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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:36 pm Reply with quote
When Zac was streaming GBA games he tried to find Samurai Deeper Kyo and couldn't find a rom for it.

And that anime that was delayed 5 months and was announced as delayed a month after it was supposed to come out is my Birthday present. Thank God that Summer was heavy with niche games like Dragon's Crown, Dynasty Warriors 8 and I also bought Tales of Xillia and haven't played it since I am working on getting the 5th weapons in Dynasty Warriors 8

After my experience with Super Robot Wars I would hesitate to buy something from them again. I just don't want to get yanked around again.

Last edited by Charred Knight on Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:38 pm Reply with quote
Could've gone with "Media Blasting Off Again", but eh. This works too.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:09 pm Reply with quote
How much popularity does Alteil really have exactly? I played the game years ago on the official site but I found that the mechanics were heavily unbalanced. Anyone who used to play with a Lawtia beginner's deck should know exactly what I'm talking about.

So therefore, I'm heavily skeptical about Alteil Horizons. Unless the game is well balanced in its structure, I just don't see a considerable point in investing in it.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:22 pm Reply with quote
Well that was a depressing listen... Hopefully the game stuff pans out and Alteil meets its funding goals. Meredith and Sean are real troopers to hang in there for as long as they did. I wish them the best of luck with all their future endeavors.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:52 pm Reply with quote
I can vouch that Fushigi Yugi (not the OVAs, though), Jubei-chan, & Juden-chan have all been released in B&N markets (at least Best Buy), so that's likely why MB/John is still feeling the need to put release dates down for everything new they release: Best Buy is still stocking Media Blasters releases every now & then, even though Best Buy has been cutting down the presence anime has in their stores.

As for Super Robot Wars, hearing Sean & Meredith's explanation about how the company is essentially working now really does put things into perspective. I can't really feel all too annoyed about delays from MB anymore now that I have an idea as to why it likely happened in the first place, honestly.

I find it weird that Meredith said that GaoGaiGar bombed, because John admitted that GGG did make its money back in 2009. In fact, here's the actual quote from John:
It did ok but if we dubbed the enture series it would have not been worth it. We would have loss money. Unfortunately the show while quite good just does not have the legs of a Giant Robo, Teknoman or Voltron.

Sure, GaoGaiGar was likely not a gigantic hit, and according to John it only made its money back by dropping the dub, but I wouldn't call it a total "bomb". Money made back is money made back, afterall.

I wouldn't call this a depressing episode, but it's definitely a somber one. I think it definitely helped put a lot of how Media Blasters operated & still operates to this day into perspective and it's nice to hear that Sean & Meredith are both doing okay post-MB. If anything, it sounds like working for MB does wonders for your professional future...
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No Comment

Joined: 19 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:12 pm Reply with quote
Lol, my local FYE has copies of the Fushigi Yugi boxsets... for $50. I heard that the discs get scratched really easy in them though because of the way they're packaged, so I'd be skeptical even buying them.

Interesting podcast. I briefly went into a daze at the thought of Sunred getting licensed.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:49 pm Reply with quote
The initial segment still leaves me wondering how MB continues to be around. I kind of assumed that the staff was beyond skeleton crew, but I had missed that they were having tax issues, and switching back to paper checks isn't exactly imbuing confidence. Throw in that they didn't get the Berserk movies or Queen's Blade 3, and the licenses of their bigger titles are lapsed, and its no wonder that I'm always surprised to see the occasional announcement that they picked up the license for something. Even with the occasional big sale of something from Wal-Mart, it seems like that can only carry so far, especially since Wal-Mart is generally only interested in big-selling shonen series. Heck, even if MB doesn't feel that it has to stick to release dates or whatever anymore, missing those dates repeatedly gives plenty of reason for people to view the company with plenty of skepticism. I've been expecting the announcement that the company was ending for years, yet it still somehow limps along.

No Comment wrote:
Lol, my local FYE has copies of the Fushigi Yugi boxsets... for $50. I heard that the discs get scratched really easy in them though because of the way they're packaged, so I'd be skeptical even buying them.

