decent |
tsuritama (TV) A simple but enjoyable and great (visually) looking anime. |
Good |
Turn A Gundam (TV) A weird but satisfying Gundam show with a very distinctive premise. |
Very good |
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV) An inconsistent but ultimately satisfying isekai shoujo anime (episodes 1-39). |
Decent |
Twin Star Exorcists (TV) A mediocre and cliche action/adventure, romantic comedy show. |
So-so |
Two Car (TV) A mediocre racing anime with yuri vibes. |
Not really good |
Ultramarine Magmell (TV) An entertaining action-adventure show with an unusual premise. |
Decent |
Uma Musume Pretty Derby (TV) A simple but sweet show with a weird premise of animal girls, moe and music idols. |
Decent |
Uma Musume Pretty Derby Season 2 (TV) A sequel with some nice moments, but the writing is a noticeable step down from season one. |
Decent |
Uma Musume Pretty Derby Season 3 (TV) A third season that feels like it better combines light drama and silliness. |
Good |
Unbreakable Machine-Doll (TV) A formulaic harem/ecchi/supernatural series that does not have much to offer. |
Not really good |
Uncle From Another World (TV) An unusual reverse isekai about the misadventures of an otaku gamer. |
Good |
Undead Murder Farce (TV) An unusual but fun detective story about famous monsters and personalities. |
Decent |
Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle (TV) A standard harem show that can be sweet but also has high stakes. |
Decent |
Unnamed Memory (TV) A rushed fantasy show about a very likable couple that unfortunately destroyed much of its potential. |
So-so |
(The) Unwanted Undead Adventurer (TV) Another fantasy show about an undead, but it has some potential. |
Good |
Urara Meirocho (TV) An aggressive CGDCT show about four girls studying to become spiritual mediums. |
Good |
Urusei Yatsura (TV 1981) Hilarious at its best and a reference for anime comedies. |
Good |
Urusei Yatsura (TV 2022) An updated version of the classic show that does a good job keeping intact what made the original special. |
Decent |
Urusei Yatsura (TV 2024) A still very solid season that ends with a great arc. |
Good |
Ushio & Tora (TV) A different kind of shounen show that has a lot of heart. |
Good |
Ushio & Tora (TV 2) An emotional conclusion to a very endearing shounen series. |
Good |
Utawarerumono (TV) Formulaic with some good points. |
Decent |
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (TV) A third season with a stong last fourth that round up the whole franchise. |
Good |
Utawarerumono: The False Faces (TV) A decent and entertaining fantasy show with harem elements. |
Decent |
Valvrave the Liberator (TV) The first part of an entertaining and intense space/mecha series. |
Good |
Valvrave the Liberator (TV 2) A sort of mellower and somewhat anti-climatic conclusion to this anime. |
Good |
Vermeil in Gold (TV) A fanservice, action show with potential for decent writing. |
So-so |
(The) Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess (TV) A quircky, comedic show about a teenage vampire who just wants to have peace. |
Decent |
Vinland Saga (TV) The first part of what looks like an epic and great story about Vikings. |
Very good |
Vinland Saga (TV 2) A follow up with interesting concepts, but the execution was not the most ideal. |
Good |
Violet Evergarden (TV) A gorgeous-looking show with strong emotions that needed better writing. |
Good |
(The) Vision of Escaflowne (TV) An ambitious sci-fi/adventure anime with generally great stuff. |
Very good |
Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song- (TV) An emotional, futuristic sci-fi show about androids and humans that deals with existentialist issues. |
Very good |
Vladlove (TV) A comedic and homage anime about a vampire girl and her stupid but entertaining companions. |
Decent |
Waiting in the Summer (TV) Nice romantic (and sci-fi) story with very likable characters. |
Very good |
Wake Up, Girls! (TV) A feel good and charming anime about dreams that feels honest and fresh. |
Decent |
Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina (TV) After a promising start this visually pleasing show wonders aimlessly from episode to episode. |
So-so |
Wanna Be the Strongest in the World (TV) A show about a female idol who becomes a professional wrestler, but the execution is disappointing. |
So-so |
Warlords of Sigrdrifa (TV) An entertaining but run of the mill action show with cute girls. |
Decent |
Wasteful Days of High School Girl (TV) An entertaining and amusing show about high school girls hanging around and being silly. |
Decent |
WATAMOTE (TV) The concept of a socially challenged teen girl seemed interesting, but it went nowhere. |
So-so |
(The) Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash (TV) A wrongly named show about a girl on the run trying to find happiness. |
Decent |
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun (TV) A comedic and mostly wholesome anime about a human boy in a demon world. |
Decent |
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun (TV 2) An all around better season with a more narrative focus. |
Good |
