Suicide Squad Isekai Cast Gathers for an AnimeJapan Mission
by Ken Iikura-Gross,
It's AnimeJapan time, which means a slew of new announcements, swag to collect, and, for some voice actors, missions to go on during their stage events. This was the case for the cast of Suicide Squad ISEKAI as they embarked on a “mission” during their show at AnimeJapan 2024.
Before the “mission” even began, the seven cast members, Anna Nagase (Harley Quinn), Jun Fukuyama (Clayface), Reigo Yamaguchi (Deadshot), Subaru Kimura (King Shark), Yuichiro Umehaera (Joker), Rena Ueda (Fiona), and Kujira (Amanda Waller) bantered a bit. During this exchange, Nagase noted there were only three cast members at the Tokyo ComiCon event and was excited about how everyone was at AnimeJapan.
As the stage event continued, the voice actors introduced their characters with a short story synopsis. Ueda noted while most of the characters are villains, her character, Fiona, is the character fans could most relate to as they could see Harley and the rest through her eyes. With a little more chit-chat among the cast, a surprise guest emerged: the VTuber and ending theme vocalist Mori Calliope.

With seven cast members and the vocalist of the ending theme song assembled, it was time for the guests to go on their AnimeJapan mission: a short quiz about Suicide Squad ISEKAI. But this was no ordinary quiz, as, much like their anime counterparts, they were on a time limit…of five minutes. Thankfully, though, if they couldn't answer all the questions, no one was in danger (maybe a little shame).
The first question: fill in the blank about the respective characters. Even though the mission had just started, you could feel the pressure weighing down on the cast members as they scrambled to fill out different parts of the descriptions of the characters. However, if they had kept their calm, they would have realized from the beginning that the descriptions had been lifted from the official homepage of the Suicide Squad ISEKAI. But the cast got there eventually.
With the clock running, question two was similar to the first, as the cast had to fill in the blanks for the series synopsis. The cast was a bit quicker on the intake for the question and blew through it in a short amount of time.
Blowing through the second question, the third almost tripped up Calliope as it related to the titles of the series' opening and ending theme songs. The cast easily got the opening theme song, “Another World,” by Tomoyasu Hotei, but left Calliope to answer the title of the ending theme song. And while she knew the answer and gave the name of her song, “Go-Getter,” the cast did rib Calliope a bit as she tripped over her words just a bit.
The cast was doing well on time, and with a little spring in their step, they moved on to the fourth question: Who said it? But, to throw the cast off, the quote was in English, not Japanese—and who better to read the quote than the native English speaker on stage, Calliope. After Calliope delivered a wonderfully read of the line, Fukuyama took a few seconds to think, then realized it was a Clayface line. But time was still ticking.
Next, the cast members were asked a relatively easy question: Who are the silhouettes? Two were easy, Katana and King Shark. But the last silhouette was a bit tricky since it didn't look like any of the characters. That is until you remember that one character, Clayface, can change his appearance. With a little thought, the cast was able to move on to the final question.

And that fateful final question: What is the average airspeed velocity of…no, wait, it was: When will the series begin airing? It's a simple question with a simple answer: July on Tokyo MX and BS11.
So, were the cast of Suicide Squad ISEKAI able to complete their mission in under five minutes? Well, it was difficult to tell as no official clock was running. However, according to this author's notes, they were off by about three minutes–a bit shy of the five they needed. But this is to be expected as this is a presentation for entertainment. We don't want to see the cast seriously think about each question. We want them to banter and give each other a hard time.
The Suicide Squad ISEKAI: Villains' Party stage event at AnimeJapan 2024 was certainly a fun one. Watching the cast and Calliope scramble to answer their mission questions was exhilarating and amusing. And the banter between Fukuyama and Kujira livened up the cast throughout. The livestream is available on the Warner Bros. Japan Anime YouTube channel with official English subtitles available in the first week of April. So, if you want to check out the stage event and get your first glimpse of Suicide Squad ISEKAI, this is the perfect place.
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