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Joined: 28 Aug 2008
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:31 pm
I thought the things about what needs a disc replacement was a discussion that was something that caught my attention. I thought that it was interesting.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:45 pm
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:01 pm
When it began with Zac saying "Disclaimer: The views and opinions you hear expressed in this show are not the views of" I was thinking "And particularly not that Rob guys"
But yeah, haven't finished listening to the whole thing yet I just wanted to see how it came out first and I really sound like a huge dork. That aside I wanted to apologize to Theron and Chris in advance in case it sounded like I was coming down on them or giving them crap.
Other than that it's funny because I was actually trying to avoid it becoming an arguement. I felt like we were kind of talking in circles but I wasn't disagreeing with anything Zac was saying. I wish there was more time because I really wanted to get to discuss like "What is sexy?" and the appreciation of atmosphere and tone and allure, expressions, eroticness, etc. on some kind of artistic level. Because there is a beauty to the human (particularly female) form even if it is animated, and sex is a very real part of the human experience (more so for some than others). I know these shows are at an immature and creepy level and not that deep or clever or tasteful about it but that's part of what I try to gleen from them. Are they effective at conveying these things on some level? Is this a good visualization or representation? The characters, the designs, outfits, poses, personalities, situations, etc. What is beauty? What is sexy? I'm interested in the portrayals and perceptions.
Shows will try to excite or move you with action/violence or good writing or deep plots or great characters and I guess I was wondering well what about sexuality? Does this have to be measured thin and kept at a safe distance or could it not also be a valid vehicle of entertainment? And more importantly could a show try to stimulate you in such a way and not be a distraction but an integral part of a serious and intelligent story?
I don't know, I just wanted to bring those things up and discuss them and not really argue about right or wrong or good and bad but I know I didn't do a very good job of getting that across. I should've probably prodded Justin for more input as well as I was interested in hearing his take on what I was saying and if any of it was making sense.
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Lord Geo
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:41 pm
Once again, Zac, thanks for having me on. It was good fun to talk with you and Justin about older animes and I'm amazed that we even got 17 minutes of conversation out of that... The time just flew by during that talk. As for other older anime I'd love to see rescued I think I got the top two with the Eat-Man animes and Dancougar. Yeah, there are others I'd love to see, but those two are the absolute top of my list, even if they would be horribly bad business decisions. Now to wait for some company to make those bad decisions... I mean, if Crying Freeman can get rescued, then I still hold out hope for Eat-Man and Dancougar.
As for Rob's topic, I can't really agree with him when he brought up Godannar. At least to me, the fanservice in something like Godannar is the same as in something like Girls Bravo. Just because it feels out-of-place and unneeded in Godannar doesn't make it "fanservice" while Girls Bravo solely living off of that same stuff doesn't make it "fanservice". Even if taking it away makes the show "not exist" in a sense, at the end of the day a show like Girls Bravo is still full of fanservice.
As for Wayne's conversation about remaking stuff, let me start off by saying that the "Kai treatment" should only be considered for shows that were heavy with fillers, unless the fillers were fused together with the actual story. Stuff like Fist of the North Star would be cool to see "Kai-ed", while other shows like Saint Seiya would just need a full-on remake, since the filler in the first 30 episodes of so were heavily mixed into the main story, making it impossible to "Kai". G Gundam told a complete original story, even if some of it felt like "filler", so giving it a remake is unneeded. Also, G Gundam has a brand-new manga running right now that is pretty much the remake Wayne is wishing for, so there's no need for a new anime of that show.
As for stuff I'd love to see remade, I'm going to bring it up again after mentioning it in the podcast but I'd love to see a new Eat-Man anime. The second anime, Eat-Man '98, only adapted stories from the first three of four volumes, leaving 14 volumes of stories unadapted, many of which are the best of the entire manga. For example, I'd love to see the longer stories from Eat-Man, like the Leon Arc, animated... Not to mention eventually animating the last stories, giving the Eat-Man animes the same closure that the manga had.
After that I'd say that Ashita no Joe would be cool as hell to see remade. Considering how it's always coming back in some form or another, like the new live-action movie, it would be awesome to see the original manga get a brand-new anime adaptation.
As for the last guest... Oh my god about the Yu Yu Hakusho complaint. That's just ridiculous. As for including packaging discussion in anime reviews I never thought of doing that for the reviews on my blog, though I did bring up in my Prefectural Earth Defense Force review how ADV pretty much said that "before Excel Saga there was this!" and how it wasn't really a proper comparison in the end. Oh well.
