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Joined: 08 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:45 pm Reply with quote
This interview was tough because he clearly was dodging questions and trying so hard to make us believe that they are different and of course he's sinking time and probably money into this venture.

I swear though I kept thinking of Clueless with all the valley girl talk "Like you know" and "I mean like" I was waiting for Zach to yell "No I don't know"

Overall I think the new con is interesting and its great someone is doing something in competition of AX but from what was said it seems like its your standard fair.

Either way all you can say is good luck and see how it goes. Thanks for another great episode.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:03 pm Reply with quote
While I'm interested in top 10 anime and movies, where's the top 10 manga? That's what's all over my Christmas list, lots and lots of manga!
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:28 pm Reply with quote
My taste really doesn't change, the same thing I liked 10 years ago is still the same thing I liked now. I mean when I saw Giant Robo on Sputnik 9 about 7 years ago I was amazed from the very first minute, and today I am still amazed at the beauty, story, and action of this masterpiece. I think it's because my priority is that I watch something for the fun of it, instead of for art.

I am with Zac in not believing Chase Wang when he claims that his not competing with Anime Expo, earlier in the podcast he used the word "fortunately" when discussing the timing, and he really doesn't seem to have a good relationship with AX. If Chase Wang wants me to support him he should be more truthful.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:32 pm Reply with quote
Of all the streaming services out there, the best award goes to Netflix simply because it is the only service platform independent. Google TV, Roku, and Boxee are all Netflix accessible, as well as the three latest gaming consoles. It's browser independent and requires no special installs.

In other words: Netflix is primed, now, to be the winner. That is, unless the movie studios screw them over like they did BlockBuster.

The news article is an important one and it hints why there are no streaming services today which are ready to be implemented in a platform-free system. I love the commentary by Time Warner on forcing Netflix to extend the 28 day release even further.

I see the entertainment industry doing more damage to streaming websites than helping them. I believe Justin's 2-3 year wait is very generous. I had visioned we'd be in a streaming world by the year 2000, yet here we are in 2010 and look where it's at. I suspect another 10 years is going to be required before things get better for everyone.

Until then, hope the next Blu-Ray movie you buy isn't going to require another firmware upgrade in order to play the damn thing.
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Joined: 23 May 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:39 pm Reply with quote
It's funny you bring up the streaming thing as I ditched by cable TV service earlier this year and stream everything now, especially since Netflix set up shop in Canada. I was not a big TV watcher to begin with so I never watched regular TV programming much to begin with and have not missed it one bit. Having also switched to a Mac Mini for my computer which has an HDMI port which allows for easy connection to my home theater which also makes streaming a more appealing alternative. Heck I just purchased all of Monster off iTunes and have been watching that through my home theater via my Mac Mini and it's pretty much on par (almost) with the DVD's (and I can watch it on my iPad which I also hope get's more love in the coming years for this stuff).

With that said I wish Justin the best of luck with it as it's something I'm definitely paying attention too as I have no intention of ever going back to traditional services like cable or satellite.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:23 pm Reply with quote
I don't care for streaming right now, and probably not anytime soon. I can stream to my blu-ray player in my room but the quality is usually somewhere between good (but not great) to outright ugly. I would rather have my dad go to FIOS for everything, but I think he hasn't been convinced yet to do so. If I didn't like watching live sports and getting the news live I could probably drop cable, but I don't like watching sports or the news on a PC.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:28 pm Reply with quote
I found that Trigun didn't really get that great until Legato first showed up. Until then, it was just "okay". But even given some of the best stuff later on, I doubt I would put Trigun very high on a favorites list.

My question is, do you put TV series, OVAs, and movies on the same list? I generally put TV series and multi-part OVAs in one list and theatrical movies, single part OVAs, and TV specials in another. Not sure where I'd put The Animatrix, but luckily I don't like it so much as to put it on a favorites list. The reasoning behind this separation is that I can't really judge a movie the same way I judge a TV series. I may have similar general standards, but they're different beasts.

My taste has changed just a little over time, but for me that means liking one Gundam show slightly more than before and another Gundam show slightly less. Laughing
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:36 am Reply with quote
Rather frustrating podcast for me. A lot of spin and no substance about this alternative event. a lot of "you knows" and "things" and nothing very specific.

So, let me see if I have this right. The event is free admission, but the individual attractions cost admission. The rational is "Some of these kids don't have that kind of money".

Point being, -- The desired attendees? -they don't have money.

The crowd Chase was talking about attracting will arrive and not buy anything. I went over to the AM2 site as well. All the links aren't connected to anything. It just keeps loading the same page.I never really got a good sense of what the attractions were. There seems to be some sort of "pirate event". But Captain Morgan is not invited. WTF?

This makes no sense to me. Money is what will fund future events! Why not create an alternative event that will attract people who have money, but won't go near a con because of all the rude, screaming, smelly, unwashed masses. If you are going to try and attract money away from one event to another event, wouldn't it make sense to try to attract those attendees who actually have disposable income?

I don't want to buy a limited art lithograph and risk having it ruined by the crush of bodies on the way out of the floor. How about offering a few attractions to the over 21 crowd, preferably attractions with cocktails? Perhaps a wine dinner and anime viewing event with a guest speaker. Or even just cocktails and anime viewing? Mushi-shi and manhattan on-the-rocks? -I'm there!

