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Trigun is go for the 31st

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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:37 am Reply with quote
i was just watching adult swim, and they just showed the commercial for it.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:34 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
i was just watching adult swim, and they just showed the commercial for it.

Me too! (Alas, something else that I have yet to watch.) It looks interesting though. Iv'e read up a little on it here (ANN) and gone to some websites......
But, it would be nice to know what people think of it, who have see it. (Hint Hint) Wink

On a side note I do believe Trigun is replacing Lupin the 3rd, on Adult Swims lineup. I would have prefered they taken Reign out of the lineup instead. But hey, that's just me.

Here is what I got from Adult Swims schedule, although it was a little bit ago: Trigun at 12a.m, Inuyasha at 12:30a.m, Cowboy Bebop at 1a.m., and Reign at 1:30. For some, the time could be off, I would still look this info up again just to be safe.
Sorry to stray, continue......
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Joined: 27 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 3:25 am Reply with quote
Julia wrote:

On a side note I do believe Trigun is replacing Lupin the 3rd, on Adult Swims lineup. I would have prefered they taken Reign out of the lineup instead. But hey, that's just me.

That is very disappointing. I love what I have seen of Lupin III and I own one of the movies(Castle of Cagliostro). CN has only shown about 12 episodes of Lupin and the fact that they will still be showing an inferior show that already ended like Reign instead of a show with over 100 episodes like Lupin III is a huge let down.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:43 am Reply with quote
Cartoon Network wrote:

12:00 a.m. Trigun
12:30 a.m. Inuyasha
1:00 a.m. Cowboy Bebop
1:30 a.m. Reign: The Conqueror

Yeah, I rather see Reign go, but I really rather Cowboy Bebop. It's been on CN more then a year. It's about time to give a rest.

On a side note, I was digging around on Cartoon Network and I found that Dragonball Z will drop for Classic Zoids on April 28th. I don't think CN drop DBZ since it start it. Here's the link. Are you DBZ haters out there happy yet. Razz
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Joined: 17 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 10:57 am Reply with quote
I must say I'm glad to have Lupin the 3rd go, the animation isn't that appealing to me at all, (The crazy leg thing really bothers me, but what can you do?)

I've seen Reign but I can't understand why it's on there at all, I guess it's anime since we have it here on ANN, but it really looks American to me so here's an idea: replace it also (Due to the fact that it seems that alot of other people don't like it either) with something that has a little more Japanese flavor to it. ^.^

As for Trigun, I've never seen it before but one of my older friends that's in college loves it, so what's it about? I understand there's some blond guy with a gun running around but other than that (which may be completely wrong as well) I guess I'm clueless.

Time to check the encyclopedia I suppose. ^.~
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:13 am Reply with quote
RoyalGalaxia wrote:
I must say I'm glad to have Lupin the 3rd go, the animation isn't that appealing to me at all, (The crazy leg thing really bothers me, but what can you do?)

it was made during the 70s!!! what do you expect??? i think its the plot and action that really grabs you in, not the art.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:28 am Reply with quote
Magister_L said:

it was made during the 70s!!! what do you expect???

Well, I figured it was probably older than I am so I forgive that. I'm sure it was great for it's time.

But, when I'm watching TV hoping for a fun new anime and then see some scary overly bow-legged character running around it's really creepy, (sorry, I didn't mean to offend any Lupin fans), but just having to see that made me turn the channel quickly, therefore making the plot less important than getting to the remote. Newer Anime styles are simply more appealing to me, that's all.

Again, I apologize, I really didn't mean to make anyone angry.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 8:26 pm Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:
On a side note, I was digging around on Cartoon Network and I found that Dragonball Z will drop for Classic Zoids on April 28th. I don't think CN drop DBZ since it start it. Here's the link. Are you DBZ haters out there happy yet. Razz

Very Happy I like Zoids! I don't like it enough to buy it and watch it over and over again, but it's fun enough for me to watch every time I get the chance (sadly, no TV here). There's not a whole lot to think about, but hey, who cares? The different Ligers rock my world. Anime smile
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Joined: 27 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:30 pm Reply with quote
Which Zoids do you like? It's more than one series. I don't care for Zoids Zero much, but I love Chaotic Century. Everything about Chaotic Century from the plot to the characters is better than Zoids Zero.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:43 pm Reply with quote
BrianC wrote:
Which Zoids do you like? It's more than one series. I don't care for Zoids Zero much, but I love Chaotic Century. Everything about Chaotic Century from the plot to the characters is better than Zoids Zero.

Actually, I've only seen Zoids Zero. CC is better huh? I'll definitely have to check it out then; thanks!
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:24 pm Reply with quote
Yep, I prefer CC a lot more over Zero. If you compared them to Gundam then Zero would be G Gundam and CC would be, I dunno, Zeta I guess. Zero is just one tourniment round after another while CC is a fairly brutal Gundam-esque war. Didn't Hasbro or Bandai or both announce there would be a new Zoids on CN this year? I want to say Bandai announced it during Toy Fair in February, but I'm pretty sure it was Hasbro that announced it in a press release when they announced more Transformers Armada on the way. Gah, I can't remember...

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Joined: 21 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 11:27 pm Reply with quote
I love dbz but I do think its time to die and bring on some lodus war or EXO squad, it may not be anime but that show ruled! oh yeah and trigun will be nice to see. Very Happy
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avius viator

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:25 am Reply with quote
? They are getting rid of DBZ? I'm confused.... They just started running 'new' episodes, don't they have to rerun those a couple hundred times? Wow, if that turns out to be true its a shocker.

I am looking forward to Trigun. Its one of the ones on my ever extensive "anime-to-try" list. Any time I can see some new anime on TV is reason to get excited. As for Lupin leaving... I really enjoyed the humor, and I would've liked CN to pick up more. Reign was excellent, I enjoyed it very much. But its only 13 episodes, so a complete series rerun everyother week is a bit redundant. And, while Cowboy Bebop is one of my all time favorites, its been on for a LONG time.

But, we've been fortunate lately with the recent additions of Kenshin,Inuyasha, and Trigun. So I can't really complain about CN's love of reruns. Hey, its cable....[/quote]
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Joined: 10 Jan 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:28 pm Reply with quote
Definately TRI Trigun. Irented all the dvds from netflix.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:57 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
BrianC wrote:
Which Zoids do you like? It's more than one series. I don't care for Zoids Zero much, but I love Chaotic Century. Everything about Chaotic Century from the plot to the characters is better than Zoids Zero.

Actually, I've only seen Zoids Zero. CC is better huh? I'll definitely have to check it out then; thanks!

Does anybody know if they're gonna re-air the last few episodes? I've been dying to see what happened. I missed it when they played it completely out of the blue that one Saturday a few months back. Annoyed me to no end, it did.

BTW, Chaotic Century is pretty cool. Dragged on a bit, but still pretty cool. FYI, Chaotic Century is a prequel to Zero. Zero happens a hundred or so years after CC. Plot-wise, CC is great and has more character development as well as a larger universe. In fact, CC is actually two series - the war series and the Guardian Force series (which I like much better). Zero is way shorter and has more highly-polished animation and is more slapstic and competitive battling.

Didn't Hasbro or Bandai or both announce there would be a new Zoids on CN this year?

I don't know about the anime, but I know that there's this new Zoids builder series that's out now. They advertised it recently. Basically it's this set that you can combine with other sets and build completely new Zoids. It's designed with more creativity in mind, sorta like Zoids erector sets. If anything, I would think they'd be making an anime off of this, or perhaps a follow up to Zero.
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