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Clannad / After Story (TV).

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Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:01 am Reply with quote
who would have thought that misae's school days had something like this, and the connection between the robot and tomoya is starting to emerge Very Happy spoiler[the cat's green eyes and the boy's eyes also have a connection with each other i guess]

i have a question, is misae's arc also included in the game's after story? or was it shown only in the series?
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:52 pm Reply with quote
Episode 6 ends Misae's mini-arc, and it was cute and heartwarming!

(in before the TRAP!!!!)

spoiler[Unsurprisingly, that boy Shima was actually Misae's cat, and he was the one showing Tomoya flashbacks through his dreams. The aftermath of this story at the autumn festival which dealt with the reassurance of Misae's and Shima's relationship was my highlight for this episode.] There was one tidbit I thought was intriguing spoiler[and it's that we got a cameo of Kouko when she was still the teacher and Yuusuke was a student! Wait, what were the age difference between those two when they got married? ]

Looks like Yukine's arc is coming up, and I believe we're getting closer towards the real meat of After Story.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:14 pm Reply with quote
the ending of misae's arc was very satisfying, even though its only two episodes long. its the best of the two arcs shown so far, and i hope yukine's arc surpasses these past two episodes Very Happy
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:04 pm Reply with quote
I thought this particular arc was awesome. I really enjoyed it.

I do have a question concerning Key and their use of spoiler[ animal projection/transformation/whatever you want to call it ]. It's very effective and they seem to have done this in the previous anime as well. (I assume this is present in the games in addition to the anime versions in all cases).

I think it's very interesting and cool, but my question if there is some significance to it or if such a..... "odd" thing is more normal there. It's kind of magical but in an unexpected, and occasionally confusing way. spoiler[ If I were to guess, the Japanese "animistic" religious background probably explains a lot of this. Western religions don't tend to get into this quite as much which is probably why I am thrown by it when I find this in anime.]
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:31 pm Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
Episode 6 ends Misae's mini-arc, and it was cute and heartwarming!

Xanas wrote:
I thought this particular arc was awesome. I really enjoyed it.

frodonk wrote:
the ending of misae's arc was very satisfying, even though its only two episodes long. its the best of the two arcs shown so far, and i hope yukine's arc surpasses these past two episodes

Wow, I guess I'm just left out in the cold here. I actually thought that these were the worst 2 episodes of the series thus far and am even considering dropping this series now. As much as I loved the 1st season, After Story has been pretty damn disappointing aside from a few funny bits.
Misae... well, she was a character better left where she was in the first series. I really did not care to see her get her own arc, especially one as irritatingly bland and predictable as this was. Plus, we're never even told spoiler[what happened to what's his name] and it really all came off to me as a shortened and far inferior Fuko rehashing. And I'm sorry, but the whole spoiler[lover turned into girlfriend's cat] theme just made that ending scene downright creepy to me Mad .
This show has now dropped to the bottom of my priority list and is about to fall off completely... a shame really...
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:51 am Reply with quote
By predictable do you mean you knew the spoiler[cat thing was going to happen?]

Given enough thought, almost anything is predictable. I certainly didn't see this set of episodes as altogether predictable myself. I was pretty confused for a bit at the end because of the way that it went. It was a little weird, but as I stated in my post I think it's probably not as weird within the context of the culture.

I do see how you could say this is Fuko-like but I guess that just doesn't bother me. I liked the Fuko arc in the previous series and I am really not one of those types who expects everything to be original. I guess you didn't like the execution, but I thought it still provided enough interesting to make it unique.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Xanas wrote:
By predictable do you mean you knew the spoiler[cat thing was going to happen?]

If you're familiar with the other Key adaptations, it was pretty obvious.

Rancorous, I had a slightly different understanding of the specifics: spoiler[It wasn't that Shima turned into the cat, it's that the cat became human to convey the deceased Shima's feelings, and but then fell in love with Misae himself. We were explicitly told that Shima was dead, and "Shima's" admission in episode 6 that he wasn't really Shima leaves the only other possibility that he is Shima's cat.]

I'll agree that it was a bit unoriginal in terms of plot, but I still enjoyed it.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:28 pm Reply with quote
I am familiar with the other Key adaptations, but I am an unobservant and dense person. It is occasionally to my benefit.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:48 am Reply with quote
Dorcas; yeah, I can see your explaination's merit, but that doesn't make the ending scene any less creepy to me. spoiler["I'm going to play a long time with you!"] Mad

Xanas; by 'predictable' I mean that I was going down a check-list in my head from the other Key series'. Yes most things are predictable, but this one just felt straight up mechanical to me, like it came off of a mass production line who's factory started cutting costs by lessening the quality of their product.

