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So its been nearly 20 years since Misty was permanently dropped from the Pokemon anime.

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Joined: 30 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:11 am Reply with quote
I actually found this kinda funny when I realized it, especially for those of us who watched Pokemon since the beginning. Misty left the anime in 2002 in Japan, and that means by next year in 2022, Misty will have officially been gone from the anime as a main character for 20 years. She hasn't been around now for almost two decades besides brief cameos (like she got in the Sun/Moon anime), but even those are pretty rare.

Now that Ash has had so many companions in the anime, it's kinda surprising when you stop to realize how short-lived Misty's character in the show really was. The anime started in Japan in 1997 and by 2002 she was already leaving, she was only around about 5 years. I still remember how some people tried to make such a big deal out of Misty leaving the anime, like they used to troll Pokemon forums for years and decades in the early 2000's about her leaving, and in the end none of it mattered since she really did stay gone permanently for the rest of the series.

I'm not really one of those people who cared much when she left since I already lost interest in the anime in the middle of the Johto arc like most original fans, and only got into it again after all the other females like May, etc. were introduced. But it's pretty funny now millions of kids grew up watching the anime long after she was gone over the last 20 years, and that she's only relevant to like 20% of the fanbase now.

It's actually hard to believe there was once a time people seriously thought the Pokemon anime couldn't go on without Misty in it, or people really believed the show was about her somehow when it's mainly about the Pokemon themselves and Ash's journey.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Only watched a few episodes with my daughter years ago. Just curious why did they cut her out. I can understand live action TV shows, but it seems kind of strange for an anime.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:58 pm Reply with quote
She took over the gym from her sisters so they could go sing
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Joined: 30 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:00 pm Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:
Only watched a few episodes with my daughter years ago. Just curious why did they cut her out. I can understand live action TV shows, but it seems kind of strange for an anime.

Well the show has aired over the course of 20+ years now, it's obvious they weren't going to keep the same characters the whole way through. Besides that the anime advertises each generation of the games, so they use the characters from each game in each season of the anime it covers.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:40 pm Reply with quote
SteampunkMD wrote:
She took over the gym from her sisters so they could go sing

Poor child, she has to run the gym so her sisters can become famous.
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Joined: 30 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:34 pm Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:
SteampunkMD wrote:
She took over the gym from her sisters so they could go sing

Poor child, she has to run the gym so her sisters can become famous.

I mean, that's her role in the games. The writers just put her back where she belongs in game canon. She was always supposed to grow into a strong Gym leader, the Gold/Silver games timeskip shows that.

But since the anime tends not to age characters it would never be seen in the actual series.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Well, it's things like this that make me realize how long I've been around or how old my kids are or something like that...
I watched this in the beginning and fell off somewhere probably around Misty leaving or before. I watched with my kids although I enjoyed it myself as well. I haven't seen any of the ones since, but it didn't feel like that long ago until you pointed it out. Shocked
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Joined: 30 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:37 am Reply with quote
bonbonsrus wrote:
Well, it's things like this that make me realize how long I've been around or how old my kids are or something like that...
I watched this in the beginning and fell off somewhere probably around Misty leaving or before. I watched with my kids although I enjoyed it myself as well. I haven't seen any of the ones since, but it didn't feel like that long ago until you pointed it out. Shocked

Yeah, time passes quickly as an adult. Like for example your reg. date on this forum was October 2003. By October 2003, Misty had already been gone from the anime for 1 full year (Johto ended in November 2002), and May was already a main character for a full year. So by the time you registered to this forum, Misty had already been gone from the anime an entire year.

And now...by 2022...it'll be a full 20 years. Wink
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Joined: 22 May 2021
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2021 5:28 pm Reply with quote
Always liked Misty and her original voice actress(us). I can say I dropped off sometime after she left. Not because of that but just grew out of it. Great games, just tired of the redundancy in the anime.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2021 6:27 pm Reply with quote
Misty, aka the tomboy mermaid. I have always liked her character, although maybe always could have done more with her supposed defining trait as a tomboy while like a mermaid in I guess pretty and at home in the water.

With regards to the anime cast, she was always going to be somewhat limited, since her game canon was supposed to generally be around the water type. In general, the anime came after the games, and new ones are released every year or so, with the bringing of a new generation to stop it from getting stale, we currently being in generation 8. I think the franchise has prided itself on diversity, so swapping the characters out (if Ash is always going to be a constant) has been the name of the game. I have generally gone back and forward with the creative decision to pretty much never have time to pass to have characters age. Like where would Misty be after changing time, the second generations say looking for a guy to date. between being a busy gym leader.
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Joined: 22 May 2021
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PostPosted: Sat May 22, 2021 6:44 pm Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Misty, aka the tomboy mermaid. I have always liked her character, although maybe always could have done more with her supposed defining trait as a tomboy while like a mermaid in I guess pretty and at home in the water.

With regards to the anime cast, she was always going to be somewhat limited, since her game canon was supposed to generally be around the water type. In general, the anime came after the games, and new ones are released every year or so, with the bringing of a new generation to stop it from getting stale, we currently being in generation 8. I think the franchise has prided itself on diversity, so swapping the characters out (if Ash is always going to be a constant) has been the name of the game. I have generally gone back and forward with the creative decision to pretty much never have time to pass to have characters age. Like where would Misty be after changing time, the second generations say looking for a guy to date. between being a busy gym leader.

I thought they did replace Ash for a season? Or was it a movie? Trust me I get it. I’ll always love first generation the best though. I’m older though being 34, so its just preference. Despite Misty being a tomboy I always thought she was cute when I was younger, maybe it’s that mermaid thing you mention, her also playing a motherly role to Togepi(sp?) showed she could be softer too.
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