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NEWS: Viz to Offer Asano's Solanin, Obata's We Were There

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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:21 pm Reply with quote
From AoD:

swanjun wrote:
The Simon Says site has updated to include the Viz release schedule for October and November and there are some new titles in the mix.

We Were There - appears to be Bokura ga Ita.

Blank Slate

NORA: The Last Chronicle of Devildom

Captive Hearts - another Matsuri Hino title, looks like

solanin - this one's $17.99 so perhaps both vols in 1

And some artbooks, too: The Art of Bleach

The Art of Full Moon

And like my fanboy ramblings on there...


Holy mother [expletive] shit.

Goddamn I love you so [expletive] much right now, Viz. I love you so. damn. much.

They licensed an Inio Asano book. I cannot believe it.

Every who considers themselves to be a manga fan with mature tastes must check this out. You need to come out in droves and buy this manga like you've bought the awesome releases of Sexy Voice and Robo and Tekkon Kinkreet. It is REQUIRED READING.

Man, the possibility that they might license Nijigahara Holgraph or any of the other unbelievable works is just too much for me to take...

I mean, really, Viz, I'll love you forever for this.
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:20 pm Reply with quote
Cool. I've always wanted to check out Asano's work, his artstyle always appealed to me because it just stands out. And Solanin looks like it will be a worthwhile read. Though I'm wondering, how is it classified as a mature title? Like, what should I expect?

The other liscenses look pretty cool too. I'd like to get the Full Moon artbook and Bokura ga Ita looks intriguing (though, I wasn't fond of the anime)
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:32 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
They licensed an Inio Asano book. I cannot believe it.

Well, if an island of the size of Maryland* can license four out of five titles he had published in Japan, I don't see why US can't have at least one. Wink

*With the population of Texas though.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:30 pm Reply with quote
I will also love Viz forever for this. I was already pretty grateful to them for deciding to release the early Phoenix stories, but this cemented my love. And it looks like it'll be one volume, too.

It's a smart choice in terms of Asano manga. It's probably the most accessible, and it's very polished, too. Hopefully, if this sells well (if it doesn't, I think I'll go over to bookstores and drag the people cluttering up the manga aisles to the checkout and force them to buy it), Viz will license one of his other works. Hopefully Nijigahara Holograph.

This news made my day.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:22 am Reply with quote
HellKorn wrote:
Every who considers themselves to be a manga fan with mature tastes must check this out. You need to come out in droves and buy this manga like you've bought the awesome releases of Sexy Voice and Robo and Tekkon Kinkreet. It is REQUIRED READING.

Okay, I've added it to my "wants" list. But only because I'm slightly worried you might physically assault me if I don't buy it... Confused

On a more serious note, not being a reader of scanlations, I don't know the author's work. But if you seriously think his stuff deserves to be held in the same exalted light as Sexy Voice and TK, I'm willing to take a punt on it.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:31 am Reply with quote
I've been waiting for Viz to Announce Bokura ga Ita since they picked up Honey & Clover last year. This is such great news, I can't wait Very Happy!
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:55 pm Reply with quote
I can't wait for that Full Moon art book! Very Happy
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:01 pm Reply with quote
Nice that ANN's putting up the news; likely to get more traffic on the front page than in the neglected manga section.

CloverKuroba wrote:
Cool. I've always wanted to check out Asano's work, his artstyle always appealed to me because it just stands out. And Solanin looks like it will be a worthwhile read. Though I'm wondering, how is it classified as a mature title? Like, what should I expect?

It's mature in the target audience and the themes. There isn't much in the way of adult content (I think there might have been one nude scene), with the focus purely centering on college students. The target audience as a result of the cast and the sophisticated writing is thus older.

dormcat wrote:
Well, if an island of the size of Maryland* can license four out of five titles he had published in Japan, I don't see why US can't have at least one. Wink

*With the population of Texas though.

You can flaunt it for now, but by any luck we'll get Asano's entire library over here at some point!

Moomintroll wrote:
But if you seriously think his stuff deserves to be held in the same exalted light as Sexy Voice and TK, I'm willing to take a punt on it.

If my fanboy-post from AoD is any indication...

