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An Unexpected Problem With Kickstarter

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2021 5:21 am Reply with quote
Recently,I heard that Kickstarter was raising money to help give the "Dirty Pair" TV series an English dub. I really wanted to do it. You see,I did it before. I donated to a couple of their previous drives,one for the "Emma:A Victorian Romance" dub,the other to the "Gunsmith Cats" Blu-Ray. And,I wanted to be a part of this one. I thought it was going to be simple. Just select a tier,give them some info,and presto,I donated to something really worthy. Unfortunately,it wasn't so simple.
This time around,instead of doing what I had done previously,I was being asked to get a Kickstarter account,something I'd never done before. Why are they doing this? It makes no sense to me. I never had to do it the other times I donated,so why now? I don't need to open an account with them. My dealings with them have been very rare. Forgive me if I sound like I'm complaining,but why are they doing this?

I don't get it. If they want people to donate to them,then why not keep it as simple as possible? Why add the extra frustration when it really isn't necessary? That's what I want to know. All I want is to donate to this thing. I want to help give the "Dirty Pair" series the dub it's long deserved but I can't do that because Kickstarter is making it more difficult than it has to be. I don't need to get a Kickstarter account,because I'm not going to have that many dealings with them. Why is this necessary? That's what I want to know. I hope you guys can tell me why this happened.

Last edited by Snomaster1 on Thu Oct 14, 2021 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 5:21 am Reply with quote
I had no idea you could previously donate to a Kickstarter campaign without having an account, but I'm surprised that was ever the case, since your account is what's used to tie to your backer history and rewards. Either way I don't see why creating a simple account is such a big deal for you, given that it just takes a few minutes. Just save your login info in your browser and you never have to think about it. If you have an Apple ID or Facebook account you can use those as a login option and not even have to create anything new if you don't want to.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:43 pm Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
I had no idea you could previously donate to a Kickstarter campaign without having an account, but I'm surprised that was ever the case, since your account is what's used to tie to your backer history and rewards. Either way I don't see why creating a simple account is such a big deal for you, given that it just takes a few minutes. Just save your login info in your browser and you never have to think about it. If you have an Apple ID or Facebook account you can use those as a login option and not even have to create anything new if you don't want to.

I always thought you had to have an account as well. I've backed quite a few projects on KS over the years. Mostly boardgames, playing card decks, and some indie comics. Though I did back the Aria kickstarter previously. I remembers always having to have an actual account to place funding support. Obviously you don't need one to browse projects, but to actually back a campaign you always had to have an account, and with payment information and a valid shipping address.

I mean they collect funds once a project completes if it's successful, so you gotta have an account with some sort of financial info for that to happen. Otherwise how are the people running a campaign supposed to collect their supported funds? If they didn't require a proper form of payment with an account people could just "pledge" whatever they wanted but it wouldn't be guaranteed to the people. I could pledge a million dollars as a lark to get a project past it's goal but then they only collect $10 bucks and are screwed.

