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RE: Ms. Answerman Transforms

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Joined: 09 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:48 am Reply with quote
This was a one-time deal. Cowboy Bebop: Best Sessions was six episodes long. Three were the favorites of the Japanese audience and the other three were the American favorites.

I thought the first set of three were chosen by the director, and second set was chosen by the Japanese fans?

This AnimeFringe article certainly seems to think so, and I'm pretty sure I've heard that other places as well.

Because of this, it's thought that he was unable to go SS since the power he gained was equal to going SSJ3. His body, or possibly the universe, wouldn't be able to handle the power that would be released if he went SS in his present state.

This one I'm not as sure on, but I thought he didn't use his Super Saiya-jin form simply because it was inferior to his "Mystic" form? In the same sense that, you wouldn't race in fourth gear if you just got a new five-speed transmission installed in your car, even if the old transmission was more impressive looking. I recall that the late Planetnamek.com had a rant at one point that chronicled Gohan's consistant superiority over Goku through the various stages of their lives; I think that this was one of the major points that rant dwelled on.

Are there any hardcore DBZ-philes out there who can confirm or deny either of these explanations? Cookie?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:08 am Reply with quote
I just wanted to add that Manga has hinted in the past that they own Devil Man Amon and have plans to release it with the Japanese tracks for the Devil Man oavs. As for Goemon, there's also a 3-d game on PSX which Working Designs is trying to bring out. (I'm told Sony's giving them a hard time about it though.)
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:56 am Reply with quote
Case wrote:
I thought the first set of three were chosen by the director, and second set was chosen by the Japanese fans?

Whooops! Blame the editor (that's me).

We meant to get that fixed before the article went up.

As for the DBZ item. I've heard the explanation that Rebecca gave before, and from people that are bigger DBZ-philes than myself.

My personal opinion is more inline with yours, that the mystyc transformation allows Gohan to unlock 100% of his potential, so regardless of what tranformation he is capable of, the mystic one will deliver more.

What's more, later in the series Goku as SSJ3 (and if you accept DBGT, SSJ4) becomes more powerful than Gohan, and his transformation doesn't blow up the world.

But then, thanks to Toriyama's dislike of logical continuity, arguing logical points in teh DB world is rather pointless. They're just opinions and anyone is as good as another... well, some are stupid, but that's beside the point.

Last edited by Tempest on Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:14 am Reply with quote
That's great, we appreciate the corrections, but there's no need to post that it was "fixed" on the front page and then again inside the column. It's been up for only a very short while. The DBZ thing is open to interpretation. The CB thing.. well, that was our mistake.

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