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ikillchicken's Anime

Seen all Rating
AD Police (OAV) So-so
Afro Samurai (TV) Not really good
Akira (movie) Masterpiece
(The) Animatrix (OAV)
See individual segments.
Appleseed (OAV) Decent
Appleseed (movie) Not really good
Aquatic Language (special) Decent
Area 88 (OAV) Not really good
Armitage III: Poly-Matrix (movie) Weak
Aruvu Rezuru - Kikai Jikake no Yōsei-tachi (movie) Bad
Attack on Titan (TV) Very good
Attack on Titan (TV 2/2017) Excellent
Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales (TV) So-so
Baby Blue (movie) Very good
Baccano! (TV) Very good
Baldr Force EXE (OAV) Awful
Bannō Yasai Ninninman (movie) Decent
Basilisk (TV) Decent
Batman: Gotham Knight (movie) Weak
Battle Angel (OAV) Good
Beast Wars: Transformers (U.S. TV)
Berserk (TV 1997) Masterpiece
Beyond (OAV) Decent
Beyond the Boundary (TV) Very good
(The) Big O (TV) Very good
BioHunter (OAV) Decent
Black Lagoon (TV) So-so
Black Magic M-66 (OAV) Good
Blast of Tempest (TV) Decent
Blood Blockade Battlefront (TV) Decent
Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond (TV) Good
Blood: The Last Vampire (movie) Very good
Blue Exorcist (TV) So-so
Blue Submarine No.6 (OAV) So-so
Btooom! (TV) So-so
Bubblegum Crisis (OAV) So-so
BUTA (movie) Weak
Cannon Fodder (movie) Decent
Castle in the Sky (movie) Decent
Cencoroll (movie) So-so
(Le) Chevalier D'Eon (TV)
Claymore (TV) So-so
Code:Breaker (TV) Weak
Comedy (OAV) Very good
Cowboy Bebop (TV) Masterpiece
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Masterpiece
Crusher Joe: The Movie Very good
Crusher Joe: The OVA's Decent
Cyber City Oedo 808 (OAV) Decent
Cybersix (TV)
Dallos (OAV) Decent
Death Billiards (movie) Good
Death Parade (TV) Masterpiece
Deathtic 4 (movie) Not really good
Demon City Shinjuku (OAV) So-so
Desert Punk (TV) So-so
A Detective Story (OAV) So-so
(Le) Deus (OAV)
DEVILMAN crybaby (ONA) Masterpiece
Digimon Adventure (TV)
Digimon Adventure (movie) Very good
Digimon Adventure 02 (TV)
Digimon Adventure tri.: Reunion (movie 1) Decent
Digimon Frontier (TV)
Digimon Tamers (TV)
Digimon: The Movie (U.S. movie)
Digital Juice (OAV)
Dimension Bomb (movie) Bad
Dirty Pair: Affair on Nolandia (OAV) So-so
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy (OAV) Decent
Dirty Pair: Project Eden (movie) Decent
Domain of Murder (OAV) Decent
Doorbell (movie) Bad
Dragon Ball (TV) Not really good
Dragon Ball GT (TV) Awful
Dragon Ball Z (TV) So-so
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV) Decent
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan (movie 8) Awful
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (movie 5) Not really good
Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone (movie 1) Not really good
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (movie 4) Weak
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! (movie 7) So-so
Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (movie 6) So-so
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (movie 3) Not really good
Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest (movie 2) So-so
Drawer Hobs (movie) Not really good
Durarara!! (TV) So-so
Eat-Man (TV) Good
(The) Eccentric Family (TV) Very good
End of the World (OAV) Bad
ERASED (TV) Decent
Escaflowne: The Movie Weak
Eureka Seven (TV) Weak
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (movie) Good
Fate/stay night (TV) Very good (dub & sub)
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) Not really good
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV 2) Not really good
Fate/Zero (TV) Good
Fate/Zero (TV 2) Good
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie) Decent
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (US CG movie) Decent
