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The ANN Aftershow - The Fuji TV Scandal Explained

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I Am Audrey, how are you

Joined: 27 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 3:00 am Reply with quote
I think Fuji Television is screwed, most of their programming will probably move to another channel and the rest be cancelled, and Japan might get a new TV channel, maybe
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Village Elder

Joined: 25 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Concerning Fuji TV. when the price for the network goes down enough, Sony will sweep in and buy it and rebrand it as Crunchyroll TV. Wink

Concerning Apothecary Diaries, the baby swap is currently a Maomao speculation only. Officially Jinshi is the Emperor's brother. That is what Jinshi believes also. Remember the flashback where he says he found out that the man he thought was his father was actually his brother. At the moment that doesn't matter. Until one of the consorts produces a living male child, Jinshi remains crown prince.

Note: Jinshi does not want to be emperor. That is why he agreed to the entire masquerade as Jinshi. Even if Ah Duo and Anshi came out and admitted to a baby swap, how are you going to prove it. After two decades of Jinshi as the royal brother proclaiming him as #1 son is not going to fly with the court or population.
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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 4:52 pm Reply with quote
Haven't listened to the podcast (I'm not good with them), but:

Alan45 wrote:
Even if Ah Duo and Anshi came out and admitted to a baby swap, how are you going to prove it.

You don't have to. A lot of people would believe it anyway, and not without reason -- after all, why would the Mother of the Nation and a former high consort lie? And anyone who's met both mother and son can see the resemblance. More importantly, a lot of people will have an incentive to believe it, or to claim they do.

Say Lihua has another son, who's therefore first in line for the throne -- since her clan has a Rosaceae thing going on with their names, let's call him Pingguo. That puts her clan in a very strong position, and there are probably other clans, rivals to hers, who wouldn't be happy about that. Normally, though, there'd be nothing they could do about it; that's how the Game of Beds rolls. But wait a minute -- suddenly there's word that Pingguo might not actually be the heir after all! If Jinshi inherits the throne, Lihua doesn't become the dowager empress, and her clan no longer has that political asset. Ah-Duo's clan might benefit, but a lot of factions might decide they'd prefer that, especially if Ah-Duo's clan is marginal enough to start that they're not expected to be much of a threat even then.

So people start thinking they'd be better off if Jinshi became the next emperor. And then start thinking that they just might be able to make it happen, if only they can get enough people to go along with it. Signing onto statements that they regard Jinshi as the true emperor, and will not recognize the pretender Pingguo or pay him taxes, once the current emperor dies. Or maybe saying so beforehand, I dunno how these things tend to work. Lihua and Pingguo's faction can raise an army? Well, the anti-Rosaceae faction can recruit men and give 'em swords and spears too. Oh hey, Ayla and Aylin's country is offering support; let's not think too hard about what they expect to gain. I'm sure it'll work out all right, the other guy's bound to blink first…

And that's how you get a succession crisis. And, potentially, a civil war.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 7:10 pm Reply with quote
@Shay Guy

You present a perfectly reasonable possibility. However this is where "alternative facts" come in. You have only to look at English history to see some of the things people have said to support their faction and discredit the others. The claimants to the throne usually end up being figureheads.

However, belief by a faction is not proof for other factions. The most likely possibility is if the emperor became terminally ill before a boy born to a consort is more than a toddler. I can see him telling Jinshi to suck it up and formally declaring Jinshi has his successor avoiding all the problems of a minority emperor under a guardian. Unfortunately, factions not supporting Jinshi would probably refuse to believe it and yes, there is your civil war.

By the way, Ah Duo does not have a faction, her mother was Jinshi's wet nurse which is why they were raised together.
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