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Actor Yuki Yamada Requests 3-Day Vacation For Future Monster Hunter Releases

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Actor begrudgingly worked on Monster Hunter Wilds release day

Japanese news outlet Oricon reported on February 18 that actor Yuki Yamada has asked his agency for three days off for future Monster Hunter releases. The actor's comments came during the press scrum after CAPCOM's Monster Hunter Wilds media launch event.

Image via Capcom's YouTube channel

Yamada Yuki asks his agency for a Monster Hunter holiday?! He appeared at the Monster Hunter Wilds media launch event and shared his thoughts.

During the press scrum, Yamada was asked if he would be playing Monster Hunter Wilds at its launch on February 28. In response, the actor stated he would be filming that day. He further added that he's asked his agency, Watanabe Entertainment, to clear his schedule for three days for subsequent Monster Hunter releases. Oricon released part of the Monster Hunter Wilds media launch event press scrum on YouTube.

Yamada, a die-hard Monster Hunter fan, appears in two Monster Hunter Wilds commercials. The first commercial features Yamada interacting with a Felyne, Monster Hunter's mascot character. The second features Yamada teaming up with three other players to defeat the new monster, Nu Udra.

Monster Hunter Wilds debuted worldwide on February 28 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. The game has sold over 8 million copies worldwide in its first three days. According to the company, this is the fastest that one of its titles has reached this milestone.

Sources: CAPCOM's YouTube channel (link 2), Oricon's YouTube channel, Oricon's X/Twitter account via Hachima Kikō

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