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Accelerando (manga) Decent Too rapey and dark for me. It isn't very good, but it's hentai adaptation was a bit more tolerable.
Ai Yori Aoshi (manga) Masterpiece This a fantastic romance manga with great conclusion. Although, it does get side-tracked in the middle. I enjoyed this way more than the anime version which did not adapt all of it. The ending was really great too.
Alluring Woman (manga) Very good Sexy art but it's an anthology series and I didn't like all of the stories.
An Innocent Relationship (manga) Excellent This was really very good, not only sex scenes but also the story and characters. Volumes 4 and 5 were a bit frustrating to read though and I have not desire to read the sequel which sounds like more of the same.
Ane to Otōto to (manga) Good Features two characters from Kyoushi to Seito to one of the author's other works and follows the relationship of the two siblings and their strugle to come to terms with it.
Ane-Koi (manga) Very good
Aniyome Ijiri (manga) Excellent This one was pretty hot.
Aqua Bless (manga) Very good Not bad.
Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend? (light novel) Excellent This is an age gap romance. I found it to be a pretty enjoyable read. Too bad it just kind of...stops. Ends on a good note, I guess though.
B-Chiku (manga) Excellent This one was really great and hot.
Black Bird (manga) Excellent This was a pretty good supernatural romance. I also liked the character art.
Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World (novels) Very good A short series of novels that takes place directly after the Thousand Year Blood War and mostly follows Shuhei Hisagi as he acts as a journalist. He eventually, stumbles into the deadly plot of a sketchy noble attempting to usurp the Soul King.
Blood: The Last vampire (novel) Decent A decent read.
A Body for Play (manga) Very good Amazing art but I didn't like all the stories in it.
Boing Boing (manga) Good Most of this was good but there were a few chapters I really didn't like.
Boinzuma (manga) Not really good Did not really enjoy this one but it's not a total waste.
Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh (manga) Excellent Adapts the novels, which were good, so by default this gets a passing grade, but why not just go read the novels instead? They're better.
Boogiepop Dual - Losers' Circus (manga) Very good An original two volume Boogiepop where Boogiepop has moved on to someone else. This time a male student.
Bunny Drop (manga) Very good This was a decent story about an single guy learning to be a parent, when he decides to raise a relative's child no one wants. Although, in the end it turns into a strange romance title, when the daughter finds out she's not related to him, which I was okay with but it's kinds gross.
Carnal Communication (manga) Decent This one has good art, but none of the stories were all that interesting.
Chijō no Hito (manga) Very good
Chobits (manga) Very good Another great romance manga, with some interesting social commentary, and humor.
Claymore (manga) Masterpiece If there is anything that is deserving of having the rest of animated it is THIS. The storyline after the War in the North incident is just really amazing and good. Our 4 main characters and 3 other warriors are the only remaining survivors of the battle. After honing their skills for a while they reunite and agree that is finally time to strike back at the organization whose lied to them all along and tried to have them killed. Soon the seven girls along with some new allies begin to unravel some of the ugly truths behind the organization, and face new tougher challenges.
Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally (manga) Very good An interesting alternate take on Code Geass.
Cosplay Girlfriend (manga) Very good Not bad.
Crest of the Stars (manga) Excellent Manga adaptations of the series which adapt the nevels good, but watching the anime or reading the books would be better.
Crest of the Stars (novel) Masterpiece I REALLY enjoyed this sci-fi/romance novel series a lot. It pisses me off that Tokyopop only translated the 3 Crest of the Stars novels though before it went under. I really would have liked to read the remaining Banner of the Stars Novels. The anime is fantastic but these really expand the universe and characters, as expected of the source material, and are even better.
Demon King Daimaou (light novel) Good Watched the anime and read this to finish the story. It was alright, but kinda contrived and it sure got kinda dark for a while.
