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Steamboy: Deal alert and anime question.

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Joined: 10 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:15 pm Reply with quote
Big Lots apparently has a bunch of copies of Steamboy for $3 a pop. Thought some people might want to know. I don't know if they distribute that kind of stuff evenly between the store locations or not. For anyone interested, just throwing that out there.

My question is, is Steamboy good? What is it about? I'm not actually weighing three dollars, but rather trying to collect tons of junk I don't want and/or have space for. Is this a good purchase?
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:03 pm Reply with quote
Well Steamboy seems to be amazingly unpopular with anime fans. The animation deserves praise. It's pretty much Disney quality rather than inconsistent and often times static like most anime. I also really liked the dub, probably because of Patrick Stewart and the accents (which I'm sure are going to get some complaints on this thread). The story wasn't masterpiece material or anything, but my standards are low already so I found it servicable. Unlike the directors previous movie, Akira, Steamboy is pretty family friendly, so no worries about kids watching it. Overall I'd say it's worth buying if it's only $3.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:39 pm Reply with quote
Here is a little review I did for it a long, long time ago. For $3, though, I'd say go for it.
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Joined: 22 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:07 am Reply with quote
Veoryn87 wrote:
Well Steamboy seems to be amazingly unpopular with anime fans.

Are you serious? I'm shocked.
Steamboy is one of my favorite anime films, much better then the directors previous film Metropolis. The characters are well developed, the story in interesting and captivating, the art is gorgeous, the music is great.

What's not to like? Some fake accent? Rolling Eyes
For $3, best purchase you'll ever make, I got it for $30.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:42 am Reply with quote
Veoryn87 wrote:
Well Steamboy seems to be amazingly unpopular with anime fans. The animation deserves praise. It's pretty much Disney quality rather than inconsistent and often times static like most anime. I also really liked the dub, probably because of Patrick Stewart and the accents (which I'm sure are going to get some complaints on this thread). The story wasn't masterpiece material or anything, but my standards are low already so I found it servicable. Unlike the directors previous movie, Akira, Steamboy is pretty family friendly, so no worries about kids watching it. Overall I'd say it's worth buying if it's only $3.

gah, I hate Disney's animation, too kid friendly. Anime is not really inconsistent, unless you're watching something like Baki the Grappler Laughing Patrick Stewart was great in it, if theres one reason to see it, its for him. Kari Wahlgren also did a great job of playing the spoiled little rich kid who changes throughout the movie. Don't expect an Akira out of it, and don't expect to see an Akira style in it either, but expect to see a damn good movie. $3 is definitely worth it.
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Joined: 10 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:49 am Reply with quote
Thanks for the info folks. I'll definitely go back and pick up a copy tomorrow. They had a bunch. Might pick up one for my friend since it's only $3.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:56 am Reply with quote
vtnwesley wrote:
Thanks for the info folks. I'll definitely go back and pick up a copy tomorrow. They had a bunch. Might pick up one for my friend since it's only $3.

Hell, buy them all and sell them on the internet for a small profit. The show is at the very least worth $9.99, more likely at $14.99.
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Mr Adventure

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:16 am Reply with quote
Steamboy is easily one of my favorite animes. I payed full price when it was new and never regretted it. So for $3? A STEAL

sanosuke32 wrote:

gah, I hate Disney's animation, too kid friendly. Anime is not really inconsistent,

Because anime has never produced a show/movie that was "kid friendly".Confused and anime quality is as inconstant as any film medium anywhere. You get your great anime and your abysmal anime. Same as anywhere else.

Also, your best Disney movies are not "kid friendly" they are all ages and appeal to older audiences. And have gob-smacking amazing animation to boot.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:42 am Reply with quote
Veoryn87 wrote:
the accents (which I'm sure are going to get some complaints on this thread)

Were I to watch this dubbed, I'd probably end up praising Stewart's accent and heavily criticising those of other voice actors, much like you predicted.
Alestal wrote:
What's not to like? Some fake accent?

