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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:00 pm Reply with quote
Ouch, not a fan of Burn Notice or any of the USA original shows, huh?
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:18 pm Reply with quote

THANK YOU!! Do you have ANY idea how much of a problem I had with that catchphrase bit for 10 minutes in the freaking desert on My Anime List when I first saw the episode?! I swear to GOD!! And some people left and right were coming up with a bunch of excuses for it too! Speaking of excuses, word of warning Zac. You might get some people (not me btw) who watched and liked the show for what it "tried to do differently" either disagreeing with you or just whole-sale attacking you for the whole, "it's basic shounen," bit. I've heard this argument several times before from fans of the show where it's being different by basically deconstructing the whole shounen/action-adventure genre and its tropes.

I'm not sure why it is anime fans admire seeing a show just because it puts a different spin on a few things like deconstruct or make parodies with genres in general, but I just want to say this. While I did actually see all 12 episodes of Katanagatari and liked it for it's art direction, music and basic plot, I could care less, WHAT genre it deconstructs or parodies or if it crams 5 times as many genres/sub-genres as your average show. The story really just needs characters that WANT something, are pursuing for it. And throughout the span of how long I watch it (in the case of Katanagatari, 45 minutes at a time), I want to see less motion-stalling dialogue that I won't EVER remember anyway and more of facing literally a series of obstacles at a time whether, they end up fighting or just avoiding things. And deal with those overall risky conflicts just to obtain what they desire, being in this case one of the powerful swords. That's ALL I'm asking for out of shows like these! It's not hard to ask for! And when I say conflict and obstacles (some people argued with me about this before on My Anime List), I don't strictly mean punches, kicks, constant sword fights and explosions. In shows like these, I would like the characters to face potentially dangerous situations that could lead to straight-foward fights, but they don't need to be just that. Nor do they need to be lengthy dialogue either where no one literally does anything!

I really wonder that aside from otaku who buy the blu-ray releases of these types of anime shows, does the average Japanese in general even care about these anime adpatations of light novels? And Justin's without a doubt right about how story-wise, it does pick-up after the first couple of episodes and become a bit less reliant on heavy expository dialogue (though I was frustrated with episode 4 and its decontruction genre joke). But to bear through the beginning like that.... I don't who to recommend it to exactly other than a light novel fanatic or a bibliophile, if it meant having to watch the first few episodes. And again, I don't hate the show. I just wish it didn't have to frustrate me so much in the beginning.

darkchibi07 wrote:
Ouch, not a fan of Burn Notice or any of the USA original shows, huh?

Oh yeah, before I forget, "USA. Characters Welcome. Not so much for Zac and Bamboo."

Sorry Zac, but I couldn't resist. lol
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Joined: 23 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:28 pm Reply with quote
Zac just dished the total awesomeness that is Burn Notice? Shocked

I'm 9 minutes in, and this is already the worst ANNcast ever. Evil or Very Mad Burn Notice is a damn good show--better the the vast majority of shit on TV today, be it drama, comedy, or reality.

And I'll admit to having one helluva lol upon seeing J.Sev's name at pop up on the BD credits for Katanagatari.

Last edited by Sanosuke_Inara on Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:13 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:00 pm Reply with quote
Hypeathon wrote:
THANK YOU!! Do you have ANY idea how much of a problem I had with that catchphrase bit for 10 minutes in the freaking desert on My Anime List when I first saw the episode?! I swear to GOD!!

You're not alone. Everybody watching the series with me was groaning, and not only in that scene.

But to bear through the beginning like that.... I don't who to recommend it to exactly other than a light novel fanatic or a bibliophile

Nah, chances are good these people want something better. If you love books and read a lot, you are used to much better dialogue than what you get here. I don't mind long dialogue at all (Guardian of the Spirit), but I hated these parts in Katanagatari.

I thought that the problem with Katanagatari was that the dialogues were supposed to be funny, or cool (as compared to "tell something relevant" as in GotS). But to me the jokes were mostly childish, and unfunny, and often simply dragged out way too long (lol, she used cheerio the wrong way lol thats hilarious). Nor do I care about lengthy explanations of completely unrealistic fighting techniques (anymore, maybe back when I was 15 I would have).

And thinking about the reason for that I realized that the author was ~25 years old when he wrote the series. And he was writing a light novel aimed at old teens / young adults.

Given that background, probably the series just had to turn out childish (from the eyes of a ~25-years-old person).

To be fair, Katanagatari does improve in the second half, when you actually get some story and development ... but it is still continues with the lame jokes and "cool" ninjutsu / kenjutsu explanations. And the final episode was just really lame o_O

Bakemonogatari suffers from the same problems imho. But its success apparently spawned a lot of similar series, as Denpa Onna & Seishun Otoko (written by a now 25 year old guy) and Kamisama no Memocho (the author is older, but doesn't have a lot of experience yet).

Concerning the way of talking. Yes, there are a lot of characters (not all, mostly the ninjas) that talk in a very weird way, so maybe the translation tried to keep that.

Last edited by maaya on Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:25 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 21 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:05 pm Reply with quote
I will attest to what Justin said about Katanagatari; It does get better. A lot better I should say.

Don't judge it by the first episode. Stick with it, you won't regret it.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:58 pm Reply with quote

I liked it.
It is totally my kind of humour (pretty nerdy and immature).
The catchphrase scene really made me laugh (and the phrase Shichika chose is a kinda clever parody of catchphrases in general).
But yeah that´s also the reason why people dislike it. If you are into ultra-postmodern shounens/comedys (huge geek) you will like it but not so much otherwise.
Oh and its beautiful to look at.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:59 pm Reply with quote
The choice of adaption was odd since the novel was mostly disliked by his fans. The structure of the broadcast imitated the publishing schedule, he wrote a book a month for one year. This is totally apparent with the amount of padding/quasi recap in the novel/anime.

