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Baki Hanma: Blood Arena Game Announced for Consoles/PC in September

posted on by Alex Mateo
Trailer streamed for arcade-style fighting game for PS5/4, Xbox, Switch, PC

Purple Tree revealed on Wednesday that it is developing a game in the Baki Hanma series titled Baki Hanma: Blood Arena for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam in September. The company streamed a trailer:

The game's Steam page describes the game:

Enter the brutal world of Baki Hanma: Blood Arena, a thrilling 2D action game inspired by the Netflix anime phenomenon Baki. With gameplay reminiscent of the classic Super Punch-Out!!, this game blends precision, timing, and shonen-style flair to deliver a high-energy combat experience.

The game features arcade-style fighting gameplay similar to Nintendo's Punch-Out!! series. The game features 12 opponents, five arenas, and special attacks.

Baki Hanma is the anime of Keisuke Itagaki's Hanma Baki - Son of Ogre manga. The anime is the third Baki series on Netflix, and a sequel to the Baki: Dai Raitaisai-hen series. Baki Hanma debuted worldwide on Netflix in September 2021 with all 12 episodes.

The anime's second season premiered with the "Tale of Pickle & The Pickle War Saga" story in July 2023, followed by the "The Father VS Son Saga" story debuting in August 2023.

The Baki Hanma vs. Kengan Ashura crossover collaboration anime debuted on Netflix last June.

Source: Purple Tree's YouTube channel via Gematsu

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