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Joined: 14 Jan 2008
Posts: 556
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:55 pm
I was born in 1991 and I remember my first encounter with anime was old anime re-runs of Speed Racer, and G-Force on CN back in the mid 90s when I was 4. I also remember when my Grandma rented My Neighbor Totoro on VHS for my sister and I around that same time back in 1995. I was already a fan of Godzilla and the idea of watching other stuff from Japan was super cool to me at the age of 4.
Over a year later, I discover anime on Sci-Fi when I saw Venus Wars and Lilly C.A.T for the first time. I was like "Wow, this stuff is awesome" when I was 5 or 6 because they felt more mature than the Western cartoons that was on American TV to me. I would stay up late as a kid and try to watch as much anime that I could on Sci-Fi. It was so cool staying up late at night and seeing anime like Vampire Hunter D or Gall Force on TV as a young kid.
I would also go to Blockbuster and rent different types of anime that I could find. I would even use my money that I would get my parents for weekly allowance to buy anime on VHS as well. I did become a fan of Pokemon when it was brand new in the US, but I didn't get into DBZ until a few years later. The rest is history.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2020
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Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:45 pm
The art, the comedy, the character development, the sadness. And that is when I truly began to explore the wonderful and uniquely Japanese art form known as anime.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2020
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Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:31 pm
My wife introduced me to the anime. it seems she is now not very happy. because I spend a lot of time on those animes that she watched a long time ago
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Joined: 14 Apr 2020
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 1:03 am
I have a friend at work.
She was reading a manga a few months ago.
And I went to her and asked about the same.
She told me about these amazing thing "anime", manga.. etc.
Since I am not a reader hence, she requested to watch .. Death Note series.
I since then I have never looked back from those days.
I just love anime.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2012
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:39 pm
Just like most Americans, I got into anime through Toonami with shows like Dragon Ball Z, YuYu Hakusho, and G Gundam. I was so enthralled by them because they were serialized and the art had that sort of realism that was lacking with western animation. They also didn't shy away from the violent and gritty stuff.
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Professor Nihil
Joined: 09 Jul 2021
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Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 12:16 pm
Robotech was on TV and I was a kid.
It was the 80s.
Good times.
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Joined: 15 Jan 2012
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Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:18 pm
The 4Kids version of One Piece. Of course, I had no idea until later how much they butchered it with changes, but for me it was different and I soon started watching other anime as well.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:31 pm
For me the answer is 2-fold. I actually was "into" anime before I ever knew what "anime" actually was. It wasn't explained to me until I was just entering high school. A friend at the time was big into anime and manga at that point. This was the 90's. He showed me several titles for both anime and manga, explained the difference to me between anime and other cartoons I had grown up on. The first manga I actively started to read and collect, while knowing it was manga, was Oh My Goddess. It remains my favorite anime or manga title to this day due to the nostalgia factor and role it played. Plus I still very much enjoy it to this day.
Once I knew what anime was I discovered I had enjoyed many an anime title in the past without ever knowing it was anime. Anime like Starblazers, Vampire Hunter D, Project A-ko, Castle in the Sky, Teknoman, Thunderbirds, & Vampire Princess Miyu to name a few. Thanks to my friend I was able to borrow a lot of bootleg vhs tapes. Plus at that point Tower Records was still a thing, and mine rented anime vhs tapes. Which is how I first discovered hentai actually. See they didn't separate them at first and most vhs tapes had generic boxes for storage that only had the descriptions on them. So while I thought I was getting some cool mystical ninja girl show with action I actually got introduced to a fun little topic of tentacle monsters. That was eye opening to say the least.
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Joined: 04 Nov 2007
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Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:30 pm
I was a horny teenager and I stumbled across this anime called Iria on the Sci-Fi channel, where a hot babe kicked ass and repeatedly teased taking a shower, which I very much wanted to see.
...And a couple of years later, I started reading more about anime. On the Sci-Fi channel, there was this anime called Galaxy Express 999, which had a hot girl named Maetel.
After that, I rented Record of Lodoss War, which had this hot elf girl named Deedlit.
Soon after, I found images online of this other anime called Oh My Goddess, which had this other hot girl named Belldandy. I knew that I had to see the anime that she was from. It was the 90s and the internet wasn't good enough to actually download episodes at the time, and I couldn't rent it, so I proceeded to blindly buy the VHS tapes on Ebay. It was the first anime I ever bought.
Then I started renting general stuff that was available, Akira, Ghost in the Shell (which also had a hot girl, though I wasn't particularly enamored by her), Vampire Hunter D, Ninja Scroll (which I hated at the time; It was too much for my mind at the time) and Bubblegum Crisis (Priss & company were OK) Please Save My Earth, Robot Carnival, Roujin Z, Wings of Honneamise, Armitage III, Project A-Ko, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service (where at the time, the big selling point was Phil Hartman voicing the cat of all things, and I knew nothing about Ghibli) and went further into general anime watching from there
And I was a fan of animation in general, with a wide interest in Warner, Disney, indie, etc, even ones without hot girls. Though with the low production values of things like Dragon Ball Z, and stuff like that being the main thing I found on TV until I found Sci-Fi's anime block, I didn't think too much of anime *until* finding ones with hot girls.
