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The Hidden Ones Closed Beta Access Giveaway

The Hidden Ones is 3-D action-fighting game based on The Outcast franchise. During this closed beta phase, the players can experience the story mode in Chapter 3, “Same River Twice,” featuring eight chronicles. You will start with three Outcasts (Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, and Wang Ye) and can unlock more through in-game progression. The Trial: Abyss of Tao mode also lets players take on four distinct legendary bosses, each with four difficulty levels. And that's not all, but the Duel Modes will bring high-intensity battles with multiple match tiers, maps and team fights!

You want to try out the game? Well, grab this chance! All you have to do is type your name and email below and you'll get a chance to! This Pre-Alpha Closed Beta Access is only available for PC players.

We'll be giving away up to 200 beta passes a day until March 5th, up to a maximum of 1000 beta passes.


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This giveaway is available up until March 5 (Wednesday) while the closed beta will be up until March 8 (Saturday). Do not forget to download the game from the official The Hidden Ones website.

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