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BanG Dream Franchise Gets New Mini-Anime TV Series in 2025

posted on by Egan Loo
Directors Kenshirō Morii, Seiya Miyajima return for 52 new episodes

The livestreamed "BanG Dream! 10th Anniversary Special!" announced on Friday that the BanG Dream! franchise will have a new mini-anime series that will air and stream this year. Directors Kenshirō Morii and Seiya Miyajima are returning from the BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! Pico anime and its sequels for the new 52-episode series.

Image via anime.bang-dream.com
The first season of the BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! Pico mini anime premiered in July 2018 within the BanG Dream! TV variety program. It also streamed on the BanG Dream! Channel on YouTube. The second season, BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!☆PICO ~OHMORI~ (pictured right), premiered on May 7, 2020 on the BanG Dream! TV LIVE 2020 stream on BanG Dream! Channel on YouTube and Periscope. BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! Pico Fever! and BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!: 5th Anniversary Animation followed in October 2021, and March 2022, respectively.

The original smartphone game launched in Japan in March 2017, and the English version launched worldwide in April 2018. The Nintendo Switch version debuted on September 16, 2021.

Bushiroad launched the BanG Dream! multimedia project in January 2015, and the company formed the Poppin' Party band for the project in February 2015.

Source: "BanG Dream! 10th Anniversary Special! livestream

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