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Nmeneko Short Anime's 2nd Video Unveils April 3 TV Debut

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Megumi Han, Hiro Shimono star in anime

The official website for the short anime of Shirimoto's Nmeneko manga started streaming the anime's second full promotional video on Tuesday. The video reveals the anime's premiere on April 3 on the TBS channel at 25:58 (effectively, April 4 at 1:58 a.m. or April 3 at 12:58 p.m. EDT).

Image via Nmeneko anime's website

The anime will star Megumi Han as the titular character Nmeneko and Hiro Shimono as Usukuro.

The anime depicts the funny and amusing daily lives of two cats who want to live life doing only fun things.

Tommy Hino (Crane Game Girls, Crane Game Girls Galaxy, Pastel Life) is directing the anime at Kumarba, and Hideaki Shirasaka (Mayonaka Punch, Ya Boy Kongming!) is supervising and writing the series scripts.

Shirimoto draws the Nmeneko manga and posts it on their X/Twitter account, with some posts garnering over 1 million impressions.

Sources: Nmeneko anime's website, Comic Natalie

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