Dinner at the Shimoedas (manga) Excellent A good story about a man who marries into a poor family. I liked how this dealt with some real issues like the wife, Mio, becomes pregnant and while she is very happy she also struggles with whether or not have the baby because it will have a tough life and she doesn't think they can make enough to support it. However, her husband convinces her that they should keep it and says they only need to work harder. It motivates him to get a higher education so he can improve the family business. Unfortunately this was also censored.
Dogs: Prelude (manga) Excellent Also known as Volume 0 as it was released here in the states. Good action manga though it just sets up the situations and characters for the longer sequel manga series.
Enbo (manga) Weak
Fetish Grab Bag (manga) Decent
Fetishisms: Gone Wild (manga) Good
Fetishisms: Gone Wilder (manga) So-so
Fetishisms: Sexy Wives (manga) Very good Several random stories about neglected or just slutty wives cheating on their husbands.
First Love (manga) Very good Saw the anime adaptation first and liked it. This was also very good and had chapters that were not animated so it was good see the rest..
Fresh Pudding (manga) Good Good, not that big a fan of the art style though.
Fruitful Body (manga) Very good This one has a good story but the art was a bit lacking.
Full Metal Panic! (manga) Excellent Adapts what season 1 of the anime covered.
Full Metal Panic! (light novel) Excellent Pretty good series overall, though it got a bit grim there near the final volumes.
Full Metal Panic! Short Stories (light novel) Very good A series of funny short stories, mostly adapted in Full Metal Panic Fumofu, though there were some original ones too.
Giri Giri Sisters (manga) Very good Another Kisaragi Gunma work.so great art and hot.
Goddess of the Glass (manga) Excellent This was good love triangle/hentai manga.
Gunslinger Girl (manga) Very good This was a very good character piece, but good god is it depressing. Pretty much everyone is dead by the time the manga ends.
Haha no Naku Ie (manga) Weak
Hakkutsu Oppai Daijiten (manga) Good
Hard Temptation (manga) Excellent Like Tokoharu Apartments this is also a sexy adult harem manga about a lucky dude who ends up "servicing" many ladies including his eager girlfriend, a sexy single teacher from next door, his non-blood related aunt and two of her married friends, a former classmate turned insurance saleswoman, and eventually the married landlady. I don't know how this guy doesn't drop dead from oversexing, but it was a great manga aside from the shitty NTR chapter where he catches his girlfriend cheating on their anniversary. She seemed sincere in her guilt and apologizes begging him to take her back, even when she finds out he's even more a cheat and even moves in with him to win his trust back, so I guess there's definitely love there.
Hellsing (manga) Excellent Badass action manga. I prefer Hellsing Ultimate the anime adaptation though, simply because with black and white you can't really tell what the hell is going on half the time since the blood is black and so are the backgrounds.
Her and Her Uniform (manga) Very good Mixed feelings. Some of it was okay, but there's some blackmail and rape which I didn't like.
HHH Triple H (manga) Very good Also saw the animated version first here. Nothing really new here to see VS that.
Higurashi When They Cry: Abducted by Demons Arc (manga) Excellent
Higurashi When They Cry: Atonement Arc (manga) Very good
Higurashi When They Cry: Beyond Midnight Arc (manga) Very good
Higurashi When They Cry: Cotton Drifting Arc (manga) Very good
Higurashi When They Cry: Curse Killing Arc (manga) Good
Higurashi When They Cry: Eye Opening Arc (manga) Very good
Higurashi When They Cry: Festival Accompanying Arc (manga) Excellent
Higurashi When They Cry: Massacre Arc (manga) Excellent
Higurashi When They Cry: Time Killing Arc (manga) Very good
Honey Blonde (manga) Very good This one was cute and sexy.
Hot and Steamy (manga) Excellent An extremely enjoyable two volume series with a good story and characters. The only downside is the manga is censored.
How Good was I? (manga) Very good Another enjoyable hentai manga.
I Am Not Your Maid!! (manga) Excellent Picked this up because it was from the same author as Naughty Wives which I liked. Unlike most of the adult manga I've read this is more like a conventional relationship and only features the same couple finding different ways to have sex
Ichizu na Toriko (manga) Decent Decent, has it's moments but isn't super great.
