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NEWS: Right Stuf Details Home Video Releases of Gundam AGE, Gundam UC, Gundam 00 Anime

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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:04 am Reply with quote
-Gundam Age-

....Why? That was the show that put the franchise on ice.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:16 am Reply with quote
Personally I feel that AGE is watchable only if you watch the first arc of the TV series, and then just watch the Memory of Eden compilation films since they only cover the second and third arcs, and really just cut out the third arc in favor of making it an extension of Asemu's story. Kio and his AGE-FX are basically just cameo's.

Zeino wrote:
epicwizard wrote:

Zeino wrote:
And AGE is simply the worst entry in the franchise ever for reasons that could fill an entire 10 page essay with.

What's at least one reason why AGE is simply the worst entry in the franchise?

The sexism for one. Every female in AGE exist solely to be a baby-maker or to be killed off to give Asuno boys angst. The only other Gundam that is also this bad on that front is Victory Gundam and that has the excuse of Tomino, the director being deeply depressed at the time and he regrets making it now. AGE has no excuse. Also for what Cetais and Lynx Amali say.
What? Since when was Victory sexist? The Shrike Team was basically an all-female unit save for the lead pilot. Yeah, they all died, but that's Tomino's schtick and why I love it. Not every character has plot armor. People need to die to give the story weight, doesn't matter what their sex is.

I'll give you that the female characters in AGE don't really do much besides being love interests and giving birth to the next generation to continue the story, but it's already been established that AGE is just terrible in general. I wouldn't go as far as to call sexism though.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:38 am Reply with quote
I think RightStuf is on a mission to make me re-buy every single Gundam I snapped up in Bandai's dying days, and I haven't even watched most of them yet. Hell, I even bought the DVD release of Unicorn for cheap after its Toonami run since I figured that'd be the best I could do, given its ridiculous BD release. Whoops. About the only thing I don't need to worry about is the 00 movie. Who needs money, right?
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Joined: 08 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:44 am Reply with quote
I hoped that Sunrise would redub Gundam 00 like they are redubbing Gundam Seed. The dub my Ocean is okish. I just dont understand how the heal the voices dont sound "clear".. Like where did they record the dub with? Some cheapass microphone?
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Joined: 30 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:59 am Reply with quote
TheMorry wrote:
I hoped that Sunrise would redub Gundam 00 like they are redubbing Gundam Seed. The dub my Ocean is okish. I just dont understand how the heal the voices dont sound "clear".. Like where did they record the dub with? Some cheapass microphone?

Most likely not, and I'm fine with that.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:17 am Reply with quote
TheMorry wrote:
I hoped that Sunrise would redub Gundam 00 like they are redubbing Gundam Seed. The dub my Ocean is okish. I just dont understand how the heal the voices dont sound "clear".. Like where did they record the dub with? Some cheapass microphone?
They're only redubbing SEED and SEED Destiny because they're the HD Remaster versions which have some differences. So rather than try and get the old cast back to re-record a couple of new lines, they just decided to redub the whole thing. It's a different case with 00. On that note though, I'm actually kind of disappointed that AGE is getting its compilation films, but 00 is not. I have no problem with Unicorn being the OVA's, but I am a bit confused as to why they didn't just also release RE:0096 alongside it as an alternative even if there aren't really any differences.
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Joined: 19 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:28 am Reply with quote
Aww Shitt I love both UC and 00..dunno about Age..but definitely looking forward to them!!!
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Joined: 19 May 2017
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:38 am Reply with quote
Nyren wrote:
What? Since when was Victory sexist?

The Zanscare Empire is literally portrayed in the series as "Feminism is evil and wrong and will lead to Fascism and having you head cut off with a guillotine or being crushed by giant motorbike battleships or turn into a vegetable by their psychic fortress." That is the message the series was presenting and that last word I going to have on the subject here.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:24 am Reply with quote
Zeino wrote:
epicwizard wrote:

Zeino wrote:
And AGE is simply the worst entry in the franchise ever for reasons that could fill an entire 10 page essay with.

What's at least one reason why AGE is simply the worst entry in the franchise?

The sexism for one. Every female in AGE exist solely to be a baby-maker or to be killed off to give Asuno boys angst. The only other Gundam that is also this bad on that front is Victory Gundam and that has the excuse of Tomino, the director being deeply depressed at the time and he regrets making it now. AGE has no excuse. Also for what Cetais and Lynx Amali say.

It isn't really sexism. Saying that is just blatantly ignoring the real problem. None of the side characters have anything to them at all. They are all just shallow shells there for convenience. Yes, the girls tend to be there for the reasons you stated so I'm not saying you're absolutely wrong on that, but what you are talking about is just a symptom of the larger issue.

They had to squish everything so they could have 3 sets of characters due to the large time skips which results in essentially nobody past 5-6 characters having anything to them. This is one of the big problems with Age. Having a strong supporting cast matters a lot.

Zeino wrote:
Nyren wrote:
What? Since when was Victory sexist?

