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Black Lagoon (TV + OAV)

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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:08 pm Reply with quote
I absolutely love the show personally, it's just jam-packed with so much style and cool-ness. All the characters are interesting and likable and the stories are also well-written. Then of course there's the action which is awesome as well combined with the rockin' soundtrack it's bliss. Finally it's another beautifully animated title from Madhouse, so it gets high marks in all catagories in my book. I just picked this one up by chance because it looked like an interesting action series to pass some time but wound up being highly impressed with it. I definitely agree, it's one of those "Under the Radar" series. I can't wait for more of this one. Twisted Evil

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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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Location: Under Clare's armor, Lewisburg, WV
PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:29 pm Reply with quote
Ok, I have a question: Is it Revy or Levi?

The first few fansub episodes I saw referred to her as "Levi," but later it was "Revy." Also, in a later episode, she was called "Rebecca," which makes me think "Revy" may be "Rebi." Since reading subs while hearing a foreign sound creates a temporary linguistic impression, I also watched some raws, and I swear I hear "Levi" and "Revi."

Any Japanese-speaking gurus have any info?

Also, this post was to show off my new avatar. Thanks, Tony! Smile
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:10 pm Reply with quote
ironwarrior wrote:
Ok, I have a question: Is it Revy or Levi?

The first few fansub episodes I saw referred to her as "Levi," but later it was "Revy." Also, in a later episode, she was called "Rebecca," which makes me think "Revy" may be "Rebi." Since reading subs while hearing a foreign sound creates a temporary linguistic impression, I also watched some raws, and I swear I hear "Levi" and "Revi."

Any Japanese-speaking gurus have any info?

Also, this post was to show off my new avatar. Thanks, Tony! Smile

well in the manga it's Revy. but yeah i was thinking the same thing.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:11 pm Reply with quote
Abarenbo Shogun wrote:

Compare Fayes puny useage of a MP5 and Glock 30 to Revy's twin Beretta 92FS, and her useage of the M79, APS Underwater Assault Rifle, and the M82. Hell, I commend BL for the useage of the antiquated PT and the PBR!!

I was wondering what kind of guns it was that Revy was using. They called it a Cutlass a few times in the show but any googling I did turned up swords.

I loved the sound her guns made Anime hyper

the spoiler[maid vs revy] fight was amazing...
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Joined: 20 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:24 pm Reply with quote
I'm really interested in seeing this show, actually. Looks pretty cool. I love stuff like this, especially with all of that pretty animation. I'm definitely going to pick up the first DVD when it comes out.

Does anyone know how many DVDs this will come out on? I'd expect four.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Now I have a better desktop!

Revy + 24" DELL HD Monitor = Love.

[EDIT: Turned the pic into a link. -TK]
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Abarenbo Shogun

Joined: 19 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:39 pm Reply with quote
sykosteve wrote:
Abarenbo Shogun wrote:

Compare Fayes puny useage of a MP5 and Glock 30 to Revy's twin Beretta 92FS, and her useage of the M79, APS Underwater Assault Rifle, and the M82. Hell, I commend BL for the useage of the antiquated PT and the PBR!!

I was wondering what kind of guns it was that Revy was using. They called it a Cutlass a few times in the show but any googling I did turned up swords.

I loved the sound her guns made Anime hyper

the spoiler[maid vs revy] fight was amazing...

I'm sure that the other gun nuts here can verify my identifications.
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Steve Berry

Joined: 22 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:37 am Reply with quote
I've just watched the first 6 eps, and I've gotta say, I'm really impressed with this show too--

It's fun, gritty, funny and over the top when it wants to be, but yet quiet and dramatic at times too.... and they shoot a lot of people to a really good soundtrack. Laughing

Seriously though, the animation is very good-- they really nail the sense of vigorous motion in a lot of scenes-- say, when the boat is going really fast-- something they were never really able to do in GITS: SAC with all the badly done cgi car scenes.

