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Disney Step Augmented Reality Mobile Game Launches in Japan

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Location-based game lets players go on a treasure hunt with Disney characters

Disney has launched the Disney STEP augmented reality smartphone game in Japan on Monday, and commemorated the launch with the game's second promotional video.

The game also started streaming a 15-second commercial video featuring real-life friends Ryūnosuke Kamiki and Jun Shison on Tuesday:

Disney STEP game visual
Image via Disney STEP game's X/Twitter account

Disney STEP is a location-based smartphone game that lets players go around their real-life surroundings and go on a treasure hunt with familiar Disney characters. The game is free-to-play with in-app purchases.

Players can customize their avatar in different outfits and costumes, including inspired from Disney characters and movies.

To commemorate the game's launch, players will receive gems and premium gacha tickets as login bonus for seven days. The game also reached 500,000 pre-registrations and will give players several rewards, including a Mickey Mouse plush toy to take pictures with in the photo studio.

Source: Disney STEP game's website via Siliconera (Stephanie Liu)

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