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NEWS: Youka Nitta to Quit Manga Work, Back Catalog Pulled

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:39 am Reply with quote
OUCH. She's really quitting for this? What a deal!

I think it was a bad thing to do, but she apologized and would never do it again. She clearly had no bad intentions and she feels bad for it all. Does she really need to quit? I guess this is a matter of Japanese saving face more than anything...

This is from someone who is not a Youka Nitta fan in the slightest. On one hand, I feel like she seems to have a lot of integrity; on the other, perhaps she is overreacting!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:14 am Reply with quote
I wonder what this means for all of her licensed work in America, can she really just quit? And I was looking forward to the second volume of Prime Minister Diplomacy which was licensed by 801 media.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:19 am Reply with quote
I suppose this is what she feels is expected of her, though I think she is overreacting... deleting her whole website and quitting manga work is suspiciously similar to what many fanartists do when they're caught red-handed. At least her apology seems to be sincere, if a bit passive-agressive.

Anyway, losing face is a much more serious business over there, and I'm not surprised to see her blacklisted and treated as if she never existed. The same thing happens to people who commit some kind of offense. Remember last year's (? or the year before?) scandal concerning Sakurai Takahiro? He was also blacklisted for some time, but look at him now - he's already back and everybody acts as if nothing had happened. I don't think Nitta is quitting the business forever. For a few years, maybe. But unless she finds some satisfying employment elsewhere, I bet she'll be back in a few years' time.

I'm curious of what will happen to her licensed works... though I suppose they won't be published.

Last edited by mufurc on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:23 am Reply with quote
I think this is the mangaka equivalent of seppuku Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:32 am Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
I think this is the mangaka equivalent of seppuku Very Happy

I think she'll come up with a pseudonym and keep writing. Anime smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:52 am Reply with quote
Maybe she's quitting because she's done this a lot more in the past and hasn't been caught...yet. And when someone does catch her the s*** would hit the fan even more and she would be shamed out. She's probably doing this as a precautionary measure.

With that said, I sure don't condone what she's done, but I wish her luck with her future aspirations and I hope she finds some peace.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:57 am Reply with quote
mufurc wrote:

Anyway, losing face is a much more serious business over there, and I'm not surprised to see her blacklisted and treated as if she never existed. The same thing happens to people who commit some kind of offense. Remember last year's (? or the year before?) scandal concerning Sakurai Takahiro? He was also blacklisted for some time, but look at him now - he's already back and everybody acts as if nothing had happened. I don't think Nitta is quitting the business forever. For a few years, maybe. But unless she finds some satisfying employment elsewhere, I bet she'll be back in a few years' time.

Unless she's been smart enough to put some cash away or she intends to take it further which I sincerely hope she doesn't feel the need to do. Maybe she is "killing off" Nitta & does plan to continue under a different name or go into a different field entirely. However, it does seem like a huge over-reaction to me & likely most Americans who are rather blaise about scandals. We sort of expect a new one every couple weeks, depending on the scale.

I've seen talk of the Sakurai stuff, but never heard the details, nor ever thought it particularly affected his work because he HAS been in so much fairly consistantly. Compared to our actors who experience a career slump & vanish for yrs only to manage a comeback (Travolta, etc), it doesn't seem to have been much at all.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:08 am Reply with quote
Huh? What? There was a scandal concerning Sakurai Takahiro? There doesn't seem to be a gap of time in any of his work or anything...

Well...regardless, I do sort of have to echo the people that think this is a bit of an overreaction. Although since I'm not Japanese, I guess I don't really know that.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:20 am Reply with quote
I was in total shock when I read this! I love her works and really can't believe she would just up and quit. She apologized and I know in Japan it is more a disgrace than here, but to just quit! I love all her works and wish they were all licensed here. I am so frustrated that Haru (Embracing Love) is taking forever to be released over here. I have all the Japanese volumnes even though I can't read them, but just love the artwork and can figure out pretty much what is happening by it. SIGH! I hope she comes back eventually.

Like others, I wonder what this means for her works already licensed here in the US? Will those get pulled?

I was already having a depressing week and news like this just makes it worse since Youka Nitta is probably my favorite yaoi author.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:22 am Reply with quote
DAMN. That's...extreme.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:31 am Reply with quote
BellosTheMighty wrote:
I think she'll come up with a pseudonym and keep writing. Anime smile
I hope you're right. Or, I wonder if maybe she'll just continue her series-- or at least the very popular ones-- via doujinshi, which would be okay too (although I'd rather have a book than a scanalation, so that would make me a bit sad in that respect).
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:44 am Reply with quote
Considering that some Shonen Jump-level manga artists have been caught tracing and didn't resign, I think it's a little extreme, but maybe she just wants to get out of manga.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:53 am Reply with quote
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:
Huh? What? There was a scandal concerning Sakurai Takahiro? There doesn't seem to be a gap of time in any of his work or anything...

Well, maybe "scandal" is a bit too strong, but it was definitely an "unfortunate incident" - I don't remember the details but basically, his theater group plagiarized a well-known play by a well-known author who doesn't allow that play to be performed without his permission (or something like that). Sakurai's "crime" was that he knew that the play was plagiarized and he allowed it to be performed anyway. For this he was blacklisted for a while, not being allowed to take on any new voice acting jobs (though he was allowed to continue playing in anime that were already running), his CDs were pulled and his radio/etc. appearances were cancelled. This was in effect for about half a year or so, and by now the whole incident is "kurorekishi'd" away, not even his Japanese wiki article mentions it (at least it didn't the last time I saw it). It's not quite the same situation as Nitta's, but it's a good example of how such incidents are usually handled.

ETA: Here's a detailed rundown of what happened: http://community.livejournal.com/seiyuu/1027664.html
Later Sakurai admitted that he knew about the copyright infringement, apologized profusely and announced his withdrawal from acting and voice acting.

As for Nitta, I think blacklisting her and pulling her works is a suitable punishment (I mean, "only fashion photos" or not, plagiarism is plagiarism; also, making good fashion photos is a lot of work for many people, so plagiarizing them is a big deal). However, I can't help but feel that quitting the manga business is an unfortunate overreaction on her part. Nevertheless, I'm quite certain that she'll be back and after a year or so this incident will be also swept under the rug.

Last edited by mufurc on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:28 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:57 am Reply with quote
Wow, I'm totally shocked. I certainly wasn't expecting this to happen. I also think this is over reacting but as some have said perhaps this is what's expected of a manga artist. Although she was wrong I'm really bummed about this because I love her work. I don't think she could continue under another name though because her drawing style is to distinctive and recognizable. I just hope she will be back. If other artists have made the same mistakes and are now back publishing then I'm optimistic about her future.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:58 am Reply with quote
I love Youka Nitta's work, but it is very distintive. Basically all the guys look the same in the face, with different hairstyles and clothes, so her doing something different will be hard for her i believe. I can always pick out Nitta's stuff just by looking at the faces. I think she might be doing the extreme action of quiting to both save face for her publishers and fans and to take an extended break. If you've done what she has done (stories and art) for this many years, it's going to be hard to quite, "cold turkey" like this. I do hope she keeps in touch with some of her fans though. Well at least there could be a BL story in there somewhere, with a happy ending of course!! we'll just have to wait and see.
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