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The Winter 2025 Anime Preview Guide
The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World

How would you rate episode 1 of
The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World ?
Community score: 4.2

What is this?


During their final faceoff, Togo Asagaki, the Red Ranger, is defeated by the ultimate evil organization. He was sure he was about to die, but instead, he was reborn in a completely different world. There, he becomes an adventurer to help those in need, transforms into Kizuna Red, and continues his fight for justice.

The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World is based on a manga series by Koyoshi Nakayoshi. The anime series is streaming on Crunchyroll on Sundays.

How was the first episode?

Caitlin Moore

This show is not made for me. Despite being in first grade when Power Rangers made its premiere in the US, square in the age range, I turned up my nose at it. I decried it as “mindless violence” after getting kicked by a peer who was pretending to be a ranger. Who knew that decades later, I would learn about that supposed mindless violence via osmosis from watching dozens of anime in conversation with the tokusatsu genre? Oh, if only I could go back and tell my young self to study up!

Listen, I'm not against shows that are in conversation with the tokusatsu genre. Samurai Champloo, Go, Go, Loser Ranger!, and SSSS.Gridman all utilize the extremely recognizable format to create interesting metacommentary about the nature of heroism and villainy, social power, and so on. That's not the kind of series Red Ranger in Another World is, though! It's a much more straightforward genre parody, rife with jokes that hinge on drawing attention to the tropes of the genre and exaggerating them for goofs. Like I said, I've osmosed enough familiarity to get the basics, like Red being really enthusiastic and straightforward because that's what Red Rangers are like! And while I did find some of the jokes funny, like a run-on gag about an explosion popping behind him every time he transforms, I think I would have mustered a lot more enthusiasm if I were coming from a place of fondness.

And it does get credit for having actual jokes! It's crazy that puts it a step above like half the similar series coming out, but it having an actual genre identity other than “I'm in another world and some stuff happens, idk” makes it a lot more enjoyable. His cheerful idealism plays well off of Yidhra's more world-weary pragmatism, making them a perfect bokke/tsukkomi pair. Neither of them grabbed me individually, but the two of them make a good team.

Hats off… well, hats on to the big-brimmed hats that dominate everything in Yidhra's sphere, from the one gracing her own head to her fathers portraits to the golems working around her mansion. On the other hand, she seems to have taken fashion advice from Naga the Serpent in Slayers, and the camera never tires of reminding us of this. I, on the other hand, tired very much of having her bobbies thrust in my face.

For some people, The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World will be a rollicking good time, affectionately parodying a genre they feel warmly about. For me, it was a fun half hour that I will probably never think about again.

Richard Eisenbeis

Sometimes, I come across an anime that hooks me with its concept alone. In this case, it's a literal Power Ranger getting isekaied. This is a comedic goldmine of an idea. The story is a clash of genres. We have a bog-standard fantasy world being overturned by a Red Ranger at the height of his power—with even those familiar with magic baffled by his very existence. Why does he have a talking bracelet? Why, when he transforms, are there colored explosions behind him? Why do defeated enemies blow up even when all he does is punch them? Why doesn't he use his strongest attacks right from the start? In the context of a Sentai show, this is all standard fare—part of the pattern that makes these types of shows what they are—but in a fantasy story it's simply insane.

Of course, this show is more than just using a fantasy backdrop as a way to poke fun at all the little tropes of the Sentai genre. In a world where the most normal possible audience proxy—i.e., someone with no real personality or history so that they work as a self-insert for the viewer—is isekaied again and again, it's a breath of fresh air to have someone like Red take the role.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that Red is the most nuanced of characters. He's a caricature; and that's the whole point. He is the most Red Ranger ever to Red Ranger. He is 100% on board with his ranger team's theming (personal bonds) and is all about friendship, doing your best, and being true to yourself. I'd go so far as to call him more than a little annoying. However, that only adds to the humor.

He is played completely straight—talking the talk and walking the walk. He doesn't bother to hide his true feelings. He says exactly what he thinks—dishing out praise and compliments constantly. This makes him feel like a genuinely good person despite his eccentricities. It's no surprise that Yihdra finds herself drawn to him even with all the insanity around him. Like any good superhero, his very way of treating others (more than his heroic feats) inspires others to be better than they are.

Now, is this going to be the breakout hit of the season? I highly doubt it. However, it is definitely an above average anime episode with a clever concept and a lead pair who are enjoyable to watch. I can't wait to see more of their (mis)adventures in the coming weeks.