Re: larger story arcs--
I looked the show up on Wikipedia, and it seems to be following the manga relatively closely in terms of story arcs so far-- that leads me to beleive that the second season should have 1 or 2 large arcs for the majority of its ep count-- as the last few volumes of the manga have more continuity to them. Besides that though, I'm really happy that they've been able to step beyond the 1 ep= 1 story habit of many shows-- 22 minutes is just generally not a lot of time. Eventually having a big arc would be nice, but so far, I've been happy with these 2-3 ep storylines-- it gives them just enough time to have some elbow room for story and character growth, before they get back to the amazingly well done action sequences.

I also thought it really interesting that the directory for this show, Sunao Katabuchi, has done some other really interesting, non-action stuff-- in particular being the director and screenwriter for Princess Arete (with artsy Studio 4C), and the assistant director for Kiki's Delivery Service. I'm sure this must be reflective of why he's able to pull off rather quiet, understated scenes in Black Lagoon so well.

I also like how the main characters tend to have appropriate moments of silence as their responses sometimes-- it makes not saying something be full of meaning. Rather than over the top dialogue, a subtler gesture or a facial expression is used. It lends the show some weight, when it might otherwise be only a pretty, fun action show. Also, I like the fact that these characters are, well, a little f*cked up-- Rock is our window into this world, and he has no qualms about pointing out how anyone who would want to be a smuggler or a bounty hunter has some serious issues. There's a line in ep 3 where he says something to the affect that "Revy has to be really broken to love killing people like she does. And there must be something broken in me too, to enjoy watching her do it so much." The fact that stuff like this is even pointed out makes the show sooooo much more interesting-- it gives it more of that gritty, emotionally realistic feeling, even as they do absurd, impossible, wondeful things in the gunfights.

I'm not saying it's Citizen Kane or anything, but so far,as a genre piece, it's really been very very good-- much better than I expected. Oh, and the intro song kicks all kinds of ass.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:31 pm Reply with quote
i read on another forum that they're altering the final story arc to give the series more of an actual ending. the new arc started last night, and so far it's really good. there wasn't a lot of action in the ep, but this looks to be the darkest arc so far. it's like "Pierrot Le Fou" from Cowboy Bebop, only more disturbing.
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Steve Berry

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:10 pm Reply with quote
Oh, and I just had to add-- the cigarette "kiss" scene in ep 7 (?) was outrageously awesome-- far sexier and more intimate than almost any anime kiss I've ever seen-- better than most hollywood scenes too. And they don't even actually kiss. It's both hot, and somehow totally chaste at the same-- sexy, and yet not "full of uber-deep, angsty meaning". In a word-- perfect. Says far more than dialogue could have conveyed.

Lordy, I can't wait for the second season to come out and get fansubbed. I'm so buying this on DVD too. Smile
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Joined: 07 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:43 pm Reply with quote
Steve Berry wrote:
It's fun, gritty, funny and over the top when it wants to be, but yet quiet and dramatic at times too....
...I also thought it really interesting that the directory for this show, Sunao Katabuchi, has done some other really interesting, non-action stuff-- in particular being the director and screenwriter for Princess Arete (with artsy Studio 4C), and the assistant director for Kiki's Delivery Service. I'm sure this must be reflective of why he's able to pull off rather quiet, understated scenes in Black Lagoon so well.

I also like how the main characters tend to have appropriate moments of silence as their responses sometimes-- it makes not saying something be full of meaning. Rather than over the top dialogue, a subtler gesture or a facial expression is used. It lends the show some weight, when it might otherwise be only a pretty, fun action show. Also, I like the fact that these characters are, well, a little f*cked up-- Rock is our window into this world, and he has no qualms about pointing out how anyone who would want to be a smuggler or a bounty hunter has some serious issues. There's a line in ep 3 where he says something to the affect that "Revy has to be really broken to love killing people like she does. And there must be something broken in me too, to enjoy watching her do it so much." The fact that stuff like this is even pointed out makes the show sooooo much more interesting-- it gives it more of that gritty, emotionally realistic feeling, even as they do absurd, impossible, wondeful things in the gunfights.

I'm not saying it's Citizen Kane or anything, but so far,as a genre piece, it's really been very very good-- much better than I expected. Oh, and the intro song kicks all kinds of ass.

