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Sigma Torai's 'Sono Keisatsukan, Tokidoki Yajū!' Adult Manga Gets TV Anime

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Romance series centers on shy office worker, policeman with little self-restraint

Ichijinsha announced on Thursday that Sigma Torai's Sono Keisatsukan, Tokidoki Yajū! (That Policeman, Sometimes a Beast!) adult manga is getting a television anime adaptation that will air this year.

Sono Keisatsukan, Tokidoki Yajū! anime announcement image
Image via Sono Keisatsukan, Tokidoki Yajū! anime's website

The manga centers on the timid office worker Hiyori and the policeman Kumano. Hiyori by chance gets into an accident one day, and breaks her arm. Kumano, who was present at her accident, feels responsible and decides to live with her to support her while her arm heals. Hiyori feels at ease because Kumano is a policeman, but Kumano in truth has little self-restraint.

Kazuhiro Toda (I Want to Be His Prey) is the chief director for the anime at Rabbit Gate, and Saburou Miura (Show Time!, Show Time! 2, Secret Mission - Undercover Agents Never Back Down!) is directing the anime and writing the scripts. Yukihiro Makino (Balthus - Tia's Radiance director, Hayate the Combat Butler episode director) is the assistant director, Haruna Kamiyama (name romanization not confirmed) is the character designer, and Hisayoshi Hirasawa (Love Flops, Show Time!) is the sound director.

Ichijinsha's LOVEBITES e-book label serializes the manga. Ichijinsha will publish the manga's 10th volume on April 1. The manga has 2 million copies in circulation.

Torai's Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji. manga inspired a Comic Festa (now AnimeFesta) TV and net anime that debuted in October 2017. Coolmic streamed the anime in English under the title My Matchmaking Partner is a Student, An Aggressive Troublemaker.

Sources: Sono Keisatsukan, Tokidoki Yajū! anime's website, Anime! Anime! (仲瀬 コウタロウ)

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