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Beast Wars: Transformers (U.S. TV)

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Alternative title:
Animutants (French)
Beast Wars Chō Seimeitai Transformers (Japanese)
Guerra de Bestias (Spanish)
Kosmiczne wojny (Polish)
Rombi di tuono e cieli di fuoco per i Biocombat (Italian)
Битвы Зверей (Russian)
ビーストウォーズ 超生命体トランスフォーマー (Japanese)
ビーストウォーズメタルス 超生命体トランスフォーマ (Japanese)
Objectionable content: Mild
Plot Summary: Three hundred years have passed since the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons. Cybertron is ruled by the Maximals, the descendants of the Autobots. They are at peace with the Predacons, the descendants of the Decepticons. One particular Predacon is looking to start trouble again. Megatron gathered a crew and stole Cybertron's most guarded relic: the golden disk. His escape was interrupted by a Maximal exploration ship led by Optimus Primal. The Axalon followed the Predacons into transwap space and both ships crash landed on an unknown planet. Megatron's plan was successful, the planet they crashed on was loaded with energon. As a matter of fact, there was to much energon for them to handle. Both sides had to create alternate forms based on local animal life to survive on this planet. Now its up to Optimus Primal and the Maximals to stop Megatron from gaining enough energon to conquer the galaxy.
Running time: 25 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 52
Episode titles: We have 52
1996-09-16 to 1999-05-07 (USA)
1997-10-01 to 2000-03-29 (Japan)
1998-03-28 to 1998-12-27 (Germany - RTL2)
Opening Theme:
"Beast Wars Theme" by Robert Buckley
"Rombi di tuono e cieli di fuoco per i Biocombat" by Enzo Draghi [Italian version]
#1: "War War! Stop It!" by Shitamachi Kyōdai [Japanese version] (eps 1-26)
#2: "Tamashii no Evolution" (魂のエヴォリューション) by Hironobu Kageyama [Japanese version] (eps 27-33, 35-40)
#3: "Hajimari no Uta" (始まりの唄) by Seiji Katsu & Kenzō Isurugi [Japanese version] (ep 34)
#4: "Sennen no Soldier" (千年のソルジャー) by Hironobu Kageyama [Japanese version] (eps 41-42, 44-52)
#5: "Ano Yume no Kanata e" (あの夢の彼方へ) by Current Of Air [Japanese Version] (ep 43)
Ending Theme:
#1: "For the Dream" by Maki Kanzaki [Japanese version] (eps 1-26)
#2: "Ba-Bi-Bu-Be-Beast Wars" (バ・ビ・ブ・ベ ビーストウォーズ) by Hironobu Kageyama [Japanese version] (eps 27-33, 35-40)
#3: "Hateshinai Kono Sora e" (果てしないこの宇宙へ) by Seiji Katsu & Kenzo Isurugi [Japanese version] (ep 34)
#4: "Halleluyah" by Hironobu Kageyama and Mitsuko Horie [Japanese version] (eps 41-42,44-52)
#5: "Wa! Wa! Wonderland" (WA! WA! ワンダーランド) by Current Of Air [Japanese Version] (ep 43)
Trivia: We have 5
Followed by the sequel series Beast Machines: Transformers (1999-2001), which had the Maximals and Predacons continue their war back on planet Cybertron.
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DVD (Region 1)
    Beast Wars: Transformers - Season One (Dub.DVD) 2011-06-07 (from $15.96)
    Beast Wars: Transformers - Seasons 2 & 3 (Dub.DVD) 2011-10-04 (from $29.99)
    Beast Wars: Transformers - Complete Series (Dub.DVD) 2011-11-01

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Translation: Takashi Anze
Sound Director: Yoshikazu Iwanami

Kei Hona (TV Tokyo, 1997 Release)
Machiko Ishii (TV Tokyo, 2007 Release)
Sub-mechanical Design: Hisashi Saito
Theme Song Lyrics:
Banana Ice (OP)
Seriko Natsuno (ED)
Theme Song Performance:
Hideaki Takatori (ep 43)
Hironobu Kageyama (Metals opening and closing)
Kyodai Shitamachi (OP1)
Maki Kanzaki (ED1)
Masaaki Endō (ED 2,4)
Masako Iwanaga (ED 2,4)
Mitsuko Horie (Metals ED2)
Seiji Katsu (ep 34)
Shigeru Chiba as Megatron
Takehito Koyasu as Convoy/Optimus Primal
Wataru Takagi as Chiitas/Cheetor

