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Posts: 11 |
Yakuza are sort of the equvilent of the mob in Japan.
The ad probably looks so crappy because in was literaly thrown together overnight. This ad came out on the 1st and is in response to a Kerry ad promoting his "The New War" book and saying Kerry had been fighting terrorists four years before 9/11 that came out on the 30th. Darn, the video's gone now. Oh well, fun while it lasted. |
Posts: 481 Location: NY |
it looks like bad fan art...
GORE. why couldn't we get GORE? he freaking won, but because bush's brother practically owns texas, they did a bunch of stuff to nix votes......just...UGH |
ANN Columnist
![]() Posts: 861 Location: Philippe for America! He is five. |
First off, NOBODY VOTE NADER. Please, don't do that. Do it for me, eh? I'm your buddy! You wouldn't upset your buddy, would you?
Second of all, Wolfwood's badly pasted image is probably covered under fair use, but Geneon/Nightow/whoever could still be really bitchy about it and say how they don't want to be afilliated/endorsed by one political party if they so choose. I'd imagine, anyway. Third: Kerry>Bush. Kerry made a joke about appointing Hunter S. Thompson as vice prez. That's so cool. That is so wicked cool. |
Posts: 3 Location: California |
jlew did i really say that about bush? well if i wrote in the forum that i'm voting for bush, guess i am! (^^) lol jk, fact of the mater is that bush does not have to do any ad or anything like that to get re-elected, from what i heard, (inside sources) is that bush is going to win this years race, how do you say? well from what i heard, (inside sources again) bush is "going" to capture Osama bin ladin in the following months, right before the election, after bush annocines that he captured bin ladin, his rating is going to skyrocket, and that is one way he is going to win the election. also from what i heard bin ladin has already been capture by the bush admid. they are just waiting for the right time to say so. lol
but you know who we really need as a president? not bush, not karri, and not nader. what we need is HULK HOGAN as president, lol everyone should agree with that, he will body slam all of america's problems.! |
![]() Posts: 10 Location: SLC-UT-US |
![]() I'll refrain from discussing the poliitics of the ad since this is an Anime board but from an advertising point of view doesn't the ad look like it's pandering to people with a lower IQ? If they had actually used a picture of an actual member of the Yakuza it might have looked like an grown up campaign ad but putting anime into makes it look like a dumb TV commercial. Kind of like one of those kitchen cleaner commercials where they say, "Don't use brand X because it doesn't kill all the germs", and it shows some cartoon germs giving raspberries. Then it says, "use our nearly identical cleaner because it kills 95% of bacteria." And it shows a pie chart of 95% for those too dumb to know that 95% is alot. Was it just me or was this a childish version of a mudslinging commercial? For those who can't find the video look for "Yakuza" here. Bush->Hitler ad was done But was later used by Bush in the "Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party" Video which has since dissapeared from the G.W. Bush website but can still be found on google. |
![]() Posts: 346 Location: San Jose |
Yeah, that was definitely Wolfwood. Eh, probably not their best idea. However, in all fairness, it probably just came from a hasty search for an "anime style" character to represent the yakuza. Also, who's really going to care that a bad rendition of Wolfwood is in a political ad (except us, of course). Yeah, this isn't a big deal.
Now, I know that this is an anime board, but since so many people have found it necessary to attack Bush and make unsubstatiated claims, I figured that someone should at least put forward an opposing view. Regarding the actual message, it was in response to a Kerry statement that he wrote a book about terrorisom. It basically attacks Kerry's stance that terrorism should be fought as a police action. If, like me, you beleive that international terrorism is different from organized crime, then this is not acceptable. The war on terrorism is a war. With nations harboring and supporting terrorists, this goes beyond the scope of simple law enforcement. Military action, police action, covert action, and diplomacy should all be used to defeat the terrorists. With these tools, we can systematically get at their source and their support structure. Okay, I'm done. I apologize for keeping this thread off topic. BTW: If you can't find the ad, you can find it here |
![]() Posts: 925 Location: Seattle |
Before I read that I was strictly in the John Kerry Is a Douchebag But I'm Voting For Him Anyway camp, but now I'm convinced. Kerry rocks so much. |
Posts: 116 |
Yeegads, Bush's advertising people using a member of the Gung-ho Guns as an example of organized crime?! What idiots. End Sarcasim now.