Overall a very enjoyable show, and I'd love to come on again when there's a topic I could actually contribute to.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:42 pm
So according to Justin, the Twelve Kingdoms anime does have its own ending, even if somewhat rushed? I had contemplated collecting the Media Blasters set because I like checking out some older classic series that people say are so great, but any show that just stops without its own sufficient conclusion is an automatic dealbreaker to me. Because really, what's the point?
Speaking of checking out older classic shows that people say are so great, I'm kind of surprised no one suggested a possible license rescue for Sailor Moon, especially since Jason Thompson just did a special column for the manga version. That's one classic that I've missed and would love to check out!
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Joined: 01 Sep 2004
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:46 pm
mglittlerobin wrote: | I thought the things about what needs a disc replacement was a discussion that was something that caught my attention. I thought that it was interesting. |
I'm glad someone appreciated it. When I came up with the idea I was sitting there going "hope this lasts more than five minutes and isn't to boring..."
Was a good conversation I think.
The YYH thing isn't the dumbest thing I've been told recently either....
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Joined: 10 Aug 2008
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:21 pm
Masion Ikkoku part 8 is currently listed on amazon for $2,399.99 plus shipping. meaning if theres 12 episodes in it, thats about $200 per episode.
yup. a re-release suuuuure would be nice Viz. just sayin.
(Card Captor Sakura and Sailor Moon are also on my re-release wishlist.)
I personally like that companies are taking a chance on older titles, i'm sure there's alot of risk in that, so I hope its all working out for them.
kinda funny you have a discussion about DVD packaging and errors on the day the missing cover for my Summer Wars Blu-ray came in the mail.
I don't think I've boughten a series from Bandai recently to really know about those errors. I was planning to get K-ON when it came out but i guess i'll wait a little bit...
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Charred Knight
Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:25 pm
I tried to re-watch Zeta Gundam but I couldn't really get past how everyone just starts fist fighting each other at the drop of the hat.
I think cutting up G Gundam would really weaken the story. Most of the fights are intended to develop Domon from a jerk to a pretty nice guy. For example while the battle in Neo-Mexico doesn't advance the plot it does show how Domon has grown from episode 2 where he sucker punched Chibodee before challenging him and running away. I think the only episode you could really cut is something like the battle with Neo-India where the entire episode is basically just to show how stupid it would be for a kid to enter a Gundam he has never used before.
Digest movies can really improve the series if it had ton of filler like MSG or Gundam Seed Destiny. I don't think anyone really misses the episode where the cook complains about the lack of salt.
The first episode of FMA Brotherhood was an original story that was meant to show the fans that they where going to finish the story by stuffing as much foreshadowing as possible. The episode began with King Bradley with a map of Amestris behind him.
Maybe it's because I buy all my Bandai disc years later but I have never had a problem with Bandai disc.
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Joined: 15 Jul 2002
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:41 pm
pachy_boy wrote: | Speaking of checking out older classic shows that people say are so great, I'm kind of surprised no one suggested a possible license rescue for Sailor Moon |
Sailor Moon is a well known license nightmare. I want to say the license got PULLED from whoever last had it. Whether that's true or not, I believe it's fairly well established that Toei isn't letting anyone have Sailor Moon (or else they're demanding some INSANE dollar figure for it). I think everyone knows Sailor Moon is one of the few established cash cows, and is being held up by that.
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Joined: 10 Jan 2011
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:43 pm
I'd also love to see a remake of Please Save My Earth that covers the rest of the manga. The '90s anime adapted only the first few volumes of the 21 volume saga, and then gave us only a few brief glimpses of the ending (in the unlicensed movie and music video OVA).
I was fortunate to find a complete set of Viz's PSME manga at a local used book store for cheap, and I plan on holding on to it. With the way the market is now, I doubt a series of that length and age will be attempted again (at least not for a long time). I think we're pretty lucky we got the whole series in English.
Regarding "ecchi", I've never heard it pronounced that way. The word is usually pronounced like a Japanese person would say the letter "H".
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Joined: 13 Oct 2009
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:44 pm
These are my favorite kind of episodes.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:11 pm
I think people who claim they like Ranma these days only do so because it's nostalgic for them, one of the first non-OVA or non-movie anime of considerable length that they were exposed to in the 90s.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:21 pm
the guy who talk about "violence and sex!" in anime should use Elfen Lied as an example. Alot of people who rank down that anime because of the nudity and gore.
