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Posts: 1 Location: Sunshine State |
If CN can get the rights and air Blue Gender, can they not also get the rights to Fruits Basket and show that as well
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![]() Posts: 225 Location: Orlando, Fl. |
It's a possibility but It would be a total pain for cartoon network when the fanboys start complaining...
Former ANN Editor in Chief
![]() Posts: 2460 Location: Do not contact me for support. |
i wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility... ... but AS/Toonami are primarily aimed at boys, who like action and comedy. If they have Chobits, things might begin changing ... but even then, Chobits is a _shonen_ romance... while Fruits Basket is a _shoujo_ comedy (published in Hana to Yume).. Demographically, I don't think Fruits Basket really holds a place in the "action cartoon" arena to which CN is host. |
![]() Posts: 225 Location: Orlando, Fl. |
Good point! If cartoon network wanted to slip into a female audience Chobits would definitely be a good "middleman"
But can anyone recall a little series called sailor moon. I doubt that's aimed at boys and cartoon network aired it. I would'nt hold my breath at all for fruits basket, or is it fruit baskets? Sorry not my series. But I'm not doubting cartoon networks possibility of airing something for girls or, primarily, girls. |
![]() Posts: 73 Location: NY State |
If Cartoon Network was to air another show aimed towards a female demographic, I see it being something like Sailor Moon where at least it has action and well....girls in short skirts. While I adore Fruits Basket, with all the pretty guys....I don't see it going over well on adult swim.
<===== still loves her papa Shigure anyway ![]() Maybe Tokyo Mew Mew??? That would fit the bill! |
Posts: 268 Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA |
![]() I think if CN wanted to pull in female viewers they could show Gunsmith Cats or Dirty Pair TV. Also Bubblegum crisis would be good too. |
![]() Posts: 115 Location: Indiana |
Well from what I noticed...CN tends to like its male fanbase anyway. Chobits has little chance of airing on CN just because of how perverted it is. I mean, come on, think about it ^^;;; Anyway, Fruits Basket would be nice on CN, but...^^;;; I'm happy with my DVDs because it has the Japanese. I know what they should do: Get the last damned season of Sailor Moon for christ's sake! Or some anime company should at LEAST license it. Tokyo Mew Mew would be great too...its right up that alley. And maybe a decent company will get a hold of it and not butcher it like Sailor Moon. Or maybe Kaleido Star! That would be great. I can't see why it'd be butchered or edited at all and its shoujo ^^
Posts: 2075 Location: Albuquerque, NM (the land of entrapment) |
Pioneer has the rights to the last season of Sailor Moon last I checked, it's just a matter of them getting to it.
That's what I had heard anyway, I could just be smoking something ^_^ |
Former ANN Editor in Chief
![]() Posts: 2460 Location: Do not contact me for support. |
unless something slipped by while i wasn't paying attention... no one holds the domestic rights to sailor stars. not for lack of want, either; plenty of companies want to license it. it's the japanese side that's supposedly holding things up. |
Posts: 1016 |
The last formal announcement I remember being made was back at Fanimecon 2002, when ADV announced that "Toei Animation of Japan is hesitant to allow American distribution of the series for fear that its potentially controversial subject matter may detriment American sales of Sailormoon videos and merchandise and adversely affect Sailormoon's "family friendly" status in America". What I heard was, Toei was basically refusing all offers because they were pleased with the amount of success DiC and Cloverway have had with marketing to series to the slightly younger and wider demographic here in the states. Not sure precisely how much truth there is in it though... Don't even really recall where I heard that. (Maybe SOS?) Since then, I haven't heard anything I'd call official. A lot of rumors, big surprise there, but nothing attibuted to anyone who's actually in a position to know. ![]() |
Posts: 86 |
Actually, here's something interesting I found out:
While I was in France this past spring, I was flipping through a tv guide. I stumbled upon a picture of Fruits Basket which was being shown on the Cartoon Network. I didn't have cable, so I couldn't watch it, I just thought it was interesting the European / French cartoon network was showing it . Maybe the American cartoon network will follow suit. |
Posts: 2075 Location: Albuquerque, NM (the land of entrapment) |
Well, that certainly answers the question.... this is one of the times where I don't go into one of my long winded rants because this time around, I was too lazy to do the research myself before posting. ^_^;
![]() Posts: 115 Location: Indiana |
Well I don't blame Toei for holding the rights to Stars, look what all the dub companies did to the first two seasons of Sailor Moon?! They basically tore ANY Japanese references from it. Come on, Tokyo Tower as the Starlight Tower? Then you've got sites like S.O.S. making up fully BS rumors about this kind of stuff. *shakes her head* Its no wonder we don't have Stars or even the Sailor Moon musicals here. I just hope something happens soon, someone make a decent contract and promise not to screw anything up. Pioneer shouldn't get licensing rights to SM. Nor DiC or Cloverway. Anyone else would be better.
Posts: 1016 |
In all fairness, though, I'm not sure anyone would do/would have done better. Sure, there are plenty better dubs. I'll admit that right away. But among magical girl series? Mmmm... Not that I've ever seen. Even Shamanic Princess, which stayed pretty true to the original Japanese script, pretty well sucked in the voice acting department. What's an English-speaking magical girl suposed to sound like, anyway? I dunno. Maybe that's the problem. ![]() Besides, marketing is involved now whether we like it or not. Waiting for anyone outside of the DiC-CWI-Optimum triumvirate to produce dubbed Sailor Moon episodes, especially REdubbed episodes, is hoping against hope IMHO. They've got the already dubbed seasons firmly in their grasp for the time being; and it seems pretty unlikely at this point that Toei would sell the rights to the remaining seasons/specials/etc to anyone else, lest the "famly friendly reputation" those studios have built up be tarnished. EDIT: We've wandered pretty far off topic here, haven't we. ![]() If anyone else really has anything meaningful to say about Sailor Moon's dubbing, you'd probably better create a new thread. That, or resurrect one of the old ones. ![]() |
![]() Posts: 115 Location: Indiana |
Just to put this into perspective. ADV is releasing the other four seasons, why not Stars? O_o I mean, ADV does a darned good job of sticking to the original. DiC and Cloverway just took a show that was made for pre-teens and made it for 6-8 year olds. The actually dubbing I have a lot against but you can't get them for that. Its just that they cut a lot of content that was critical to the story and ruined Sailor Moon itself. Anyway, that's my rant, I'm done ^^;;;;
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