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SaGa Frontier 2 Remastered Game Announced for Same-Day Release on Switch, PS5/4, PC, Mobile

posted on by Alex Mateo
Remaster features new speed options, New Game+, "Dig! Dig! Digger" minigame

Square Enix announced during the Nintendo Direct livestream on Thursday the SaGa Frontier 2 Remastered version of the 1999 SaGa Frontier game and released it on the same day for Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC via Steam, iOS, and Android.

The game features enhanced HD visuals, speed options, stronger postgame bosses, a new Parameter Inheritance element, History Choice for the story, New Game+, revamped UI, new story events, and the "Dig! Dig! Digger" minigame that was originally only available through the Japan-exclusive PocketStation.

Square Enix released the SaGa Frontier Remastered game in April 2021 for PS4, Switch, iOS, Android, and PC via Steam. The release features English and Japanese text. Alongside remastered graphics, the game adds a new protagonist Fuse and a new events and cutscenes.

Square developed the role-playing game for the original PlayStation and released it in Japan in July 1997. Sony published the game in North America in March 1998. Akitoshi Kawazu directed and produced the game. Koichi Ishii was the planning chief. Kenji Itō composed the music. Tomomi Kobayashi was the illustrator. The sequel debuted in April 1999 in Japan and in 2000 in the West.

Source: Nintendo Direct livestream

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