The Zanscare Empire is literally portrayed in the series as "Feminism is evil and wrong and will lead to Fascism and having you head cut off with a guillotine or being crushed by giant motorbike battleships or turn into a vegetable by their psychic fortress." That is the message the series was presenting and that last word I going to have on the subject here.

Unless your definition of feminism is "women are superior, men should bow down" then no, Zanscare was not run by feminists. That isn't what feminism is. What Zanscare was actually run by was misandrists. That actually is sexist, and yes one of the messages of the series is that discrimination leads to all of that stuff.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:55 am Reply with quote
It's good that we're getting everything. I'm not personally a fan of Age, but it's nice that it'll be out there for people obtain properly.
Zeino wrote:
The Zanscare Empire is literally portrayed in the series as "Feminism is evil and wrong and will lead to Fascism and having you head cut off with a guillotine or being crushed by giant motorbike battleships or turn into a vegetable by their psychic fortress." That is the message the series was presenting and that last word I going to have on the subject here.

I've never understood this reading since, although I think it's fair to say that V Gundam can be weird about women, "feminism" is never really framed as being at fault, and the primary ills of the story pretty clearly go back to the men. I thought it was apparent that spoiler[Maria was a good person who was used, and that Fonse Kagatie is The Old Man of the story who is largely at fault and really just needed to die already (one of the most recurrent Tomino tropes).]

In the case of Age, I do agree with the criticism that it largely treats its women and girls especially poorly, as yes, it seems just about all of them exist only to make kids or prove a point (usually by dying).
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:14 am Reply with quote
Hmm, might be worth picking up UC, but 96 will probably be coming down the line and it's probably not worth it to get both...

I've got 00 on DVD so I don't think I'll rebuy that as I didn't find the 2nd half as enjoyable as the first
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Joined: 30 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:40 am Reply with quote
Covnam wrote:
Hmm, might be worth picking up UC, but 96 will probably be coming down the line and it's probably not worth it to get both...

I've got 00 on DVD so I don't think I'll rebuy that as I didn't find the 2nd half as enjoyable as the first

Besides the OPs and EDs, there are no differences between the OVAs and 0096 (TV). 0096 was just a last minute attempt to fill in a timeslot after the show that previously held it got cancelled. Even if the 0096 was out on DVD or Blu Ray (which I doubt it ever will be) I see no reason to choose it over the OVAs.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:42 am Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
The only flaw here is that AGE has an Animax dub.

in other words, their getting the same treatment as build fighters & build fighters try.

well there's only one option for that. AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!!! i would rather have those series get the sub only treatment than having them get plastered with the atrocious animax dub versions. and this here is why some of the fans on their youtube channel is complaining about.

sunrise and right stuff is more or less giving SEED & SEED DESTINY the royal treatment with an english dub remake, while more or less plastering others with the animax versions. at least they didn't do that to turn a gundam , otherwise they would have a massive revolt on their hands!!!!!!
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Joined: 13 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:16 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I cannot recommend Gundam Unicorn enough, though you're better off watching after being well versed in Universal Century lore. A lot of people seemed confused while watching it on Toonami and I realized I was too entrenched in UC knowledge to see it from the outside. I bought each Blu-Ray volume individually (save for the couple I was gifted), and it was uber expensive, so I'm torn about whether I actually want this to be affordable or not.

Gundam 00 was... decent, for the most part. The first season took longer than it should have to kick in and the second season crammed in too much all at once, but overall, a watchable show with some good Gundam designs and some decent combat and characters. It's certainly better than AGE or Wing, but that's a low bar.

Gundam AGE, on the other hand, well... I stopped watching about twenty episode in because I found it was too predictable and I didn't care much about the characters. The concept of the evolving AGE system and the different generations of main protagonists were interesting, but they didn't really do enough with the rest of the elements in the show.

Is it weird for me to say that Gundam Unicorn was my introduction to the gundam, not just on U.C. timeline but for the entire franchise as well. Man, i remembered myself watching it knowing nothing about the timeline stuff (except for some small random gundam series called SEED and Destiny which i enjoyed as a kid) and without prior knowledge of the immense U.C. lore history before it, but in the end. i still managed my self to enjoy it.

Can't say much on G 00 except that its was good but lacks characters, yeah, only the gundam meisters and some bad-ass Chinese general were interesting to follow. I'm not saying that they are all bad but they got a bunch of good characters that never reached its full level or simply speaking, they lacked in depth development that is also proportional to the escalating plot. Aside from that, it was epic with mecha porn to match all thanks to sunrise.

as for G AGE, one of the biggest move on it is that , sunrise or bandai (probably bandai, yeah, its definitely bandai) they a it aimed it for kids aging 6 to 10 yrs old to cram more cash from the merchandise, and also to create new, young fan base on the modern generation of anime viewers. The biggest effect on that would hit the story department so hard, well because they need to tone down the atmosphere and simplified the plot, because of course there primary target are kids. I mean, if the story was kind a bit complex and grim like seed or 00, or even UC then probably the viewing experience would have been awesome, it got potential to be a hit but just became a meh show after all. Too bad.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:42 am Reply with quote
With "AGE", they could always re-dub it here using some of the L.A. voice pool.
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