(The) Final Flight of the Osiris (OAV) Bad
Fire Tripper (OAV) Decent
First Squad - The Moment Of Truth (OAV) Bad
FLCL (OAV) So-so
Flowers of Evil (TV) Masterpiece
Full Metal Panic! (TV) Decent
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV) Not really good
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) Weak
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) So-so
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa So-so
Gala (movie) So-so
Galilei Donna (TV) Weak
Gangsta. (TV) Not really good
Garo -Vanishing Line- (TV) Good
Garo the Animation (TV) Good
Gatchaman Crowds (TV) Decent
Genius Party (movie) Good
Ghost Hound (TV) Good
Ghost in the Shell (movie) Masterpiece
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (movie) Weak
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (TV) Excellent
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (TV) Excellent
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society (movie) So-so
(The) Girl Who Leapt Through Time (movie) Decent
Girls' Last Tour (TV) Very good
Goku: Midnight Eye (OAV) Bad
Golgo 13: The Professional (movie) Good
Gundam: Mission to the Rise (special)
Happy Machine (movie) Decent
Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto (TV) Decent
Hells (movie) Excellent
Hellsing (TV) Very good
(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan (OAV) So-so
Higan (OAV) Not really good
Highlander: The Search for Vengeance (movie) So-so
House of Five Leaves (TV) Excellent
Interlude (OAV) So-so
Inuyasha (TV) Not really good
Jin-Roh - The Wolf Brigade (movie) Masterpiece
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (TV) So-so
Joker Game (TV) Decent
Juni Taisen: Zodiac War (TV) Weak
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (TV) Good
Kai Doh Maru (OAV) Bad
Kaiba (TV) Very good
Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor (TV) Very good
(The) Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior (TV) Decent
Kemonozume (TV) Good
Kick-Heart (movie) Good
Kid's Story (OAV) So-so
Kill Bill Chapter 3: The Origin of O-Ren (movie segment) Good
Kill la Kill (TV) So-so
Kino's Journey (TV) Good
Kizuna Ichigeki (movie) Good
Knight of the Iron Dragon (OAV) Bad
Kurozuka (TV) Decent
Kyousougiga (TV) So-so
Labyrinth (movie) So-so
(The) Legend of Black Heaven (TV) Decent
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest is the Sea of Stars (movie) Decent
Level E (TV) So-so
Li'l Spider Girl (movie) Not really good
Lily C.A.T. (OAV) Decent
Limit Cycle (movie) Worst ever
Little Witch Academia (movie) Good
Little Witch Academia (TV) Decent
Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade (OAV) Very good
Lupin III: Part IV (TV 2015) Excellent
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro (movie) Excellent
Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (TV) Excellent (dub & sub)
Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen's Gravestone (movie) Good
Macross Plus (OAV) Excellent
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (TV) Bad
Magnetic Rose (movie) Excellent
Maria the Virgin Witch (TV) Excellent
Matriculated (OAV) Awful
Megazone 23 (OAV) Weak
Memories (movie)
See individual segments.
Metropolis (movie) Good
Mighty Space Miners (OAV) Weak
Mind Game (movie) So-so
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (OAV) Decent
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (OAV) Very good
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) Good
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team (OAV) Excellent
Mononoke (TV) Very good
Moondrive (movie) Very good
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (TV) Excellent
Mushi-Shi (TV) Excellent
My Love Story!! (TV) Very good