FMA: Brotherhood is better than the original one. the original FMA has better first half(20 eps), i will give you that. But the Brotherhood's second half is much better. They have so many stuffs unanswer question in the original. they didn't even show all the homunculus.
Last edited by Spotlesseden on Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The King of Harts
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:23 pm
I wish shows never expired and had endless print runs. That way I'd live in a world where Cardcaptor Sakura doesn't cost $600, Maison Ikkoku doesn't cost your soul, and it's actually easy to find copies of the Key the Metal Idol box set. It's so frustrating to be a new fan in this cool world of anime, only to find out that, like, 40% of the shows you want to see cost way too much because other anime fans are complete shit heads and want to extort you. Also, I'll say it again, but I have finished all seven seasons of Ranma, and I did it in only three months.
I agree with Rob in that it's BS that fanservice shows get panned so hard because they're advertisements for other products. So the fudge what? The absolute disdain and disgust people show towards ecchi is complete bullshit, and the people complaining need to chill out. And, no offense Zac, you know I respect you, but you're kind of the definition of hyperbolic. I mean, I never heard you even mention the second episode of Chrome Shelled Regios, but I did heard you completely dumb down what appears to be the first 10 minutes of the first episode and say the show's awful because of a big cast intro episode, and a bunch of technobabble *cough*Stand Alone Complex*cough* the first half of the first episode. Never mind the fact that just maybe it works itself out later on in the show. You also did if Freezing where you declared, basically, this show is for guros, even though that's just the first episode and the rest is basic Ikki Tousen fair with some blood shed (excluding one flashback later on). And I don't think anyone can forget your Kiss x Sis preview, especially this part:
Quote: | Who is this garbage for?! Is A-HYUK LOL INCEST WOKKA WOKKA really that hilarious to the otaku crowd? Is this utterly tasteless, completely unsettling and like undeniably, absolutely stupefyingly creepy, skeevy garbage seriously what the hardcore otaku audience wants? Why would anyone sink THIS LOW? WHY WHY WHY DOES NOT COMPUTE
But hey if Funimation licenses this show they can sell it to the lucrative “mustachioed, balding single guy in his 30s who owns a windowless van” audience! Maybe they can even come up with a clever marketing slogan for it like “Winning the War on Taste and Sanity”! |
I think stopping at "tasteless" would've been enough, but you needed to insult a group of people with different tastes than you - which you kept bringing up in this podcast as being important to note. So yeah, you can't tell someone to not be hyperbolic in their defense of ecchi when you're the king of hyperbole when it comes to shows you don't like. Even if you're saying it in jest, you're proving Rob's point because those are still your basic feelings, exaggerated or not.
On remakes, I agree with Charred Knight in that I don't think there's much that can be taken out of G-Gundam, because nothing was really pointless, sans two or three episodes. A new dub would be nice, but not a remake, unless Gainax or Go Nagai did it. On remakes as a whole, I'm pretty indiferent. I've seen both versions of Air and Clannad, and I'm mixed in that I prefer the original Air Movie to the TV remake, but prefer the TV remake of Clannad compared to the original movie. As long as both are good and I've had a fair amount of time to forget bits and pieces of the original, I'm cool with them, but don't necessarily desire more.
I thought Marc would bring up bad packaging in the literal sense, like bad hubs (scanavo) or stackpacks. Those are utter garbage and I don't care if "S23 doesn't pick the packaging", because it doesn't make it less shitty. I also find it hard to believe that the people paying the replicators have no say on what kind of packaging is used. I get it, they're cheap as hell (even cheaper than six disc 14mm's), but how can you not care about fan outcry when they're constantly getting floaters and scratched discs? Section 23 is such a mixed bag in terms of product quality that it makes me dizzy. Bandai, on the other hand is consistently shitty and I honestly would not shed a tear if they folded tomorrow. Once they get that Haruhi movie out, I'm done buying new from them; I'll continue to buy used products so that I don't directly affect them.
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Joined: 07 Nov 2010
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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:26 pm
Rurouni Kenshin needs a remake. Not just a Kai treatment, although the original anime could certainly benefit from it. The entire last third of the anime is really meh and pales in comparison to the manga's final arc.
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