Iku made... Piston! (manga) Bad This one started off fairly decent but devolved and I ended up hating it.
Infinite Ryvius (manga) Good Don't bother with this just watch the anime it's way better.
Innocent: Shōjo Memoria (manga) So-so Meh
It's a Straight Line Once You Fall in Love! (manga) Excellent This has great character art and a good story as expected from something by Gunma Kisaragi
Jokyōshi (manga) Excellent This one was pretty good.
Kannazuki no Miko: Destiny of Shrine Maiden (manga) Good Good, but again the anime is way better.
Kare Kano (manga) Masterpiece This puts it's anime adaptation to total shame. This is much better in comparison, both for resolving the main relationship as well as all the other character relationships in the manga as well.
King of Thorn (manga) Very good Basically an expanded version of the movie.
Kira Kira (manga) Very good I liked this anthology series a lot except for 3 chapters which were pretty rapey and not enjoyable.
Knock Me Up (manga) Very good Good story driven hentai.
Koiito Kinenbi (manga) Very good This one was a mixture of very good chapters VS questionable ones but overall it was good.
Kyōshi to Seito to (manga) Masterpiece This is one of my favorites. Not only does it have good sex scenes but the story and characters are also very well done.
Love Hair (manga) Not really good I couldn't really get into this one.
Love Infusion (manga) Excellent This one was great.
Love Selection (manga) Excellent I first saw this animated, but it only did two random chapters. Reading the full thing was much better and I like a lot of the stories in this anthology. It's also from an author I've liked other works from.
Love-Ridden (manga) Excellent This one was pretty good.
Lovers Time (manga) Excellent Another highly enjoyable hentai manga.
Mai Favorite (manga) Excellent Honestly this one was super hot. Also from an author I've enjoyed other works from.
Maid-Ane (manga) Good I watched the animated version of this and wanted to read this to see the rest of the story. There wasn't any so that was bust. It was also raw because I couldn't find a translated version.
Mako (manga) Excellent From the author of Kyoushi to Seito to, so it's pretty good with both porn and plot.
Manatsu no Hanazono: Oba + Shimai Ohame H (manga) Very good Another good H manga.
Mesu Oba, Misao (manga) Very good This was good, but nothing special.
Midori's Days (manga) Very good A ridiculous premise, but it actually manages to successfully combine some laughs with some serious character development to make a decent romantic comedy manga. I really thought this ended great as well.
Miwaku no Tobira (manga) So-so Meh, could take it or leave it.
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Episode Zero (manga) Excellent An interesting prequel to Gundam Wing.
Monster (manga) Masterpiece I liked the anime and this basically the same thing. Great stuff.
My Celebrity Girlfriend (manga) Very good I read this because I saw the animated version, it's basically the same as this minus a very questionable chapter in the manga that I didn't really like anyway.
My Mother (manga) Good
My-HiME (manga) Good Well it has boobs and other fanservice which is about it's only good selling point. Everything else is pretty weak.
Naughty Wives (manga) Excellent My first foray into adult manga. I really liked the story and the two ladies are very sexy. This one was censored though which was disappointing.
Nee, mō Sukoshi dake... (manga) Very good This one was fairly good as well.
Nudist Beach ni Shūgakuryokō de!! (manga) Excellent This one was quite good though the animated version seems to have changed the story a bit.
Nurse's Paradise (manga) Excellent This one was a fairly light-hearted read about a pervy patient who because of an emergency gets admitted to a strictly female clinic and sleeps with all the staff.
Nurse's Sweet Naked Truth (manga) Very good Pretty good aside from one or two chapters.
Oku-san to Issho (manga) Very good
Omamori Himari (manga) Very good Pretty good harem/action manga. I just wish the anime would have had the character development for the main character that the manga had, but it didn't get that far.
Otokonoko Onnanoko (manga) Good Good.
Planetes (manga) Excellent This is a tough call. While I aplaud the manga for going into the backgrounds of the characters more and continuing the story further along, I also found it to be kind of dry. I thought a lot of this series just clicked more with me in it's anime form.
