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Luminous Witches (TV)

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Alternative title:
League of Nations Air Force Aviation Magic Band Luminous Witches
Renmei Kūgun Kōkū Mahō Ongakutai Luminous Witches (Japanese)
連盟空軍航空魔法音楽隊ルミナスウィッチーズ (Japanese)
Plot Summary: The war against invading aliens can’t be won by missiles alone. Team morale matters just as much as launching a counterassault, and that’s where Ginny and her friends come in. Instead of standing on the front lines with the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, the Luminous Witches of the League of Nations Air Force bring smiles to civilians displaced in the human-Neuroi war world with thrilling song and dance — not to mention aerial displays the likes of which the music world has never seen. While they might be non-combatants, these performers know the value of preserving the people’s smiles, and they’ll fight in their unique way to make sure those smiles never fade.
User Ratings: 73 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 4 votes (sub:4)
 Excellent: 4 votes (sub:4)
 Very good: 11 votes (sub:11)
 Good: 24 votes (sub:24)
 Decent: 13 votes (sub:12, dub:1)
 So-so: 8 votes (sub:8)
 Not really good: 3 votes (sub:3)
 Weak: 2 votes (sub:2)
 Bad: 4 votes (sub:4)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 126 users, rank: #4872 (of 9884)
Median rating: Good
Arithmetic mean: 6.521 (Good−), std. dev.: 1.8514, rank: #5818 (of 10022)
Weighted mean: 6.566 (Good−), rank: #5586 (of 10022) (seen all: 6.90 / seen some: 6.36 / won't finish: 3.33)
Bayesian estimate: 6.704 (Good−), rank: #4689 (of 7566)
Episode titles: We have 12
Vintage: 2022-07-03
Opening Theme:
"WONDERFUL WORLD" by Luminous Witches
Ending Theme:
#1: "WONDERFUL WORLD" by Luminous Witches
#2: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Ginny CV Mai Narumi, Inori CV Minako Hosokawa (ep 2)
#3: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Milasha CV Ami Aimoto, Aira CV Ryō Mamiya (ep 3)
#4: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Aira CV Ryō Mamiya, Ellie CV Sayaka Tsuzuki (ep 4)
#5: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Silvie CV Rino Yoshikita, Jo CV Rio Mamesaki (ep 5)
#6: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Maria CV Kana Konaka, Mana CV Misaki Yūki (ep 6)
#7: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Ginny CV Mai Narumi, Inori CV Minako Hosokawa, Milasha CV Ami Aimoto (ep 7)
#8: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Maria CV Kana Konaka, Jo CV Rio Mamesaki (ep 8)
#9: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Silvie CV Rino Yoshikita, Mana CV Misaki Yūki (ep 9)
#10: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" (わたしとみんなのうた; My and Everyone's Song) by Ginny CV Mai Narumi, Ellie CV Sayaka Tsuzuki (ep 10)
#11: "Watashi to Minna no Uta" by Luminous Witches (ep 11)
Insert song:
"Ano Hibi o Wasurenai" (あの日々を忘れない; I Will Not Forget Those Days) by Milasha, Aira (ep 8)
"Flying Skyhigh" by Luminous Witches (ep 12)
"Hoshi to Tomo ni" (星と共に; Together with the Stars) by Luminous Witches (ep 9)
"Kokyou no Sora" (故郷の空; Hometown Skies) by Ginny, Inori, Milasha, Maria, Silvie, Mana, Jo (ep 4)
"Masshiro Ribbon" (まっしろリボン; Pure White Ribbon) by Silvie, Jo (ep 5)
"Minna no Sekai" (みんなの世界; Everyone's World) by Luminous Witches (ep 12)
"Taiyou no Riyuu" (太陽の理由; The Reason for the Sun) by Ginny, Inori, Milasha (ep 7)
"Towa no Yosuga" (永遠の寄す処; Eternal Gathering Place) by Ginny (ep 1)
"Towa no Yosuga" (永遠の寄す処; Eternal Gathering Place) by Grace (ep 12)
"Towa no Yosuga" (永遠の寄す処; Eternal Gathering Place) by Inori, Ginny, Milasha, Maria, Silvie, Mana, Jo (ep 2)
"Uta o Utaou" (歌を歌おう; Let's Sing a Song) by Luminous Witches (eps 4,12)
"Yasashii Akari" (優しい明かり; Gentle Light) by Aira, Ellie (ep 4)
"Yasashii Akari" (優しい明かり; Gentle Light) by Ginny, Milasha, Aira (ep 3)
"Yumeiro Contrail" (夢色コントレイル; Dream-Colored Contrail) by Maria, Mana (ep 6)
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Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Director: Shouji Saeki
Series Composition:
Fuyashi Tou
Shouji Saeki
Kana Shundo (ep 6)
Rino Yamazaki (eps 5, 8, 12)
Shouji Saeki (eps 1-3, 7)
Kana Shundo (eps 3-6, 10)
Shouji Saeki (OP; 8 episodes
eps 1-2, 5, 7-9, 11-12