Daiki Nakamura as Rhinox
Kappei Yamaguchi as Rattle/Rattrap
Keiji Fujiwara as Dinobot
Kensō Katō as Waspinator
Kiyoyuki Yanada as Depth Charge
Kōichi Tōchika as Tigatron/Tigerfalcon (Tigerhawk)
Masashi Endō as Scorpos (Scorponok)
Mitsuo Iwata as Silverbolt
Nobuo Tobita as
Nobuyuki Hiyama as Rampage
Ryōka Yuzuki as Black Widow (Blackarachnia)
Shinichirō Miki as Inferno
Tetsuya Iwanaga as Airazor
Yūichi Nagashima as Tarans/Tarantulas

Banana Ice as Opening Narration (eps 1-2)
Chafūrin as Cicadacon (ep 37)
Haruna Ikezawa as Transmutate (ep 36)
Hidetoshi Nakamura as Vok Unicron (ep 25)
Jōji Yanami as Sea Clamp (ep 37)
Kazuki Yao as Starscream
Nobuo Tobita as Cyberguard (Sentinel)
Nobuyuki Hiyama as Spiderbot (Arachnoid)
Ryōka Yuzuki as
Predacon Computer NaviCo
Takehito Koyasu as Vok (ep 50)
Toshiyuki Morikawa as Jaguar (Ravage)
Wataru Takagi as G1 Megatron
Yūichi Nagashima as Kobanza Metarō (Cybershark Drone)
Yukimasa Kishino as Ram Horn (ep 37)
Japanese companies
English staff
English cast
Adam Wood (ep 1.24)
Andrew Doucette (ep 1.05)
Asaph Fipke (ep 2.13)
Bob Forward (ep 2.09)
C. Michael Easton (ep 1.03)
Cal Shumiatcher (4 episodes
eps 2.03, 2.11, 3.08, 3.13

Colin Davies (4 episodes
eps 1.15, 1.25, 2.01, 2.07

Craig McEwen (ep 2.04)
Ezekiel Norton (3 episodes
eps 1.11, 1.26, 3.12

George Samilski (ep 2.10)
Ian Pearson (ep 1.01)
J. Falconer (4 episodes
eps 1.09, 1.16, 1.22, 2.10

James Boshier (eps 1.10, 1.18)
John Pozer (4 episodes
eps 1.14, 1.23, 2.06, 3.05

Jonathan Goodwill (eps 1.19, 2.08)
Mark Schiemann (ep 1.08)
Michaela Zabranska (ep 1.17)
Nicholas Kendall (ep 1.06)
Owen Hurley (4 episodes
eps 1.13, 1.21, 2.12, 3.02

Steve Ball (4 episodes
eps 1.02, 1.07, 1.12, 1.20

Steve Sacks (4 episodes
eps 2.02, 2.08, 3.01, 3.03

T.W. Peacocke (ep 1.04)
Trent Carlson (3 episodes
eps 2.05, 3.04, 3.09

William Lau (eps 3.07, 3.11)
Arthur Sellers (1 episodes
ep 3.07 "Proving Grounds"

Bob Forward (1 episodes
ep 1.01 "Beast Wars: Part

Chris Weber (1 episodes
ep 1.09 "Better Mousetrap

Christy Marx (1 episodes
ep 2.10 "Transmutate"

Craig Miller (ep 1.11 "Probe, The")
D.C. Fontana (1 episodes
ep 3.09"Crossing the Rubi

Eric Torin (1 episodes
ep 3.10 "Master Blaster"

Evan Somers (1 episodes
ep 3.03"Changing of the Gu

Greg Johnson (1 episodes
ep 1.04 "Equal Measures"

Ian Weir (1 episodes
ep 1.13 "Dark Designs"