Porno Switch (manga) Very good A good anthology series overall though there were some chapters I didn't like.
Psycome (light novel) Very good
Pure Love Mellow (manga) Good I read this because part of it was animated. It wasn't bad but there was no continuation to the story (Gogo no Kocho) I was hoping for.
Sarashi Ai (manga) Not really good This one wasn't really my thing, though it wasn't all bad either.
Scryed (manga) Very good This was even more ridiculously over-the-top then it's anime. Some plot points were just too contrived.
Secretarial Section Drop (manga) Very good I watched this hoping to get more of the anime and was not disappointed. It is pretty good, though I didn't like some parts of it for being a bit rapey.
Sekirei (manga) Excellent This was a great fanservice harem title with action elements.
Sensei o Mite Kudasai (manga) Very good Pretty good, though I find taking advantage of a drunk girl morally questionable.
Setsunai Omoi (manga) Very good Aka Painful Feelings. Not bad pretty enjoyable.
Sexless Friend (manga) So-so Meh, this was was mediocre, and despite being Project H, it had no real H. It's basically just a mildly interesting love triangle that does really get resolved because nobody really managed to get over their personal issues.
Shocking Pink! (manga) Very good This was great all except for this one creepy twincest/rape chapter near the end.
Shōjo x Shōjo x Shōjo (manga) Excellent Another one that I watched because I saw the anime and wondered if there was more story. There wasn't though both versions end fairly decently.
Slave Rabbit and Anthony (manga) Excellent There was a lot more story to this that was left unadapted.
(The) Spirit of Capitalism (manga) Decent Decent enough, though some of the sex is a bit forced.
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (manga) Very good Speaking of the Force this was an interesting take on Star Wars.
Stretta (manga) Very good Nothing really new here since I saw the hentai adaptation. The hentai was better because it added scenes.
Stringendo (manga) Very good Nothing really new here since I saw the hentai adaptation. The hentai was better because it added scenes.
Suzuka (manga) Excellent Overall, a pretty good romance series. Now if someone would release the last 3 volumes in the states here.
Sweet Lip (manga) Good This one was okay.
Sweethearts (manga) Excellent This was another great work by Kisaragi Gunma. It's an anthology series with lots of interesting stories.
Swing Out Sisters (manga) Excellent Picked this up since it was on sale and I had already seen and enjoyed the hentai adaptation of this. This manga was pretty much that word for word minus the wedding dress sex scenes from the hetai.
Teach Me A Lesson (manga) Very good Overall pretty enjoyable adult manga. Although the art is really great the way it's drawn sometimes makes it hard to tell what's going on sometimes.
Tender Hearts (manga) Very good I enjoyed this one.
Tsukihime (manga) Excellent This was better then the anime because it had a lot more action and character depth as well as explained more things. It still follows the same old stupid depressing Arcuaid route though. I was really hoping it would go with the other Arcuaid route or one of the Ciel routes.
Tsuma Jirukan (manga) Decent
Venus Rhapsody (manga) Excellent This one was pretty damn good.
Wagamama na Tarechichi (manga) Very good
Watashi no Shitai OO na Koto (manga) Very good An enjoyable read.
Welcome to the NHK (novel) Masterpiece This was a really great read. It has a little something for everyone, comedy, drama, psychological, romance, etc. Masterpiece level.
Welcome to Tokoharu Apartments (manga) Excellent Probably my favorite adult manga. I really like all the girls in the harem, even Yua despite her whoring ways. The art and sex scenes are very well drawn too. The author even made me happy by ending the main story well with the other male tenants moving away and on to other things. The apartments only renting to females now, so the main character essentially takes Yua's place as a male whore and has his own harem continuing to have lots of sex with his 3 lovers plus a couple of new additional girls that have moved it.
Work for Pleasure (manga) Good While this was good, it didn't really have anything outstanding, nor was particularly hot.
Yūwaku no Tobira (manga) Decent This was a bit mediocre.