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I May Be a Guild Receptionist
Episode 8

by Grant Jones,

How would you rate episode 8 of
I May Be a Guild Receptionist ?
Community score: 4.0


Episode 8 of I May Be a Guild Receptionist acts as a finale-in-miniature and brings closure to several key threads from this season.

Lululee's journey is complete, or at least this phase of it. I must reiterate that this surprised me, and it's nice to see that she has overcome this challenge. The episode did a good job threading the needle with the revive magic spell in terms of dramatic tension. A rather long-running issue in games, shows, etc. of the dungeon fantasy milieu is how to address revivification magic. For all the silliness that fantasy settings have they do tend to share the human experience of death and its permanent consequences. We don't have a model for how people or societies would operate without death, so having easy access to revival magic without consequences would be world-shaking. That said, it's nice as a game mechanic or a story beat to be able to bring back characters who have died.

This episode manages to make Lululee casting a revive spell a meaningful enough event that it's earned. I did not for a moment believe this was the end of Alina, nor do I think any other audience member would truly think she was going to die. But the point of the scene was to show that Lululee felt this was it and she had to overcome her past trauma to save Alina and allow her to save the day, something that was physically, mentally, and magically draining. Well done to the team on that one.

The rest of the episode is solid too. The battle with the dark god was a bit repetitive but the gruesome nature of the girls' power was interesting to watch. Alina and Jade had a few cute moments together and I'm certainly rooting for them. Alina got to enjoy the festival, do some big cool attacks, and wrap up with a good comedy beat. That's all I want really!


I May Be a Guild Receptionist is currently streaming on Crunchyroll on Fridays..

Disclosure: Kadokawa World Entertainment (KWE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kadokawa Corporation, is the majority owner of Anime News Network, LLC. One or more of the companies mentioned in this article are part of the Kadokawa Group of Companies.

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