Jesse Winfield (1 episodes
ep 1.05 "Chain of Command

Jules Dennis (1 episodes
ep 3.06 "Feral Scream: Pa

Karen Willson (1 episodes
ep 1.09 "Better Mousetrap

Lawrence G. DiTillio (ep 1.03 "Web, The")
Len Wein (1 episodes
ep 2.04 "Tangled Web"

Mark Leiren-Young (1 episodes
ep 1.23 "Law of the Jungl

Marv Wolfman (ep 1.11 "Probe, The")
Patrick Barry (ep 2.05 "Maximal, No More)
Rowby Goren (1 episodes
ep 1.14 "Double Dinobot"

Samuel Warren Joseph (1 episodes
ep 1.20 "Dark Voyage"

Simon Furman (1 episodes
ep 3.13 "Nemesis: Part II

Wendy Reardon (1 episodes
ep 1.12 "Victory"

Storyboard: Robert Pratt
Animation Director: Philip Mitchell
Jonathan Goodwill
Mark Ralston (Season 3)

Additional Sound Mixer: Iain Pattison
Additional Voices: Andrew Jackson
Animation Tracker:
Jennifer Twiner
Nina Bowkett
Assistant Executive Producer: Sharon Fraser
Assistant producer: Nina Bowkett
Assistant Production Accountant:
Ellie Khabbaz
Trudi Thorwaldson
Associate producer:
Asaph Fipke
Barb Dawson
Chief Engineer: Greg Story
Co-Producer: Kim Dent-Wilder (Season 3)
Corporate Controller:
Giuliana Bertuzzi
Guliana Bertuzzi
Creative Affairs:
Dan DiDio
Philip Mitchell
Creative Consultant:
Asaph Fipke (Executive; Season 3)
Owen Hurley
Digital Visual Effects: Michael Mussellam
Director of Communications: Mairi Welman
Director of Operations: Gavin Blair (Mainframe)
Director of Software Development: Chris Welman
Director of Technical Operations: Kelly Daniels
Alan Gregg (YTV)
Beth Stevenson (Alliance)
Laurinda Shaver (YTV)
Peter Sander (Alliance)
Executive Story Editor: Lawrence G. DiTillio
Film Editing: Patrick Carroll
Foley Artist:
Cam Wagner
Shane Shemko
Foley Assistant: Dario DiSanto (uncredited)
Machine Room Supervisor: Jim Corbett
Modeling Director: Frank Belina
Modelling Tracker: Donna Maxwell
Music Editing: Mike Beckett
Online Editor:
Anne Hoerber
Dermot Shane
Production Accounting:
James Pratt
Karen Austin
Nicole Forest
Production Design: Clyde Klotz
Production Office Assistant: Jennifer Twiner
Software Technical Support:
Denise Pierre
Eric Torin
Sound Effects Supervisor: Marcel Duperreault
Supervising Modeler: Herrick Chiu
System Engineer: Terry Bates
Systems Engineer:
Larry Bodnar
Russ Ptolomey
Transformers Consultant: Benson Yee
Vice-president Software Development: Chris Welman
Vice-president Technical Operations: Kelly Daniels
Video Production Supervisor: Jim Corbett
Video Production Technician:
Andre Guilbeault
Jean Ireland
Voice Direction: Susan Blu
VP of Operations: Philip Mitchell (Mainframe)
VP of Production: Glenn Griffiths (Mainframe)
David Kaye as Megatron
Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal
Ian James Corlett as Cheetor

Alec Willows as Tarantulas
Blu Mankuma as Tigatron
Campbell Lane as Rampage
Jim Byrnes as Inferno
Pauline Newstone as Airazor
Richard Newman as Rhinox
Scott McNeil as
Venus Terzo as BlackArachnia