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun (TV 3) Another entertaining season that is dragged down by focusing on a single, not very interesting arc. |
Decent |
Welcome to the NHK (TV) I hopeful story about human loss. |
Very good |
Whisper Me a Love Song (TV) A music themed yuri show with surprisingly poignant and sharp character writing. |
Good |
Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World? (TV) A sci-fi/fantasy anime with some potential that was squandered. |
So-so |
Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? (TV) A horny show about male students "accidentally" fondling their female teachers. |
Not really good |
Wise Man's Grandchild (TV) A mediocre but entertaining isekai, fantasy show. |
So-so |
Witch Craft Works (TV) A weird but amusing show about teenage witches. |
Decent |
Witch Hunter Robin (TV) A solid detective and sci-fi show centered around witch legends. |
Good |
Witchblade (TV) An action show with an intriguing premise and some nice heartfelt moments. |
Decent |
Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil (TV) A quircky and enternaining action and fantasy show. |
Good |
Wolf's Rain (TV) A sad but interesting apocalypse show with a message of hope. |
Masterpiece |
Wonder Egg Priority (TV) An interesting coming of age drama for 7 episodes that goes into a very questionable direction after it. |
Very good |
World Conquest Zvezda Plot (TV) A comedic villains versus heroes anime with a few neat moments. |
So-so |
(The) World God Only Knows (TV) An entertaining series that combines harem elements, fantasy and otaku culture parodying. |
So-so |
(The) World God Only Knows Season Two (TV) Slightly better than season one with better pace and some glimpses of a larger narrative. |
Decent |
(The) World God Only Knows: Goddesses Arc (TV) A way more intense season with a big twist, but it ends up feeling rushed and kind of messy. |
So-so |
(The) World Is Still Beautiful (TV) A coming of age story in a medieval-like setting that feels fresh but is not very remarkable overall. |
Good |
(The) World's Finest Assassin (TV) A provocative isekai that is intriguing but needed more consistency. |
Decent |
WorldEnd (TV) A weird and bittersweet post apocalyptic, fantasy anime. |
Good |
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (TV) A romantic comedy about working, otaku adults that lacked energy and momentum. |
Decent |
(The) Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (TV) A humorous isekai about a guy who has overpowering healing magic. |
Good |
X (TV) Okay series but the most memorable part for me is Karen Kasumi. |
So-so |
Xam'd: Lost Memories (ONA) Despite its flaws, it has something very memorable for me. |
Good |
xxxHOLiC (TV) An interesting and mysterious series. |
Good |
xxxHOLiC: Kei (TV) A darker xxxHolic but too short. |
Good |
Ya Boy Kongming! (TV) A heart warming and entertaining anime about music and dreams. |
Very good |
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches (TV) A school romantic comedy with a weird but amusing premise. |
Good |
Yamibo - Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books (TV) A very weird anime with sci-fi, Japanese mythology, forbidden romances and yuri vibes throughout. |
Decent |
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (TV) A follow up to Inuyasha with potential, but the writing and pace need to be more consistent. |
Decent |
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon - The Second Act (TV 2) A still inconsistent season, but it at least wraps up the story in a solid way. |
Decent |
Yohane the Parhelion -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR (TV) A Love Live Sunshine spinoff that is actually compelling and kind of interesting. |
Good |
Yona of the Dawn (TV) An emotional shoujo action/adventure story about revenge and redemption. |
Good |
You're Under Arrest (TV) Fun series with cool main protagonists. |
Good |
You're Under Arrest: Fast & Furious (TV 2) This sequel continues delivering entertaining, fun and some dramatic content. |
Good |
You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle (TV 3) A still entertaining third season, but it breaks some continuity from the second season. |
Decent |
Your Lie in April (TV) A highly emotional, music-centric drama about young teens facing difficulties in life. |
Very good |
Yozakura Quartet (TV) Interesting start but falls apart. |
So-so |
YU-NO: A girl who chants love at the bound of this world. (TV) A visual novel adaptation about a horny, smart ass guy, pretty young women and supernatural twists. |
Good |
Yuki Yuna Is a Hero (TV) A well made magical girls show, but it is very similar to Madoka Magica. |
Good |
Yuri!!! on Ice (TV) An ambitious show that needed better execution. |
Good |
Yurikuma Arashi (TV) Another high quality Ikuhara anime that is unnecessarily cryptic and repetitive. |
Very good |
Yuruyuri - Happy Go Lily (TV) An entertaining and irreverent CGDCT show with lesbian leaning characters. |
Decent |
Yuruyuri - Happy Go Lily (TV2) The energy and irreverence remains intact in this second season. |
Decent |
Yuruyuri San Hai! (TV 3) A still fun season, but the content feels a little subdued. |
Decent |