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Suikoden Franchise Gets Anime, New Mobile Game, New Manga, Stage Play, Concert

posted on by Anita Tai
Also revealed: new Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars trailer

Konami announced during the "Gensō Suikoden Live 2025.3.4" livestream on Tuesday an anime adaptation of the Suikoden II game's story, a new mobile game Gensō Suikoden: Star Leap for the iOS and Android, a stage play adaptation of Suikoden I, a new concert, and a new trailer for Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars (the HD remastered release of Konami's classic role-playing games Suikoden and Suikoden II).

Suikoden II anime adaptation image
Image via www.youtube.com

Yūzō Satō is directing the anime at KONAMI animation, the game studio's anime studio. NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan anime and music production department member Ryō Hino serves as the producer and production manager.

The official website for the Gensō Suikoden: Star Leap game describes the story:

The Rune of Change is one of the 27 True Runes that are said to have created the world.

The story begins just east to the giant Scarlet Moon Empire, at a village located on the shore of a lake. One night, our hero, the village chief Hou's son, comes back home successful from his first hunt. The village is filled with celebration and brimming with hope for the coming days, but an assault is launched, and the fate of the village is changed in an instant.

Our hero, along with Hisui, Shirin, and Shapur, embarks on a journey to restore peace to the village.

In the midst of the great whirlpool of destiny, the Hero's small adventure turns into a large ambition,

For our precious one.

Star Leap's story will take place prior to the first game and after Suikoden V. The main story will be fully voiced.

Suikoden III manga artist Aki Shimizu will create a manga adaptation for the new game.

Kaho Nakamura wrote and performed the theme song "Campanella."

Announcement image for Suikoden stage play
Image via www.youtube.com

Norihito Nakayashiki will direct the stage play adaptation of Suikoden I.

The cast of the stage play includes:

  • Naoki Okamura as Bocchan
  • Takumi Wada as Gremio
  • Ryōki Nagae as Ted
  • Yamada James Takeshi as Flik
  • Ryūko Isogai as Viktor

The stage play will run in December 2025 in Tokyo and Kyoto.

A Suikoden concert featuring music from Suikoden I, Suikoden II, and the newly announced Suikoden Star Leap will also be held on May 5 at the Sumida Triphony Hall in Tokyo.

The company announced plans to hold regular livestreams to give updates on the Suikoden franchise.

Suikoden I&II HD Remaster Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars, the HD remastered release of Konami's classic role-playing games Suikoden and Suikoden II will launch for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on March 6, 2025.

The release was delayed from 2023. Konami cited the need to "ensure the quality performance and gameplay experience our users deserve."

Konami released the original game for the PlayStation in 1995, followed by the sequel game in 1998. The series has five main installments and five spinoff games.

Sources: Konami's YouTube channel, (link 2), (link 3)

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