Perhaps it's different if you do the "donate" option as opposed to actually backing the project. Even if that is the case that means entering in your financial info every time. Which seems more of a pain then simply making an account with a form of payment on file. The only real reason not to would be if you're concerned about their digital security and your financial information. At which point you probably shouldn't even donate to something on their platform to begin with.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:52 pm Reply with quote
the donate without a reward option still requires an account
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:38 am Reply with quote
Well,Top Gun,Redbeard 101,and getchman,I did that. I donated to them previously. I have a whole bunch of e-mails in my inbox as proof. I'm not lying or anything like that. I did it as a guest. For some reason,the people at Kickstarter changed it around so you had to get an account,something I never did previously. I'm just wondering why they did this. Shouldn't they want as many people as possible to donate to whatever they want without making an account they might not need or want?
I don't know why they did this. I was able to do it previously without too much trouble. I have no idea why they changed it to make it so difficult now. I even contacted Kickstarter myself to ask them why they did this. To say I wasn't exactly satisfied with their answer they gave me would be accurate. I just hope they change it back to the old way and soon. I prefer to it to be an option instead of something mandatory.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 9:27 am Reply with quote
I don't mean to be flippant, but I can't say I understand what your issue is with creating an account. Like...it's just an account. Most of us have several dozen (or hundred) logins stored in our browser for all sorts of sites and services. Hell, I had to make one to have Nvidia keep auto-updating its GeForce drivers. It was incredibly stupid, and I think I made the username some sort of invective directed at them, but I still did it because it took all of a minute. You're not exactly selling your soul by creating a Kickstarter account.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:20 am Reply with quote
Well,Top Gun. It's like this. There's a reason I joined Anime News Network and later became a subscriber. I came here frequently before I joined up and wanted to share my views of anime with everyone here. It wasn't the same thing with Kickstarter. There wasn't a lot of reasons for me to be there a lot. So,why should I have to have an account in a place I barely frequent? As I said before,I donated two times there.
I agree that I don't have to sell my soul to get a Kickstarter account as you put it. But,I still think it should be a voluntary thing. If you want to do it,that's fine with me. I have no problem with it. I just happen to think it shouldn't be a mandatory thing. You should be free to go there and donate to them,whether you have an account or not. If you're like me and not there a whole lot,what good's having an account there? What's wrong with just going in there as a guest and donating to something worthy like the "Dirty Pair" TV series?

You shouldn't be forced to do that, That's my view of it. It's okay if you made an account there. That's your prerogative. I don't really need or want an account with Kickstarter and that's because I'm not around there a lot. It should be my choice. I shouldn't have to get an account I don't really want or need on a website I so rarely go to. That's why I'm kinda upset about this. I want to donate to them but I don't want to do it on a website I so rarely visit. Do you get what I saying,Top Gun?
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 1:40 am Reply with quote
The problem is the people running campaigns needs guarantees and assurances they will actually get paid the donations/pledges people give. Without an account there's no way to guarantee that they get the payment they're due from a person's pledge short of the ole honor system which is just not smart to say the least. Pretty simple really.

The other key difference is you're not making am immediate purchase. This is not logging on as a guest at Pizza Hut and ordering pizza then and there. This is basically making a reservation for that product, which in most cases does not even exist yet at the time of the actual kickstarter. Most go into production after the campaign based on it's success or not. So there has to be better financial security to those running the campaigns. Having an account also prevents the people behind the project having to spend days or weeks and countless hours emailing people for address information for shipping. Hence why an account needs to a valid form of payment, and a valid mailing address to back a project. Regardless if you back 1 project a year or 5 every month. The frequency of your visits does not change what is the smart thing for them to do.

Your displeasure at having to make an account is a small price for them to pay to make sure they get the money they are owed from a pledge. And nobody goes to kickstarter in the same frequent capacity they would an online message board or forum. Or for the same reasons. People don't hang out at online stores. So comparing the time you spend here, vs. the time spent there, is apples to oranges. Hell, it's apples to broccoli due to how different it is.

And btw it is a voluntary thing to make an account there. You're not forced to make one to browse the website or use it. Only to make pledges and back projects. Which again goes back to all my previous points. This is just making a mountain out of a very small molehill.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:58 am Reply with quote
Well,Redbeard 101. That may be fine if you already have an account with them but what if you don't have one but want to donate? You may think that I'm making a mountain out of an incredibly small molehill but I think that getting a Kickstarter account should be optional,not mandatory. If you want an account,you can do what you did before. Fill out the info and you get your account.
But,if you're like me and don't want or need an account,but want to donate anyway? Well,here's what I think should happen. When you donate on a certain tier,from one dollar to whatever,after you have that donation,you should be asked if you want a Kickstarter account. If yes,then you can get one. If not,than it should be like something like a Gofundme thing. You fill out a different form with some info,including your donation. Simple as that.

There are some things that need to be worked out but I think it's a halfway decent idea. What's wrong with making it easier to donate without having to force people to get an account they don't want or really need? That's what I'm saying,Redbeard 101. There are people like me who'd love to donate to something like giving the "Dirty Pair" TV series an English dub. We shouldn't have to stymied from doing something worthwhile for a good anime simply because we have no desire to get an account we're not going to use all that much. If you have a different idea for someone like me who's hesitant about getting an account he or she's rarely going to use anyway,I'd like to hear it. Who knows? Yours might be better than mine.

