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New Is the order a rabbit? Anime Green-Lit

posted on by Egan Loo
Announced at Saturday event

The "Is the order a rabbit? Rabbit House Talk Party 2025" event announced on Saturday that production on a new Is the order a rabbit? anime has been green-lit.

The first season of the anime premiered in Japan in April 2014, and the second season premiered in October 2015. Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?? Dear My Sister, a new special episode for the anime, opened in 40 theaters in Japan in November 2017. The third season premiered in October 2020. Crunchyroll streamed the seasons as they aired in Japan, and Sentai Filmworks released the seasons on home video in North America.

Koi launched the original manga in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Max magazine in 2011. In Koi's original four-panel manga, the main character Cocoa (a pun of “hot Cocoa”) arrives at the café Rabbit House one day, excited for rabbits. She actually all but lives in that café. She meets lots of different girls there, including a tiny and cool girl named Chino (from “cappucino”), a tough and soldier-esque girl named Rize (“Thé des Alizés” tea), a spacey and quintessentially Japanese girl named Chiya (“Uji matcha” tea), and the ordinary but dignified Sharo (“Kilimanjaro” coffee).

Source: Is the order a rabbit? anime's X/Twitter account via Otakomu

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