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Romance anime with happy endings?

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Joined: 02 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:44 pm Reply with quote
I swear most of the romance anime I have watched are either depressing or so inconclusive that it doesn't even feel like an ending at all. Is it just me or do a large majority of Anime writers just love angst and tragedy? Half of the romance anime that I've seen have always left me with a sense of depression, which is the exact opposite reason of why I wanted to watch a romance anime in the first place. The irony. .. The only series that ended with an optimistic note was Love Hina's, but that was only the manga version, not the animated adaption.

Which Romance titles actually have an ending that won't leave me in a state of depression, but are still conclusive enough so that the two main protagonists actually become a couple?

for grammer errors

Last edited by ElementSun on Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ink Nijihara

Joined: 12 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:26 pm Reply with quote
ElementSun wrote:
I swear most of the romance anime I have watched are either depressing at the end or so inconclusive that it doesn't even feel like an ending at all. Is it just me or are a large majority of Anime writers just love angst and tragedy? Out of half of the romance anime I have seen have always left me with a sense of depression, which is the exact opposite reason why I wanted to watch a romance anime in the first place. Oh the irony. The only series with an ending that actually made me more optimistic was Love Hina's, but that was only manga and not even the animated version.

Which Romance titles actually have an ending that won't leave me in a state of depression, but are still conclusive enough so that the two main protagonists actually become a couple?

Ahhh, a fellow anime romance fan. To answer your question there is only 1 anime i can recall recently released that has a good ending without that depressing feeling at the end. I don't know if you've seened it yet but t's called Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na Crescent Love. a 12 episode TV romantic anime based off a PS2 game.

I won't spoil it but it moves at a decent pace. You might or might not like how certain events take place in episode 12 but it is indeed a great ending with a couple actually ending up a couple.

Unlike other romantic animes i've seened such as School Days or Rumbling Hearts. Those give you the worst of depression.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:33 pm Reply with quote
I dunno, I like not knowing the ending, and unfortunately if you ask people to suggest happy/depressing ending romance, then you're pretty much going to know the ending right away. Which kinda defeats the purpose to me, as if you don't know if they are getting together in the end, it makes it that much happier when they actually do.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:36 pm Reply with quote
Japanese viewers tend to prefer series with more open endings, whereas American viewers tend to prefer series with more conclusive endings. (And this isn't just limited to anime.) That's a big part of the reason why most anime romances don't end conclusively.

One of the rare ones which does is Midori Days, but there are others.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:38 pm Reply with quote
I would recommend Shuffle!. While show certainly has its fair share of angst, the ending is happy and conclusive.

Ink Nijihara wrote:

Ahhh, a fellow anime romance fan. To answer your question there is only 1 anime i can recall recently released that has a good ending without that depressing feeling at the end. I don't know if you've seened it yet but t's called Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na Crescent Love. a 12 episode TV romantic anime based off a PS2 game.

And I'm going to strongly recommend finding a different show to watch. That was one of the most painful viewing experiences I had had in quite a while. I don't know how I managed to finish that. Visually, it was horribly inconsistent ranging from really bad to somewhat decent. The story was mediocre or unintentionally hilarious at best, and generic and utterly retarded at worst. The ending may have been happy but not before ridiculous melodrama and HOLY DEUS EX MACHINA BATMAN.

I won't spoil it but it moves at a decent pace. You might or might not like how certain events take place in episode 12 but it is indeed a great ending with a couple actually ending up a couple.

Too bad they were boring as hell.

Unlike other romantic animes i've seened such as School Days or Rumbling Hearts. Those give you the worst of depression.

I wouldn't really describe Rumbling Hearts as depressing but it was definitely one of the most angsty romances I've seen. School Days certainly doesn't have a happy ending, at least not by conventional standards.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:20 am Reply with quote
Others have mentioned REC which would be my primary recomendation. I really wish someone would liscense this one. Anyhow there's Kimagure Orange Road if you don't mind that it's looking a little dated, you have to watch the feature films for the ending though. It is highly worth it and is one of the best romantic comedies I've seen. I also really liked Rumbling Hearts and found it had a very satisfactory ending. spoiler[I was rooting for Mitsuki all along though so it was a happy ending for me. Not so much if you wanted Takayuki to end up with Haruka. Although there's the new series comming out for all the Haruka fans.]
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:18 pm Reply with quote
I'll admit that I'm a romance anime fan as well, but I think one of the main reasons some end so openly is because there is a manga that is still running with no end in sight, so the anime producers could not, in all fairness, show a final ending when there is none in the original manga. I don't play video games so I can't comment on how they end, though I've read that there can be several endings depending on how one plays the game. Sounds a bit like real life which I'm playing all my waking hours and therefore have no time to play a virtual game.

[In Rumbling Hearts--]
spoiler[I knew it was Mitsuki for him from the first episode, and the story would have ended at that episode if he had been more honest with Haruka about his feelings toward her, and told Mitsuki why he couldn't accept Haruka's affections toward him. ] Yeah it had a good eventuality, but was so unnecessary had he done so.

[EDIT: Series title added ~Zalis]
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Steve Berry

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:45 pm Reply with quote
I'd say Maison Ikkoku has a pretty final, happy ending, right? Haven't seen it, but that's my understanding. Perhaps other could elaborate.