Posts: 6 Location: PA |
Well if you want to get technical the majority of the people didn't want him in office, he did loose the popular vote. |
Posts: 18 Location: Utah |
Technically true, but is a complete Kerry support site / Bush hate site. I don't listen to anything that comes off of that site as it has such a huge bias, it's not worth listening to. Really, would you go to a site that would probably throw a party if President Bush died from a heart attack to get information on how to vote? I wouldn't. (Just go read some of their stuff there, you know they'd be ecstatic if something happened drastic to our President.) Anyway, let's look at the turnouts for anime conventions over the past year. From going over ANN, after looking around the Con reports section, it seems that possibly half a million anime fans go to cons. (estimate here, btw) How many of those can vote? Ehhh, let's say half. How many people in the United States vote for the presidential election? I seem to remember a figure of around 30% (am I wrong? If anyone knows the numbers, it'd be helpful.) Anyway, that equals to about 75,000 votes from the anime community. Yes, one vote can change the election, but as a whole, 75,000 isn't all that much. Also, if you're SMART, you vote on issues that will matter to you in the next 4 years. I seriously doubt that a TV ad will be an issue to you even in ~120 days when the election comes around. If you're going to go to the Bush website, look at the Gas Tas calculator. That matters to me, personally. I don't want Kerry to increase my gas by .50 per gallon. I don't want the man who voted against every good military system we have to become president. Kerry voted to send our troops to Iraq, then voted NOT to give them equipment. Isn't that abandonment? My cousin went to Iraq and had to BUY his own Kevlar equipment because people like Kerry didn't want to keep my cousin safe in the line of fire. The military finally got funds a few months ago to finally equip our troops with protection, and how long have we been over there? Anyway, enough rambling. Over and out. |
ANN Columnist
![]() Posts: 861 Location: Philippe for America! He is five. |
Hahahaha. Good one. You had me going there for a second. Might I mention that you are actually wrong, there? You got that information from a Bush ad against Kerry, correct? What the actual deal is, Kerry voted to give the military their equipment, but opposed HOW the government would PAY for that equipment. In the minds of the geniuses at the RNC, that automatically means KERRY HATES TEH TROOPS. In the meantime G.W. is slashing military pay left and right and nary a conservative voice is raised. Must be selective listening. Well, that's it, no more political debate for me. And before anyone accuses me of being a no-nothing MILITARY H8T3R, my brother-in-law proudly served in both Afghanistan and Iraq, thankyouverymuch. |
Joe Mello
![]() Posts: 2355 Location: Online Terminal |
You know, the funniest part of this ad should be the part that goes "I'm George Bush, and I approved this message."
Posts: 15708 |
Ramblin' Wreck:
To rip off Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks, "Comparing Bush to Hitler is ridiculous! Everyone knows Hitler was elected!" Otaku: Spider Man is a Sony franchise. Xenos:
At least Kerry earned his wealth, and didn't just leech off his daddy and terrorist-sponsoring Saudis. Mr Mania:
Actually, the Supreme Court elected him. c_brightshadow:
So you don't trust the media, but you trust forged papers which say Saddam bought uranium?
His C at Yale says otherwise. Ramen:
I dunno. Bombing women and children as payback against a guy we don't like sounds like something someone involved in organized crime would do... Sensei:
He's too busy choking on a pretzel to die from a heart attack.
Um, it's already increased 50 cents under Bush.
I wasn't aware Star Wars was a good military system. And last time I checked, Kerry didn't vote to slash the benefits of veterans.
Kerry just wanted Kevlar to be paid without cutting taxes so our veterans would have work when they came back from Iraq. |
![]() Posts: 32 Location: Tennessee |
Oh, so that's what the Yakuza are. Thank you for your help. ![]() |
Former ANN Editor in Chief
![]() Posts: 2460 Location: Do not contact me for support. |
People, to a significant enough degree, elected Bush. He won Florida by a marginal amount, in part due to stupidity of the voters, in part due to bad voting machines, and in part due to the sheer length the process took. There are deadlines, and those deadlines remained in place. That's what the Supreme Court decided. The Supreme Court did not vote Bush as President; they upheld how Florida law handled the election.
Bush did not win because the law was unfair. Bush did not win because the Supreme Court wanted him to win. Bush won because the law was upheld, rather than being changed DURING the election process. IOW, Bush won because the Florida law had deadlines to meet, and the recount took longer than those deadlines, so the best attempt was made to reach those deadlines. Even afterword, most reports I've read tend to agree that Bush still had more votes than Gore. Now, you may disagree with the process of the Electoral College, or the way Florida election laws were written, or you might disagree with the fact that the butterfly ballots are too hard to read, or whatever. You can also argue that we no longer need the multi-month transitional period -- a president could be elected in the last week of December, and still make a full transition by inauguration day. Whatever. The important thing is: ANN is not a politics board. If you wish to continue discussing politics... well, don't. Continued discussion of politics will result in bans. You have been warned. |
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