Yes, it's a film Otomo worked on. But if it's family-friendly then I doubt I would enjoy it quite as much as I did Metropolis or Akira.
It's also set in Manchester, which lowers my desire to watch it significantly.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:04 am Reply with quote
sanosuke32 wrote:
gah, I hate Disney's animation, too kid friendly.

Well, if top quality animation means "kid friendly" then Steamboy is very "kid friendly." Wink

Well, a lot of people here seem to like it. I was seeing a lot more haters for it on a previous thread here than likers. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.

Kari Wahlgren also did a great job of playing the spoiled little rich kid who changes throughout the movie.

Oops. How could I forget Kari Wahlgren? I always love her roles! Well, maybe not Mika from Gungrave, but I'm thinking it's because the character herself was annoying, not because Kari's acting was off. Anime smile
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Joined: 08 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:18 am Reply with quote
Zin5ki wrote:

Yes, it's a film Otomo worked on. But if it's family-friendly then I doubt I would enjoy it quite as much as I did Metropolis or Akira.
It's also set in Manchester, which lowers my desire to watch it significantly.

Metropolis has a PG cert and I don't recall anything in it you'd have to keep away from the servants and children. How is it not family friendly?

Also, whilst I share your mistrust of all things Mancunian, the vast majority of the film is set in London.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:37 am Reply with quote
Moomintroll wrote:
How is it not family friendly?

I generally consider a Disney-style happy ending to be necessary in a family-friendly production. If this isn't the case in Steamboy, then I'd consider it lacking in objectionable content, but otherwise not something that younger family members would appreciate as much as older ones. This is just how I choose to interpret the phrase 'family-friendly'.
Moomintroll wrote:
Also, whilst I share your mistrust of all things Mancunian, the vast majority of the film is set in London.

Does this mean Patrick Stewart doesn't use a variation of his Northern accent?
I must admit though, he's an inspiration to all us northerners who are trying to lose ours.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:55 am Reply with quote
Veoryn87 wrote:
sanosuke32 wrote:
gah, I hate Disney's animation, too kid friendly.

Well, if top quality animation means "kid friendly" then Steamboy is very "kid friendly." Wink

Well, a lot of people here seem to like it. I was seeing a lot more haters for it on a previous thread here than likers. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.

Kari Wahlgren also did a great job of playing the spoiled little rich kid who changes throughout the movie.

Oops. How could I forget Kari Wahlgren? I always love her roles! Well, maybe not Mika from Gungrave, but I'm thinking it's because the character herself was annoying, not because Kari's acting was off. Anime smile

First, I was just defending Anime's style and saying that I enjoy it more, I do not hate Steamboys artstyle, I don't like Disney's. And yes, I know that its suppose to be kid friendly, but the animation is no better or no worse than a lot of animes, just brighter colors to give it more life whereas anime purposely does not do this.

Secondly, yes, Mika was super annoying, I wish she was more like she was in the Gungrave Overdose game, then Kari would've been able to use her more mature voice and wouldn't have been so whiny.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:08 am Reply with quote
sanosuke32 wrote:
First, I was just defending Anime's style and saying that I enjoy it more, I do not hate Steamboys artstyle, I don't like Disney's. And yes, I know that its suppose to be kid friendly, but the animation is no better or no worse than a lot of animes, just brighter colors to give it more life whereas anime purposely does not do this.

It's not really the colors, it's the fluidity and the detail put into it that a lot of anime, but not all, are lacking.

But I'm a harsh critic on animation quality anyway.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:31 am Reply with quote
Zin5ki wrote:
This is just how I choose to interpret the phrase 'family-friendly'.

Fair enough.

Does this mean Patrick Stewart doesn't use a variation of his Northern accent?
I must admit though, he's an inspiration to all us northerners who are trying to lose ours.

Couldn't tell you - I've only seen it subbed.
And there's no point trying to lose your accent - we East Midlanders, with our razor sharp powers of perception, have the power to recognise a Yorkshireman immediately thanks to the subtle visual clues: clogs, flat caps, whippets... Wink
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