This show reminded me of a combination of Farentino and Woo, with some Oshii thrown in for historical references and intellectual depth. The writers and director did great a job of bringing realistic thinking, reflection and emotion to a series which would normally have been nothing but mindless over-the-top action. I found myself caring about the characters, which is the foundation for any worthwhile series, and an aspect which is usually neglected in this type of series. I'm glad it's getting a second season.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:41 pm Reply with quote
A couple of days ago I stopped by a bookstore and I checked a bit the third Black Lagoon manga and Im almost sure there were a scene in Revy's (Or Levy, in the french version anyway) past that was not in the anime, I think she was playing with other kids or something like that. It's really not clear in my mind and I may have misinterpreted the scene (It was a fast read). Anyway, can somebody confirm that?
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:40 pm Reply with quote
Drowning_Wolf wrote:
A couple of days ago I stopped by a bookstore and I checked a bit the third Black Lagoon manga and Im almost sure there were a scene in Revy's (Or Levy, in the french version anyway) past that was not in the anime, I think she was playing with other kids or something like that. It's really not clear in my mind and I may have misinterpreted the scene (It was a fast read). Anyway, can somebody confirm that?

i think it's in "Fujiyama Gangster Paradise", but i could be wrong though. it's supposed to be the last arc of this season.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:26 am Reply with quote
Steve Berry wrote:
Oh, and I just had to add-- the cigarette "kiss" scene in ep 7 (?) was outrageously awesome-- far sexier and more intimate than almost any anime kiss I've ever seen-- better than most hollywood scenes too. And they don't even actually kiss. It's both hot, and somehow totally chaste at the same-- sexy, and yet not "full of uber-deep, angsty meaning". In a word-- perfect. Says far more than dialogue could have conveyed.

Oh god yeah, I'd totally forgotten about that. That was easily one one of the best single moments I've seen in a long time. It's right up there, only two or three steps behind the first few seconds of the live in Haruhi. My personaly favorite scene in the entire show is step for step at the lead of the pack for favorite scenes ever: spoiler[the tell-off scene, where Rock decides he's not gonna put up with any more of Revy's shit and they almost get arrested because Revy's waving her gun around but Rock isn't intimidated(episode 6 or 7, I forget)]. I watched that, and the only thing I could think of was: holy freaking shit, now THAT is how it's supposed to be done!

The frankly cheesy action with regard to Revy was a huge turn-off for me watching the anime, particularly the maid fight. Why even bother to fire if it can't hurt her? Might as well just try to pistol-whip her with your loaded gun so it can go off and shoot you in the stomach, it'd basically have the same effect. What's the point of fighting, if there's no danger? Just doesn't have the same impact to me. Ah well, I guess it's all just part of the show.
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Abarenbo Shogun

Joined: 19 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:06 am Reply with quote
selenta wrote:
The frankly cheesy action with regard to Revy was a huge turn-off for me watching the anime, particularly the maid fight. Why even bother to fire if it can't hurt her? Might as well just try to pistol-whip her with your loaded gun so it can go off and shoot you in the stomach, it'd basically have the same effect. What's the point of fighting, if there's no danger? Just doesn't have the same impact to me. Ah well, I guess it's all just part of the show.

As much as I wanna see gunplay, seeing two overpowered and PMS induced females going at it is a relief in the gun heavy series. Ya can't have wall-to-wall gunplay all the time, otherwise you'd get extremely desensitized to it. It's all good and fun to see Revy blowing away enemies with her twin Berettas, but seeing how spoiler[Rock is betrayed by his former employer and joins the Black Lagoon Crew] or spoiler[how Balalaika got her scar as a VDV paratrooper and Spetsnaz officer in the Soviet army during the Soviet war in Afghanistan] is just as important.

It's almost akin to other shows. Without the cerebal thinking, Ghost in the Shell is one huge Seburo commercial (or just one huge showcase to Shirow's gun fetish). Focus mainly on the Gundams and Mecha Warfare, and you ignore the main element of Gundams, which are the pilots that pilot them. A Harem series is a severely edited softcore porno than going somewhat in depth about each girl.
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