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Pokémon Champions Battle Game Announced for Switch, Mobile

posted on by Alex Mateo
Game features traditional battles, multiple modes, crossplay, Pokémon Home connectivity

The Pokémon Presents stream on Thursday announced a new battle-focused game Pokémon Champions for Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. The stream unveiled a trailer for the game, which is currently in devleopment:

The International Pokémon Company's subsidiary The Pokémon Works is developing the game. Mainline Pokémon series developer GAME FREAK is planning the game.

The game will focus on Pokémon battles with traditional mechanics, and it will also feature multiple modes. There will be crossplay between the Switch and mobile versions. Players can choose how they play based on their location. The game will feature connectivity with Pokémon Home. Players can import their Pokémon from other games into Pokémon Champions.

The Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games launched on Switch worldwide in November 2022.

Source: Pokémon Presents stream

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