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (movie) Not really good
Neo-Tokyo (movie)
See individual segments.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (TV) Masterpiece
Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (movie) Good
Ninja Scroll (movie) Very good
Ninja Scroll (TV) Worst ever
Nobunagun (TV) Good
Noiseman Sound Insect (movie) Weak
Noragami (TV) Good
O-jii-san no Lamp (movie) Excellent
One Punch Man (TV) So-so
(The) Order to Stop Construction (movie) Decent
Orguss 02 (OAV) Good
Outlaw Star (TV) Decent
Pale Cocoon (OAV) Decent
Paprika (movie) Not really good
Parasite Dolls (OAV) Very good
Parasyte -the maxim- (TV) So-so
Patema Inverted (movie) Very good
Patlabor: The Movie (movie 1) Decent
Perfect Blue (movie) Very good
(The) Perfect Insider (TV) Good
Ping Pong (TV) Excellent
Pokémon 2000 - The Movie (movie 2)
Pokémon 3 - The Movie (movie 3)
Pokémon: The First Movie (movie 1)
Porco Rosso (movie) Very good
Princess Jellyfish (TV) Excellent
Princess Mononoke (movie) Masterpiece
Prison School (TV) Decent
Professor Dan Petory's Blues (OAV)
Program (OAV) Good
Project A-ko (movie) Decent
Psycho-Pass (TV) Excellent
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (TV) Excellent
Puka Puka Juju (movie) So-so
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis (TV) Good
RahXephon (TV) Excellent
Redline (movie) Masterpiece
Riding Bean (OAV) Bad
Robot Carnival (OAV) Very good
Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (TV) Good
(The) Rolling Girls (TV) Not really good
Roujin Z (movie) So-so
Royal Space Force - The Wings of Honnêamise (movie) Weak
Running Man (movie) Decent
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal (OAV) Excellent
Ryo (movie) Good
Samurai 7 (TV) Decent
Samurai Champloo (TV) Excellent
Samurai Deeper Kyo (TV) Weak
Samurai Flamenco (TV) Not really good
Second Renaissance (OAV) Weak
Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign (TV) Decent
Serial Experiments Lain (TV) Very good
Shanghai Dragon (movie) Decent
Shigurui: Death Frenzy (TV) Decent
Shiki (TV) Masterpiece (dub & sub)
Shiranpuri (movie) So-so
Short Peace (movie) Good
Sin in the Rain (OAV) Not really good
(The) Sky Crawlers (movie) Good
Slipstream (OAV) Decent
Sonic Boom Squadron (OAV) Not really good
Space Adventure Cobra - The Movie Decent
Space Dandy (TV) Very good
Space Dandy Season 2 (TV) Masterpiece
Spirited Away (movie) Good
Spriggan (movie) Not really good
Steamboy (movie) Not really good
Steins;Gate (TV) So-so
Stink Bomb (movie) Weak
Summer Wars (movie) Not really good
(The) Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love? (movie) Bad
Sword of the Stranger (movie) Very good
Tachikomatic Days (OAV)
(The) Tale of the Princess Kaguya (movie) Good
Tenjho Tenge (TV) So-so
Tenjho Tenge: Ultimate Fight (OAV) So-so
Terror in Resonance (TV) So-so
Time of Eve (ONA) Excellent
Time of Eve (movie) Excellent
Tojin Kit (movie) So-so
Tokyo ESP (TV) Not really good
Trava (OAV) So-so
Trigun (TV) Masterpiece (dub & sub)
Trigun: Badlands Rumble (movie) Good
Twilight of the Dark Master (OAV) Good
Twilight Q (OAV) Decent
Urban Square - Kohaku no Tsuigeki (OAV) Decent
Vampire Hunter D (OAV) Awful
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (movie) Very good
Venus Wars (movie) Decent
Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan (movie) Not really good
(The) Vision of Escaflowne (TV) Very good
Wandering Son (TV) Good
Wanwa the Puppy (movie) Not really good
Welcome to Irabu's Office (TV) Good
Whisper of the Heart (movie) Decent
Wicked City (movie) So-so
(The) Wind Rises (movie) Very good
Witch Hunter Robin (TV) Good
Wolf's Rain (TV) Very good
Wolf's Rain (OAV) Very good
World Record (OAV) Good
X (TV) Good
You're Under Arrest (OAV) Decent