Last edited by Snomaster1 on Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:49 am Reply with quote

A friendly reminder to be gentle and respectful of your words. Gaslighting another or couple of users does not promote a friendly and healthy environment. Furthermore, it also does not keep a healthy intellectual conversation going~
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:56 am Reply with quote

Your preference is duly noted, and yes, this is an awful small molehill. The problem you are up against is this is how Kickstarter does things currently. You have two choices, you can do it their way or not at all. Granted you can attempt to contact them with your complaint, but I doubt anything will change, certainly not in time to donate to the current campaign. Complaining here will do nothing at all.

As far as I can tell, the information provided to setup an account is the same as paying as a guest on most web platforms, that is name, contact information and payment information. The only real difference is setting a user name (usually your e-mail address) and password. Are you sure you didn't set up an account before?? Did you try the "forgot my password" link?? If you previously set up an account with the current e-mail address most places will not let you set up a new account.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:01 am Reply with quote
I'm sorry,SenpaiDuckie. I wasn't trying to attack anyone or harm anyone or even gaslight anyone. I admit I come on a little too strong,even when I don't mean to. I apologize for it and I'll try to be a little better about the words I choose,OK? As for you,Alan45,yes I donated before without having to make an account. Two times in fact. I was just surprised that they changed it so you had to have an account of which I don't really think is necessary.
If you want as many people to donate as possible,why make it that much more difficult? Just keep it simple. That's what I think of it. One of my reasons for making this post was partly to vent. I was just so upset about being denied a chance to give to something I thought really deserved it like helping to fund the "Dirty Pair" TV series English dub. It's long deserved it and I wanted to be a part of it.

I just felt I should simply have donated as a guest,like I did previously. As I said before,I'm not there a whole lot so why should I be forced to have an account I'm not going to use all that much and that I really don't need or want. Do you understand what I'm saying? I'm not attacking Kickstarter. It's a good site. What I'm saying here is they did something really silly and unnecessary. I hope they change back to the previous way and soon. That's what I want and I hope that happens.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:54 am Reply with quote
Snomaster1 wrote:
We shouldn't have to stymied from doing something worthwhile for a good anime simply because we have no desire to get an account we're not going to use all that much.

I personally don't get the annoyance or see how creating an account is a big deal. Regardless of how often you use it. Why does it matter how often you use it?

That aside this boils down to basically 2 choices for Kickstarter. Acquiesce to a very small minority who don't want to have to create an account to donate to a project *(without pledging to buy the product featured in the campaign), or have more safeguards in place to protect the buyers and sellers. Which option do you think they're going to keep going with? Which option is really the logical one for them? While you may have your reasons for not wanting to make an account, and while I do not understand the big issue with making one, the purely logical choice is to operate as they do. It guarantees the company/people behind the campaign get the money actually pledged to them when their campaign ends, and it provides security to the buyer as their address is right there with their profile so there is no excuse of "We didn't know where to ship the item", among other possible issues.

Once again, another key factor to keep in mind is this is not an immediate purchase like ordering a pizza as a guest (which btw requires doing the exact same thing as creating an account with the exception of the info not being stored for subsequent purchases - which means entering everything in again each time which is like creating an account every time). You only get charged at the END of the campaign. So they have to have payment information on file somehow otherwise they would have to hunt people down for payment.

* I say donate as in truly just donating without actually pledging to receive the product, because actually pledging to receive the product without an account is just nonsensical. At the very least you have to have an account for that if for no other reason then to have an address for the product to be mailed to.

There's nothing else I can say at this point so I'm done.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:29 am Reply with quote

I will do you the favor of assuming that you understand that nothing you say here will change any thing on Kickstarter, therefore you are here to discuss the issue. Unfortunately for such a discussion, you have not articulated just why you object to creating an account. In what manner will creating a Kickstarted account cause you problems?
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:41 am Reply with quote
You could always create an account just to use for that particular Kickstarter, then delete the account after that Kickstarter has ended.
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