Takashi Kawabata (eps 8, 11)
Yûji Tokuno (ep 5)
Episode Director:
Kana Shundo (eps 1, 4, 10)
Ken Katō (eps 3, 7)
Kōji Matsumura (eps 2, 6, 11)
Michita Shiraishi (eps 5, 9)
Shouji Saeki (eps 1, 12)
Yukihiro Miyamoto (ep 8)
Unit Director: Kana Shundo (OP)
Original creator: Humikane Shimada
Original Character Design: Humikane Shimada
Character Design: Kazuya Shiotsuki
Art Director: Tomoyasu Hosoi
Animation Director:
Akihisa Takano (ep 1)
Akihito Asai (eps 1-2, 4-12)
Beast (uncredited; Tonari Animation; ep 11)
Hisashi Samejima (8 episodes
eps 2-3, 6-7, 9-12

Nagisa Sekiguchi (eps 3, 6-11)
Saori Hosoda (9 episodes
eps 2, 4-5, 7-12

Sayuri Sakimoto (ep 1)
Tsutomu Shibutani (ep 5)
Art design: Takeshi Takahashi
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Director of Photography: Rei Egami
2nd Key Animation: Nismogo (ep 4)
3DCG Line Producer: Hirotaka Sugawara
3DCG Producer: Tetsu Iijima
Animation producer: Kōichi Yasuda
Assistant Director: Kana Shundo
Assistant producer: Maho Nishibe
Color design: Jin Hibino
Editing: Rie Matsubara
Editing Assistant: Akane Shiraishi
Familiar Design: Mina Ōtaka
Insert Song Accompaniment: Mai Narumi (ep 8)
Insert Song Arrangement:
Asuka Ogura (ep 12)
Atsushi Harada (ep 5)
Kazuma Itō (ep 7)
KOUGA (eps 4, 12)
manzo (eps 1, 3-4, 12)
Shun Aratame (ep 9)
Tatsuki Tagaya (ep 4)
Yunna Kisaragi (ep 12)
Insert Song Composition:
Asuka Ogura (ep 12)
Atsushi Harada (ep 5)
Kazuma Itō (ep 7)
KOUGA (eps 4, 12)
manzo (eps 3-4)
Shun Aratame (ep 9)
Tatsuki Tagaya (ep 8)
Yunna Kisaragi (ep 12)
Insert Song Lyrics:
Asuka Ogura (ep 12)
Himi Izutsu (eps 1-4, 8, 12)
Kotomi Fukagawa (eps 5, 7)
Yoshie Isogai (ep 6)
yura (eps 4, 9, 12)
Insert Song Performance:
Ami Aimoto (as Milasha; 7 episodes
eps 2-4, 7-9, 12

Kana Konaka (as Maria; 5 episodes
eps 2, 4, 6, 9, 12

Mai Narumi (as Ginny; 7 episodes
eps 1-4, 7, 9, 12

Mikako Komatsu (as Grace; ep 12)
Minako Hosokawa (as Inori; 5 episodes
eps 2, 4, 7, 9, 12