Will not finish Rating
3x3 Eyes (OAV) Awful

Seen: A few episodes

Ace Attorney (TV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

After War Gundam X (TV) Decent

Seen: A dozen episodes or so

Akame ga KILL! (TV) Awful

Seen: 1 episode

Aldnoah.Zero (TV) Weak

Seen: 3 episodes

Amnesia (TV) Weak

Seen: A few episodes

Argevollen (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova (TV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

Assassination Classroom (TV) Not really good

Seen: A couple episodes

Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation (TV) Decent

Seen: About half

Berserk (TV 2016) Weak

Seen: Too many episodes

Black Bullet (TV) Weak

Seen: 3 episodes

Blade & Soul (TV) So-so

Seen: 5 episodes

Bleach (TV) Bad

Seen: A bunch

Blood Lad (TV) Not really good

Seen: 5 episodes

Blood+ (TV) Weak

Seen: A half dozen episodes or so

Brynhildr in the Darkness (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Buddy Complex (TV) Weak

Seen: 6 episodes

Bungo Stray Dogs (TV) Not really good

Seen: A couple episodes

Burst Angel (TV) Bad

Seen: A few episodes

C – Control – The Money and Soul of Possibility (TV) Not really good

Seen: 4 or 5 episodes

Captain Earth (TV) So-so

Seen: 4 or 5 episodes

Chaika - The Coffin Princess (TV) So-so

Seen: About half

Chaos Dragon (TV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

Colorful (TV) Not really good

Seen: About half

Comet Lucifer (TV) Decent

Seen: 8 Episodes

Concrete Revolutio (TV) Weak

Seen: A few episodes

Coppelion (TV) Bad

Seen: 4 or 5 episodes

Dai - Shogun - Great Revolution (TV) Worst ever

Seen: 1 episode

Daimidaler: Prince vs. Penguin Empire (TV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

Danganronpa The Animation (TV) Awful

Seen: A few episodes

Darker than Black (TV) Not really good

Seen: About a half dozen episodes

Deadman Wonderland (TV) Bad

Seen: About 10 episodes

Death Note (TV) Weak

Seen: About half I think

Devil Survivor 2 The Animation (TV) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes

Devils and Realist (TV) Not really good

Seen: Maybe 4 episodes

Dimension W (TV) Weak

Seen: a few episodes

Ergo Proxy (TV) So-so

Seen: Maybe 10 episodes

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya (TV) Weak

Seen: A couple episodes

(The) File of Young Kindaichi Returns (TV) Not really good

Seen: 2 episodes

From the New World (TV) Not really good

Seen: I wanna say 15, 16 episodes

(The) Future Diary (TV) Bad

Seen: About half

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (TV) Weak

Seen: 6 episodes

GATE (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Genocyber (OAV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

Gilgamesh (TV) Not really good

Seen: Maybe 10 episodes

Glass Maiden (TV) Weak

Seen: 1 episode

Gugure! Kokkuri-san (TV) Not really good

Seen: About half

Guilty Crown (TV) Bad

Seen: 7 or 8 episodes

Gun Frontier (TV) Bad

Seen: 4 or 5 episodes

Gundam Reconguista in G (TV) Not really good

Seen: 5 episodes

Gungrave (TV) So-so

Seen: 6 to 10 episodes

Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom (TV) Not really good

Seen: About 6 episodes

Hamatora (TV) Weak

Seen: 5 episodes

(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan (TV) So-so

Seen: 2/3rds

Heroman (TV) Not really good

Seen: A few episodes

Ikki Tousen (TV) Awful

Seen: A few episodes

(The) irregular at magic high school (TV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

K (TV) Bad

Seen: A couple episodes

Katanagatari (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Kokkoku (TV) Decent
Last Exile (TV) So-so

Seen: A few episodes

Love Hina (TV) Bad

Seen: A few episodes

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (TV) Bad

Seen: A couple episodes

Magical Warfare (TV) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes


Seen: 1 episode

Mikagura School Suite (TV) Not really good

Seen: 4 episodes

Mobile Fighter G Gundam (TV) Not really good

Seen: 5 to 10 episodes

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (TV) Weak

Seen: Maybe 6 episodes

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (TV) Awful

Seen: Oh god, it all blends together

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (TV) Not really good

Seen: All of it when I was a kid. Maybe a couple dozen episodes as an adult

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (TV) Not really good

Seen: About half

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (TV) Not really good

Seen: About half

Monster Rancher (TV)

Seen: I have no idea. I just remember watching it as a kid.

