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Happy Hina Matsuri 2025 From Around the Anime World, Part I

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross

March 3 marks the Japanese cultural holiday of Hina Matsuri, or Girls' Day. Families celebrate by displaying dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians. They enjoy the displays while eating snacks and singing the traditional song “Ureshi Hina Matsuri." The anime and manga world are also putting out their Emperor and Empress for Hina Matsuri:

Araiguma Calcal-dan

Gudetama (Sanrio)

Image via Gudetama's X/Twitter account

Identity V

Let's light the lantern♪

Today is Hina Matsuri🎎✨

In the warm spring sunshine,
Let's pray together for the healthy growth and happiness of girls!


Eating lots of Hina Arare crackers and taking a nap 🌸



Today is Hina Matsuri✨
So, here is a picture of Liko when she was a child!

Liko was a shy girl, but now she has grown to the point where she can confidently challenge strong opponents to a battle.🌸

Photos of Roy and Amethio as children also revealed!

Everyone is growing so much!

Rune Factory

Image via Rune Factory game's X/Twitter account

Square Enix

Image via Square Enix's X/Twitter account

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

Today is Hina Matsuri🎎

Who would be suitable to play the role of the Emperor?

The IDOLM@STER Million Live!

Image via x.com

Look out for more greetings soon!

Did we miss any Hina Matsuri greetings? Feel free to let us know in our forums or by email!

This article has a follow-up: Happy Hina Matsuri 2025 From Around the Anime World, Part II (2025-03-03 22:45)
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