Inio Asano is one of the best writers in comics (yes, beyond the scope of Japan) at the age of 27. He started out working with short stories (What a Wonderful World!, and I believe Hikari no Machi/City of Light). He eventually went onto serialized works at the age of 22 with Solanin, and then 25 (or so) with Nijigahara Holograph (which is the most complex and carefully crafted story I've come across in any medium). His current series, Goodnight Punpun, is at two volumes and still on-going.

I think the main draw of Asano's titles -- aside from the expert craftsmanship and gorgeous art -- is that a lot of his themes resonate with a lot of young adults. It's even more fitting when the cast of Solanin is primarily college students and Nijigahara Holograph has young adults reflecting back on their childhood times.

He's also immensely diverse in his output, ranging from slice of life and romance (Solanin, to the spiritualistic mysteries (Nijigahara Holograph), and to the comedy (Goodnight Punpun). (Granted, those are very shallow descriptions, but it's a vague fit.) He's been received very well over the course of 2007 in the scanlation scene.

And for examples of his art, here's some page from Solanin: (warning: large pictures) click here and here. (If those impress you, then Nijigahara Holograph will blow you away.)

I've been pushing Asano a lot online and I really hope that it's causing more folks to check him out. He's an incredible manga-ka that has years ahead of him to push out masterpiece after masterpiece, and really deserves to have his name up there with the likes of Taiyo Matsumoto, Hideki Arai, Kiriko Nananan, Naoki Yamamoto, Iou Kuroda, etc. as established "alternative" manga-ka that are respected for their mastery of the medium.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:50 pm Reply with quote
Just letting you guys know that the picture beside

"Captive Hearts
Matsuri Hino
November 4

is actually Blank State by KANNO Aya.

edit: grammar
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:59 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the info HellKorn. Solanin is sounding somewhat reminiscent of Ohikkoshi (which is one of my all time favourites) and that, combined with those lovely images you linked to, means I'll definitely be wanting to pick it up come November.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:17 am Reply with quote
Ever since Viz released the Naruto Uzumaki artbook I was hoping they'd get their hands on the Bleach one. This is excellent news! Hopefully they'll keep the name to All Colour But The Black, it always sounded rather cool to me...cooler than The Art of Bleach, anyway.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:33 am Reply with quote
The announcement has a good timing; my interview with Inio Asano should be finalized today.

HellKorn wrote:
You can flaunt it for now, but by any luck we'll get Asano's entire library over here at some point!

Allow me to give you some ideas of the manga market here in Taiwan. I just obtained a complete catalog of Tongli Publishing, the largest manga licensee/publisher in Taiwan. While the catalog was printed and not digital, a quick estimate on its index page gave me ~4,500 titles. If you add all other licensees/publishers (Ching Win Publishing, Sharp Point Press, Ever Glory Publishing, Tohan, Kadokawa Media (Taiwan), and smaller ones like Sunho, DrComic Press (bloody hell, they've got Mori no Asagao and I had no knowledge at all! Shocked ), adult-only Dala Publishing, collector-oriented d/visual taipei (just bought Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku from them), and some others that I can't think of right now), a probable estimate of total manga titles currently circulating on the market would be between 15K to 20K titles. I just counted what Tokyopop has: ~300 titles. However, I'd bet the sheer quantity of each title, not the variety of titles, makes up the majority of North American manga market (which is and will always be bigger than that of Taiwan anyway).

Now get a piece of tissue paper or handkerchief and wipe your drooling mouth, 'kay? Mr. Green
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Monsieur Pink

Joined: 23 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:50 pm Reply with quote
HellKorn's posts really made me want to get some of Asano's manga, I got What a wonderful world! today (the Solanin copy was in bad shape and for 22$ I don't buy used looking manga). France has a pretty good manga market (which includes the French speaking parts of Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and Luxembourg) I wouldn't know if it can compares to Taiwan's, but as far as Asano's manga fare we already have the aforementioned title, Solanin and Hikari no Machi, all from the same publisher. A matter of time before we get the others I guess. Still, I already feel kind of guilty not supporting Viz (the French publisher probably doesn't needs it as much) by buying the North American edition (or atleast not planning to), but I'll stick with what I think will be better in term of quality (because Kana's have some great paper).
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Solanin looks pretty good, I'll be picking that up. I'm also looking forward to the Full Moon artbook.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:24 am Reply with quote
I'll probably pick solanin up for the sole reason to make others read it.
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