I can believe that. I actually passed on getting Moribito since almost every comment and/or review I read about it mentioned that you'd have to provide your own cases because the cheap packaging meant the discs were at risk. I was already on the fence on buying that series, but bad packaging was kind of a deal breaker.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:08 am Reply with quote
Re something that came up in the podcast, the article linked to below says:
Sirabella also noted while Media Blasters had once acquired the rights to Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei and Moyashimon, the company has no plans to release them and noted that "these titles can and may be licensed to another company."

Media Blasters No Longer Has Rights to Bakuman, Kenshin, Berserk Anime (Updated):

I have the impression that Media Blasters is doing better with their anime release dates this year, although I'm not surprised when a release is delayed.
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Joined: 26 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:17 am Reply with quote
Kanokon sold well... Why am I not surprised.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:58 am Reply with quote
Could have used some anime talk... you know... at the beginning...
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Joined: 16 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:38 am Reply with quote
Kerberous wrote:
Kanokon sold well... Why am I not surprised.

Hopefully Koe de Oshigoto and Ladies vs Butlers will do well for them too. Really hope they can bring us the blu-ray.
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Joined: 26 May 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:15 am Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
Kerberous wrote:
Kanokon sold well... Why am I not surprised.

Hopefully Koe de Oshigoto and Ladies vs Butlers will do well for them too. Really hope they can bring us the blu-ray.

Give those things a Ghost Stories comedy dub and I might look at them.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:52 am Reply with quote
Had I known about this podcast being recorded, I would've asked about what happened with that Kite blu-ray. I'm sure that there had to be reason other than "the negatives were in bad shape".

Oh, and no offense to Sean, but that blu-ray of Riki-Oh was not a "pretty good release". The thing was clearly an upscale of some standard definition materials (possibly a digi-beta) and just encoded at a really high bitrate. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume that it was the Hong Kong film company that gave you guys the materials to use.

So I guess I'd also ask, why did Fortune Star give you guys non-HD masters to work with?

ALSO: I just remembered that blu-ray of Overfiend put out a couple of years back. Yeah, what happened with that one? The DVD with the OVA was fine (as fine as a DVD of 20 year old analog masters can look), but the bluray for the film was cropped from its 4:3 aspect ratio and had portions of it taken from said analog master as opposed to the actual film.

I apologize for the pestering and wordiness of my post.

Last edited by ActionJacksin on Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:48 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 23 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:21 am Reply with quote
DmonHiro wrote:
Could have used some anime talk... you know... at the beginning...

Actually liking anime is so passe >_>
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Joined: 29 May 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:16 pm Reply with quote
ActionJacksin wrote:
Had I known about this podcast being recorded, I would've asked about what happened with that Kite blu-ray. I'm sure that there had to be reason other than "the negatives were in bad shape".

Oh, and no offense to Sean, but that blu-ray of Riki-Oh was not a "pretty good release". The thing was clearly an upscale of some standard definition materials (possibly a digi-beta) and just encoded at a really high bitrate. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume that it was the Hong Kong film company that gave you guys the materials to use.

So I guess I'd also ask, why did Fortune Star give you guys non-HD masters to work with?

ALSO: I just remembered that blu-ray of Overfiend put out a couple of years back. Yeah, what happened with that one? The DVD with the OVA was fine (as fine as a DVD of 20 year old analog masters can look), but the bluray for the film was cropped from its 4:3 aspect ratio and had portions of it taken from said analog master as opposed to the actual film.

I apologize for the pestering and wordiness of my post.

Most of Media Blasters' BDs in general sucked. Some of those for Toyko Shock were terrible upscales and for anime Moribito was poorly encoded and rife with artifacts. Those Tokyo Shock upscales should have never been released in the first place.

The Twelve Kingdoms BDs at least turned out well.

Media Blasters has stopped doing BDs altogether. John claims they don't sell enough but BDs seem to be doing fine for everyone else. I think they just can't afford it. I wish they'd do Moribito over again though. I think they could just rip the encode from the Japanese BDs now and add the dub/subs.
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