The first two episodes are definitely the worst i think. It improves and manages to be good at certain points but ultimately it could have been trimmed down to half the length and nothing would be lost.

Bakemonogatari was successful because it was hilarious, subverted many problems found in harem and managed to pander to otaku. Zaregoto is why the man is popular though and for good reason,
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:01 pm Reply with quote
I have no idea why people think the first 20 episodes of the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime has great timing. There are clearly episodes that primary purpose was to waste time so that Hiromu Arakawa could write more manga, so they stop making mistakes.

Does anyone actually like the way the alchemy exam was presented? It was completely unnecessary and what I think was supposed to be the big moment (Mustang telling Al he can't be a state alchemist) is ruined by the idea that Mustang can't tell that Al is a genius on the level of his brother. It's just more of the first anime never being able to write Al as anything other than the "younger less interesting brother of Ed".

The primary purpose of going to Rush Valley (to further Winry's characterization) is removed as the Winry becomes an apprentice subplot is only in the manga. You can easily skip Rush Valley in the first anime and not miss anything.

The less said about the "Al pretends his a haunted suit of armor" episode the better.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:43 pm Reply with quote
Good podcast, as usual. Smile

Working at home & freelancing: You can count me among the freelancers working out of their home. I like being able to adjust my schedule any way that I need to; this is especially helpful for working around the times that my kids are home and when they have extracurricular activities going on that I need to attend. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to just drop everything and go see a movie... between my kids and not having a driver's license, it just doesn't happen. Razz

FMA: Brotherhood: I've been watching the DVD sets by placing holds through my local library system. Ironically, the copy of Volume 4 I had on hold came in. We picked it up and yesterday and started watching it last night. By the point I've gotten to, the series is so different from the original. Basically, I know most of the characters, but the story has changed so drasticallt it's almost like watching another series entirely.

Rocky Horror Picture Show: I was introduced to this movie through my husband when we first started dating. He showed me the film on a VHS tape that he had. The movie is just AWFUL without the audience participation. He later took me to the local art house movie theater that had midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show every weekend (either Friday or Saturday night, I don't remember exactly now). I got the experience the audience participation portion then. It was a different experience, but it's not one I'm planning to have again anytime soon. My husband is definitely more into The Rocky Horror Picture Show than I am. He's also a fan of the sequel film, Shock Treatment.

Borders Closing: Definitely agree about how the "deals" at the liquidation sale right now isn't worth it. On Sunday, we went into a Borders to see if they had thel ast two Dragon Ball DVD box sets that we needed (Seasons 4 and 5). They did, BUT they were asking $49.99 each for them before the 20% disscount. My husband and I looked at each other, and were like, "Ummm... no, we can find these cheaper elsewhere." And guess what? We did find them at a much cheaper prince at Amazon.com (one was $17.99, the other was $18.99). I placed an order on Amazon on Sunday night, and they arrived in the mail today. Smile

Favorite Sandwich: I would have to say that egg salad is mine, because it's one I only manage to have right after Easter. Every Easter, my kids dye eggs for the holiday, but they won't eat hard-boiled eggs. My husband won't eat them, either. So, after every Easter, I get to have 2-3 days' worth of egg salad sandwiches. If I had the time, I'd probably buy eggs more often and boil them to have egg salad. Sadly, I don't, so that's something I've come to look forward to having every spring.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:44 pm Reply with quote
I have Katanagatari on my "to buy" list mainly for the art. Not good to hear about the mishandled exposition, though not surprised. Noticed this a lot with adaptations from text based novels, and not just in anime. Razz Still planning to buy it anyway.

I feel like I need to defend FMA: Brotherhood. I like the pace of the series. Sure, FMA was great, and had one of the best gecko endings ever, but it was a gecko ending. Brotherhood is an adventure story with a larger scope, not as character-analysis driven as the first series, but definitely more exciting to watch. I take each series on their own merits.

I guess the people who don't like Brotherhood didn't like the manga either?

Anyway, the podcast was entertaining. Good job.
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:16 pm Reply with quote
While we're talking about companies not interacting with fans...what about Viz? Lord knows they've given us more than enough reasons to rage at them. Razz
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:22 pm Reply with quote
Shou Aikawa, Hideaki Anno, and Harutoshi Fukui need to do a panel together at Otakon.

Hideaki Anno: Japan #1, America patooie
Shou Aikawa: We will now sing the Japanese National Anthem

Justin: Tiger and Bunny, get's pretty dark in places, one episode in particular are incredibly depressing, with the story of Lunatic's past, and another major spoiler.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:52 pm Reply with quote
Burn Notice/USA hate? Ouch. OUCH.

Top Gun wrote:
While we're talking about companies not interacting with fans...what about Viz? Lord knows they've given us more than enough reasons to rage at them. Razz

I've heard people say this about Viz quite a bit recently… what does Viz do to piss everyone off that other companies aren't doing as well?

And they're pretty approachable, from my experience. It's not that hard to get in touch with them, is there?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:05 pm Reply with quote
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:07 pm Reply with quote
Well, now I don't mind so much missing the GoT panel if Dinklage was bored out of his mind. That's no fun.

Although I wouldn't've minded sitting through the Burn Notice panel. That's just a fun show. Getting ready to start season 4 right now.

However by missing the panel, I was able to see Patricia Briggs (one of my fave authors), Robert Kirkman (creator and writer of The Walking Dead), and discover the wonder of Archer. Very Happy

Favorite sandwich: Probably #19 from Langer's: pastrami, swiss cheese, cole slaw on rye with Russian dressing.
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