Mōryō no Hako (TV) So-so

Seen: Maybe 5 episodes?

Nanana's Buried Treasure (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Naruto (TV) Weak

Seen: I don't know. A few dozen episodes when it was on TV

Natsume's Book of Friends (TV) So-so

Seen: 9 episodes

Ninja Slayer From Animation (ONA) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes

No Game, No Life (TV) Worst ever

Seen: 2 episodes

Nobunaga The Fool (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Noir (TV) Not really good

Seen: About half

Norn9 (TV) Not really good

Seen: One episode

Occult Academy (TV) Not really good

Seen: 6 or 7 episodes I think

One Week Friends (TV) Decent

Seen: A few episodes

Otogi Zoshi (TV) So-so

Seen: Half

Overlord (TV) Not really good

Seen: 2 episodes

Ozma (TV) So-so

Seen: 2 episodes

Paranoia Agent (TV)

To Revisit

Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1/1988)

To Revisit

Persona 4: The Animation (TV) Weak

Seen: About a half dozen episodes

(The) Pilot's Love Song (TV) Not really good

Seen: 8 episodes

Plastic Memories (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Please Save My Earth (OAV) Weak

Seen: 1 episode

Pokémon (TV)

Seen: A lot

Punch Line (TV) Weak

Seen: 4 episodes

Pupa (TV) Worst ever

Seen: 6 episodes

Rampo Kitan: Game of Laplace (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Red Data Girl (TV) Weak

Seen: 1 episode

Riddle Story of Devil (TV) Not really good

Seen: 5 episodes

Rideback (TV) Weak

Seen: About half

RIN - Daughters of Mnemosyne (TV) Awful

Seen: 3 episodes

Robotics;Notes (TV) So-so

Seen: 5 or 6 episodes

Rurouni Kenshin (TV 1996) Decent

Seen: First two seasons

Samurai Pizza Cats (TV)

Seen: ???

School-Live! (TV)

Seen: 1 episode

SD Gundam Force (TV)

Seen: 1 episode

Selector Infected Wixoss (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

Sengoku Basara - Samurai Kings (TV) Not really good

Seen: 1 episode

(The) Seven Deadly Sins (TV) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes

(The) Severing Crime Edge (TV) Weak

Seen: A few episodes

Shaman King (TV 2001)

Seen: A bunch

SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist (TV) So-so

Seen: About half

(The) Skull Man (TV) So-so

Seen: 3 episodes

Snow White with the Red Hair (TV) Not really good

Seen: 2 episodes

(il) sole penetra le illusioni ~ Day Break Illusion (TV) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes

Speed Grapher (TV) Weak

Seen: About half

Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3 (TV) Not really good

Seen: 4 or 5 episodes

Strike the Blood (TV) Not really good

Seen: A few episodes

Sunday Without God (TV) Bad

Seen: 1 episode

Terraformars (TV) Awful

Seen: 4 episodes

Tokko (TV) Not really good

Seen: 1 or 2 episodes

Tokyo Ghoul (TV) So-so
Tokyo Underground (TV) Awful

Seen: An episode or two

Un-Go (TV) Weak

Seen: 5 episodes

Ushio & Tora (TV) So-so

Seen: 8 episodes

Witch Craft Works (TV) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes

Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil (TV) Bad

Seen: 2 episodes

World Conquest Zvezda Plot (TV) Weak

Seen: 3 episodes

(The) World Is Still Beautiful (TV) Weak

Seen: 2 episodes

World Trigger (TV) Awful

Seen: 1 episode

Xenosaga: The Animation (TV) Not really good

Seen: 4 episodes

Yatterman Night (TV) So-so

Seen: 3 episodes

Yona of the Dawn (TV) Not really good

Seen: 5 episodes

Yu-Gi-Oh! (TV 2/2000) Weak

Seen: Most of it. I think I finally dropped out somewhere in season 4

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (TV) Awful

Seen: I don't know

Zombie-Loan (TV) Bad

Seen: 5 or 6 episodes