And I'd say, in an general sense, Nodame Cantabile also does, although it's not strictly a romance. More situational and slice of life, with romance thrown in.

And although Macross isn't a romance through and through, the romance in the show is still very central to the plot, and I absolutely love the way the romantic triangle ends. Pretty definitive, and has it's "happy" element as well. One of my favorite romances.

I also think that Victorian Romance Emma has a happy ending,if you watch it through the 2nd season, and if it follows the manga well enough.

Also, My Daddy Long Legs, which is a very good World Masterpiece Theater TV production from the early 90's (about a older teen growing up a wealthy prep school at the turn of the century), also has a great romantic (and conclusive) ending.

There are a good number of titles with "happy endings"-- you've just got to hunt for them a bit. I also think that shows that advertise themselves solely as "romances" often have more romantic issues, as that is solely what is fueling the plot. Shows and movies that have an ongoing storyline (slice of life, or sci-fi, or what not), in which the romance is only a part of the entire viewing experience, often have a more holistic, and happy, view of the romance portion of the show. I generally find these shows more to my liking, and a little less melodramatic, which is a big turn off for me.

As for knowing the ending, and thus spoiling the experience-- eh, it's all about the journey for me anyways. Almost all Hollywood romances are obvious from the beginning-- I like many of them anyways, because it's the snappy dialogue and funny situations and the intelligent observations about relationships that makes the experience interesting to me. Those things don't really depend on the ending being a surprise for them to work.
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Ink Nijihara

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:45 pm Reply with quote
I admit, at some points of Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na Crescent Love there were some really annoying moments. But the heart of this anime was the couple that lived happily ever after at the end. That's what really mattered to me anyway.

I did notice a few bad scenes with bad animation. I didn;t let that bother me.

The last 2 episodes were the most interesting in my opinion and not as boring as you feel it was.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:20 am Reply with quote
Steve Berry wrote:
And I'd say, in an general sense, Nodame Cantabile also does, although it's not strictly a romance. More situational and slice of life, with romance thrown in.

Of course, Nodame isn't actually over yet really (the manga is on-going) so it's hard to really say if this one is happy or not.

Watase Yuu's works (including the already mentioned Fushigi Yuugi) pretty much always end happily. In comparison, I would avoid Yazawa Ai because her couples have a tendency to not end up so happily ever after (spoiler[at least not together they don't]).
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Joined: 08 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:17 pm Reply with quote
Which Romance titles actually have an ending that won't leave me in a state of depression, but are still conclusive enough so that the two main protagonists actually become a couple?

As early mentioned, Rumiko Takahashi's Maison Ikkoku has a convincing conclusion and happy ending. It takes quite a while to get there, (96 episodes!) but that's part of the charm. The two main characters go through so many funny obstacles and misunderstandings. It can get a little annoying as there are a few filler episodes, as often happens in the middle of a show that long. Still, probably the best romantic anime I've seen so far. Don't be thrown off by the '86 to '88 artwork, it's well worth seeing. The other characters also aren't part of an unnecessary harem!

Oh, and while so many people seem to set Love Hina as the standard, Godai and Kyoko were a pair way before Keitarou and Narusegawa (even though I saw and read Love Hina first and really liked it).
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 10:34 pm Reply with quote
Ink Nijihara wrote:

The last 2 episodes were the most interesting in my opinion and not as boring as you feel it was.

I said the lead characters were boring, not that everything that happened was boring. The last few episodes weren't boring they were just bad.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:26 am Reply with quote
Mahoraba,time and time and repeating this anime, still it's a light romance animé that has a happy ending, most romance anime that compromise comedy genre is a must on an individual that needs humor (maybe not). I did re-watch it again and again and still re-watch it if I have some time.

Honey and Clover and its sequel, it's a good romance, comedy genre they really have the good parts on these series, having a plot so dense on their genre is hard to find these days. A good happy ending that include OST's that will incontestably like the characters, and every character on these series are well to be fond of. Maybe it has been posted earlier if I'm right, but I think having more comments on an anime such as this may help people encourage them to watch.

Kanon '06 by KyoAni, it may be depressing sometimes but it has a good ending, maybe for some but still this is a comedy and romance genre, as I said having a plot so dense on their genre is be so hard to find these days. Also, this is so dense that Drama, Romance and Comedy joined together overall this is a whole good anime that is recommended for those who wants drama and comedy that involves romance.

Onegai Teacher, though some scenes are profound and to think of it, and it has a happy ending even crucial times are awkward, like the way they do the story plot, you'll like with its first-two episodes and thoroughly funny though comedy are cliché sometimes but some scenes has greater effect on the viewer, as a whole a great romance and drama animation. A sci-fi drama, romance with comedy genre.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:03 pm Reply with quote
Haha I actually found one!

Kanon 2006 was absolutely terrific and surprised me in a great way. spoiler[By episode 23, I was feeling so down I just couldn't bear to finish the series. However, episode 24 was one of the greatest pick-me-ups I have ever seen... It's just so heartwarming.]

I still feel fuzzy inside.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:40 pm Reply with quote
yea, ALOT of animes are left with open endings... it really annoys me how they keep ending it like that if they're not gonna make any continuations. what's the point of open endings if they're not making any more of it? leave it to the viewers' imagination?? i tend to like animes with strong conclusive endings...
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