Most of the stories in the first season were predictable, but at the same time they either threw in some kind of offbeat plotting to keep things interesting or they gave enough emotional depth tot he characters or both. THis one just felt like it had no soul for lack of better words. Remember, I said "irritatingly bland and predictable," not just "predictable."
I dunno, it could very well be that after Kanon and Clannad 1st season my liking of this style of anime has exhausted itself, like maybe those two are the exceptions in a genre that I only thought I liked but really don't; its happened before with me Wink.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:56 pm Reply with quote
I know you are making an analogy, but I don't honestly think that there was any real cost cutting done on this show. I think the problem tends to more on the end of the viewer, where at some point everyone becomes a bit jaded by watching too much of something. How much one can watch is really dependent on the person and is very individual, but at some point I think we all have to step back for awhile, or even permanently on certain types of things.

I used to play games a lot more than I do now for example. I played quite a bit of World of Warcraft at first, but now MMOS in general, not even just wow just... bore me much more quickly. Even new ones just don't work, even if they have original concepts or quite a bit of variation. Even if I can think of arguments for why they are better than the past, it just seems lackluster because I've really grown tired of some genres.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:05 pm Reply with quote
If nothing else, the OP already blew me away. Still haven't started yet though. I don't know if I dare touch this series till it's complete. The one week wait (eventually) may kill me.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:16 pm Reply with quote
Episode 7 introduced a solid background for Yukine. spoiler[Her caring personality even goes as far as to helping out gang members whom which her brother is a part of. She later then introduced more of them in a rather shady bar, and according to her a bunch of people go there because of bad relations with their parents. Tomoya should be able to relate to them very well! Wink ]

On another note, there's something quite off for someone idolizing Youhei. Laughing
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Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:02 pm Reply with quote
Quite the dramatic episode this week. I knew spoiler[Tomoya was going to be the one to fight] but it was pretty entertaining nonetheless, especially that I found spoiler[the skill difference between the gang leader and Tomoya realistic].

Previews for next week look pretty good as well; it appears that the mini-arcs for secondary characters are now over, and the good ol' Clannad drama picks back up.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 2:18 am Reply with quote
Episode 8: I admire the theme of how fundamentally good individuals end up reaching a not-so-good collective. But everything else about this episode and where the series is going just sucks.

First of all, spoiler[why is Tomoya such a goody-goody all of a sudden? He wasn't this way before, and now he's meddling in everyone's business and getting all emotional and whiny over little things. It was annoying in the Mei arc, and now it's getting even more on my nerves. ]

Sunohara spoiler[is really not amusing anymore. It's really annoying how that whole Mei arc ended with like zero results and he's now being his old annoying self again. His responses are so predictable now, from pretending to be Kazuto to agreeing to the one-on-one. I mean, what the hell, just stop, please, you're not funny.]

Miyazawa spoiler[is irrational. If you wanted to stop the fighting in the first place, how hard can it be? Tell your guys that Kazuto is dead, and then tell the other guys. She's friendly with both camps anyway, and it's not like they weren't at each others throats anyway if Kazuto's around. It's really weird how she's agonizing over the whole thing and never even thought of the alternative option, in which she way overexaggerated the consequences.]

Overall, the producers are just back to their old tricks again of making big deals out of insignificant things. spoiler[Misae's arc actually had some substance to it, and then the ending just killed it with its cheesiness and predictability. This arc and Mei's arc were just stupid though. The characters get so worked up over tiny insignificant things and they're always playing hero. Overdramatic music and visuals to accompany don't help much either.]

Gah, I was hoping the series was going to go in the right direction, but it seems almost unsalvageable now. spoiler[If it's just going to focus on Tomoya's ever-increasing knowledge, that's just lame. Tomoya's character is ruined already, and his best buddy will not be funny no matter what he does. The whole supernatural thing is probably going to come into play, in a cheesy way, and something like what happened to the blonde kid in Misae's arc will probably happen to someone else, and then Tomoya will get all goody-goody again.] I might watch a few more episodes, but if it's still going to go this way, then I'll probably just stop.
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Joined: 27 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:35 pm Reply with quote
everything in this story is coming out for a reason. expect a ending close to what was in Kanon. personnaly is see spoiler[ this series going down a darker path in the future, we all know he will marry nagisa and there will be a tragedy. its pointing closer and closer to the true clannad ending. in which case those who wanted a happy series will be very sadly mistaken. the orbs of light will serve a very important purpose and hopefully in the end give us a happy ending. i know i will be a burly 34 year old who will be crying at many parts to come hereafter.]
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