Misaki Yūki (as Mana; 5 episodes
eps 2, 4, 6, 9, 12

Rino Yoshikita (as Silvie; 5 episodes
eps 2, 4-5, 9, 12

Rio Mamesaki (as Jo; 5 episodes
eps 2, 4-5, 9, 12

Ryō Mamiya (as Aira; 5 episodes
eps 3-4, 8-9, 12

Sayaka Tsuzuki (as Ellie; eps 4, 9, 12)
Insert Song Translation: Takeki Ōwada (ep 4)
Key Animation:
Akihisa Takano (ep 1)
Akihito Asai (eps 1, 9)
Bellamy Luna Brooks (Tonari Animation 1 eps)
Enzo D'Avino (eps 8-9)
Genichirō Abe (ep 12)
Hisashi Samejima (eps 1-3, 9)
Moeka Kuga (OP; ep 1)
Nagisa Sekiguchi (7 episodes
eps 1, 3-5, 9-10, 12

Nismogo (5 episodes
eps 5-6, 8-9, 11

Rémi Demoulin (ep 11)
Ryo Komori (7 episodes
eps 1-2, 6-7, 10-12

Saori Hosoda (eps 1-2, 4)
Sayuri Sakimoto (ep 1)
Shinya Nishizawa (ep 12)
Tsutomu Shibutani (OP; 9 episodes
eps 1-5, 8-10, 12

Yūki Kitajima (ep 3)
Yumi Shimizu (eps 1, 10, 12)
Music Director:
Kaoru Tate
Saori Takeyama
Music producer: Gō Wakabayashi
Production Advancement: Yoshiko Toyoshima (OP, ED)
Production Desk: Yūya Hatakeyama
Recording Adjustment:
Kenji Hoshino
Takuma Yoshioka
Recording Assistant: Ryō Murata
Setting Production: Yoshiko Toyoshima
Sound Effects: Kiyotaka Kawada
Sound Production Manager:
Naoki Kishida
Tetsuya Gunji
Theme Song Arrangement:
Ayato Shinozaki (OP; ED)
Ryōsuke Tachibana (OP; ED)
Theme Song Composition:
Ayato Shinozaki (OP; ED)
Ryōsuke Tachibana (OP; ED)
Theme Song Lyrics: yura (OP; ED)
Theme Song Performance:
Ami Aimoto (OP; ED)
Kana Konaka (OP; ED)
Mai Narumi (OP; ED)
Minako Hosokawa (OP; ED)
Misaki Yūki (OP; ED)
Rino Yoshikita (OP; ED)
Rio Mamesaki (OP; ED)
Ryō Mamiya (OP; ED)
Sayaka Tsuzuki (OP; ED)
Ami Aimoto as Lyudmila Andreyevna Ruslanova
Kana Konaka as Maria Magdalene Dietrich
Mai Narumi as Virginia Robertson
Minako Hosokawa as Inori Shibuya
Misaki Yūki as Manaia Matawhaura Hato
Rino Yoshikita as Sylvie Cariello
Rio Mamesaki as Joanna Elizabeth Stafford
Ryō Mamiya as Aila Päivikki Linnamar
Sayaka Tsuzuki as Éléonore Giovanna Gassion

