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Cowboy Bebop promotions

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Joined: 21 Mar 2003
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Location: Rochester, NY
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:40 am Reply with quote
If you didn't know already, us internet folks are being encouraged to help promote Cowboy Bebop The Movie. The more people we get to go see this flick in the theaters, the more studios will want to release similar Anime features. And that's good for everyone!

Find out more about joining a street team or e-team here:


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 12:32 pm Reply with quote
maddogmike wrote:
If you didn't know already, us internet folks are being encouraged to help promote Cowboy Bebop The Movie. The more people we get to go see this flick in the theaters, the more studios will want to release similar Anime features. And that's good for everyone!

Find out more about joining a street team or e-team here:


Since you've joined their team Mike, could you make a suggestion to them. Publications and large websites don't like being targetted as part of a "covert marketing" strategy.

I'm all for engaging Anime fans to help promote their favorite movie, as long as it's either contructive, or honest. So far soulkool has been neither.

It would be great if people showed up in the forum and actually started an intelligent discussion about the movie, or posted information that we don't already know

Stuff we know

but getting numerous fans of the show to send us "random" e-mails without disclosing that they are in fact acting on behalf of a PR firm, is dishonest. It's also a waste of our time.

When people see something important and send it to us, we very often end up posting it, on the other hand, if they plan to e-mail us and then find some detail to give us, chances are we won't post it.

Last but not least, since you just read (you did read them before clicking "I agree, didn't you?)and agreed to them, I'm sure you remember our rules, in particular:


7) No Commerce - ANN's forums are not to be used to sell goods or services. Nor are they to be used to advertise commercial endeavours or commercial websites. *UNLESS* someone requests information of the sort.


7c) New users should not use the forum to advertize their own websites. We highly disapprove of webmasters coming to this forum (both commercial and non-commercial) for no reason other than to advertize their own websites. Therefore, any post that is within a new user's first 10 posts or first week on the webboard that is nothing more than an advertizement for a website will be deleted. New users may still mention their website in their tagline / signature and they may refer to their website if it is relevant to an existing topic on hand.

On the other hand, while it looks like you showed up primarilly to advertize for Soulkool, you also contributed positively to several other threads, if I may suggest, start an intelligent conversation about KOHD, it'll be more time consuming, but it will probably result in more interest than anything else.
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Joined: 21 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:53 pm Reply with quote
It's a tricky balancing act. I'm not totally in love with the idea of spamming boards to drum up business for a promotional site. I'm not being paid, either. I do want to see Cowboy Bebop do good business, however.

I'm not being dishonest about my post - I say I'm posting for Soulkool, and if others are interested, they should check out the site and decide for themselves.

Now, some message boards are more shill-friendly than others. I'm new to this one, so I didn't know how my post would be received. You've probably had trouble with folks in the past who post once and fade away into the night. That's understandable.

As for Soulkool changing their tactics, I don't have any say in that. They'll probably keep recruiting people as long as it keeps working. Personally, I'd rather get the word out on a street team, but I'm not even sure when Bebop will be screening in my home town.

I first heard about this campaign at the Jazz Messengers site, which is the best resource for CB info I've encountered ( http://www.jazzmess.com ) --Thanks for posting the link to the CB articles hosted here. I'll be sure to check those out.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:55 am Reply with quote
maddogmike wrote:
I first heard about this campaign at the Jazz Messengers site, which is the best resource for CB info I've encountered ( http://www.jazzmess.com ) --Thanks for posting the link to the CB articles hosted here. I'll be sure to check those out.

The Jazz Messenger is a great website, in fact I'd say it's the second best Anime title/creator website on the net, the best being Nausicaa.net.

A decent number of our articles on Bebop came from the Jazz Messenger (and vice versa).

I'm not being dishonest about my post - I say I'm posting for Soulkool, and if others are interested, they should check out the site and decide for themselves.

Yup, you weren't being dishonest. In fact, I only received two other e-mails from Soulkool e-team people. One was honest, and asked us to help promote (a bit silly though, he suggested that putting a link to the bebop website on the top of our front page wouldn't be advertizing since there's no product, interestign definitions of "advertizing" and "product" he has). The second was dishonest. Pretended to be just a nce e-mail from a reader, suggesting that we post information about the upcoming Bebop release (information that we have posted already). Afterthat e-mail I sent Soulkool a nice little letter, 2 e-mails and one forum post aren't bad, but from previous experience with similar marketing, this was the tip of the iceberg and I could expect 3 or more messages a day about Bebop. As I didn't want to experience that I suggested Soulkool remove us from their "target list," otherwise their efforts would result in the exact opposite of what they hoped for, reduced coverage of the movie.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 11:58 am Reply with quote
"Advertise", Tempest. "Advertise".

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 12:46 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
"Advertise", Tempest. "Advertise".


psst. He's Canadian. Maybe they use advertize up there. (Kinda like the extra u in a lot of words.)
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Joined: 21 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for being cool about this, Tempest. I just hate getting involved in flame wars.

I'll be good from now on! Very Happy
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