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How is Azumanga Daioh... "Characterific?"

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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:38 pm Reply with quote
Well... once again, a show i'm considering watching, Azumanga Daioh... ususally i can choose for myself, but i hear things about this anime that i've not heard about many others. Basically i've heard that its about a bunch of ... unusual yet typical girls who go to a highschool and their strories, but what i find interesting is That it is seriosly mainly about the characters. Apparently, from what i've heard about this show is that it is all about the characters. They say that they focus so much on develping the characters, that it is "impossible" not to "love" one of them... interpert that how you like, but that is what i've heard of it... so i'm curious to see how people who have seen the show felt about the show and if the characters are really as great as they say... Also if you've not seen the show and have heard differnet thigns about it, possibly contradicting or just are about anything of this anime, i'd very much like to hear what you've got to say... I appreciate it.


Last edited by Elfen12 on Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 06 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:44 pm Reply with quote
It's well worth watching, IMHO.

If nothing else, just to see spoiler[Yukari terrorize everyone while driving ]
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:53 pm Reply with quote
Well, it's slow as snot, so if you're expecting a riotous comedy, as some have pegged the title, you won't find it. (Seriously, why do people call AzuDai a hilarious comedy? It...kinda isn't.)

However, I will agree that the characters are adorable, cuddly, and almost every one is a joy to see at some point. Even incidentals like Kaorin or the infamous Mr. Kimura. (Now he's responsible for most of the actual belly laughs.) I kind of liked the Yukari and Nyamo bits the best. (They're two teachers at the school who still act like high school students to an extent.)

Anyway, if you like sweet, cute, lilting reminiscences on high school life and want to learn a bit more about Japanese high school culture, yes, I'd recommend it. It is slow, though, and has a very very off-beat sense of humor. Lots of running gags, rabbit trails that make only marginal sense, and plenty of "you had to be there" moments you can imagine having with your friends, only in the third person. Very unusual approach to the slice-of-life thing.
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Joined: 26 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:44 pm Reply with quote
Azumanga Daioh is one of the very few anime series that I have watched 10 or 15 times in its entirety and still love. I've read the manga multiple times and still love it. I got the individual discs with the booklets, lapel pins, and the artbox. And it's one of my favorite anime series, and I'll never live without it.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:53 am Reply with quote
JesuOtaku wrote:
(Seriously, why do people call AzuDai a hilarious comedy? It...kinda isn't.)

That really depends on what your tastes are. I love character-based comedy, so I personally found it very funny.

Elfen12 wrote:
...They say that they focus so much on develping the characters, that it is "impossible" not to "love" one of them...

I wouldn't call AzuDai a character development show; the cast is pretty much the same from beginning to end, but the characters are very distinctive and a lot of the humor is character-based. Most of the laughs come from their quirks and personalities, as well as odd running gags. The style of humor is pretty offbeat, so you kinda get it or you don't. I do agree that it's hard, at least in my opinion, not to love them most of them.

I find the characters to be utterly charming and lovable. There's something very familiar and relatable about the group of girls especially; it's kind of like you know them. I think it's easy to relate them back to the friends you have or had in high school. They're all so different but somehow they balance of each other really well. It really reminds me of my own group of friends. So yeah, I'd say it's definitely worth watching. In any case, it's certainly one of my favorites.
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Joined: 21 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:10 pm Reply with quote
Some of the humour is quite slapstick and there are a lot of running gags. If you get the jokes you're sure to have a rolling good time. Top quote from the show "BAKA"!

Characters are well portrayed, each one is unique enough and they all have their own eccentrities. And there's always Tomo to liven things up. She is such a wild cannon that everytime she steps in there're bound to be hilarious incidents ocurring.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:25 pm Reply with quote
It's a show and a comic strip that you can read and enjoy without there being much of an overlying story because you fall in love with the characters (even pervy teacher) and hope that they will be friends forever.

It's just a lot of fun.
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Joined: 03 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:26 am Reply with quote
Honestly Azumanga Daioh is one of my favorite series of all time. The comedy is great but I will admit it's a slower type of comedy and may not be for everyone. However I found myself laughing almost non-stop throughout the entire series. The characters are great and there is a good chance you will relate to one of the girls.

After watching Azumanga Daioh I went back and watched Excel Saga and I found myself laughing less as if Azumanga had changed the way I think about comedy. It's definitely a must watch if only to see if you like it but I can't imagine why someone wouldn't like Azumanga Daioh.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:44 am Reply with quote
Some people have compared Azumanga to Seinfeld, if you're familiar with that sitcom. It's a comedy about... nothing in particular. Sometimes they focus on one thing in an episode. Other times it gets really weird, like with Chiyo-chan's dad (but weird, in a funny way). This is in my top 10 anime list, and a highly rewatchable show, especially since I can just pretty much watch any episode I want at any time. The overarching plot isn't much--they go through school heading towards graduation, but the characters are just hilarious and cute and lovable. My favorites are the two teachers--friends and rivals.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:03 pm Reply with quote
kyokun703 wrote:
Some people have compared Azumanga to Seinfeld, if you're familiar with that sitcom. It's a comedy about... nothing in particular. Sometimes they focus on one thing in an episode.

Oh, oh okay i see ... that's quite helpful acutally, I was kind of curious how people were saying it wasn't about anything in particular. I guess i coudl say i was having trouble understanding something that has characters the way it does, but doens't really have a plotline that goes anywhere... but now that you say that, well, it all connects now.

But it's interesting knowing that a show like that, can have such intricate... or at least, loveable characters... it definatly makes me want to watch it.

wolfsbane12 wrote:
It's just a lot of fun.

Well, that's also good, when show's are a lot of fun... well, it takes some stress off your back and eases oneself i think... much in the way fruits basket did for me, just easy to watch and fun to watch.

CloverKuroba wrote:
I wouldn't call AzuDai a character development show; the cast is pretty much the same from beginning to end, but the characters are very distinctive and a lot of the humor is character-based. Most of the laughs come from their quirks and personalities, as well as odd running gags. The style of humor is pretty offbeat, so you kinda get it or you don't. I do agree that it's hard, at least in my opinion, not to love them most of them.

Ah, i see, so it's not that they develop much at all, it's just that they are interesting from start to finish... and that nothing really changes too much about them? It's interesting knowing that a show is character-based comedy when they don't really devlop so much, it sounds like this show is getting more interesting as i find out about it... But it's good to hear that the characters are so easy to get along with, i've found that most people have been saying that, so that is a bit of good news...

I think the show sounds defiantly one to watch when you want to watch something easy and fun to watch... With some humor in the way that i'm getting it to be, it sounds really quite interesting... now this thread is what i call a fan-review...

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Joined: 21 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:53 pm Reply with quote
I guess Azumanga Daioh could be considered "characterific" due to the comical quirks shown through the cast of characters and how others around these characters respond to them. It's character-focused comedy. The show's approach of airing episodes is different by showcasing said character quirk in one of the five mini-episodes shown in a full episode.

I'm not sure if you know of this, but the original Japanese airing of Azumanga Daioh featured each of the mini-episodes being aired during the week and then all five mini-episodes being aired together into a single half-hour block on the weekend.
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