//Honest answer
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Joined: 17 May 2021
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Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:14 am
When I was young, there was no Internet and there were only a few channels on TV. Dragon Ball Z was on one of the channels - then the Internet and I could discover the content myself, but it all started with Dragon Ball on TV
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Hiroki not Takuya
Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:09 pm
As an addendum to my post on the passing of Mr. Ladd. It was 1963 and I was 5 years old, we had recently gotten a TV (only the second on our block!) and I had been watching the only "kid's show" The Flintstones for a little while when I accidentally found Astro Boy one afternoon. I was immediately captivated by the story about a robot boy who wanted to be "real" and who championed ideals of using strength to uphold righteousness, caring for others and so much more. I was that robot and I was going to be like him! Then came Gigantor who made me wish I was a scientist so I could make something like that! And then there was Kimba who championed friendship, empathy, fairness and responsibility and I was going to be like him too! I watched other shows like the Jetsons and the start of "Saturday Morning Cartoons" but they were just an endless cavalcade of silly comedies with almost no plot (except Johnny Quest and Amazing Spiderman when available), like cotton candy for the intellect. Nothing like or to be compared to the aforementioned anime. And it was obvious from the start they were Japanese...
Thanksgiving 1968 and by then we had a Color TV and I accidentally tuned in to see Little Norse Prince (Hols Prince of the Sun) and found the first show that made me cry uncontrollably for reasons I couldn't understand but I knew part of me was Hilda and part was Hols. Needless to say, this also changed me like no "normal cartoon" and no Disney Classic and irrevocably cemented my love for Japanese Animation. I had to keep calling it that for friends and family who did not understand the difference between those and ScoobyDoo
I so wanted to make art like that but alas, I found I had not that talent. The International Animation Festival with Jean Marsh started airing and my love for animation as an artform grew but by then anime had "gone dark" for me as there were no new shows (don't count Speed Racer...). I tried to watch any and all new animated shows in the '70's and '80's and some were good but it wasn't until Suncoast VHS arrived in the neighborhood mall in 1988 that I came to see that anime (Japanimation as it was called) had continued without me all those years! And it was SEXY (Cutty-Honey as I mistook it) but too expensive to risk on shows no one I knew knew anything about. Again, I massively "lucked out" on buying Project A-Ko...But it wasn't until I arrived home very late from an overseas flight in 2002 that I was blown away by the creativity that was Cowboy Bebop and CN gave me back anime on a regular basis so I could see what I had missed for many long years.
I hope you forgive this personal confession about anime but I wanted to give people a feeling of what seeing anime was like from the early days when there was only one show in any couple of years until they stopped. We have so many shows each season with an astounding variety every year that it might be hard for most fans to get in touch with what it was like then compared to what was showing at the same time. How did I get "into anime"? It got into me and I have loved it more with each passing year!
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Joined: 27 May 2018
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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:43 pm
I'm British and born in the mid-1960s.
I've always liked cartoons irrespective of the country of origins though very little Japanese animation was shown on UK TV during the 70s and 80s - I had watched Battle of the planets and some of the European co-productions.
One of my university friends introduced me to Laputa and Marvel's edition of Akira. I followed this up trying other manga being printed in America in the late 80s.onwards.
Another friend from a roleplaying group introduced me to Robotech.
In 1992 I decided to go to Anime Day 2 - the second anime convention in the UK (and the first full weekend) and saw the Friday preview with Dominion, Record of Loddoss War, Nadia, Ranma 1/2
Seeing such wonders made me a fan for life!
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Joined: 26 Aug 2020
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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:30 pm
For me, it started with Japanese video games like Zelda and Chrono Trigger, and that got me interested in more Japanese media such as the Zelda manga, but what really got me into anime (or really, who) was Akiko Shikata. Her work on the Epic of Zektbach musical story got me interested in the Zektbach OVA, which was the first anime I actually watched. I thought it was okay, could've been better. My first "real" anime was Yona of the Dawn, which is still a fave, and I have Akiko Shikata to thank for that, too, since she did the second ED. Avatar: The Last Airbender was kind of a gateway series, since I watched that before any anime, and it is in my opinion the most anime of American cartoons.
Then I got interested in Cardcaptor Sakura, which was my cousin's childhood favorite (I had read some of her CCS manga before). CCS is also a fave of mine now, and loving that and Yona got me interested in shoujo in general, so I watched Natsume Yuujinchou which has been my favorite anime since I saw it. Since then, I've watched several shoujo and iyashikei titles, and when Healin' Good Pretty Cure came to Crunchyroll I got into that, too, and fell DEEPLY in love with the whole franchise (I've also seen Kira Kira Pretty Cure A La Mode, which is my favorite Pretty Cure so far, and now I'm watching Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure and Futari wa Pretty Cure).
All of my favorite titles are shoujo and/or iyashikei (or have similar vibes, Kono Oto Tomare! is officially neither but the heartwarming and emotional aspects appeal to me in the same way).
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