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Anything else I'm missing?

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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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Location: Scarborough, Ontario
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:52 pm Reply with quote
Okay so basically I've run dry on Shounen Manga to read. I've pretty much caught up on the majority of all the long running popular franchises and well I really need something to help fill in time while I wait for weekly scantalation releases.

Here's what I've read and what point I'm at for each series.


Hikaru No Go
Flame of Recca
Rurouni Kenshin
Busou Renkin

Currently Reading:

One Piece (chapter 522)
Naruto (chapter 424)
Eyeshield 21 (chapter 306)
Hajime No Ippo (chapter 830)
Hunter X Hunter (chapter 287)
Air Gear (chapter 220)
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi (chapter 274)
Fullmetal Alchemist (chapter 89)
Fairy Tail (chapter 111)
Bleach (chapter 334)
Yakitate! Japan (chapter 195)
Addicted to Curry (chapter 60)
Dragon Eye (volume 5)
Alive (Volume 5)
Gun Blaze West (Volume 2 or 3)

One's that I've started yet never had real interest in or lost interest in:

Rave Master
Prince of Tennis
O-Parts Hunter/666 Satan
Law of Ueki
Samurai Deeper Kyo
Black Cat
Shaman King
ZatchBell/Konjiki No GashBell

Now I know that's quite a lot and you all can basically tell what I'm into from this but I need something new to read that's in the same sense as the manga I've listed. I'm considering going back into the ones I've lost interest in but are there any others that I'm unaware of that I should check out?

Note: Please check my manga for anything you might suggest that I've already read.
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Dark Elf Warrior

Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:57 am Reply with quote
Well, if you lost interest in some of the manga you said you lost interest, chances are, they still might not interest you. And for the record, I've lost interest in some of the series you listed as lost interest in. But I can still help you. A manga that I did not see listed under ones you like, and a manga that I think you might like based on the ones you do like, I suggest Yu Yu Hakusho. If you like Bleach, you may like Yu Yu Hakusho, they are both action and supernatural.

I also recommend Trigun.

Last edited by Dark Elf Warrior on Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:14 pm Reply with quote
If you've read such long-running, popular series like Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach, you should also check out the series that was a big influence on most of them: Dragonball. Yes, it's a long series, but One Piece just recently passed it in total numbers of chapters published, so it wouldn't even be the longest series you've read Smile
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:30 pm Reply with quote
sailorspazz wrote:
but One Piece just recently passed it in total numbers of chapters published, so it wouldn't even be the longest series you've read Smile

It definitely isn't, I mean... I'm still reading Hajime No Ippo and its on chapter 830.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:48 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised you didn't mention Reborn! (or Katekyo Hitman Reborn!). It's a bit weird because the series does a complete 180 several volumes in. The first 7 volumes are straight up comedy, but from volume 8 on it's action (with some comedy). The comedy parts are not that bad, but once you get to volume 8, the series is pure gold from there. Even if you're not too into comedy, it's worth reading for what comes after. Japan is up to volume 22, while Viz is only up to volume 9, with 10 coming in January. It pains me how slow they release it. It's kind of a mix between Bleach and One Piece.

Also, not only my favorite shonen manga, but my favorite manga of all: Hoshin Engi. One thing I really love about this series is that it doesn't have the problem that many Jump manga face where they start off with small, unimportant arcs for several volumes before getting to a bigger, main story. In Hoshin Engi, the main story starts from the very first chapter. The main character is also an atypical shonen hero. Most of the time he's a tactician rather than a fighter (although he can definitely manage on his own). It's nice to see a shonen hero who wins by being clever, not by getting stronger.

Kekkaishi is also worth a recommendation. To be honest, I haven't read all that much of the manga, but I saw the anime (which has convinced me to go out and get the manga eventually). It's also slightly atypical in that the action isn't like in most other shonen manga. The main characters' power is to trap their enemies. There isn't much melee combat (can't think of a better word) like you find in most shonen manga, it's more about the chase. Shonen Sunday has some real hidden gems, and from what I've seen of SS series, this is by far the best.

Tsubasa is another good one. If the Clamp thing scares you off don't worry. You don't really have to be a Clamp fan to enjoy it, although I'm sure Clamp fans get a bit more enjoyment out of it. When I started reading it I had very little exposure to Clamp ("Cardcaptors" and the X movie), and it didn't really hinder my enjoyment of it. It definitely takes a while for the main story to kick in, but all the smaller arcs(with the exception of one) leading up to that are a heck of a lotta fun.

Toto! Del Rey has only the first 2 (of 5) out...I think 3 comes out next week, but so far it's been really great. If you're a fan of One Piece and Fairy Tail, then this is right up you're alley.

Trust me, you'll never run out of shonen manga. There's so much out there. You can always check out older series as well, like Saint Seiya or Jojo, etc.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:07 pm Reply with quote
Uh, you could try JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It has sequels too and at least one of them is ongoing (Steel Ball Run I think). I've never read it myself but I've heard lots of people say it's a great shonen and other shonen manga borrow from it or reference it. It's pretty long, too, the original is 500+ chapters.

I also suggest you give Claymore another try, I'm caught up with that one and it's really good.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:06 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to also suggest giving Claymore another try. Check out the thread here, for lots of discussion about the series. I actually didn't like it initially either, but once I got into the third volume, I started really liking it. It takes a while for it to really pick up, but when it does, it's freaking incredible. It's one of my favorite manga now.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:50 pm Reply with quote
So just as an update, I've taken all of your suggestions in and though I have yet to start any of them (or restart for some of them) I've currently been busy on finishing up Shaman King and started Bowling King.

Shaman King really dropped the ball with its ending and it left me angered and disappointed much like anyone else who enjoyed it. Oh well, I got that finished.

I decided to move on to Bowling King because well... after seeing a series called Bowling King with its chapter count now at 157 (scantalated) I decided that it had to be pretty good since it does have that many chapters about bowling and to my surprise its been quite a delight. I said why I liked it in the "manga you wish were anime" thread and I'll say it again here, it is simply pure fun and entertainment. I honestly enjoy this a lot more than Bleach or Naruto.

If I were to give my complete rankings for all the Shounen that I've read and am still reading (I won't include stuff I've dropped because it'd be unfair) I would rank Bowling King ahead of both Naruto and Bleach.

(rankings as followed):

#1 One Piece
#2 Eyeshield 21
#3 Hajime No Ippo
#4 History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
#5 DeathNote
#6 Hikaru No Go
#7 Fullmetal Alchemist
#8 Great Teacher Onizuka
#9 Rurouni Kenshin
#10 Bowling King
#11 Fairy Tail
#12 Hunter X Hunter
#13 Yakitate! Japan
#14 Naruto
#15 Gunblaze West
#16 Addicted To Curry
#17 Flame of Recca
#18 Alive
#19 Air Gear
#20 Busou Renkin
#21 Bleach
#22 Dragon Eye
#23 Shaman King
#24 Marchen Awakens Romance

I could easily add in more titles but these are ones off the top of my head as well as ones that I've listed in my first post. But as you can see that's how I've ranked them in terms of how much I've enjoyed each.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:53 pm Reply with quote
Why is Bakuman not on your list?

I wonder about that.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:22 pm Reply with quote
Negima. Don't be too fooled by the harem comedy hijinx of the first two volumes, it shifts tone in the third. It remains very ecchi, but the importance shifts more to plot arcs that provide for lots of fighting.
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