Blu Mankuma as
Vok (ep 50)
Vok Unicron (ep 25)
Colin Murdock as Quickstrike
David Sobolov as Depthcharge
Don Brown as Scorponok
Doug Parker as
Elizabeth Carol Savenkoff as Predacon Computer
Garry Chalk as
Leader Neanderthal
Megatron (G1)
Ian James Corlett as
Sea Clamp (Tripredacus Council; ep 37)
Sentinel (Maximal Computer)
Lee Tockar as
Ram Horn (Tripredacus Council; ep 37)
Richard Newman as Vok (ep 50)
Scott McNeil as Cicadacon (Tripredacus Council; ep 37)
Susan Blu as
English companies
ADR Production: The Ocean Group 
Fox Kids Australia
Fox Network (USA)
G4TechTV (Action Blast!)
Okto (Singapore - as Channel i)
YTV (known as Beasties)
Dialogue Recording: Pinewood Sound
Madman Entertainment (Australia & New Zealand)
Shout! Factory (2011 Re-release)
Financing: Hasbro ((Co-worked with Mainframe))
Internet Streaming: Tubi TV
Licensed by: Hasbro
Production: Mainframe
Video Post Production: Mainframe
Korean staff
Korean cast
Hwan-Jin Kim as Rattrap
Korean companies
Broadcaster: MBC TV
French cast
French staff
Bernard Métraux as
Françoise Vallon as Veuve Noire
Hervé Jolly as
Michel Vigné as Dinobot
Pascal Renwick as Optimus Primal
Pierre Laurent as Rattrap
French companies
Super Ecran
Dubbing Studio: Alter Ego
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Alejandro Illescas as Cheetor
Alejandro Villeli as Megatron
Mario Sauret as Optimus Primal

Eduardo Borja as Depth Charge
Federico Romano as Dinobot
Olga Hnidey as Blackarachnia
Rebeca Manriquez as Airazor

Alfonso Obregón as Destello (Latin American dub)
Bardo Miranda as Scorponok
Herman Lopez as Terrorsaur
Spanish companies
Cartoon Network L.A. (Latin America)
HBO Latin America
Magic Kids (Latin America)
Italian staff
Italian cast
Dubbing Director: Loredana Nicosia
Translation: Michela Macchi

Theme Song Composition: Silvio Amato
Theme Song Lyrics: Alessandra Valeri Manera
Theme Song Performance: Enzo Draghi
Tony Fuochi as Megatron

Luigi Alfieri as Black Arachnia
Marco Balzarotti as Tigertron
Mario Zucca as Dinobot
Maurizio Trombini as Rhinox
Riccardo Peroni as Tarantulas

Antonio Paiola as Skorpions
Caterina Rochira as Falcon Lady
Claudio Moneta as Rattilus
Diego Sabre as Ghepard
Gianluca Iacono as Serpex
Loredana Nicosia as Naviko
Luigi Bertorelli as Abysses
Marco Pagani as Grifo
Oliviero Corbetta as Terrorsaur
Riccardo Lombardo as Black Jack
Italian companies
Italia 1
Italia Teen Television (from March 2004)
German cast
German staff
Ben Hecker as Optimus Primal
Eberhard Haar as Cheetor
Hans Sievers as Megatron

Gerhard Marcel as Rhinox
Henry König as Tigertron
Holger Potzern as Waspinator
Robert Missler as Rattrap
Uli Plessmann as Dinobot
Uta Dahlbridge as Black Arachnia

Holger Potzern as Terrorsaur
Lutz Harder as Tarantulas
Mario Grete as Scorponok
Susanne Sternberg as Predacon Computer
Thomas Karallus as Sentinel
Thomas Schüler as Inferno
Wolf Frass as Vok Unicron
German companies
Broadcaster: RTL 2 Television
Dubbing: Planet Wave
Polish staff
Polish cast
Dariusz Odija as Optimus Primal

Wlodzimierz Bednarski as
Polish companies
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Antônio Moreno as Megatron
Guilherme Lopes as Optimus Primal

Armando Tiraboschi as Tigatron (Tigertron)
Bruno Rocha as Silverbolt
Fábio Vila Longa as Tarantulos
Felipe Di Nardo as Rhinox
Gilberto Baroli as Protoforma X/ Violência
Jorge Barcellos as Dinobot II
Marcos Hailer as Terrosauro
Orlando Viggiani as Rattrap

Affonso Amajones as DepthCharge (Depth)
Aldo César as
Council Tripredacus
General Ramhorn
Fábio Tomasini as Quickstrike
Portuguese companies
Dubbing Studio: Sigma

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