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Chainsaw Man Voice Actors Reveal Their Favorite Scenes

by Richard Eisenbeis,

At the “Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc Anime Japan 2025 Special Stage” this past weekend, Chainsaw Man voice actors Kikunosuke Toya (Denji), Tomori Kusunoki (Makima), and Maaya Uchida (Angel Devil) each showed off their favorite scenes from Chainsaw Man's first season—and Power didn't show up in a single one!

Note: The scene descriptions include spoilers for Chainsaw Man season one!

Toya's Pick – The Puke Kiss

Denji's voice actor chose the infamous scene from episode seven when Denji flip-flops between his long-term goal to get with Makima and the chance at getting a kiss from Himeno. The scene takes place during a drinking party and ends with Denji getting a first kiss he will never forget—even though we didn't get to see that part at the event due to it being “objectionable content.”

Kusunoki's Pick – Makima Buys Denji Some Udon

Makima's voice actress chose what may be the most important scene in the anime as it solidifies Denji's new goal in life and sets the stage for all the events that come from that choice. But for such a vital moment, this scene from episode two is relatively low-key and silly on the surface. At a highway rest stop, Makima buys Denji a bowl of Udon noodles—and even feeds him. It ends with Makima telling Denji that he is the type of guy she likes, shocking him and changing the course of his life forever.

Ichida's Pick – Aki's First Cigarette (Almost)

In this tear-jerking scene from the final episode of Chainsaw Man, Aki remembers a time that (the now deceased) Himeno tried to get him to start smoking. The entire scene is done in a first-person perspective and portrays a relatively normal conversation between the two—meaning Aki is almost silent. It ends in a bit of a gag when Aki reveals that he is underage, and Himeno demands the cigarette back, promising to return it when he's old enough.

Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc is set to release in Japanese theaters on September 19, 2025.

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