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Yūsha Party o Oidasareta Kiyō Binbō Light Novels Get TV Anime

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Fantasy series about jack of all trades being kicked out of party to star Takeo Ōtsuka

Bandai Namco Filmworks announced on Monday that storywriter Itsuki Togami and illustrator Yuri Kisaragi's Yūsha Party o Oidasareta Kiyō Binbō (The Jack of All Trades Was Kicked Out of the Hero's Party) light novel series is getting a television anime adaptation. Bandai Namco Filmworks also revealed the main cast and staff, a teaser visual, a teaser video, and celebration illustrations.

Key visual for Yūsha Party o Oidasareta Kiyō Binbō anime
Image courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks

Original character designer Yuri Kisaragi and manga illustrator Yonezou both drew illustrations to commemorate the announcement.

Celebration image for Yūsha Party o Oidasareta Kiyō Binbō anime
Celebration illustration from Yuri Kisaragi
Image courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks

Celebration image for Yūsha Party o Oidasareta Kiyō Binbō anime
Celebration illustration from Yonezou
Image courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks

The anime will star (name romanizations are not confirmed):

Takeo Ōtsuka as Orun Dula
Image courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks
Hina Tachibana as Sophia Clodel
Image courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks
Saori Ōnishi as Selma Clodel
Image courtesy of Bandai Namco Filmworks

Hiroyuki Kanbe (Oreimo, Viper's Creed) is directing the anime at "animation studio42." Masashi Suzuki (Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King, Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox) is overseeing the series scripts and Naoto Nakamura (Date A Live IV, Date A Live V, Date A Bullet) is designing the characters.

The fantasy story centers on Orun, a swordsman who changed to a mage class for the sake of the "Hero's Party" that he belonged to. He even developed a unique style of magic to support the party. But Oliver, Orun's childhood friend and the leader of the party, kicked Orun out of the party due to a lack of ability. His party members mocked him for being a "jack of all trades but master of none" and the party already found his successor. Disappointed, he parts ways with the party and begins solo activities as an explorer. Orun's fate changes dramatically with new encounters, and in order to protect those who have become important to him, he aims to take his "jack of all trades" skills to become the "ultimate all-rounder."

Togami launched the story on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website in February 2021, and the story is ongoing. Kodansha publishes the novels in print and released the eighth volume on December 2.

Yonezou launched the manga on Kodansha's Suiyōbi no Sirius website in October 2021. Kodansha published the manga's 13th volume on December 9.

The franchise has more than 3.8 million copies in circulation.

Source: Press release

Disclosure: Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc. (Sunrise) is a non-controlling, minority shareholder in Anime News Network Inc.

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