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Nintendo Announces Rhythm Heaven Groove Game

posted on by Alex Mateo
Game launches for Switch in 2026

Nintendo announced during the Nintendo Direct livestream on Thursday a new entry in the Rhythm Heaven series titled Rhythm Heaven Groove. The game is slated for Nintendo Switch for 2026.

Tsunku♂ is returning to produce the music.

Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Rhythm Tengoku: The Best+) debuted in 2016. Rhythm Heaven Megamix includes more than 100 mini-games, including 30 that are new to the series and 70 that were featured in earlier games. Some of these mini-games are from the original Game Boy Advance title, which was not released in North America.

Rhythm Heaven for Nintendo DS and Rhythm Heaven Fever for Nintendo Wii shipped in the West in 2009 and 2012, respectively.

Source: Nintendo Direct livestream

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