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Godzilla Gets New Manga Series With Teased May 27 Debut

posted on by Anita Tai
Shinji Nishikawa, Hiroshi Maruyama to provide designs for Jyu Ishiguchi's series

Akita Publishing confirmed on Monday that Jyu Ishiguchi is drawing an entirely new Godzilla manga in its Young Champion magazine, teasing with the series' official X (formerly Twitter) account that it will debut on May 27. The account initially opened on November 3 to announce the series with a trailer and the creators. Frequent Godzilla designer Shinji Nishikawa will design Godzilla for the series, and Hiroshi Maruyama will design the space monsters. Ishiguchi is also credited with the mecha design.

Teaser image for Jyu Ishiguchi's new Godzilla manga
Image via Godzilla Young Champion manga's X/Twitter account

Ishiguchi provided design work for Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online and its sequel, The Marginal Service, and Fairy gone, among other titles.

Ishiguchi contributed as a guest illustrator for Tsutomu Nihei's Knights of Sidonia special book in 2015.

Sources: Akita Publishing's YouTube channel, Godzilla Young Champion manga's X/Twitter account

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