How about a Butler cafe with a real English tea service? The adult BL and Yaoi fandom have money to spend. They might like something like that, and they are the people who don't traditionally go to cons. They aren't jailbait meme-screamers. They don't wave yaoi paddles. They spend money on their hobby.

What was described just seemed like the same old thing. The thing I (and others) avoid.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:49 am Reply with quote
Looking forward to the special show.

I've always found it pretty easy to do either a top 6ish or top 3 movie/top 3 TV because there are 6 shows that really stand out to me as being on another level. When it comes to expanding that to a top 10 it gets tricky though because then I have to begin looking at stuff that's just not quite as good. Still absolutely excellent but just not quite on the level of the other stuff. At that point though I'm looking at another 10 or so titles and it's pretty tough to know what makes the cut and what doesn't.
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Joined: 03 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:22 pm Reply with quote
Yu'know Zac, perhaps you should change the picture for the podcast since Justin no longer participates? You could hold another contest.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Crunchyroll should be coming out with their Roku app shortly. From their forums:
If the Roku channel hasn't been released yet, it should be relatively soon since i had saw a nearly completed version earlier this month.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:33 pm Reply with quote
Shucks! I was really looking forward to see what y'all had on your Top 10 lists. Perhaps next week?

It's funny; when you look back through all the anime or entertainment you've watched, enjoyed, and even those whom you've labeled as being formative or "the best ever," it's interesting to see how our tastes/palates evolve and what holds up over time.

On more than one occasion I've re-watched anime I remember fondly, or had great affection for, and was surprised how my reaction/affinity to it has changed; when a former 9 or 10 show becomes avg. or just alright (and sometimes boring or bad). I'd say half holds up over time, and even less than that stays as golden as when I first saw and loved it.

RE: Streaming

One of my big issues with streaming is a lack of value added features, like bonus features, extras and commentary tracks. As a person who buys anime, these are factored into a purchase for me. I like those things! Or to give another example, the LOTR movies, with their hours and hours of awesome extras makes it an instant buy, without hesitation. In fact, I've watched the extras more than the movies themselves.

Further, I like having that physical copy in my hands. I don't like being dependent on my ISP or the strength/availability of a connection to watch anime (which on a computer, isn't nearly as enjoyable as watching it on my HDTV). Or the whims of the providers; call me paranoid, but a hard copy is still king in my book.

And on the same vein, the quality isn't there. I myself have a very strong connection, a reliable connection to the web and I have playback and quality issues with streaming. I can only imagine how impossible it must be for people in rural areas or high traffic areas where service simply doesn't exist for streaming or resources are spread too thin to support it effectively. I imagine this will change with time, but for everyone, I don't think it will be fast enough; the tech and infrastructure takes time, as does consumer mentality.

So, while I think streaming has some upside to it, like convenience and "instant gratification", I'm far from sold on it. I like having cable. I love watching live sports, or public television, or just checking the channel guide to see what's playing. You don't get that experience with streaming.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:41 pm Reply with quote
Looking forward to the top 10 lists next week. I guess I might as well post mine too when I comment on the show. I agree that it will be hard to come up with ten though. 5 is easy, but with ten there it get much more difficult to figure out that bottom 5 since they don't stand out quite as much. Still I think I have a good idea of what my lists will be.

I also agree with the assertion that the guest in this week's show is really not convincing anyone when he says this isn't a direct response to AX. The convention itself doesn't sound too appealing anyway. As it's implied, it's for those not willing to spend money, but buying goodies is one of the best parts of going to a con for me.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:20 am Reply with quote
CareyGrant wrote:
So, while I think streaming has some upside to it, like convenience and "instant gratification", I'm far from sold on it.

Personally I don't view streaming anime as a replacement for DVD (much less BD) but rather as a way to check out a series for free or cheap before spending real money on it. (This is less of an issue in the U.S. where DVDs can often be had for really cheap, though.) That also means I'm not too terribly concerned about the video quality. If I like the show enough to care, I'll buy the BD and rewatch it in full quality. In other words, streaming replaces the role of TV for me.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:57 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I found that Trigun didn't really get that great until Legato first showed up. Until then, it was just "okay". But even given some of the best stuff later on, I doubt I would put Trigun very high on a favorites list.

My question is, do you put TV series, OVAs, and movies on the same list? I generally put TV series and multi-part OVAs in one list and theatrical movies, single part OVAs, and TV specials in another. Not sure where I'd put The Animatrix, but luckily I don't like it so much as to put it on a favorites list. The reasoning behind this separation is that I can't really judge a movie the same way I judge a TV series. I may have similar general standards, but they're different beasts.

My taste has changed just a little over time, but for me that means liking one Gundam show slightly more than before and another Gundam show slightly less. Laughing

I would have a hard enough time trying to come up with a top ten list when I combine movies, OVAs, and tv series. I mean a top 5 list for movies and short ovas would just be a bunch of Miyazaki movies.

The one I really would have a problem with the bottom 10 anime simply because any really bad tv series would be shows that I quickly stopped watching like Dear S, and those series could very well improve, I keep on hearing about how great Eureka 7 was but the first episode was so bad that I completely glossed over the rest of the first few episodes before I stopped paying attention completely. That would basically leave MD Geist II (never saw the first one), and Eiken as the only really bad anime I have ever seen because it's not like I am going to seek out crap like Psychic Wars. I mean I guess I saw enough Reign and Super Milk Chan to put on it but that's just four.
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