Mikako Komatsu as Grace Maitland Steward

Anna Mugiho as
Antony (ep 9)
Jo's Grandmother (ep 9)
Village Child (ep 10)
Village Mayor's Wife (eps 3-4)
Aya Hisakawa as Inori's Grandmother (ep 8)
Aya Yamane as Rosalie de la Poype (ep 7)
Ayuru Ōhashi as Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen (ep 7)
Chiaki Yurin as
Alec (ep 9)
Jo's Mother (ep 9)
Coco Hayashi as
Jo's Colleague (ep 1)
Passenger Older Sister (ep 11)
Haruka Kimura as Sanya's Mother (ep 7)
Himika Akaneya as Tomomi Nishisugi (eps 8, 12)
Hironori Kondō as
League of Nations Air Force General (ep 1)
Villager (eps 3-4)
Hiroshi Iwasaki as Cyrille de Gaulle (ep 12)
Hiroyuki Endō as
Man (ep 9)
Reporter (ep 10)
Romagna Air Force Superior Officer (ep 1)
Hitoshi Bifu as Village Mayor (eps 3-4)
Junichi Saitō as Passenger (ep 11)
Kazuyuki Okitsu as Sanya's Father (ep 7)
Kenta Miyake as Jo's Father (ep 9)
Kenta Zaima as
Crew (ep 10)
New Zeiland Air Force NC Officer (ep 1)
Kyō Yaoya as Old Woman (ep 4)
Lynn as Fumiyo Kawaguchi (ep 7)
Mai Kadowaki as Sanya V. Litvyak (ep 7)
Masatoshi Kashino as Passenger (ep 11)
Minori Fujidera as Billy (ep 9)
Misa Watanabe as Felicia Louisa Gresley (eps 1, 4, 10-11)
Misaki Watada as
Girl (eps 2, 11)
Village Mayor's Grandchild (eps 3-4, 10)
Misato Fukuen as Yoshika Miyafuji (ep 7)
Natsumi Fujiwara as
Brad (ep 9)
Girl (ep 5)
Ryan (ep 9)
Village Child (eps 3-4, 10)
Nobuaki Kanemitsu as
Presenter (ep 10)
Uncle (ep 11)
Rika Kinugawa as Old Woman's Daughter (ep 5)
Ryōtarō Okiayu as Prince Carignano (ep 5)
Ryūnosuke Watanuki as
Florist (ep 5)
Jo's Grandfather (ep 9)
Saki Yamakita as
Grace's Subordinate A (ep 1)
Passenger Mother (ep 11)
Village Child's Sister (eps 3-4, 10)
Shusaku Shirakawa as
Ellie's Father (ep 10)
New Zeiland Air Force Superior Officer (ep 1)
Passenger Father (ep 11)
Sora Tokui as
Henry (ep 9)
Louis (ep 9)
Roy (ep 9)
Tomo Muranaka as Alexandra Serbanescu (ep 7)
Yoko Ishida as Lieutenant Ishida (ep 8)
Yūka Morishima as Passenger Younger Sister (ep 11)
Yūki Wakai as
Boy (eps 2, 11)
Grace's Subordinate B (ep 1)
Village Child (eps 3-4, 10)
Japanese companies
2nd Key Animation:
animocaramel (ep 2)
Asahi Production (ep 4)
Be Loop (ep 2)
Ekaki-ya (ep 2)
Line Farm (eps 2, 4)
Nakamura Production (eps 3-4)
PINE JAM (ep 2)
Studio CL (ep 2)
Studio Gash (ep 2)
Studio Gimlet (eps 2, 4)
Studio hb (ep 4)
Studio Hibari Osaka Studio (ep 2)
TRIGGER Fukuoka Studio (ep 3)
Animation Production: SHAFT
Background Art: Studio Tulip
Key Animation: ENGI (ep 3)
Main Title Design: LUCK'A
Music Production: Kadokawa
Online Editing: Sony PCL
Production Cooperation:
Asahi Production (eps 1-4)
Banshanmen Animation (ep 3)
M.S.J Musashino Production (ep 1)
Nakamura Production (ep 1)
One Order (eps 1, 3)
RadPlus (eps 1-2)
Seed (ep 1)
Snow Light Staff (ep 1)
Studio hb (eps 1-2)
Studio pistis (ep 2)
Recording Studio: Glovision
Sound Production: Glovision
English staff
English cast
English companies
Internet Streaming: HIDIVE
Licensed by: Sentai Filmworks
Production: Sentai Studios
Spanish staff
Spanish companies
Internet Streaming: HIDIVE (Latin America and Spain)
Licensed by: Sentai Filmworks (Latin America and Spain)
Spanish cast
Portuguese staff
Portuguese companies
Internet Streaming: HIDIVE (Portugal)
Licensed by: Sentai Filmworks (Brazil and Portugal)
Portuguese cast

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