Rebecca Silverman

I don't want to give people the wrong expectations, but this show is giving me at least a few Bravern vibes. It's all due to the bombastic, ridiculously over-the-top antics of our eponymous ranger-turned-isekai-adventurer: Togo (but you can call him Red) is the absolute embodiment of a children's tokusatsu hero. He's loud, he's all-in on the Power of Friendship™, and he's always ready to charge in and save the day. And when he does? His theme music begins playing. I dare you not to crack a smile or chuckle at least a little when poor fantasy character Yihdra first sees him go into his transformation choreography and is completely flummoxed.

Therefore, the strength of this episode is how it takes modern isekai power fantasy and smashes it against classic Power Rangers-style tokusatsu's version of children's entertainment. The two genres have a few things in common, but ultimately, the latter is about hope and friendship, while the former is often more invested in male power fantasies or self-conscious darkness. Putting them together has happily resulted in a delightfully dissonant disconnect, like seeing the My Little Ponies show up in Game of Thrones, at least in this episode. Honestly, if Red can collect himself and another set of friends to help power his giant combination robot, Kizuna Kaiser, I think this could be a lot of fun going forward.

I am hesitant to say that this hasn't already shown us all its cards, though. After Red's been isekai'd by the Break-Up King, it doesn't take long before we see how his brand of science fiction looks to the residents of a fantasy world. (Hint: the answer is “insane.”) He's overpowered without really realizing it, Yihdra isn't sure what to make of things and is more than a little exasperated, and that's what the story is banking on. We don't see much of the fights Red engages in, and Yihdra's confusion and boob-centric outfit can only work for so long to hold our attention. Still, the premise has enough promise to make me think it's worth at least another episode to see how it handles things.

So sure, it may not be the best-looking premiere. It may only really have one trick right now. But it's still a good trick, and I got a kick out of the theme song gag every single time it happened, and the goofy-themed names of Red's attacks are pretty great. There's life in the old isekai genre yet, and I'm willing to give this one the benefit of the doubt.

James Beckett

One thing I occasionally have to remind folks of is that I call out all of the crappy isekai anime that come out every season not because of the fact that they all fall within the same genre tropes and cliches, but because so many of them are freaking godawful. When something that sticks to a tried and true formula is also good, I'm more than happy to give it its flowers. Case in point: The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World is charming, funny, creative, and entertaining throughout the entirety of its premiere episode. Also, it's a riff on Super Sentai, so I'm basically obligated to like it on a personal level. Zordon would never forgive me if I were to betray my beloved Rangers.

Yes, we all have those particular styles and genres that just speak to us on such a fundamental level that we're bound to enjoy anything that does a decent job of representing them, and I'm a fanatic for anything operating in the tokusatsu realm. Yes, I prefer my toku to be live action, since that's the only way you can appreciate the clash of plastic toy weapons on oversized, rubber-monster bodysuits, never mind all of the gloriously excessive explosions and superpower name callouts. Still, when an anime does a good job at poking fun at the decades' worth of in- jokes and references that franchises like Super Sentai and Ultraman have accumulated, I'm going to be a happy camper. My favorite aspect of The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World is that our hero Red brings all of the tokusatsu magic and absurdity with him into the new fantasy world he gets isekai'd to, and the show has a lot of fun using this stylistic class to spoof both genres at the same time.

Unlike most of his meager, potato-y competition, Red is a protagonist who is possibly too full of energy and personality, though it makes sense, since his whole shtick is being the leader of a relationship themed Super Sentai team that is very literally powered by friendship. I love the joke of his toyetic weapons being themed over any kind of bond that a person can have, such as his laser blaster that has firing modes all based on marriage puns. This doesn't just make Red a fun character to inject into an otherwise by-the-numbers RPG world, but it also gives his whole story some much needed purpose and direction. Yes, he needs to work with his new mage pal to find a way home, but he also needs to save every single person in this new world from despair and sadness. That, my friends, is a good hook for a comedy adventure cartoon. For her part, Yihdra does a good job of representing the isekai half of the equation, which mostly amounts to her trying not to be driven insane by the reality-breaking cartoon logic of Red's spontaneous explosion powers and giant, animal-themed mecha summoning abilities. Being the straight woman to a guy who is so inhumanly heroic and friendly could be a thankless roll, but

Yihdra holds her own by demonstrating just enough snark and bewilderment to stand out as an individual character. I like these two, and I am very excited to see where their new bond of friendship takes them. Could it eventually get old, seeing the usual cliches of tokusatsu and isekai stories called out and made fun of so directly? Maybe, but for now, I am having a grand time.

Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC. One or more of the companies mentioned in this article are part of the Kadokawa Group of Companies.

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