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Crunchyroll and their controversial decision

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Joined: 31 Dec 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:31 pm Reply with quote
I thought that CR & Funimation merger will make a better future of anime dubbing industry, but it doesn't. Like when CR & began to merge, they suddenly decide to stop doing remote recording, not paid their actor & staff in popular anime movie like Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and refuse to unionized their dub especially with the Mob Psycho 3 dub recast controversy.

This issue has often been discussed and criticized by famous voice actors in twitter such as Ben Diskin, Stephanie Sheh, Morgan Lea, Marin Miller, Faye Mata, Joe Zieja, Reba Burh, Anairis Quinones, Edward Hong ( He a dub VA's in Netflix live action series and not anime dub VA, he often tweets about anime dubbing on twitter ). I really miss hearing them in lots of anime and because of this, I can imagine some of them like Joe Zieja, Ben Diskin, Faye Mata and Reba Buhr starting to appear less and less in new anime dubs from CR

this raises a question

1.I wonder why Crunchyroll doing all of this controversial decision and why it so sudden ?

2. Before Sony and the merger, how was crunchyroll's relationship with the voices actors of los angeles and the union?
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:26 am Reply with quote
1. Short answer, because they could (it saves money). Longer answer, as a result of the merger with Funimation, they got access to Funimation's studio and their roster of Texas based voice actors. Texas is a "right to work" (anti union) state. This allows them to cut costs.

2. Professional, contractor/freelancer. It doesn't matter if people within Crunchyroll may have been friends with voice actors, the only relationship a company that size can have with a freelance employee is professional.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2020
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 8:30 pm Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:
1. Short answer, because they could (it saves money). Longer answer, as a result of the merger with Funimation, they got access to Funimation's studio and their roster of Texas based voice actors. Texas is a "right to work" (anti union) state. This allows them to cut costs.

2. Professional, contractor/freelancer. It doesn't matter if people within Crunchyroll may have been friends with voice actors, the only relationship a company that size can have with a freelance employee is professional.

@Alan45 Sorry for the editing, It seems I haven't read the answer carefully and there and I still have a question I want to ask

If they do it for saving the money, are they will raise the wages to paid their VA's & staff including the VA in california or los angeles ?

For the second answer, CR did recast or replacing Kyle McCarley and not paying the other dub voice actors and its staff especially for well known voice actors in L.A and a union only voice actors. Do you think what Crunchyroll did was a professional thing too ?
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 8:05 am Reply with quote
No, corporations that are recently bought save money for the purpose of reimbursing the company that bought them, in this case Sony.

Very professional. That is what professional business people do. What ever gave you the idea that management of a big company cares about the people working for them? Throat cutting and back stabbing for the win!
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:04 am Reply with quote
Voice actor pay in Texas has gone up in the recent months at CR. multiple folks on twitter have mentioned it. So, its not all bad
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:39 pm Reply with quote

A couple of things you need to keep in mind.

When Sony bought Crunchyroll they had two distinct companies on their hands that did the same thing. Funimation was stronger in dubbing shows and Crunchyroll had a stronger international presence but they were both in the same business providing the same services. When Sony merged the two they basically fired about half of the combined staff from the upper level managers to the clerical staff in operations. Everyone still employed in the current Crunchyroll has seen co-workers and friends lose their jobs. They are survivors and probably still feel as though they are on probation. Such an experience tends to dry up the milk of human kindness. They are apt to be a bit ruthless in making personal decisions.

Funimation owned their own dubbing studios. Not only that but they are located in an area where labor costs are fairly low. Crunchyroll had only a short experience dubbing and were renting studio space in one of the higher cost of living areas. Renting space makes sense if you are using that space only intermittently but the current Crunchyroll is dubbing enough to keep studios running full time. Pulling their dubbing back to Texas was practically a given once the companies were combined. Dubbing at long distance has technical challenges that makes it worthwhile only when dubbing everything in the same studio is not feasible. It was primarily used as a result of the lock down and to bring back legacy voice actors. It simply isn't worthwhile under normal circumstances.

Increased voice actor pay by Crunchyroll is likely the direct result of the recent noise over the issue. It is not the result of any sudden enlightenment by management. It will likely not go to those making all the noise.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2020
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:59 pm Reply with quote
So as fans, do we let it slide and hope nothing changes on CR after all the backlash, critique & boycott threats/ ending their CR subscribe on social media ?
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 8:04 am Reply with quote

Pretty much yes. Let it slide. If the past is any indicator, all the critique etc. you mention will die down shortly with no observable change. People have been after Crunchyroll for years to pay their translators more with no result.

Keep in mind, before the merger, Funimation produced the most dubs with Sentai/Maiden Japan (formerly ADV) being second. These companies have always been located in Texas and did their dubs there. Funimation even built their own studios for the purpose. Crunchyroll was a (mostly) sub only streaming site and farmed out their few dubs and home releases to other companies. This was mostly to Funimation prior to the purchase of Funimation by Sony. Historically there have been companies that used West coast studios and actors and a few used Canadian or East coast. Most of those companies are long gone. The bulk of anime dubbing has always been done in Texas.

What changed was simuldubbing. Funimation made a success of this and after Sony forced the split with Funimation, Crunchyroll had to do their own simuldubs. They used studios and actors from mostly the West coast, most likely because that is where they were located. They had only been doing this for a couple of years. I suspect that when Sony was splitting up duties post merger it became obvious that the former Funimation had more experience, a stronger staff and better physical plant (self owned headquarters and dubbing studios) than Crunchyroll. That it was cheaper to dub in Texas just made the decision easier. Sony from all appearances awarded the dubbing portion of he business to what used to be Funimation. The West coast/union actors having had a brief glimpse of the additional work once again snatched away from them were understandably upset. The fuss is already starting to die down.
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